Donald Trumph
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#1: Donald Trumph Author: Sapa PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:24 pm
I feel quite sad when one of the best countries in the world through his president attacks Sweden, who always tried to stand for human rights and fought against the Russians for centuries ... I hope this is not what the United States as a nation stands for.....

I still do not understand how a nation can be like to have such a person as their leader also feel very sorry for how the world will look like in the future...its real sad.
I thought that Mr. Bush started the invasion and occupation of Iraq and sparked wars wars in the Middle East was the worst but I was wrong....and I wanted a secure future for my children, but it does not look so damn good ...


#2: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:49 pm
I wouldn't say it was an attack Sapa. It was certainly a lie, mistruth, post-truth, truthiness, alternative fact, not what I really meant kind of statement.

A long the lines of how you feel about the US I feel the same way. I respected the US much more during the Bush era than I do now. The Obama era was largely positive and things "got better" generally from my point of view. The Washington juggernaut will keep a balance in what Trump has plans for.

#3: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Sapa PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 5:01 pm
Not meant to be some kind of attack, but still felt like our world was coming to some kind of direction before last American president. It was so very nice and reassuring when you saw American soldiers move through the old Eastern Europe ...

#4: Re: Donald Trumph Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:13 pm
I liked this one, thanks Sweden......

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#5: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Sapa PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:39 pm
And scrapping cars without defects..thankyou USA....

#6: Re: Donald Trumph Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:11 am
Trump's comment wasn't an attack on Sweden, per se. Rather it was bullshit* intended for domestic consumption: "I'll protect you from scary foreigners. The Swedes took in a lot of scary foreigners so bad things must be happening there as a result--otherwise the foreigners don't look as scary. Don't let bad thing happen here like happen in Sweden. Support me and I'll keep the scary foreigners out!"

*In Harry G. Frankfurt's meaning of 'speech intended to persuade, without regard for truth'.

#7: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:21 am
He's what Trump said -
No mention of Terrorists or terror attacks. Sadly once again the MSM make a story out of nothing. Unless someone else to show otherwise, it's another storm in a tea cup.

#8: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:17 pm
Not sure what you mean Sod. The MSM is holding him accountable for what he says. In this case what he said was bullshit and everybody knew it, they compelled him to explain his comments.

#9: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:34 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Not sure what you mean Sod. The MSM is holding him accountable for what he says. In this case what he said was bullshit and everybody knew it, they compelled him to explain his comments.

So what did he say other than talking about the rise of crime in Sweden due to immigrants. Rightly or wrongly. The rest is made up. I too thought he was trash talking, fake news spreading and wrong. Forget what the media says and listen to what he actually said.

#10: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:51 am
I heard what he said and he implied that something serious happened the previous night. I don't think there was any fake news made up, just people wondering why he said that, and calls for him to explain. What am I missing?

#11: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 5:26 am
Here's the Fox News segment - scroll down to it -
Sadly once again MSM creating anti Trump news. What you are missing is called facts. That is, not what the media attempts to feed a public paranoia. No where does Trump say terrorist, attacks or anything else close. It's another case of the biased media making up stories and calling them facts - Russian hacking and electoral Interference and classic examples. Look for what Trump says and not what he doesn't say. I really an't believe people can't see this for what it is - Fake News.

#12: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:27 pm
Speculation is not fake news. Opinion articles are not fake news. Given Trumps history about what he thinks Middle Eastern immigrants may do in the USA, its natural for any media to assume he's referencing terrorism. When Trump gives these half truths, lies, fiction, fantasies, sentences with no context, the media's job is to call him out. They did, he explained, mission accomplished.

#13: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:50 pm
That's fine for the media to print the truth. But here clearly is another example of Fake News. Trump never mentioned anything that says terrorist attack etc. The media purposely planted the idea and that makes it's fake. When it's against other countries it's propaganda. Second guessing by the media says a lot for the MSM today.

#14: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:05 pm
They didn't plant the idea of a terrorist attack, Trump did. Media reported and speculated on what he meant, that's not fake news. I know your classifying news that leans to far one way as fake.  Trump said "maybe the second-amendment people could do something about Hillary Clinton" and the media speculated on what he meant. Also not fake news. He implied something but did not fully explain it. It leads people to form their own explanations, and the media. Absolutely not fake news.

Another example... Seven exoplants discovered orbiting a dwarf star. They could harbour life. We have no idea. Fake news? No.

This has been going on for decades and decades. Why is it only fake now?

Second guessing media. Sure, they do that. They do that because they have no idea what Trump means when he says things.

#15: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 3:30 am
Second guessing media. Sure, they do that. They do that because they have no idea what Trump means when he says things.[/quote]

Well that's called research and asking Trump or his Aides questions about his statements. It's fake, they made it up. trump never mentions terror attacks or terrorism. Only the media did. When has it been acceptable for the media to guess facts - WMD's in Iraq, Sarin gas use by Assad,White Helmets deserve a Noble Peace nomination - all fake.

#16: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 4:02 am
Trump went on to reference places that had terror attacks immediately following his Sweden statement. On Saturday he clarified what he meant after his administration faced questions. He implied something happened in the context of terrorism and keeping safe.

"Here's the bottom line. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening. We've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany, you look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this. Sweden. They took in large numbers. They're having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening in Brussels. You look at what's happening all over the world. Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris. We've allowed thousands and thousands of people into our country and there was no way to vet those people. There was no documentation. There was no nothing. So we're going to keep our country safe."

Even Reuters said Trump appeared to invent Sweden terror incident.

