Pzt_Lambi Vs AT_Red_Scropion GJS 4.4
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#1: Pzt_Lambi Vs AT_Red_Scropion GJS 4.4 Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:35 am
if you guys read the cso post aar thread with me and reds gc this is the same one but we hav expanded it to both sites now to attract more eyes.

day 18 morning turn.

after a pretty much stable fight the fighting goes on.
the fight in the centre a carries on here reds forces take a battering from my inf and ATG.

agian even with more fighting red counters but his mark4 is toast due to my piat in waiting with my 95mm crom as bait.

the centree begins to go in my favour and another defence of red is blown to peices.

the end resut of a bloodly fight.

lebisly woods
i attack in a tight postion and no doubt i'll be kicked off but the ss in this sector must be weakened in order for leb to be taken!
the first few minutes are total chaos troops and vecs being blown to pecies everywhere.

and another jag is taken out yyeha

but red gains the advantage and with merely a few inf left red takes my last vl and kicks me off.

the end result, alot of dead soldiers for both sides.

next psot below will hav the rest of the morning of the 18th fighting.

#2:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 10:54 am
follow on from the 18th morning fights.

with panthers here all i took was one squad and was left to be kicked off.

abbey de ardene
well a very quiet battle a ambushing 88 gets my stuey but in turn is lsot, this was all of the fighting to be honest.

end result

well another probe attack with no real goal expect to weakened reds force here.
it goes very well with the first tiger being blown up muuhahha.

by the end of the fighting another 2 tigers are blown, this is wonderful hehehe.

well i was kicked off agian but red bg here is servely weakened, soon this front will fall.

tilly sur le sures
this battle was very fixed agian reds tries for my home vl but is beaten back, apart from this i also take the centre vl from him.

merville batteries.
agian we truced right away.

pegasus bridge
well the ss moved in here and i plan to kill many germans!
the attack goes well my stueys inflicting lots of damage of reds forces and here is the moment i take his vl.

but reds ss stay on the map but hopefully not to long!

u guys still enjoying it? gimme a "i'm luvin it"

#3:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2005 11:01 am
or "battle of the city center." playing last battle battered with alcohol it left me now with merely 2 pz4s left. terrible habit of playing drunk. lambi still has 3 6drs and 4 stueys and plenty of infantry! yours truly in trouble!

the viscious stueys along with infantry assaults city center. i have to keep my two remaining tanks back protect rear and flanks.

infantry supresses the 6pdr hidden in building, and pz4 moves up and nails it!

lambi calls on the gods of thunder, and a typhoon cripples a pz4 with its mighty hammer! still mobile but left only with a machine gun it moves along side with the 2nd pz4 that i now commited into action. the center in real trouble with infantry coming from everywhere with stueys providing suppression! a staghound moves in close, but being assaulted earlier with fausts and nades its now battle weary, and from on high the grens drop their lethal loads onto the remaining driver who passes out. 1 trouble less.

in the south a stuey moves up. verdamt!!! my pak40 misses 2 shots, hits it with 2... not destroyed! i move up a ht to take the stuey out, but it also gets smoked. grrr! lambi takes center, and i suffer terrible casualties!

lebisey woods,
being pretty damn enraged after last battle im set to bring doom on the brits entering lebisey. the 25/12 baby division vs the 9/3 inf division. lambi's deploy is a hard one. im relying on guns totally here, 2 mortars along with infantry and 1 schreck. last battle i lost 2 JPIVs kicking him off.
battle commences. my guns get to work, nailing 1 m10, 1 6pdr. suddently i see a 17pdr hiding in the hedge too, but not for long, its punished by a well concealed 88. my 20mm AA gun has done good suppressing his guns, but now a 6pdr nails it. my other guns dont have any los to this 6pdr.
i move infantry closer, getting into contact with his bren sections waiting for me. massive firepower. i bring up mg42s to destroy them. the brits retreat.
i move schreck into position, and shoots of an area fire where the 6pdr is. kaboom, the 2nd 6pdr has been destroyed. i start using the schreck to kill his infantry in the hedges. 10 kills all in all the brave team got in the battle.

lambi is dead set to stay on map, and defends it bravely. my lack of armour saves him. but the brits paid very dearly for their entry on this map.

#4:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:13 am
abbaye de ardenne,
depressingly weak german battlegroup 914/352 up against the black and blue 231/50. lambi resists with some bren groups, 1 m10, 1 sherman, 1 6pdr and a couple of humbers. yours truly in command of 1 StuG, 3 Marder, 1 Pak40 and some ad hoc infantry. lambi still defending without supply with last units before doing his magical reinforcement trick.

the deploys are ripped up badly, but still playing is working neatly with application of vl rule. a smart positioning of his last sherman on courtyard of abbaye de ardenne has me driving all around it to engage it with StuG.

my wondrous StuG. my hero. the sherman is made short work of.

a team of schützen assaults the castle from side, inside sits a humberIV and a bren team. molotov is tossed into humber as it turns its turret, and StuG is suppressing infantry from south. the humber bails out, and everyone surrenders at face of german might! Wink

not much of a battle, but tearing up last remains of lambi's forces here.

my darling StuG. sweet, isnt?

tilly sur suelles,
battered 902/Lr in action vs depleted 185/3 (still not reinforced tho). been making lambi's stay here since day 1 a very nasty one. yet im out of assault guns, relying mostly on IGs and Halftracks to power up my assaults. its enough vs his 185/3 thank goodness!

a running rifle g team runs straight into an ambushing zugführer squad that unleashes its leathal hail of murder upon them.

at same time on north iv built up a strong hedgeline with IG, schweres mg42, schreck and zugführer team.
before his mortar barrage nails my IG i have managed to severely weaken his front and lambi retreats. i send command team up that eventually deals the black cards of death to lambi's retreating soldiers.

veteran team has crossed the little valley, and is ambushed. i quickly cover with smoke, and as his approaching rifle men appear to gut me open i drop a couple of mortar rounds to stop their assault, and small arms take care of the stunned and wounded.

in the north i make big mistake of commiting a schreck team to retaking vl that a lone heroic coy team member has managed to contest. the hero uses his sten gun and my team goes down from rifle fire from opposite of valley.

my lone puma is commited into the action to provide more support in this critical situation, lambi moves out his humber to duel it. my 88 shoots at the humber, and my reacon team that has just captured bridge unleashes their nades.

