Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Gateway to Caen

#1: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:36 pm
The new game has been released at Matrixgames, I was wrong, it is cheaper than other CC games, 27,99+taxes by the digital download.

At two days, it will released at Steam.

#2: Re: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames Author: KilovskimkIII PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:37 pm
Am downloading it now  Very Happy

#3: Re: Gatheway to Caen released at Matrixgames Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:13 pm
Downloading now too.

#4: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:37 am

#5: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_CrackwiseLocation: Switzerland PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:25 am
So guys, have you found any time to play the new thing? I don't have high expectations, but still it would be cool if they have fixed some issues from the Panthers in the Fog game.

The thing which had annoyed me at PitF the most was the Line of Sight problems. It seemed quite unintuitive compared to previous CC games. I mean normally you would drive along a high hedgerow on the road thinking there could not be any LoS (from far away tanks) on you from the sides through the hedges. Well you are wrong! In PitF don't be so sure, because LoS acts in a strange manner.

Anyway, to summarize I hope the LoS is more reliable and intuitive now. Could you tell your experiences on this issue in Gateway to Caen?

Other strange issues in PitF, which I am curious if they are fixed/improved in GtC:

- Infantry survavibility seemed overall much lower than the previous games ( FYI: I personally believe the long firefights and inf. survavibility in TLD is pretty good, maybe better than CC5)

-Tanks would have problems hitting other tanks decently even if they were very close, tank combat was a bit strange

-Forcepool locked in terms of Support. I think you could not have tanks or ATGs in the 1st two sections.

#6: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:55 am
Well, I have bought the game few moments ago because the price is the same from other CC games but for this week, there is a small discount. 1,4gb downloading at 50 minutes.

Just a few comments, the store site is a piece of ****, always it was bad but this time I needed at least three times for load it.

Next, the store has the language options for spanish and you ask the last name but at Spain, we have two last names, from our father and from our mother. This can sound stupid but usually the information about you, it must be the same from your credit card. At Steam by example, it does not happen.

#7: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:57 am
Ah there is a multiplayer hot fix here.

The steam version will not need this fix.

#8: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Sapa PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:50 am
I have bought all the new releases but now its enough...i have a girl at home and its my wife and she will not run for anything!

good luck with another Normandy "game" or is it a mod??

Should i laugh or cry?


#9: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:02 pm
Sapa wrote (View Post):

Should i laugh or cry?

Both can be a optiion and for one moment I thought as you but after I saw how it would be the last game with this engine and I had not one made at 32bits.

#10: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:47 pm
Pzt_Crackwise says: I mean normally you would drive along a high hedgerow on the road thinking there could not be any LoS (from far away tanks) on you from the sides through the hedges. Well you are wrong! In PitF don't be so sure, because LoS acts in a strange manner.

I had understood that as undulations in the road or maybe a part of the hedgerow where it was not as thick. Makes for an interesting game as nothing can be depended on for sure. I even used that to my advantage too. I am sure that the Germans had problems with planes flying over the battlefield that were able to spot the units through clearings in the trees.

#11: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:56 pm
Pzt_Crackwise wrote (View Post):
So guys, have you found any time to play the new thing? I don't have high expectations, but still it would be cool if they have fixed some issues from the Panthers in the Fog game.

The thing which had annoyed me at PitF the most was the Line of Sight problems. It seemed quite unintuitive compared to previous CC games. I mean normally you would drive along a high hedgerow on the road thinking there could not be any LoS (from far away tanks) on you from the sides through the hedges. Well you are wrong! In PitF don't be so sure, because LoS acts in a strange manner.

Yeah, this might still be there.  I noticed there aren't many large hedgerows coded in the map, most, even medium-sized looking ones, are coded as small and without much (or any) height difference.  Haven't played enough just yet though.

Pzt_Crackwise wrote (View Post):

- Infantry survavibility seemed overall much lower than the previous games ( FYI: I personally believe the long firefights and inf. survavibility in TLD is pretty good, maybe better than CC5)

It seems improved, but I didn't play a lot of PTIF.

Pzt_Crackwise wrote (View Post):

-Tanks would have problems hitting other tanks decently even if they were very close, tank combat was a bit strange

I noticed that tanks and AT guns were taking a while to hit their target even at relatively close range (under 100 meters)--the only positive to this was being able to have time to react.

Pzt_Crackwise wrote (View Post):

-Forcepool locked in terms of Support. I think you could not have tanks or ATGs in the 1st two sections.

Still there, albeit a tad less restrictive.  The forcepool management needs to go back to the way it was in CC5.  I don't know why they changed it, no one asked them to.

Random, annoying things I've noticed so far: troops give up their hiding spots way too early when set to ambush--GtC has me really wishing there were a "hide" feature.  Paved roads are coded as "great" cover--huh?  It's difficult to get infantry properly placed in buildings.  

As of right now the two biggest issues are restrictive forcepool management and scale--the "zoomed in" effect is still there (as they said it would be) but it's a bit more problematic now with these open maps.

#12: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:59 pm
Just had my first mutliplayer game against Cathartes.  Infantry survivability has definitely increased over PTiF.  I renamed some of my units, but the stock name was showing in game (it doesn't do this in single player)!  Tanks definitely seem a little too inaccurate.  My tanks were missing shots on other tanks that were around 50-75 meters away--I could understand 200+ meters, but under 100 meters it seems like that first shot should hit its target, no?  Another thing is the problem from PTiF of infantry not getting properly situated--that's a bit annoying.  And, good news for those who think the German tanks were invincible in PTiF, Cathartes had no problem brewing up two Tigers and a Panther using some proper engagement tactics (only got one Cromwell in return).