#17: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 6:01 am
The statement that had MSM frothing at the mouth contained nothing to do with any terror attacks. The Fox doco he referred to clearly explains his thoughts and reasoning. I have been the first to have a dig at US politics in the past. I'm surprised at continued media attacks upon Trump. I don't like Trump but believe he is better than a Establishment Politician such as Clinton. This maybe be new media tactics in the US but the certainly aren't when it comes to International media reporting. Funny enough Clinton was the MSM pick during the elections and at all costs.

Media use to research and investigate articles and stories before going to air. Today sadly most publish verbatim Govt releases. This leads to the Fake News as we have been seeing for sometime.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree once again. But it is a sad day when Fox News is correctly covering this incident and others like the US Elections. That must worry some people looking for the truth. It wasn't that long ago Fox was the worst. Have they improved or the other MSM lowered their standards ?

#18: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:20 pm
Oooops.  Keep going with that blaming the mainstream media.  It is all an international conspiracy victimizing Trump's billionaire good ole boys club.  AG Jeff Sessions said he should have "slowed down" and that is the reason why he lied....errr..."forgot" he did have meetings with the Russian Spy.  Russian ambassador.  

Russia was extremely successful in causing chaos.  But the U.S. political system is hopelessly corrupt.  Putin just helped the Republican party fall on its own sword.  Nobody forced Manafort, Sessions, Flynn and Trump's son in law to meet with the Russians multiple times.  Including at the Republican convention in Cleveland.

#19: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 7:33 pm
Putin might be the most savvy politician in modern political history.  He is also the wealthiest man on the planet.  And his Prime Minister Medvedev has multiple palaces that were recently filmed by drone cameras.  One of Putin's rivals that is trying to oust him in the next Russian election posted the drone videos.

#20: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 9:04 pm
Putin is definitely playing the long game. There's so much more you can plan and accomplish when you are the leader for long. Probably some merits in there but the term limits the USA and other democratic countries use have many more merits.

I think the majority of the Russia stuff with Sessions is bullshit. He did lie though, thats the main issue. Its being played out just like Clinton's emails and being added to the whole "Russian thing." If Russia did interfere, (and why wouldn't they) their main goal was probably to de-legitimize democracy, make it seem like Russia is right or better kind of thing. I doubt theres any nefarious deal in the books between Trump and Putin. Trump has definitely not been truthful with his business dealings with Russia. There is a lot of truth missing in all of this.

The hypocrisy level of all this is absolutely staggering.

The wiretap thing. Wow. More bullshit. Fake news created by the master of fake himself. I hope for the sake of the USA that this isn't what its going to be like for next four years.

In Canada we are dealing with Alberta job losses due to oil economy, Ontario hydro rates are through the roof, and pictures of our Prime Minister that show his pecks and six pack and how handsome he is.

#21: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:43 am
[quote="dj";p="86170"]Oooops.  Keep going with that blaming the mainstream media.  It is all an international conspiracy victimizing Trump's billionaire good ole boys club.  AG Jeff Sessions said he should have "slowed down" and that is the reason why he lied....errr..."forgot" he did have meetings with the Russian Spy.  Russian ambassador.  

USA paranoia, still no evidence that the Russians had anything to do with the Elections. Pelosi has also met with Russian's and others. Big deal, only the paranoid worry. Sadly your media only reports what you want to hear ( most of MSM - Fox has have covered the ).

Putin the wealthiest man on the planet..........what are you smoking. Look up the wealthiest people then wonder where are the Duponts, Rothchilds etc. You must be from a pro cannabis state.

Mooxe - US security have already admitted to wire tap of Trump's people before and during campaign with the use of court orders. The grounds for this remain shady. Clapper denies this but with all of his lies who would know. Trump is hoping to find the golden bullet to put an end to all this Soro's backed opposition.

Evidence is everything and paranoia is nothing. No evidence on the Russian's but MSM reports it as truth and have done of months. That also applies to Trump - he needs to put up or go home. Some evidence in the last two days but no Trump Tower tapping....yet. Sadly USA is slow pulling apart over absolute rubbish by those who still want power.

Great doco - Ukraine on Fire. You will see most of the same protagonist - Soro's, McCain, Clinton etc.

#22: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:18 am
So you're saying Trump's people were being wiretapped before the campaign?

#23: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:28 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
So you're saying Trump's people were being wiretapped before the campaign?

Bad wording by me - surveillance, investigate.....what ever you want to call it. Electronic surveillance at the very least.

#24: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:28 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):
mooxe wrote (View Post):
So you're saying Trump's people were being wiretapped before the campaign?

Bad wording by me - surveillance, investigate.....what ever you want to call it. Electronic surveillance at the very least.  

Try this one -

#25: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:21 am
The Russian are at it again -

#26: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:48 pm
The NZ Herald summarizes whats going on and offers no proof of its own, or proof of wiretapping. Also says they have no evidence.

#27: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:39 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
The NZ Herald summarizes whats going on and offers no proof of its own, or proof of wiretapping. Also says they have no evidence.

This just breaking news give it a chance. More to follow. Interested to know if any of this was reported in US media or is it all one way. Lets face it they have published numerous unfinished stories on Trump - the women who have accused him of indecent acts ( maybe not the right wording ), ties to Russia, business in Russia and so forth.