2 rnds of the 88, 1 shot from the puma, and 3 nades have not yet destroyed humber ( Shocked ) until the reacon team brings out their faustpatrone and soon the smell of burning flesh fills our lungs!

1000 gallons of blood running in the slopes and hedges and tilly sur suelles is ablaze anew thru a very hectic and tense battle. retook some ground, but lost IG, schreck, SdKfz 251/9and 2 zugfuhrer teams.

lambi took the hardest beating tho, and wasnt it for a hero named Shaw i would have been better off.

to be cont...

#5:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:09 pm
last three battles of pm turn of 18th.

merville batteries,
commander lambi and commander red agreed on a truce.

153/51 makes its entrance from pegasus, 857/346 still guards ranville with 2 StuGs, plenty of infantry and some pak36(r)7.62cm. in an elapse of utter stupidity i dont consider lambi has fuel since his bg was just cut and didnt fight yet. :ok1
fly, 2 shermanVs and stuart comes my way, defended only by 1 StuG and 1 pak36(r)

the pak36(r) first looses its duel vs sherman despite having shot 3 shots at it, and 1 being on flank. :death2

this will call for unbridled heroism and strenght of StuG.

kaboom, the fly goes up in flames!

lambi tries to scare me by flanking me with shermanV that has lost its gun, i dont take the bait, but continue duel vs rapid firing stu and nasty sherman.

stu looses gun, and soon after also the sherman does. lambi starts retreating! the StuG although without 2 crew men still has gun and mobility thanks to an impressive performance of front armour! thank goodness!

assault gun starts hunting down the shermans that are wheelchaired by now thanks to mobility but no guns. the wild hunt! wont let you know all the nice words i heard from lambi over the voice com

there's no escape! :no3

the most intriguing incident happened but not captured on screens. a lone command sherman took up duel vs StuG. for more than 1.30min they exchanged shots at front without being injured. as i feared, the StuG runs out of AP shells. now with black circle on command sherman it goes on firing HE rounds. i decide to withdraw. move the StuG back, verdammt! command sherman immobilises it. lambi being the host gets this information of course, and does what every good commander would do - move out of LOS and outflank the frozen StuG! HE shells goes off. sherman is now also immobilised! thank god! they continue to exchange fire. all of sudden "cleeeeeeeear out!!!" the sherman's crew exists the tommy cooker!

one of the most heroic battles i ever played, where a lone assault gun repulsed an attack by 3 shermans, 1 fly and 1 stu. all i love about close combat. such things cant be calculated... apart from fact that StuG for once had the armour it should have at front!

the last battle of the round. the SS in trouble without supplies, fending off the allies with 1 flak and 1 pz4 in meeting style on pegasus. first seconds my well concealed flak88 shoots 2 shots on fly, both
hitting... firefly turns turret... no more flak

red army charge style with trucks and tanks

8cm mortar with clear los punishes the truck. :hurt8

tit for tat, my only mobile unit on map SdKfz 250/8 gets punished by Stu. :hurt4

sensing lambi will soon make manouvres to outflank the immobile pz4 i settle for faust attack on most threatening tank in the area. the faust team is spotted and gunned down.

mission completed as only mission was to stay on map to delay supplies to lambis units south of pegasus for one more round.

so ends afternoon of the 18th...

#6:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:47 pm
the 19th begins, the front is stable with nothing movin.

the battle begins with a hard centre firefight but thx to a 6 pdr and PIAT reds forces in the centre are totally destoried. muuhaha

red then decides to try a attack north and his track and inf gets mashed by my hiding stuey.

with the fight over reds forces are servely reduced and his grip on this important map are slipping very fast, if the situation gets worse for red thats two panther BG cut off from german supply.

lebisy woods,
me and red truced after both my halftracks i took were blonw up by 88's.

abbey de ardene
red attacks hard in the north obviously goin for my supply vl (future) and both his open top mardeners III are blown by my mighty humber.

red seizes a little more ground in the south but takes heavy losses for this poorly depleted BG vs mine (which hasn't been reinforced)

agian nothing much happened, red loses a puma 20mm to my stuey at range and i mash some of my inf and red does the same to mine on the north side.

tilly sur le surs
agian me and red counter attacks around the bridge vl which red takes bac, afterwards we truce.

merville batterities.
agian we didn't fight much here, i used my naval on the first enemy unit seen and kill sum inf red kills a few as well, so no gian or loss of ground here.

the bastard germans here and their stug survie and so i truce after an inf team gets mashed by a heavly suppressed MG42.

pegasus bridge.
red only attacks with a mortar car and is destoired right away giving me the map, hurray!!!

afternoon report to be posted soon by red.
the way the gc is goin is v inteesting next day or so will test whether i will withstand reds counter attack of his panther's and SS's BG which he will get soon, but i hav my inf BG ready and waiting.


#7: 19th of june 1944, 14 pm Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:32 pm

sweaty for me. the battered 130Lehr vs 131/7. hard situation with one lonely pz4 vs 3 stueys and plenty of good brit infantry.

german controlled area at outset of 19th pm turn.

decided to concentrate on north flank with 50% of my units, soon was obvious i was right. lambi came on hard over the hedge. 3 mortars
managed to kill a crew member of stuey, and i was lucky to have pacified one of these little devils.

it turned into a massacre. knowing the big hedges would save me most likely from brit support of stueys, i managed to defend hedge with 3 teams with support of 3 mortars. eventually the wave of brits was too much even for my mortars and pzgrens.

the end saw a stuey getting fausted, my pz4 getting immobilised by piat, but still a small victory achieved by germans as they held on to

map. all now depends on pz4 being repaired in the local workshop or not.

lebisey woods,
sweaty for lambi now. a full strenght SS25/12 vs 159/11. its a hard map to attack i know that, so i wasnt gonna let lambi go much anywhere.

a stuey gets fausted but sustains the damage pretty well. i have to withdraw my infantry as a fly appear together with numerous bren sections.

JPIV is commited into action to support pak43/41 in case firefly gets close.

i withdraw the hitlerjuged and a 2nd stuey assaults them. pak43/41 is ready, and fires first round but only immobilising... pff!

