Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp Vet
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far

#1: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp Vet Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 1:23 pm
Hey everyone! I've returned to the best game in the Close Combat Series to do a Let's Play that's well overdue. Back in the day, I started my channel with CC2 and it's the one game I've always wanted to redo a Let's Play of. This Let's Play will be from the Allies side and played on Veteran difficulty.

I'm planning to just pump this let's play out in a week or a little more so check back regularly to my YouTube channel (or subscribe) to see if new episodes are up.

Click this LINK to go to the first video. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!

#2: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:15 pm
Quick update, we're 5 episodes in atm. However, I'm not going to be able to complete this in a week as originally predicted. I can't upload the videos quickly enough due to terrible capped upload speed. Currently aiming for 4 videos a day.

Tactically, we're doing well. Taken every objective so far, even the difficult to take in time Arnhem Rail Bridge :)

P.S. British Telecom sucks

#3: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 7:53 pm
cant wait to see your Grossbeek Farmland, 4-5 enemy tanks and storm infantry with mortar support against your guys of nothing.

#4: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:23 pm
vobbnobb wrote (View Post):
cant wait to see your Grossbeek Farmland, 4-5 enemy tanks and storm infantry with mortar support against your guys of nothing.

Yep Laughing the first battle for Groesbeek has just gone up, click here (it's episode 8 of the LP btw)

I actually think Oosterbeek is the toughest Landing Zone in the game. We'll be hanging on by our fingernails there. But I plan on winning that map by by slowly losing it.

#5: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 8:25 pm
Just a quick update on this Let's Play. We're 22 episodes in right now, and doing pretty well. We've taken most of the bridges except Son (which blew) and Nijmegen. We've got Arnhem Bridge, and we've got a chance of beating the Germans at the Landing Zone at Oosterbeek.

I've been uploading 4 videos a day for this LP, which is too much. I'd originally hoped to finish it in a week, but that wasn't to be. I'm going to reduce the amount of videos to 2 per day for this LP so as not to overwhelm my subscribers. Let me know what you think of it so far!

#6: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:47 am
I am to doing fairly well this time around on vet, check out what Upton takes out!!! Most likely penetrated top of tank/hatches since it was a multi-story building. Never say never even with non AT infantry.

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#7: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 2:18 pm
vobbnobb wrote (View Post):
I am to doing fairly well this time around on vet, check out what Upton takes out!!! Most likely penetrated top of tank/hatches since it was a multi-story building. Never say never even with non AT infantry.

Damn, that's pretty good. What day of the campaign are you on there?

#8: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:10 pm
I don't know but as of now I got XXX corps to Nimegen Sector and it says day 4. Groesbeek heights This is Panther country, wish me luck.

#9: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 1:02 pm
vobbnobb wrote (View Post):
I don't know but as of now I got XXX corps to Nimegen Sector and it says day 4. Groesbeek heights This is Panther country, wish me luck.

Eek! Day 4... You're definitely going to need some luck to get to Arnhem now haha  Very Happy

#10: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Ivan_Zaitzev PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:24 am
I think he is quite on scheduled. It's quite hard (or maybe even impossible, might be hardcoded, I don't remember) to cross the Waal with the XXX Corps before the 82nd makes it across to clear the other side. I would recommend to play this operation before trying to force your way with the XXX Corps. Last time, I depleted most of XXX Corps at Nijmegen Bridge and had to make my way in The Island only with AT Guns and some light tanks.
Good luck, both of you!

EDIT: Of course, I assume you are still holding the Arnhem Bridge.  Very Happy

#11: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Ivan_Zaitzev PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 12:29 am
vobbnobb wrote (View Post):
I am to doing fairly well this time around on vet, check out what Upton takes out!!! Most likely penetrated top of tank/hatches since it was a multi-story building. Never say never even with non AT infantry.

Gammon bombs are amazing, and one of your best resources when playing the British.

#12: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:28 pm
Ivan_Zaitzev wrote (View Post):
Gammon bombs are amazing, and one of your best resources when playing the British.

Personally, I find them to be hit or miss. There's no way to influence their use and usually it's easier to get a PIAT into position rather than rely on them. But if you have any suggestions on how to maximise their effectiveness, let me know!

#13: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Ivan_Zaitzev PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:53 pm
I usually just put my soldiers on ambush or defend inside a house and let them do the job, just like vobbnobb did. Of course, PIATs are useful, but having AT capability on your regular infantry is priceless. I always miss my Gammon when I play the US.
This might be a personal preference, because I'm always using Engineers with Explosives against tanks in other versions of CC.

#14: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:21 pm
Hmmm... ok that's good to know. I'll try it when I get into a sticky situation.