#28: Re: Donald Trumph Author: reconscoutLocation: U.S.A. PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:04 pm
Where I live we swung from being a very pro Democrat party majority state to being neutral 50/50 while POTUS Obama was in power. He and his party forgot about the working class and middle class. I was a member of the Democratic Party until the party left me and went to far left. I am now an independent. I still vote for more Democrats then Republicans but not by much. In the election my state which is usually solidly Democrat went for Trump instead. During Obama's time we lost a large number of jobs when factories moved out of the country to Mexico and China but all the Democrats talked about was "white privilege", "black lives mater", open boarders and transgender bathrooms. I am not wild about either Trump or Clinton, it was like choosing the lesser of two evils. I want to give Trump a chance just like I would if Clinton won but our press is very unfair and attacks everything he does. He is no angle but the press overlooked many of the things Clinton did and just focused on him. The funny thing is before he ran for president no one called him any of the things they accuse him of now. He was even thought to be a Democrat and his daughter was friends with the Clinton's daughter.

#29: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 9:09 pm
reconscout - What you have said appears to be what the more moderate media outlets are saying to. I am at a loss to understand the constant partisan media on Trump which started basically day one of him announcing that he was running in the Repub's. I can fully understand why people wouldn't vote Democrats also after many years in office with less job prospects, massive foreign debt ( 4 in one Obama term alone ) and a failed foreign policy and a total lack of Domestic Policy. Already the stock market is showing improvement and Trump is looking foremost to a Domestic Policy first before anything else - USA and it's people.

As you say he needs to be given a chance and the likes of Soro and Obama need to retire to the golf course. There is still plenty to come with the surveillance accusations also - Obama change of Security Law less than 3 weeks before leaving office among other things.

All the best.

#30: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:10 pm
New Wikileaks Documents on CIA hacking -
Interesting to see that the CIA are using other countries hacking tools to hide the actions and put the blame on others.

#31: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:12 pm
US Frankfurt Consulate - Black site for hackers -

#32: Russia, if youre listening... Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 7:04 pm
The Russians hacked the election to help Trump. Although flat-earthers in the White House and elsewhere continue to dispute this, it is a generally accepted conclusion within the greater narrative of this scandal. Further, damning allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians in this effort are agonizingly being borne out as denials of Russian communication with campaign associates are proven false and new channels of contact between them become known.

While such communication would not be in itself criminal, the Steele dossier alleges that quid pro quos were exchanged for the Russian interference, in particular "to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as a campaign issue and raise US/NATO defence commitments to deflect attention away from Ukraine". The Trump campaign executed both of these actions during the GOP convention when Trump's now infamous comments questioning US commitment to NATO in the Baltics were made, and the campaign led the GOP platform committee to soften its support for Ukraine.

In the latter case Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort, a figure with extensive ro-Russian involvement in Ukraine, categorically denied any effort by the campaign to change the GOP platform - "It absolutely did not come from the Trump campaign," Manafort told NBC's "Meet the Press". However, a week ago JD Gordon, a campaign staffer at the convention who previously denied participation on the Ukraine issue, admitted he "advocated for the GOP platform to include language against arming Ukrainians against pro-Russian rebels". Hard to credit Manafort's lie then as anything other than part of a continuing effort to cover up campaign collusion with the Russians.

As the investigative noose tightens more relatively low-level dupes like Gordon will come forward with corroborating evidence as they seek to distance themselves from what will become a historic political Chernobyl. The void of evidence following Trump's tweets accusing Obama posits that the intelligence community developed information on the core charge of collusion in the course of what would otherwise be considered routine counterintelligence activities were it not for the fact that a US presidential candidate was involved. To paraphrase Deep Throat's 'just follow the money' in Watergate, the IC followed the Russians revolving around Trump.

It's going to be a bloodbath as the stakes have reached the level that the players, individual and institutional, aren't just gambling reputations, careers and potential incarceration but also which side of history to be on. I fake pity poor Mike Pence who is looking at becoming an incumbent president with little chance of even being the next nominee for what will be an unviable national party.

#33: Re: Russia, if youre listening... Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 4:14 am
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
The Russians hacked the election to help Trump. Although flat-earthers in the White House and elsewhere continue to dispute this, it is a generally accepted conclusion within the greater narrative of this scandal. Further, damning allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians in this effort are agonizingly being borne out as denials of Russian communication with campaign associates are proven false and new channels of contact between them become known.

While such communication would not be in itself criminal, the Steele dossier alleges that quid pro quos were exchanged for the Russian interference, in particular "to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as a campaign issue and raise US/NATO defence commitments to deflect attention away from Ukraine". The Trump campaign executed both of these actions during the GOP convention when Trump's now infamous comments questioning US commitment to NATO in the Baltics were made, and the campaign led the GOP platform committee to soften its support for Ukraine.

In the latter case Trump's campaign manager Paul Manafort, a figure with extensive ro-Russian involvement in Ukraine, categorically denied any effort by the campaign to change the GOP platform - "It absolutely did not come from the Trump campaign," Manafort told NBC's "Meet the Press". However, a week ago JD Gordon, a campaign staffer at the convention who previously denied participation on the Ukraine issue, admitted he "advocated for the GOP platform to include language against arming Ukrainians against pro-Russian rebels". Hard to credit Manafort's lie then as anything other than part of a continuing effort to cover up campaign collusion with the Russians.

As the investigative noose tightens more relatively low-level dupes like Gordon will come forward with corroborating evidence as they seek to distance themselves from what will become a historic political Chernobyl. The void of evidence following Trump's tweets accusing Obama posits that the intelligence community developed information on the core charge of collusion in the course of what would otherwise be considered routine counterintelligence activities were it not for the fact that a US presidential candidate was involved. To paraphrase Deep Throat's 'just follow the money' in Watergate, the IC followed the Russians revolving around Trump.

It's going to be a bloodbath as the stakes have reached the level that the players, individual and institutional, aren't just gambling reputations, careers and potential incarceration but also which side of history to be on. I fake pity poor Mike Pence who is looking at becoming an incumbent president with little chance of even being the next nominee for what will be an unviable national party.