3rd shots finally kills off the little devil!

brittish infantry starts suppressing the 88, and i try save it by smoke screen. no use as fly moves up and kills it with 1st shot. the JPIV is however ready to support, and fly goes up in flames.

JPIV is brought close to kill of brittish infantry. mg42 accompanies.

verdamt! bren section charges and immobilises the JPIV, and they manage to capture it! rrr

abbaye the ardenne,

sweaty for germans again, the heavily hurt 914/352 is put up against the 231/50 that lambi now reinforces (6th bg to date to be reinforced)

i concentrate heavily in the north, but lambi comes with assault in south. now lets see what magick i can pull off!


doesnt take much until the half section under fire starts to surrender.

the ad hoc infantry is however easily pieced apart by a rifle team!

a shermanv moves across south field, and i move up my heroic assault gun from north and gets los to it. 5 direct hits, and only 2 dead after that, lambi moves away out of los but final shot immobilises the sherman.

i get greedy and move a little bit too much into the open, and a rapid 6pdr picks up the gauntlet. the assault guns takes it down.

my hero has sustained heavy damage, but is still not destroyed. lets see if gods of war smile upon it in workshop.

here it comes, a massive infantry charge into abbaye de ardenne cathedral! first wave from east is put off by my last pioneere team supported by schweres mg42.

second wave is composed of 2-3 teams from south. my control of cathedral is hanging in balance. abracadaver! the schweres mg42 supports the remnants of pioneere team! the magick is in the air as brits surrender!

yeah lambi, you were soo pissed!

to be cont...

#8:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 1:55 pm

schweres Abt.101 vs 69/50

dunno how many shots the 20mm Flak fired at stuart without killing it. just immobilising it. but then flak was destroyed.

schreck avenges the flak along with sniper and infantry.

no advance for the lambinator again.

tilly sur suelles,

902 lehr vs 185/3

what a massacre. i deployed below bridge with puma and 4 teams to assault hedges. for some bloody reason the men wouldnt move, and they arrived one by one at hedge being piecemeal to the brits. rrrr

lambi threw a red army charge in north supported by 17pdr. surprising and without schreck in area i had to withdraw and the brits came screaming for vengeance.

ersatz units saved the northern flank punishing the maniacal brits

lost alot. gods of war unhappy it seems.


857/346 vs 153/51

now this one stinks alot. we played and it went on so smoothly. killed alot at zero expense.

bloody hell, game crashes and we do rebuild. gods of war unhappy again it seems. but first, a testimony to working infantry tactics. a lone gren team kills bren section, half section and coy hq.

oh yeah, its a massacre in the woods of ranville!

now my nightmares come alive! infantry nades the heroic assault gun and its immobilised. firefly moves up and finishes it off...

left flank totally undefended. lambi moves 1 team and captures area killing 1 ATG. sherman takes 5 shots from other ATG before nailing it!

clearly need to sacrifice more brit troops to win the grace of the wargods!

end of 19th pm round 1944

#9:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 1:12 pm
20th june morning turn

after a tense movement of forces south opening another front red tries to hold firm with everything where it is. with time slowly ebbing away for me to make a break thru and reds forces getting depleted all over the board, red now must decide. does he counter north or the centre?

reds bg here is totally spent no tanks or AT capability, with that in mind reds charges hard down the centre taking severe losses as his zulu soldiers taking repeated blasts of lee enfield fire and bren fire. but with merely a handful of soldiers left after the breaking of my centre reds small move has cost him all his men and now this BG as well is merely a rear map protector.

lebesily woods,
we decide to truce and save our men.

abbey de ardene,
exactly the same we truce to save lives.

after much deliberation on how to attack this map i decide to split my forces 50 and 50 and push both left for the faint and the real charge south. as the battle begins my left side which consisted of 3 6pdr and 2 DD tanks engage 2 of the tigers, after the enduring firefight 2 of the 6pdrs and both DD's are burning and both tigers are immolbised. as red moves his moblie tiger to support a gren team advancing its side is exposed and my last 6 pdr takes the tiger out.

as red loses his tiger and his forth is sent to protect that flank as both his other tanks are stuck in useless postions i counter south with my real atack with a centaur and DD for support suppressing the germs and making them run as the commanders go in bayonets attached.

as a end result more ground is taken and another tiger is taken out.

tilly sur le surs,
as red stays static with his mg's and defence i decide to take back some hedges in the north and south in order to gain some more breathing space for my BG as they ready themselves for another charge. as it stood here i made more space taking light losses.

bois du gruay,
facing an SS BG here wasn't gonig to be easy and right off the bat my last FF is blown up by a shreck, as a result no more heavy hitting armour. as my forces approach the chateau, a german flamm car threatens the attack and is promtly taken out by a mortar team.

at last the battle ends and i hold part of the chateau and more ground is taken from the deadly SS.

i decide to go east and secure the surrounding ground but the germans prove much resistance and after lsoing all my teams and red taking a battering over there all seems well as the last "supposed" germs surrender from the horror of their comrades being blown to peices.

but to no avail red still has a team hiding and retakes the lsot vl's and i'm stuck in the same postion but with less troops. ggrrr

all in all not a bad result for a rounds fighting.

#10: 20th, 14pm Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:44 pm
20th, 14pm

center front situation on afternoon of 20th, 858/346 replaces the weary 130/lr in hermanville.

lambi makes a move on buron's I/12 panthers with 5/6 AB.


858/346 vs 131/7. me in attack position. wont be easy as lambi now reinforces the 131/7. my battle group is in excellent shape with a big number of guns, but the stugs which are the driving for of assault as missing since earlier engagements. :angry1

a move with ersatz unit accompanied by mg42 on field vl gets squandered when brits reach it first and stuart moves to punish the germans.

lambi's flanking assault is partially stopped by a hail of 8cm morts.

a little massacre along northern hedge, but lambi's bren section held firm.

not much gain here first battle.