#13: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Cathartes PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:21 pm
the renaming issue in h2h... wonder if that's a carry over from PitF.  

Regarding accuracy of tanks: things that will improve this-- 1. lay in wait.  2. If you have to be moving, Sneak.  3. have commander in range.

I got Troger's Panther with a side shot from a Sherman, I got lucky before he could turn all the way.  Got his Tigers with a far-off ambushing Firefly, and a hiding M-10.  Panther tanks are still very hard to kill unless you have a 6pdr close with some sabot rounds.  Churchill Mk. IIIs with 6 pdrs are always a good choice for a British player.

#14: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 2:52 pm
Tigers and Panthers should be easier to take out with British 76mm tanks because of the tank velocity , opposed to the American stuff in Pitf 75mm shemans.

I read somewhere that the area around Caen was pretty flat and didn't have a lot of hedgerows, most of the US units were fighting west of this in the bocage part of France or "hedgerow hell" .

#15: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:58 am
Lots of people voiced displeasure at the price of the game on Steam.

#16: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:10 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Lots of people voiced displeasure at the price of the game on Steam.

I´m not worried about the price from GTC, in fact it could be worse, at the end, it is a new game and I know worse games at Steam or other sites with worse prices.

The problem with Matrix are the previous CC games, some of them have more 4 years and they have the same price from the begining. At addition to it and as a insult to the intelligence from the players, Slitherine restarted the release date from most of the CC games when they bought matrix.

#17: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_CrackwiseLocation: Switzerland PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:40 am
Well, I couldn't resist myself and bought the game on Steam at the end. I have played a couple of singleplayer battles and a multiplayer battle so far. It seems nice overall, feels nicer than PitF.

Some things I have noticed:

- Tanks seem to move somewhat slow. Even on the roads they are kind of slow. And I thought shermans could move at quite decent speeds.
- Infantry survivability against small-arms fire has definitely increased.
- There is a small mortar bug in which when you hear the mortar fired at the tube and then just cancel the shot by for instance ambushing the mortar team, the fire is not fired. (no shell falls, no ammunition is spent) Nothing gamebreaking but still...
- I have also realized some roads show poor cover at some point and great cover at another (even though it is the same road) when you right click on them. I don't know if it is intentional or a mistake.
- Tank battles seem to tolerate mistakes now to some extent, since tanks tend to miss the first shots more often than other CC releases. This allows you to retreat or flank etc. providing more chances on how to react.

I may right more in the coming days when I have had more time to play.

#18: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Cathartes PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 2:42 pm
- Tanks seem to move somewhat slow. Even on the roads they are kind of slow. And I thought shermans could move at quite decent speeds.

The first two days of the campaign are muddy and nearly all terrain (except paved roads) slows travel.  If you design a scenario or play a scenario set to 26 or 27 of June with historical weather, the same conditions apply.  Otherwise vehicle travel set the same as PitF.

- Infantry survivability against small-arms fire has definitely increased.

Glad at least one or two people are noticing. Mortars are no longer so effective against infantry in buildings.

- There is a small mortar bug in which when you hear the mortar fired at the tube and then just cancel the shot by for instance ambushing the mortar team, the fire is not fired. (no shell falls, no ammunition is spent) Nothing gamebreaking but still...

If you change orders in the context of the "time to fire" data column (in the data) this can happen with mortars. I know this happens with PitF, and it may be true with older versions of CC as well.

- I have also realized some roads show poor cover at some point and great cover at another (even though it is the same road) when you right click on them. I don't know if it is intentional or a mistake.

This happens with all open terrain--including fields and it is relative to whether the field, road, etc is close to a hedge, building, wall, etc.  The game evaluates cover on a slightly larger area than the point you are clicking on.  The terrain type it indicates is exactly where you're clicking on.

#19: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_KamiLocation: IRAN PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:56 pm
I hvae a little problem with the game. When I zoom out for having an overall view of the battlefield and then zoom in again into battle ,my "Soldier List" is disappeared and I have to press F5 key everytime to bring it back :p anyone know how can I fix this issue?

#20: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_CrackwiseLocation: Switzerland PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:19 pm
Pzt_Kami wrote (View Post):
I hvae a little problem with the game. When I zoom out for having an overall view of the battlefield and then zoom in again into battle ,my "Soldier List" is disappeared and I have to press F5 key everytime to bring it back :p anyone know how can I fix this issue?

Actually, I realized I also have this problem. It might possibly be a bug or something.

#21: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:20 pm
Pzt_Crackwise wrote (View Post):
Pzt_Kami wrote (View Post):
I hvae a little problem with the game. When I zoom out for having an overall view of the battlefield and then zoom in again into battle ,my "Soldier List" is disappeared and I have to press F5 key everytime to bring it back :p anyone know how can I fix this issue?

Actually, I realized I also have this problem. It might possibly be a bug or something.

You've got that right. Since Pitf.

#22: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_KamiLocation: IRAN PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:32 pm
Ah my old Kameraden , Pzt_Kanov and dear Crackwise Smile How are you guys?

You've got that right. Since Pitf.
Yes ,I think it was there in PitF as well !

#23: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:53 pm
Wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this annoying thing to be fixed.

Is the actual game crashing bug of when you make a scenario with random weather selected still there?

#24: Re: Gateway to Caen Released at Matrix Games Author: Cathartes PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:01 pm
Pzt_Kanov wrote (View Post):
Wouldn't hold my breath waiting for this annoying thing to be fixed.

Is the actual game crashing bug of when you make a scenario with random weather selected still there?

should be fixed

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Gateway to Caen

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