Can you show one shred of evidence of this fairy tale please.

#34: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:54 am
mick_xe5 - On the Ukraine subject alone you must watch " Must See Ukraine 2013 Eng Subs " or Oliver Stone's ( an American ) Ukraine on Fire. Both damning reports on how USA funded the Ukraine coup. Names like Vic Nuland, US Ukraine Ambass G Pyatt, McCain, Chevron Oil amongst many others. US not alone - Netherlands also funded the Maidan - funny how they are in charge of the investigation into MH17. Ukraine on Fire will be hard to find though. Most Western media refuse to show it.

Sorry but the rest of your story is straight out of 1930's Germany propaganda.

#35: Re: Russia, if youre listening... Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:30 pm
"Can you show one shred of evidence of this fairy tale please."

Exactly the question the world is asking Trump concerning his wiretap tweets.

re: "my story"
I must admit to having stolen 'my story' from a wide spectrum of the int'l media. The Obama tweets and recent Wikileaks' CIA release, the timing of which Im sure was purely coincidental, raises an ominous prospect - to what lengths will this beleaguered administration go to distract and divert as the multiple investigations zero in?

#36: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 6:54 pm
Wikileaks have already gone somewhat to prove it's possible ( not evidence ) but the certainly is more waiting to come out on this story. You just have to be patient.

Sadly in the USA today finding people with the knowledge to investigate their own Org's and get to the truth has been an issues since at least the Vietnam war. I did say previous he needs to put up. But equally US Security Agencies ( the 17 major ones at least ) you would think between them with all their tech should be able to produce one shred on evidence against Trump and the Russians. Wikileaks has it right - all of the accusations of hacking, election interference etc was the CIA themselves and the hacking and fingerprint tools go somewhat to proving it.

Did you check out the Ukraine nonsense. Another great video is of Soro's saying how he provided moneys to groups in the coup and aided the coup.

#37: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:17 pm
Oooops! National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn,  this week finally disclosed he was a paid Lobbyist for Turkey while receiving Classified briefing after the election.  On the day of the Election he posted a clearly paid article asking to extradite Turkish national.  And Mike Pence said he was not aware of this and Flynn's meetings with Russia either.  Oops! Again.  Mike Pence got caught in lie.  Letter dated in November on official government business was sent directly to him.  Virtually impossible for him not to know.

#38: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 9:21 pm
Trump surrogate and staunch ally Nigel Farage just met with Wikileaks founder Asange.

#39: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:48 am
[quote="dj";p="86205"]Oooops! National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn,  this week finally disclosed he was a paid Lobbyist for Turkey while receiving Classified briefing after the election.  On the day of the Election he posted a clearly paid article asking to extradite Turkish national.  And Mike Pence said he was not aware of this and Flynn's meetings with Russia either.  Oops! Again.  Mike Pence got caught in lie.  Letter dated in November on official government business was sent directly to him.  Virtually impossible for him not to know.

I thought Lobbyists and all it's forms were legal or is that just for the Multinats. Clinton's and the Russian mining company - Bill C paid 10x usual speaking fee and Russians granted US mining rights for Uranium. All politicians lie, it's the nature of the beast. Lucky for Trump he's a new politician.

Farage can meet with anyone one he wants. Only the paranoid would and could say otherwise. Assange's Wikileaks is a good place to visit when looking for the truth. To date nothing published or released by them has been discredited............unlike MSM. After all is it the truth you were writing about. So Assange and Wikileaks must be hero's to you I guess.

#40: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:41 pm
DJ - If you really want to find a Trump failure look no further than his latest policy of boots on the ground in Syria. It's an illegal action - act of war. The sort of thing that he stood against at the elections. It is clearly a criminal act.

#41: Re: Donald Trumph Author: WilliamTheSilent PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:32 pm
145 Million Dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation after the uranium with Ukraine/Russia deal by people who benefitted from the deal. Bill got paid half a million for a speech in Russia. Both Clintons have been paid millions for speeches on Wallstreet and countries like Saudi Arabia.
We're talking about improper connections with Putin regime, or questionable regimes?

And now the Clintons political career is over and the money stops coming in for the Clinton Foundation. Weird. It's being closed.
All the "charity" work will be stopped. Sad.

Al smoke and screens to accuse Trump, who was investigated by the FBI and according to the Obama FBI (and CIA) had no improper connections to Russia.

If you don't like somebody you tend to believe anything bad that is said about that person. Because you want to believe it's true. You lose objectiveness.
It's hard to stay objective.

The media knows that.

Give Trump a chance. What do we really know about him? He has no political history, but speaks to the heart of many americans. And more every day.
The anti-Trumpers are a minority with lots of outlets and they scream hard to make them sound like a majority voice.

Btw he is working on keeping his campaign promises. Very rare for politicians.
He gets my thumbs up for his first few months.

#42: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:07 pm
What do we really know about him?

A lot?

He's been in the media almost his entire career. His actions, comments, business tactics are all in the open to see. He even wrote books about himself and had a TV show about himself. We know he has business interests all over the world and so do some of his children.

What exactly do we not know? His taxes for one. Secondly, what he's going to do to the USA. Give Trump a chance? The bar, is on the floor.

#43: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:44 pm
Do you want a border wall or do you want to stop illegal immigration?

Repeal the ACA? Make it better don't repeal it.

Why the massive focus on a 120 day travel ban when more people die from murder each week than terrorism every year in the US? What is extreme vetting compared to how legal immigration happens now?

Why does the largest and most modern military in the world need a 54 billion dollar increase in budget?

These things don't make sense. Priorities are completely backwards.