I/12 vs 5/6 AB.

here comes the pain! :hurt1

a heroic pzgren solider in assault across fields of buron.

lost alot of my pzgren trupps and ersatz units hunting down the AB in the fields, but result is still pleasing.

lebisey woods,

lambi filed for truce. :sweede

#11:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 8:58 pm
abbaye de ardenne,

914/352 vs 231/50.

lambi's lack of fuel stops him to make any big advances. his morale is also pretty low considering the many days this battlegroup has starved.

lost a mg42 but lambi lost 2.5 teams trying to attack buildings.


abt 101 vs 69/50

heavily battered and tattered, but the death's head flag of abt101 still blowing in the wind over lingevres. the 69/50, depleted, but not reinforced, faces 3 tigers and some ad hoc infantry.

i put two pak38s to guard bridge entering lingevres from east, figuring los over hedge would be hard for him to attain, and if tank came between hedges by manoi's farm, itd be easy to outgun. schreck team was also in area, and tiger was close by to support.

twain DDs came up over hedge. i guess 20 shots were fired all in all before DD blew up. :angry2

1st cannon lost to other DD, 2nd being killed by centaur showing up. rrrr where are you when i need you odin?! :mur

i used my schreck team to kill of last bren section member. sweet! :prostration

schreck team punishes centaur that finally moves into town. with lambi being low on infantry i tear the beasts to pieces when their eyes have been plucked!

acceptable loss of ground, despite the 2 pak38s! :ok2

tilly sur suelles,

902Lehr vs 185/3

again, bitter attrition has left a proud lehr battlegroup in severe pains, but still with fanatical courage holding on to tilly sur suelles. 185/3 not yet reinforced, but surely this battle was the last before lambi employing his 2nd wave of brit buggas!

defense is concentrated in 2 parts and 2 mgs hold city center, 3 SdKfz 2512/9 7.5cm provide the mobile defense in this battle. 3 mortars provide support. the 2 forces of defense are set in south by bretteville road exit and in northern woods by lingevres vl.

lambi assaults in north. 4-5 teams suppported by 17pdr gun. the fierce german resistance gives me time to move up my reserves.

the massacre in tilly! (future book by unnamed survivor) Wink

argh! smoke shells from 3'' takes out first SdKfz :angry1

2nd 17pdr is spotted. mgs and reserves provide suppression, a bunch of mortar shells, and the 3rd SdKfz is able to neutralise it.

the remaining brittish soliders are overwhelmed by attack from 3 directions. the final 17pdr gun is neutralised, now in german possession!

nasty results for me too, but still lambi is now forced to reinforce yet another battlegroup! on a sidenote these 2 bloody 17pdrs have survived i dunno how many days, 4-5? countless mortar barrages have been wasted, but finally they are finished. they caused me lots of pain! :jumpfire

to be cont...

#12:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:09 pm
bois du bavent,

26/12 vs 9/3

the bitter fighting continues. my hitlerjugend stands firm vs the remains of 9/3. first scouted brickworks buildings, claimed vl, but was violently repulsed by flamer teams and rifle men.

JPIV duelled sherman and damaged it, but JPIV got immobilised. the sherman withdrew and stuey too. mg42 in building caused some bloodshed in hedges along with mortars. ordered hardened vets to take up defense by hedge under heavy maxim fire!

schreck team helps subdue the rifle men getting close to immobile JPIV.

now look at this, its quite funny. lambi bringing a piat up in the woods to take out JPIV and thus save his tanks the trouble. i see piat and it fires. the aiming device must have been terribly damaged, and something goes very wrong as the 3 pound charge hits the 2 storey building instead, killing lambi's own stuey. something that happens very rarely, but quite entertaining from my side of the story. it broke down lambi's assault plan and i could hold ground better! :ok1

the sherman is eventually brought up to punish the immob JPIV, but i have other plans and throw an infantry charge hoping to faust it. lambi understands idea, and counters with infantry making minced meat out of my dear jugends! same time 2nd schreck team is brought into action as first team spent all its rounds finishing off the brit infantry men.

schreck team is doing its duty. throwing everything theyv got against the bloody sherman! :hurt10 :brit :hurt1

the brits conquer and manages to capture not only road vl to ranville, but also the JPIV! grrrrr :angry1



857/346 vs 153/51

battle weary. 1 assault gun left. 2 guns. good standard infantry.

truely beyond the call of duty! :sweede

getting me worried right off by assaulting with 3 tanks in western area. i had most of defense set up in east, but kept the assault gun and 2 teams in west, chateau de ranville defended by mg42 and pzjäger team. 2 teams in fields as reserves.

punishing the last bren sections of lambinator battlegroup with mg42 and pzjäger!

stuey gets burned in hell by assault gun. :devil5

the duel with the fly however, the stug couldnt win.

remaining member of pzjäger team destroyes sherman, a true hero after having repulsed waves of attacks on the chateau!

so violently sick!

who said the pzjägers cant rock the house? Wink

loss of ground, but heroic germans still honoured their dead comrades!

end of 20th

#13:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:35 pm
morning 21st june

the attack on hermaville carries on with red ready to repell the next attack, v unfortunately to me and a flak 88 that jsut wouldn't die my attack is tottally crushed as well as my plans of kicking res round.

by the end of this round all my tanks and inf are massicared and red barely takes a beating, i hate it when units dont die when u have everything shooting, pinning, i tell ya red has sum damm luck!

and the results

the worse defeat of losses i belive so far in this gc for me!

lebsily woods,
welli decided that from the last fight i was gonna attack hard but from my mood i couldn't b bothered to change units so i clicked next and fought with what i got and staright away from my upfront deployment i was punished right away!

end result agian not good! and played by me as a idiot!

at last a map where i'm still doing well, my BG which cant duel with tigers still pushes the enemy back, with red basically having no inf left i'm free to roam and take land and pick my fights, can't be bad!

tilly sur le surs,
red decides to switch out his depeleted mec BG and send in his panzer BG (another battered unit) to hold lambi at bay for as long as possible,
the fight for the centre gets intense, with the few tanks i hav vs red, red can match me on the armour ratio and keep me at bay.

by the end of it i get into the town centre and destory one of reds last 2 panzers mk IV's he cud of lsot both if an m10 could aim and shoot!

bois du burgay,
well this map in turning slowly better for me as i gradually push red back and back, here the north takes all the fighting as red scrambles forces north asap, whislt hand to hand erupts!

by the end of the fighting red jsut manages to hold me at bay with his damm morar teams!! sob!! and every inch of ground is mixed with dead and the dying.