I do like how the Germans have lots of panzerfausts in this game. It makes it so much easier to take out Allied tanks. Just a shame that panzerfausts were nerfed so much in later CC's

#15: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 9:56 am
I did it. Beat this damn thing on veteran mode.. Most of the time consisted of me restarting a battle as it progressed. The river the crossing, I lost a lot on but finally made it up hill with a handful of guys. Also never captured Groesbeek farmland but totally annihilated them on the island.

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#16: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Ivan_Zaitzev PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:13 pm
Congratoulations vobbnobb!

#17: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Range10 PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:01 am
For those who love the history of this campaign as well as the CC game, if you haven't seen it, recommend you find and watch "There's is the Glory."

This is a movie (2 hours) done by the Brits directly after the war (1946). It is filmed in Arnhem and you can see the devastation. The filming used no actors and no sets, so they filmed this reenactment right in the same buildings and terrain.

Most incredible are the German equipment used in the movie. They must have had this stuff lying all over the place. You see them driving multiple Panthers around and appear to fire a PIAT at one of them. If they only knew how valuable that tank would be today, they could have sold it at auction and paid down part of their debt.

But the best visual comes late in the film. A Pzkw VI B, and they blow it up.

#18: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:57 pm
I have this movie, "There's is the Glory" but haven't watched it yet. I really need to be in the right mood to watch a 1946 grainy movie on the widescreen haha... I downloaded it because people said it has a lot of authentic equipment in it, such as a working Panther.

#19: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Range10 PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:38 am
Mooxe --Multiple Panthers moving in formation, a Tiger moving at speed and traversing its turret, and the King Tiger as a backdrop at least in two segments of the film.

#20: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:52 am
speaking of stock footage


Tons and tons of it.

But its expensive as %%%%!

Watch one of the movies

#21: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 5:28 am
How are you making out TIK>

#22: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Ivan_Zaitzev PostPosted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:44 pm
You can check his youtube to know how he is doing.
I'm doing my own lets play of a CC2 Mod, link in my signature, but it's on hold ATM because my computer is on repair.

#23: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Range10 PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:20 pm
Thank you, TIK, for reminding us about how good an offering CC2 is. Really worth revisiting, with an AI that is not quite as formulaic as the most recent CC products.

Do you, or does anyone know of a mod where the basic CC2 game is not changed, but the graphics have been updated and some of the later features (orienting units, wrecked vehicles remain in place, etc.) incorporated?

#24: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: vobbnobb PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:20 pm
I missed the picking up of enemy weapons but loved zoom ability and no time limit.

#25: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: Ivan_Zaitzev PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:22 pm
Range10 wrote (View Post):

Do you, or does anyone know of a mod where the basic CC2 game is not changed, but the graphics have been updated and some of the later features (orienting units, wrecked vehicles remain in place, etc.) incorporated?

Sadly no. "orienting units, wrecked vehicles remain in place, etc." all those things are hardcoded and can't be changed.

#26: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:16 am
I've watched some of the videos but probably less then 1/4th. I've noticed that you don't take mortars. If you explained why I missed that video. Would you mind explaining it here or pointing me to the video with the explanation.

#27: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: WaltLocation: Indiana PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:42 am
I have enjoyed the videos. Reminds me of all the fun I used to have playing grand campaigns vs Peiper or Socks back in the day. If I can
remember  where I put the cd, Im going to install cc2 and start playing it again.

#28: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:23 pm
Hey everyone! Haven't checked back here in a little while. No spoilers but very close to the end of the campaign now

HogansHeros wrote (View Post):
I've watched some of the videos but probably less then 1/4th. I've noticed that you don't take mortars. If you explained why I missed that video. Would you mind explaining it here or pointing me to the video with the explanation.

Great question!!! This is completely a personal choice, and I used to take them when I first started playing because they'd kill a lot of guys (most of my casualties throughout this campaign have been due to the AI mortars) but as I've become more experienced with the Series and I've started forming new tactics and strategies, I no longer see them as as useful as they once where.

In the early game, when every requisition point is crucial, I can't justify buying a mortar. Sure they kill a few guys, but a British Para Mortar squad costs 11 points. I'd rather take another machine gun (9pts) and save or put the remaining 2 points towards something else. Plus, mortars usually sit at the back of the map playing a passive role in a battle, meaning they don't actually get involved in the battle and are unable to shape it's outcome. A machine gun team sits at the front and shapes the course of a battle, plus those extra points go towards another squad (e.g. a rifle squad) that can be used to attack the enemy.

Mortars are actually at their "best" in CC2 - they're over-accurate and overpowered, and fire instantly (which they don't do in the later games). But they just don't fit comfortably with the tactics and strategies I employ, especially early game.