#44: Re: Donald Trumph Author: WilliamTheSilent PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 12:45 am
Why does the largest and most modern military in the world need a 54 billion dollar increase in budget?

I would say:
Sweden, Poland, etc are getting nervous about Russia.
China is expending it's terratory and growing it's military (is there a threat to China?).

101st Airborne complains that half it's airplanes are out of service due to lack of maintenance.

#45: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 1:16 am
Maybe it will go to building another 76 warships like Trump mentioned. That leaves nothing for the 101st Airborne. Make America great again by sinking more money in the military so we can deploy close to other countries we want a better relationship with? Is there a better way? It's a confusing message.

#46: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:58 am
WilliamTheSilent wrote (View Post):
Why does the largest and most modern military in the world need a 54 billion dollar increase in budget?

I would say:
Sweden, Poland, etc are getting nervous about Russia.
China is expending it's territory and growing it's military (is there a threat to China?).

101st Airborne complains that half it's airplanes are out of service due to lack of maintenance.

Sweden is more nervous about immigrants and Poland is more worried about Ukrainian Nationalists than Russia.

US military is 1990's tech - tanks M1A1, F35 Flying Brick, aircraft carrier that can't go out to sea and a new sub that's having issues now to. It's not an increase that's needed by quality weapons. China's rights to the Spratleys far out dates anyone else. Whether that means ownership is another thing today.

#47: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:53 am
Last Tuesday the House Intel chair, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-CA, defended Trump in a curious manner - ‘‘The president is a neophyte to politics — he’s been doing this a little over a year. I think a lot of the things he says, I think you guys sometimes take literally." In essence Nunes doesnt believe Trump knows what he's doing as POTUS or sometimes even what he's saying.

3/12/17 quote of the day - 'There's a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede.' - Sen. John McCain R-AZ

#48: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:28 am
WilliamTheSilent wrote (View Post):
101st Airborne complains that half it's airplanes are out of service due to lack of maintenance.
You misunderstood that Fox News report. The 101st's 200 aircraft (helicopters not airplanes) were reduced to 100 when its 159th Combat Aviation Brigade was disbanded two years ago.

mooxe wrote:
Do you want a border wall or do you want to stop illegal immigration?
The runner-up for quote of the day came from Rep. King (R-IA) "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."

#49: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 6:41 pm
3/12/17 quote of the day - 'There's a lot more shoes to drop from this centipede.' - Sen. John McCain R-AZ[/quote]

I wouldn't be quoting McCain the guy that has been actively meeting with Al Baghdadi the head of ISIS. What is his capacity anyway when he is conducting these meetings and who for ?

#50: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 7:19 pm

Actively meeting the leader of ISIS? What does that mean? Where did you get this information from?

#51: Re: Donald Trumph Author: WilliamTheSilent PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:05 am
Years of budget cuts and attempts to cap troop levels in Afghanistan have wreaked havoc on helicopter mechanics and pilots with the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne, according to senior officers within the air assault division.
Congressional attempts to trim federal deficits, along with policies enacted by former President Barack Obama, have degraded readiness at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, and whittled down its forces to one aviation brigade

I would say this is probably going on in the whole military after 8 years of pacifist Obama.

Our dutch military has suffered the same fate after years of the same kind of leadership. It's cut up in small pieces that cannot work together.
My friends that serve with the army say it will take years to restore the damage that is done by the pacifistic minded government.
They say it's ridicules what has been done. A scandal.

Before WW2 the same thing happened. Hitler was building an army and everybody ignored it. Now China and Russia are doing the same. Why?
Because they are afraid the US will invade them?

#52: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:36 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):

Actively meeting the leader of ISIS? What does that mean? Where did you get this information from?

It's old information / news. McCain won't talk about these meeting except to say he meets with moderate rebels in Syria.

#53: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:38 am
Not the above clip -

#54: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 3:45 am
Don't be too surprised. McCain has admitted to going to Syria often and recently. This is the same guy that promoted the coup in the Ukraine remember.

#55: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 11:54 am
WilliamTheSilent wrote (View Post):
145 Million Dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation after the uranium with Ukraine/Russia deal by people who benefitted from the deal. Bill got paid half a million for a speech in Russia. Both Clintons have been paid millions for speeches on Wallstreet and countries like Saudi Arabia. We're talking about improper connections with Putin regime, or questionable regimes?
You might fact check Snopes on that uranium deal. Not nearly the 'scandal' the alt-right would have us believe. And yes, commonplace pay-to-play corruption isnt on par with colluding with Russia to subvert a presidential election. Even had this not occurred Trump continues to prove himself emotionally and intellectually unfit for the office. The latent ethno-nationalist faction in this country would prefer a more polished, presentable Führer but theyre more than happy to putsch with the guy they got.

Having served in the 1st Cav Division during its transition from air mobile to armored I'd recommend not lending too much credence to the 101st's griping. Allocated only one Combat Aviation Brigade like other divisions they dont feel airborne special anymore. Maintenance and readiness are more reflective of op tempo, something that wouldnt be an issue had pacifism prevailed in '03 when the hawks chose a strategically catastrophic war in Iraq when any armchair historian knew that Afghanistan, the deathbed of empires, was going to be all/more than we could handle.

#56: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 2:14 pm
Trump spokesmodel Kellyanne Conway earned widespread derision for yesterday's quote of the day, "There are many ways to surveil someone...microwaves that turn into cameras". In her defense I believe she totally failed to comprehend the difference between imagery sensing using the microwave radio spectrum and the ubiquitous kitchen appliance.

Such gaffes are always likely when body temperature IQs attempt to obfuscate.