total war, "i love it" gen patton

damm this map is pissing me off so much! after i go on a killing spree with my FF taking out his last guns and killing some more inf red goes sneaky and steals some unguarded vl's! damm u,

soon i will have to do something major or i'm going to lose this war!!

plz help me with suggestions Smile

#14:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 7:55 pm
21st, 14pm

over all an interesting turn of events. lambi makes several moves in center area to get something done.


now the reinforced 22/7 attacks from north into hermanville. dangerous for me with 1 assault gun left only. my ATGs wouldnt do too good here. worrying!

lambi assaults across northern hedges, keep him pinned down until a cruiser makes its appearance!

my pak7.5 were totally useless vs the cromwells, so were both flak88s grrr. the last stug got nailed too... totally outflanked!

lebisey woods,

infantry assault by 70/49 into lebisey from benouville this time.

lambi strikes at center house, and represses my ansturming hordes.

lambi looses a vickers carrier, but i loose a sdKfz scwheres mg42

abbaye de ardenne,

131/7 moved from hermanville to wreak havoc on my battlegroup in abbaye.

kept his infantry pinned down at my very best

2 cromwells outduelled and destroyed the stug which i placed badly

punished a stuart with my IG tho, as infantry tried to enter the cloister area in south west!

alas lambi pushed on well


the newly refreshed 231/50 moves into caen. daring!

zugführer team repulses brittish infantry advancing thru the houses.

bludgeoning the assailants to death!

firefly is punished by schrek team at a 150m + distance, at 2nd shot! poetical almost! Wink

pushed back and punished!


abt101 still fighting with its last reserves and 3 tanks. an abundancy of halftracks that i deploy just to make time pass. the forces are tighly concentrated in north mostly, and some in center. just keeping
the lamb at bay!

massive tank armade pushing from south accompanied by reserves. glorious sniper took alone care of 2 teams!

5cm pak in duel with sherman that just destroyed 3.7cm SdKfz, a duel pak won in the end.

gave up a lot of ground for a sound defense.

to be cont...

#15:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 2:21 pm
tilly sur suelles,

the last vestiges of a german defense in tilly. fighting with fierce determination against the brit hordes!
2 french tanks and later the 5cm pak, have nothing to say in the face of the sherman apart from "raus hier!" :bye

2 other french tanks duel a 6pdr for about 1 minute without being able to destroy it, despite help from an mg nest! Neutral

situation getting critical in tilly sur suelles! but bravery will win the day!

bois du bavent,

the brave boys of hiterjugend is slowly grinding the last remains of lambi's battlegroup into dust.

battles are so intense neither side has time to care for the dead, and the woods are littered with mutilated tommies and casual young boys of das reich! :death2

infantry on infantry!

a lone sherman is all that left (and two tank destroyes) to support the brittish assaults together with 2 inch morts!

lambi's flamers throw a barbeque among the trees trying to root out the fierce german resistance! :hurt8

the mother of all injustice and the grotesque! lambis shermanIII first duels a pak40 that manages to fire 4-5 shots at, before sherman3 can spot it, and destroys it immediately, no damage. 2nd pak40 takes on lambis sherm and shoots of 3 shots without even destroying it, sherm turns turret and destroys pak40 number two. and there, zugführer team fausts the sherman, and what happens? it only gets immobilised!
the possibility of such happening my be 1 to a million! :angry1 :angry1 :angry1

loss of ground, no counter could mountered with that bloody sherman still alive! argh! :mur


defended lightly to delay lambi's onslaught with a freshly reinforced battlegroup. lost almost all map! Embarassed

still a minor german victory! staggering tank losses for the lamb! :lol2

end of 21st day of gc.

#16:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 6:36 pm
gjs day 22 morning

the fight carries on after a long sought out ceasefire as both leaders were seeking holiday and relaxation. but now war has regun!

the final fight to kick reds BG off here begins with the cnetre turning into a bloodbath as reds forces are mashed by vickers and sten fire

with the centre done and dusted the final attack in the south begins as a typhoon overhead unleashes its payload, but not beforce causing friendlyfire on nearby friendly units!

with red final foothold on this map lsot, lambi takes another map for the forces of freedom!

lebesily woods,
the attack carries on the ss are repeatedly holding lambis forces back, with losses mounting on each side.

with more desprate attacks i decide to push hard left but red with a single squad which had no ammo destoried my units.

lots of dead brits and germs, but a foothold is made secure.

abbey de ardene,
with me out of supply and red having no force left, we decide to play the shuffle game and i secure a road vl and keep red pinned in place whilst supply arrives!

caen what a fight hand to hand all the way.
this engmanet in a major fight shows a heroic platoon team forceing a germ squad to surrender as the first is bayoneted to death!

but the overall pictured didn't look good, a little bit of ground lost but more dead germs too! and red is now feeling the bite of germ squads running out.

part 2 to be soon!

part 2

red having no force basically wot so eva decides to attack with his tigers to try and hold my forces back, but in this exmaple a tiger gets blown up by a 6 pdr! muuhahaha

with the end result of the hard fight i end up with 4 more usless tanks destoried vs these tigers, but 1 more is down another damaged with more germ inf dead!

tilly sur les sures,
well red jsut doesn't want to surrender this map without a fight, and a fight red shall get his remains of his panzer BG based at merville is desoried as its last tanks are blown to peices, but not without damaging one of mine

but more ground has been taken as red forces are destoried in this map so i can claim a vic, but not without a costly price!

bois du bugray,
this map is beginning to anoy me as red jsut won't budge and a planned attack on the centre turns bad as my m10 is shrecked away even after heavy suppressing fire on the building.

as soon as the m10 went and my men started to drop all around me, i decided to offer a truce which red took in order to save my men!

ranville my new nightmare, first oustrham and benouville/ perriers ridge now this map aagghhh!!! nothing works as more of my men and tanks die to reds anoying inf fausts!!!

and another tank dead

and anotehr dead tank!! agghhh

well i need a new plan!!! dammit i hate gurellia situations!

well reds turn to report afternoon fights

#17:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 1:47 am

center situation still the hot spot of the gc!