I've come to realise that CC is not about killing. Casualties aren't important. What's important is suppression and morale. If you suppress the enemy, you're going to make them ineffective. Their morale is subsequently crushed when you assault. Mortars can help suppress, and help kill a few guys during the assault, but I'd rather take a machine gun and put those extra points into a rifle squad so I can suppress with the machine gun and assault with the rifle squad. To put it another way, a battlegroup made up of a machine gun and 6 rifle squads trumps a battlegroup made up of a mortar, a sniper and 5 rifle squads, in my humble opinion. This is especially true in the early game, and especially true when you're on the attack.

Later on, when you've got points and slots and plenty of machine guns, I'll take a mortar for extra flavour. But I can't justify it in the early game.

Last edited by TheImperatorKnight on Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

#29: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:10 pm
That's a well thought out reason

#30: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:58 pm
HogansHeros wrote (View Post):
That's a well thought out reason

I'm guessing you take a lot of mortars??

Just to clear up some other things, you may be wondering why I'm not a fan of Recon squads and prefer Ad Hoc rifle squads. You may also wonder why I'd rather take a couple of Ad Hoc rifle squads than take a normal full Rifle Squad.

I mentioned this in another topic, but just so everyone knows, I did some tests a while back (the videos were on my channel but they were poor quality so I made them private so only people with the link can see them) to see how well I could defend the Arnhem Bridge Map against a German 150pt BG which included tanks.

I started with 75 points and progressively reduced the number of points I had until I had a pitiful 20pts. What I learnt was that Ad Hoc Rifle squads (3pts) are better than Recon squads (5pts) and that quantity means more than quality, especially on the defensive. A full Rifle squad costs 8pts and is 5 rifle men. Two Ad Hoc squads is 6pts in total and has 6 men. Sure, they're not as good quality as the men in full Rifle squads, but the extra manpower more than makes up for it. That's an extra rifleman who can lob grenades and fire his rifle, an extra guy who can engage in hand-to-hand combat, and because there's two squads for less than the price of one, there's more maneuverability on the battlefield. I can fire with one, flank and assault with another - something you can't do with one rifle squad.

Recon squads are more expensive, and their sub-machine guns don't seem to be that effective for some reason. Their stats are better and you'd think that because they have sub-machine guns they'd be better suited to house-to-house fighting, but experience has proven that they're not as capable as the riflemen. Whether it's due to range, or suppression or bad luck, I can't say. But there's little difference between Recon and Ad Hoc Rifle, so don't waste the extra 2 points and just go with the Ad Hoc Rifle squads instead.

Here's the link to that video if you want to see it http://youtu.be/LU-N4P3yQqk (length 5:20)

#31: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:23 pm
TheImperatorKnight wrote (View Post):

I'm guessing you take a lot of mortars??

It's been too long since I've played CC2, but I did usually take an early mortar, sometimes two. However, I think your arguments against it may change my decision on that.

In CC5/LSA I tend to take two or three, especially when defending and/or if I lack tanks. Partly because saving points to buy more units isn't really a factor; even in LSA I've only ever had to worry about running out of points when I got into heavy tank vs tank combat. Partly because, with 15 minute timer, there really is only enough time to kill enemies and then plunge straight ahead until I find more enemy to kill--LSA's too big maps exacerbate that problem--and mortars don't have that much time to sit around pointlessly after using their ammo/smoke. Lately I've been using longer timers (played around with 1 hour, but think it is too long so am trying 30 min now) and actually have time to maneuver around so have been cutting back on the number of mortars I take and focusing more on capturing ground with infantry instead of killing with mortars.

#32: Re: Let's Play Close Combat A Bridge Too Far - Allied Camp V Author: TheImperatorKnight PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:22 pm
HogansHeros wrote (View Post):
TheImperatorKnight wrote (View Post):

I'm guessing you take a lot of mortars??

It's been too long since I've played CC2, but I did usually take an early mortar, sometimes two. However, I think your arguments against it may change my decision on that.

In CC5/LSA I tend to take two or three, especially when defending and/or if I lack tanks. Partly because saving points to buy more units isn't really a factor; even in LSA I've only ever had to worry about running out of points when I got into heavy tank vs tank combat. Partly because, with 15 minute timer, there really is only enough time to kill enemies and then plunge straight ahead until I find more enemy to kill--LSA's too big maps exacerbate that problem--and mortars don't have that much time to sit around pointlessly after using their ammo/smoke. Lately I've been using longer timers (played around with 1 hour, but think it is too long so am trying 30 min now) and actually have time to maneuver around so have been cutting back on the number of mortars I take and focusing more on capturing ground with infantry instead of killing with mortars.

Try it without mortars and see how you get on. They're not "bad", but they're just not my cup of tea. And the last sentence is exactly my point, with more 'active' squads you can capture ground, flank or attack etc which you can't do with mortars.

I know that 20 or 30 minutes is what most people play on in the later games. Mainly this is for multiplayer, but it's good to prevent player fatigue in single player too.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far

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