#57: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:01 am
And yes, commonplace pay-to-play corruption isnt on par with colluding with Russia to subvert a presidential election. Even had this not occurred Trump continues to prove himself emotionally and intellectually unfit for the office. The latent ethno-nationalist faction in this country would prefer a more polished, presentable Führer but theyre more than happy to putsch with the guy they got.

Can you provide just one piece of evidence of Trump or his campaign " colluding with Russia to subvert a presidential election ". If you can you are a far better person than anyone else, as no one else has to date given any evidence to back up your claim or the claims of MSM and Democrat party among others. Paranoia and propaganda make people see things that just aren't there.

All politicians make fools of themselves at some stage -

#58: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:07 am
....or maybe this one -

#59: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:54 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Can you provide just one piece of evidence ...
Which brings us to the quote of the day for Wednesday 3/12/17 - "We don’t have any evidence that that took place. In fact, I don’t believe — in the last week of time, people we’ve talked to, I don’t think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower. If Mr. Trump’s Twitter claim is to be taken literally then clearly the president is wrong.” ~ Rep. Devin Nunes, R-CA, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Talk about Donnie T taking a pie to the face on Pi Day. Although I think Nunes was being overly charitable. The characterization "wrong" seems a tad too centrist if you ask me. On a good day I'd have gone with 'false. On a bad one, probably a fifty cent adjective like 'mendacious'.

Im betting on Carter Page as the early favorite to take up permanent residence in a Russian dacha. Manafort is likely dirtier but, with a name like his, the coming blockbuster screenplay should have him taking his lumps in Guantanamo like a Man. That's assuming he doesnt catch a lethal dose of the Putin flu that's been going around. What's truly curious is how Trump collected his remarkable cadre of Russophile agents. Luck? Coincidence? A friendly memo from the GRU?

#60: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:47 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Can you provide just one piece of evidence ...
Which brings us to the quote of the day for Wednesday 3/12/17 - "We don’t have any evidence that that took place. In fact, I don’t believe — in the last week of time, people we’ve talked to, I don’t think there was an actual tap of Trump Tower. If Mr. Trump’s Twitter claim is to be taken literally then clearly the president is wrong.” ~ Rep. Devin Nunes, R-CA, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Talk about Donnie T taking a pie to the face on Pi Day. Although I think Nunes was being overly charitable. The characterization "wrong" seems a tad too centrist if you ask me. On a good day I'd have gone with 'false. On a bad one, probably a fifty cent adjective like 'mendacious'.

Im betting on Carter Page as the early favorite to take up permanent residence in a Russian dacha. Manafort is likely dirtier but, with a name like his, the coming blockbuster screenplay should have him taking his lumps in Guantanamo like a Man. That's assuming he doesnt catch a lethal dose of the Putin flu that's been going around. What's truly curious is how Trump collected his remarkable cadre of Russophile agents. Luck? Coincidence? A friendly memo from the GRU?

Exactly. Like I have been saying, Trump to needs to front up with the evidence too. this story has finished playing out yet. The good people at Wikileaks have only released 1% of their CIA file. As for the rest that's some heavy paranoia going on in your mind.

#61: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:42 am
We should find out if the FBI, and presumably the CIA and NSA are also 'heavily paranoid' about Trump colluding with the Russians next week, if not sooner. Keep in mind that the FBI found the allegations in the Steele dossier legitimate enough to want to pay him to continue his investigation before Buzzfeed published and Steele decided to inoculate himself from accidental polonium poisoning by going to ground. Methinks the FBI was conducting its own investigation along the same lines at that time and 'no comment' on that is bad news for Trump otherwise we surely would have gotten leaks by now from congressional GOP types that, like Trump's accusatory tweets, there exists no supporting evidence.

To quote Fox's Shepard Smith, hardly a wild-eyed liberal reporter - "There’s been lying about who you talk to, and by lots of people and almost inevitably and invariably, they were lying about talking to the Russians, about something. It’s too much lying and too much Russia and too much smoke.”  Its almost as if he''s prepping the Fox News audience to get their ideological fire extinguishers ready in case their craniums spontaneously ignite as this crime unravels.

I envision Roger Stone taking the easy way out in a swan dive from the top of Trump Tower. Jared, who succeeded his daddy at the helm of Kushner Inc after Christie put him in jail, might want Ivanka to start designing matching orange jumpsuits.

#62: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:35 am
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
We should find out if the FBI, and presumably the CIA and NSA are also 'heavily paranoid' about Trump colluding with the Russians next week, if not sooner. Keep in mind that the FBI found the allegations in the Steele dossier legitimate enough to want to pay him to continue his investigation before Buzzfeed published and Steele decided to inoculate himself from accidental polonium poisoning by going to ground. Methinks the FBI was conducting its own investigation along the same lines at that time and 'no comment' on that is bad news for Trump otherwise we surely would have gotten leaks by now from congressional GOP types that, like Trump's accusatory tweets, there exists no supporting evidence.

To quote Fox's Shepard Smith, hardly a wild-eyed liberal reporter - "There’s been lying about who you talk to, and by lots of people and almost inevitably and invariably, they were lying about talking to the Russians, about something. It’s too much lying and too much Russia and too much smoke.”  Its almost as if he''s prepping the Fox News audience to get their ideological fire extinguishers ready in case their craniums spontaneously ignite as this crime unravels.

I envision Roger Stone taking the easy way out in a swan dive from the top of Trump Tower. Jared, who succeeded his daddy at the helm of Kushner Inc after Christie put him in jail, might want Ivanka to start designing matching orange jumpsuits.