1.3/2 panther battlegroup has attacked abbaye de ardenne in afternoon of 22nd.
22/7 brit bg has invaded area bretteville, they will be repulsed!
a new brit infantry battlegroup enters lebisey woods, where the hitlerjugend is suffering a fuel shortage.
the brits in caen still withstand german counterattacks!

lebisey woods,

the hitlerjugend were in lack of fuel and ammo as yet another infantry bg enters the area. the previous brittish bg was tossed off under a lot whining and bloodshed. lambi's aar provides false evidense there Wink

brits took ground, and germans were incapable to repulsing without mobile tanks.


a newly reinforced 22/7 attacking the last remains of 902 lehr, the bg previously defending tilly sur suelles. the brits will find nothing but shallow graves here!

brittish infantry claim building at deploy zone's edge, under hvy bombardment!

yet another heroic germanic effort! mg42 team kills platoon hq, then continues to butcher rifle men as they appear on the edge trying to neutralise germans with nades.

a coy hq is destroyed by zugführer as schreck destroys cruiser appearing on main road!

gruesome bloodshed in wooden areas as mg holds off a brittish assault wave.

killed and maimed the brits were held off as the 22nd june ended!

abbaye de ardenne,

actung panzer! the 1.3/2 attacks abbaye de ardenne area defended by 131/7 that defends with wolverine 17pdrs, 6pdr guns, cruisers and piats.

here comes the pain!

was 1 second away from taking complete map in one battle, at loss of 2 panthers and 1 immobilised. a stunning victory achieved by the german side! the brits terrorised and demoralised!


231/50 fighting a battle vs lehr bg in caen. the brits, starved and devoid of ammo and fuel defend with heroic efforts, but germans are drawing closer!

battle starts and brittish rifle men quickly kills 2 aufklärer team ambushing near lebisey woods vl, not a good start! however, i still got some objectives to reach in battle!

pzgrenadieres assault building under mortar suppression. meanwhile SdkFz232 with 2cm AA gun suppress vickers in wooden building!

the grenadieres are succesful, killing the brittish aggressors, however, problem is abound when german spotters discover a shermanIII hidden in building just right of the newly taken house. the sherman is dealing death from point blank range, and must be neutralised immediately not to endanger situation here.

schreck opens fire from south of river and draws upon itself suppressive fire from the sherman crew, the pg zugführer moves up and unleashes death upon the sherman with a panzerfaust!

suppression continues as schreck team moves up to take vl back.

schreck is destroyed, but defenders are neutralised.

lebisey vl being contested, and tons of death littering the ruins of a bombed caen!


lambi reinforces the 69/50, the eleventh bg to be reinforced to date. i figured im dead meat with merely 1 tiger tank leader left, and some ad hoc infantry.

2 snipers deal with approaching rifle team.

the tanks amassed to conquer the last remaining parts of lingevres in german hands!

5cm pak waits for crab to show flank, and then takes it on. the crab goes up in flames!

the tiger takes on stuey, but fails to kill it. the RAF is called upon by lambi that disables tank.

guess i can hold 1 more battle!

to be cont

#18:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:09 am
tilly sur suelles,

i surrender the map knowing i wont be able to defend it.
alas, the poor french villagers know we will be back reclaiming the map again. funny how this map shifted owner over the past 8 days of fighting or so.

bois du bavent,

truly the end of brittish terrorism in bois du bavent! as sun set the brit agents of aggression had been thoroughly annihilated and no one returned alive to tell the tale of the horrors of the 22nd! now this is how it all happened folks!

lambis units assault main chateau. despite gruesome fire of vickers and piats my men held out enough to be reinforced.

pzgrenadieres flank the suppressive units and destroy them

knee deep in blood the pzgrenadieres hurry to hunt down the aggressors! notice destroyed shermanIII! took quite some shots before it was sent to burn in hell!

pzgrenadieres now unleash counter attack on northern front

2 engineer teams battle in the woods unleashing TNT on each other!

1000 gallons of blood! the bloody woods of bavent!

final move to sieze last vl from last alive team defending it

the surviving brits were hung as decorations by the entrance of bois du bavent!

i proudly announce bois du bavent has been held heroically by the SS youth!


oh yeah! gave lambi a really bloody nose here last time. harder this time when out of supply and lambi

was better prepared for my guerilla tactics!

sniper deals with bren section trying to cross the road

brittish infantry attack on buildings. in a stunning moment of cowardness 5 men of my pio team that so

heroically fought last battle surrendered to the allies! rrrrr

still infesting the area to lambi's annoyance!

#19:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:08 pm
day 23

the war becomes worsening for the brits as the panthers begin to do their horror!! time to act now!!

leb woods,
the withdrawl from caen involves my BG attacking leb from the rear!! as the fights begins the thin red line holds and readys for the onslaught.

the battle goes on and the carnage countinues and no matter what i do my men die on the hedge they hide in!

but thanks to my sneaking squad they secured the vl's needed and my BG lives for another day!

total war flak 88's fighting 6 pdr's in 500 meter wars wit hthe flaks winning over course but not before agian another unit of scouts get around reds defence and assualt the last flak killing all the crew!! muuhahaha, but reds gets my supply! Sad dammit

abbey d ardene,
me attacking panthers lol i an't attacking so i took a 2 inch mortar and let the panthers hav the map. abbey finally lost Sad

muuhahaha red decides to surrender this map
finally another loop in the ring of bayeux secured.

tilly sur le sures,
total war and mayheem reds gren BG is sent in to hold my BG for another round, but all hell breaks loose, mg fire and rifle fire everywhere seems a western with a typhoon straffing a MG postion that is keeping the assualt at bay

but lambi overcomes reds attack and his BG is battered to hell and kicked off agian another loop in bayeux secured!

bois du bugray,
utter war my tank BG goes in hard with the SS doing everything possible to keep me at bay! here another RAF plane saves a stuey from death as it kills the last pak40 the germs hav in this sector

decent foothold secured, but many tanks damaged by AT fire.

afternoon turns to follow shortly


#20:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 1:13 pm


1.3/2 attacks into hermanville. the infantry 151/50 reinforces to be able to put up a defense.

panthers on the move

a well concealed 17pdr manages to KO a panther. was quite unnerving to receive such a blow at outset of battle. but shame on the weak fool who questions himself!

carnage! lamb's men are slaughtered by nades and smgs. who can resist against 5 panthers suppressing them?

break through! lamb's left flank is steamrolled and i move on to capture terrain.

the center is left open to ansturm der pzgrenadieres!