The only way for the CIA, FBI , NSA and all the rest to keep their inflated budgets so high is to keep enemies in the public eye even if it means creating a few. The same goes for the military who also have the same enemies. There is no money in peace but lots in conflict. That's why it's so profitable in supplying these moderate terrorist group that the US has been doing. sadly trump did say that wouldn't continue but is. Bush Family business is now the world biggest private weapons supplier - Carlyle Group. Fmr Brit PM - Thatcher's son was another weapons supplier etc.

While the public believes these lies, the tax payer lines the pockets of these warmongers. US military budget now exceeds the next eight countries military budgets combined. wouldn't like to guess the budget for the 17 major US Security Agencies either.

Proof is everything, paranoia is for the weak minded. Trump needs to front over the Trump tower business as do the rest over Russian hacking and election influence. Both to

#63: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:36 pm
The chain of logic proposing, without proof, that the US intelligence community manufactured and continues to press a non-existant Trump-Russia plot to maintain inflated budgets irrationally ignores the fact that Trump now both submits and approves their budgeting. That notion sounds more than a little...weak minded. Were budget inflation their goal you'd expect the IC to be tripping on their dicks right now to dismiss any implication that the Trump was involved.

On the subject of 'proof' - barring a confession from one of Trump's accomplices, an unlikely event until the inevitable plea bargaining occurs, proof of Trump's treason resides entirely within the IC. Which means the public will never have that proof, we will ever only have media reports of it. So what better way to ensure continuing 'shadow of doubt' than brand the media as 'fake'. Of course this tactic fails when the branding campaign cant reconcile undeniable facts with their so-called 'fake' reporting. As was the case with the IC leaks about Flynn/Kislyak. Trump proceded to create a vignette where the leaks were true but the reporting on them wasnt. This in combination with concerted effort to frame the leaks themselves as the problem rather than the damaging information they contained. Machiavelli doesnt mix well with MC Escher ;)

And how bleeping stupid is Flynn? Unbelievable that an intelligence honcho would call Kislyak, violate the Logan Act, then lie about it without considering Kislyak's phone is always being monitored. Its like Flynn learned all his tradecraft in elementary school. Now another centipede shoe drops. In Flynn's foreign agent filing, we learn that Flynn paid the FBI agent who, two weeks later in October, claimed a State Department official had asked him to ensure that one of Clinton’s emails not be deemed classified in return for a budgeting favor from the State Dept. After the media hoopla passed and the collateral damage had been done to the Clinton campaign that agent later admitted he had proposed the quid pro quo, not the State official.

Do you guys hear that drumming in the distance? Three booming beats and what sounds like a growing chant. If you put your ear to the ground you can almost decipher the words... LOCK HIM UP!

#64: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:41 pm
The quote of the day for Wed 3/15 is an extended one featuring Tucker Carlson's interview with Trump:

TRUMP - “I had been reading about things. I read in, I think it was January 20, a New York Times article where they were talking about wiretapping. There was an article, I think they used that exact term.”

CARLSON - “Why not wait to tweet about it until you can prove it? Don’t you devalue your words when you can’t provide evidence?”

TRUMP - “Because the New York Times wrote about it. Not that I respect the New York Times. I call it the failing New York Times. But they did write, on January 20, using the word ‘wiretap.’ Other people have come out with – "

CARLSON - “Right, but you’re the President! You have the ability to gather all the evidence you want.”

TRUMP - “I do, I do, but I think that frankly we have a lot right now. And I think if you watched the Brett Baier and what he was saying, and what he was talking about, and how he mentioned the word wiretap, you would feel very confident that you could mention the name. He mentioned it. And other people have mentioned it.
1. Trump defends himself first with an NYT report that in no way substantiates his accusation.
2. When challenged Trump falls back on the NYT report while simultaneously declaring he doesnt respect the NYT?!? Possibly because the public does respect the NYT?
3. When challenged further Trump shifts his defense to Fox News reporting which also doesnt substantiate his accusation.
4. Trump claims 'we have a lot' of evidence to back his accusation.

In other news today the Senate Intel Committee states "based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016." House Speaker Ryan puts it more bluntly "no such wiretap existed".

#65: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:52 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
The chain of logic proposing, without proof, that the US intelligence community manufactured and continues to press a non-existant Trump-Russia plot to maintain inflated budgets irrationally ignores the fact that Trump now both submits and approves their budgeting. That notion sounds more than a little...weak minded. Were budget inflation their goal you'd expect the IC to be tripping on their dicks right now to dismiss any implication that the Trump was involved.

On the subject of 'proof' - barring a confession from one of Trump's accomplices, an unlikely event until the inevitable plea bargaining occurs, proof of Trump's treason resides entirely within the IC. Which means the public will never have that proof, we will ever only have media reports of it. So what better way to ensure continuing 'shadow of doubt' than brand the media as 'fake'. Of course this tactic fails when the branding campaign cant reconcile undeniable facts with their so-called 'fake' reporting. As was the case with the IC leaks about Flynn/Kislyak. Trump proceded to create a vignette where the leaks were true but the reporting on them wasnt. This in combination with concerted effort to frame the leaks themselves as the problem rather than the damaging information they contained. Machiavelli doesnt mix well with MC Escher ;)

And how bleeping stupid is Flynn? Unbelievable that an intelligence honcho would call Kislyak, violate the Logan Act, then lie about it without considering Kislyak's phone is always being monitored. Its like Flynn learned all his tradecraft in elementary school. Now another centipede shoe drops. In Flynn's foreign agent filing, we learn that Flynn paid the FBI agent who, two weeks later in October, claimed a State Department official had asked him to ensure that one of Clinton’s emails not be deemed classified in return for a budgeting favor from the State Dept. After the media hoopla passed and the collateral damage had been done to the Clinton campaign that agent later admitted he had proposed the quid pro quo, not the State official.