despite the lost panther my attack was a big success!


too hectice a battle to take any screenshots. lambi deployed using the weird deploy zones he got after sneaking last battle. loosing 2 schrecks was bad. yet i killed 2 cruisers and 1 cromwell 95mm howitzer and countless infantry. the 131/7 IS BLED INTO A SHADOW BY NOW!


poachers under the disguise of 8/3 insignia has snuck into rauray to hunt some cats. well let them come.

yeah, used to be quite some battles here!

trying to throw him off costs me a panther being outflanked by 3 allied tanks and i cant get to close cause i know the piats are everywhere!

last crab in flames!

in german claws again. poachers dead. no one survived to tell the story even muhaha


two stuarts pass road in north. my Pak41/43 holds fire until both are within los. first one down. second immobilised by HE round.

despite under suppression from a mortar barrage the 2nd stuey soon perishes in flames!

quick assault around hermanville vl to expand dz there

hordes come crossing the north. mortars hold them down and aufklärer punishes first wave

bois du bavent,

hitlerjugend continues killing off lambi

a lone IG kills 2 shermans better than all the pak40s i ever used on this map!

the bloody woods of bois du bavent. still they are muddy in red, and still more blood is flowing every day. the ground feeds of it like vampire earth!

3rd sherman takes on the IG that doesnt have much chance with front shot

but sherman is schrecked eventually!

costly battle for both sides!

end of 23rd

#21:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:17 pm
day 24th,
the impossible victory for the allies, now with the panther constanly destorying my forces and reds luck in keeping me at bay in all other sectors i hav to realise that now i cannot win this gc and so i must fight to get a minor loss! if i can get a minor loss then it gives me good hope when i'm gerry to get a major!

the forces of my BG try their best to keep gerry at bay but with panthers theres not much i can do expect hope that my support can aid us but to no effect a airstrike run jsut damages a cat

even with my 17pdr watching the cat for a good 10mins aiming pricesly where to hit its weak armour, the shot jsut bounces off and the cat turns it turret and KA-BOOM!

not a good result lots more ground taken as well as losing the map basically in 3 tuns than capturing it in 15 turns!! this is gonna be hard to kill these cats! but i must try

lebesily woods,
the slaughter carries on more inf die at the hands of the SS! dammit what can i do!!!

with little relief and with the loss of this map i use my air to kil of a flak 20mm a small prize to take.

but in the end a slughter vs this SS BG which i hate.

well this germ bg just seems to keep anoying me even with no inf!! here i call on an airstrike to help kill a inf nest but nope, as usual red keeps his men alive (somehow)

the centre turns into mayheem, with me having to many tanks and not enough inf red can use his ATG and shrecks to counter and red can wait and mow me down.

ground taken but not enough and to many losses. ggggrrr!

well a little ray of light. red has ost on the frontline!! shows how desprate the situation is and as u expect i take full adv with wasp flammers going mad!

but total map taken in one turn hurray!! at least i got a map back guys, cant b bad.

but can u belie this!! the first time in ccin for yrs i get the VC!! i can't belive it!
has anyone got a VC before???

bois du bugray,
wel sooner of later red is gonna run out of inf right?? well atm it seems the layout of the land vs ss isn't a good combo for me as another tank is added to the scrap pile! Sad

well more guys dead!! omg i'm sssssssssoooooooo gonna loose this!



#22:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 8:47 pm

periers ridge,

I/12 into periers ridge. famous old ground where the brave teutons of II22/21 held firm for many turns.

now getting reclaimed by the mighty wehrmacht! where we march cities fall!

attacked south. lambi hard fortified the north east. lambi's men come running

17 pounder is detroyed after immobilising cat. pzgrenadiere claim the houses!

lambi comes running part 2

lost 2 teams to naval barrage. most other units intact.


lambi sees his chance of breaking through my lines if he can just disband me as i enter benouville.

gods of thunder is on his side of course with their terrorangriffe, but SS bows to no one!

brits are repulsed from every direction!

even my schreck team is engaged!

voila! polston 20mm and 6pdr are destroyed with area fire by schreck.

not a grand entrance, but brits were repulsed!


1.3/2 slashes lambi's last defense of hermanville! another city into german hands!

lambi, that position wasnt very good was it? Wink

the zugführer team had lambi bitching for 10 minutes after they killed gun, 2 teams and on the verge here of killing their 3rd team.

very nasty these little WASPS unless you have mortars...

... but who needs them when you have panthers? Razz

final infantry charge siezes building killing everyone inside!



still clinging onto some ground in bretteville vs the now depleted 22/7.

useless schreck part 1

useless schreck part 2

still pestering the area! Smile


sheezz!!! lambi is facing me in meeting in tourville. i have hardly enough units to fill the slots!

running away from the wasp!

one wasp down, second one on the hunt!

soldiers in field have no chance!

killing a little humber in assault

still on the map. what can i do?

bois du bavent,

hitlerjugend is still killing off the brits as they enter this bloody map. geez, how much blood will

the ground be able to swallow?

useless schreck part 3

zugführer assaults stubborn sherman

stubborn sherman engulfed in flames!!!

the earth drank more blood this day!

end of 24th

#23:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:46 pm
25th june morning turn
AT LAST me and red carry on this great GC after both of us having holidays and work we are able to fight more and bring you guys these whicked AAR's and battles.

Perriers Ridge
red attacks south with alot of inf and some panther armour is called in to support his attack, after a forced attack south red manages to open the south flank of my bg open and gains another VL but suffers more inf casualties and 2 more damaged cats Smile

anotehr hard day for the AB vs the dammed SS, the countless lives of the ab to hold the ss is ling and this SS BG has caused me alot of pain in this GC and i only hope that this BG will finally die!!

even the RAF can't dislodge the SS!
and more ground is lsot and yet more lives are lsot to!

attacking into this map vs reds weak BG here seemed a good idea with only 3 jags left and some inf, attacking a big map with tnaks and guns in plenty still didn't work good Sad

once agian the airstrikes did shit and were of no use in this fight
and reds armour advances up the map thru the fields taking 6 pdr and 17 pdr shots as if they were jsut merely bullets!

by the end of the result it turned into a disaster! a big one

the final attack had to come and i decided that now was the time, after deciding to select 5 tanks on the right flank i advanced using the fire and move tatic with 3 tanks firing and 2 moving 50 meters then swapping over, a tatic which kept reds shrecks at bay

by the end of the move i had got my inf across the bridge and was clearing reds last restance from the map!

but i had jsut fallen short of taking the whole map! dammit

red decides not to lose the last soldiers of his SS tank (lol tanks!?) BG and loses a halftrack giving me the map

facing anotehr shit bg red has that has only 5cm mortars and some vecs defending this map i was unluckly not to take the whole map!

well this factory map attacking into this omg i hate it! i really do!! but i gotta keep red at bay and for once i'm facing a BG here which in fact has a decent amount of inf and equipment! looks like a big haul of a fight to come!

well by the end of the fight it was a ok result but i will need to do better next time! as this map has to be taken! to ensure total encirclement of caen

bois du bougray
hahaha finally i'm making red suffer killing his last two ATG guns and with a few teams left and a shreck red is gonna lose this map!!! Smile

another v hard round of fighting vs red

#24:  Author: Ozka PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:49 am
Trevlig AAR, vad för program använder du för att ta screenshots? Smile

#25:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:11 pm

#26:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:44 pm
25th June 1944

i have to retreat my panther BG from periers. situation becoming harder as lambi has managed encircling me by a knifelike move from north west cutting all supplies for the strong center of my defense. the flank was held by weak bgs, and instead of a fresh SS appearing on 23rd to defend tilly from such a
move there only appeared previously disbanded BGs! oh horror!


SS keeps punishing the ABs keeping all allied sector south of pegasus out of supply! lambi trying again to assault my exit vl, but i have anticipated such a move and take him out along with his polston.

moving south to take chateau

even took pegasus vl!


my BG dealing with another allied incursion. the deathblow to this AB bg!

no more AB here for a while thank you


the BG i put in charge of this important map is unfortunately an old bg from the beach days!

lamb's VC decorated Wasp supports a massive brit assault!

without AT weaponry i can only delay his advance.

bad for me this one! brrr, but VC Wasp was killed by sniper Wink


fresh blood resides in Juvigny, lambi decide to make an attack there. a very bad idea.

the house being crucial to both sides, we face each other in there. this time lambi is kicked out and killed.

6 pounder and M10 meets their death at hands of SS

be gone ye evil!


the steelworks are covered in blood.

made an aggressive attack to throw lambi off the map. game started with 88 killing sherman, but a 6pounder took out 88, then a pak 3.7cm along with mg dealt with 6pder, and then command sherman moved
up and killed 3.7cm. TIT FOR TAT!

selfpropelled pak40 killed command sherman, and now 88 killing fly in duel!

no disband but shook lambi around enough for him to move back to benouville (i suppose)

Bois du Bavent,

well germans pushed back into corner of map lacking fuel and supplies.

lambi throwing everything he has left in his BG against the fiersome german resistance!

but everything bleeds, and everything dies. his mobile sherman pays the price for messing around within faust range!

still on the map!

nasty situation that i hope will clear up next round a little!

#27:  Author: Cathartes PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:22 pm
Thanks for this gripping AAR, love to see this stuff! I need to get back into a GC myself.

#28:  Author: pzt_lambi PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:37 am
day 26th june morning turn

the fighting between the two mighty armies carries on with some very intresting results!


the decide the AB cannot shift the germ ss BG here and sending in my armoured BG bk into this map to restablish supplies in required. as the fight kicks off red has a pak 88 defending the road, i hav scouts with rifles anoying the pak 43 whislt the FF deals the blow

i try to force the road to the coat but red holds me bk but nxt time that road will be mine!


another pointless attack by me but i send in my crap units to do some more damge on red before i send in the hardcore stuff

lebsily woods

attacking into panthers wouldn't be a good idea but i had to try it, taking m10's 6 pdrs and sum 17 pdrs i try to force a gap but red decides to attack head on and the attack turns into a slaughter!

even red takes losses but no tanks jsut all his inf teams he took died whilst i lost everything lol! i will kill those panthers!


i realise time is running out to take this map and sooner or later red is gonna send in the panthers so i gotta do sumthing! i decide to charge into reds lines and take wot vl's i can and jsut anoy him, which sorta works but i lose a tank bugga!


red enters here but i need to kick him bk so i decide to go on the attack, goes okay but i take losses but above all make reds deployment smaller

tilly sur le sures

in such a late gc time and facing a fresh ss BG with shrecks and stugs i try to make decent ground on this map so i can gain time and tie this bg up! my men make a move but a team is hit by mortars and takes casualties

took sum bad losses and ground but facing SS what can u do?


red sends in a weak bg to hold me up but i totally lambinate him and whats left of this BG, muuhahaha


well my bg here needs to secure the north and with no gas and facing a weak ss bg with a pz mk 4 left gonna be tricky but i manage to pull it off and give red sum punishment whilst only losing 1 man! get in


well this map is such a pain in the ass. me and red are taking major inf, vec and guns losses but i am able to take the damage as i havn't reinforced this bg yet and the more damage i do on red the less offensive capabilities he will hav! still on but jsut

bois du bougray

i meetin with this map but sucess and finally time prepails reds bg here can't make its trength as it used to and finally it shows with red losing the msot of the map! finally this map is within my grasp!!!

finally morning turn posted sry for delay guys/gals
red shud shud psot afternoon turn shortly as we hav completed that round!


#29:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 12:08 pm

SS still defend Benouville without supply


Putting my panthers into action desperately trying to break out of der Kessel around my stronghold in central normandy. big losses, 5 cats, but lambi's bg lost all its FFs and Avres


my battlegroup is totally depleted, but what i have in abundancy is halftracks, so i set them up to block the only passages over the river and lambi's infantry has to come on its own to face my 3-4 teams. it worked as im not disbanded!

Tilly sur Suelles,

lambi loosing 3 of the last 4 Shermans in 1 battle and my Assault Guns all survive despite being immobilised and tormented by airstrikes and all.


lambi reinforces his battlegroup, but i still decide to kick him off! mission succesful!

Bois du Bavent,

lambi pays my service of disbandment back, and finally tosses off the last remains of the hitlerjugend here. i didnt even have teams to fill out the slots and still they fought til the bitter end! well done boys!

27th coming up!

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