Do you guys hear that drumming in the distance? Three booming beats and what sounds like a growing chant. If you put your ear to the ground you can almost decipher the words... LOCK HIM UP!

The latest on Flynn from MSM is that he meet with RT - a state funded media Org. Big deal, so is the BBC and in recent years the BBC along with most of MSM are guilty of fake news - ( Russia electoral influence ) and misreporting news - ( WMD's in Iraq ). Flynn isn't the only person who's been paid by a foreign business or country. The Clinton's are a good example ofr this " pay to play " -
Podesta received Russian loans. Didn't he help bank roll Hillary Clinton in the elections. Is he being investigated too - no. Sadly once again most of the trial by media is on Trump and always was pre elections. However there is plenty to suggest the media only looks one way. The way their pay masters tell them to. MSM is just a propaganda tool to push the message their own want them to. 90% of all media in the US is owned by 6 multinational Corporations. you can see where that is going.

Snoop Dog is a lucky man. How he can create a video that portrayed anti Trump feeling as it did and not get arrested is beyond belief. Imagine if it were a white man doing the same to Obama. What is your media saying about that - not much.

#66: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:52 pm
More Russophobia -
...and coming from the guy that meets and greets ISIS as friends - McCain ( the Nth Vietnam said he has a great singing voice and always was singing to them ).

#67: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:30 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
In other news today the Senate Intel Committee states "based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016." House Speaker Ryan puts it more bluntly "no such wiretap existed".

I didn't hear Ryan say that but happy he did. There's a lot of tip toeing with words on this. "We see no evidence" or "based on the the information" which still leaves the door open for something to come out. The back peddling of Trump and his staff saying he meant it in a broad sense is so funny. His comments on Twitter couldn't of been more direct. I just hope people are seeing through this.

#68: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:42 pm
I didn't hear Ryan say that but happy he did. There's a lot of tip toeing with words on this. "We see no evidence" or "based on the the information" which still leaves the door open for something to come out. The back peddling of Trump and his staff saying he meant it in a broad sense is so funny. His comments on Twitter couldn't of been more direct. I just hope people are seeing through this.[/quote]

It was just a couple of weeks ago the media were all over trump on the Sweden story. Even though as history now shows he was right -
The tapping of the Trump Tower. He still needs to front up with the evidence otherwise he's just as guilty for fake news as the MSM fake news spreaders and some politicians. Although not an excuse, they  ( MSM ) have far more form in spreading fake news. To date they haven't apologized once for their lies.

#69: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:10 pm
He will not admit he was wrong on the wiretapping. His strategy is to never admit wrong doing.

#70: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:56 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
He will not admit he was wrong on the wiretapping. His strategy is to never admit wrong doing.

I think you are probably right. He doesn't like being wrong or losing and certainly hates being criticized. But who does.

#71: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:46 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):
I think you are probably right. He doesn't like being wrong or losing and certainly hates being criticized. But who does.
"This Administration intends to be candid about its errors; for as a wise man once said: "An error does not become a mistake until you refuse to correct it." We intend to accept full responsibility for our errors; and we expect you to point them out when we miss them." - JFK to the American Newspaper Publishers Association, 4/27/61, ten days after the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

mooxe wrote (View Post):
The back peddling of Trump and his staff saying he meant it in a broad sense is so funny. His comments on Twitter couldn't of been more direct. I just hope people are seeing through this.
I hope the takeaway message isnt that you can lie outrageously as long as your falsehoods are encapsulated in magical quotation marks.

#72: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:16 am
Here is a very good liar -

All the while the CIA and others are hacking the Give the guy an Oscar. More assumptions and not one shred of evidence.

#73: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:17 am
Although there are almost 2 hours left Im going with this as the quote of the day for Thurs. 3/16 ~

(tl:dr -  Press Sec. points to GHCQ as responsible for Trump Tower "wiretap")

"Last on Fox News, on March 14th, Judge Andrew Napolitano made the following statement, quote, 'Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command. He didn't use the NSA, he didn't use the CIA, he didn't use the FBI and he didn't use the Department of Justice. He used GCHQ. What is that? It's the initials for the British intelligence finding agency. So, simply by having two people saying to them president needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump's conversations, involving president-elect Trump, he's able to get it and there's no American fingerprints on this. Putting the published accounts and common-sense (sic) together, this leads to a lot.'" - Sean Spicer at today's daily press conference

Tomorrow we'll learn that it was Obama's Secret Service who actually surveiled Trump Tower during their mission to protect Candidate/Presidenr-elect Trump.

#74: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:06 am
I know that we in New Zealand have GCSB. They spying on US citizens as it is illegal for those in the USA to do so. We are part of Five Eyes, so we all spy on each others citizens.

#75: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:00 am
Oh man I figured it would be a week or so before the next "thing."

#76: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:11 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Oh man I figured it would be a week or so before the next "thing."

Do you mean this -

#77: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:53 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Oh man I figured it would be a week or so before the next "thing."
The Telegraph reports that Spicer has apologized for it to the Brit ambassador. Also, Nat Security Adviser Gen. McMaster did the same to his Brit counterpart. You can only imagine the magnitude of the threatening rockets GCHQ was launching at Trump's people prompting these near instantaneous apologies.

#78: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 4:58 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Do you mean this -  
On to the Yalu! No worries mate. NK cant quite nuke Middle Earth yet. Let's see how Beijing reacts to Trump's saber rattling after this weekends meetings. Activity in the S. China Sea should telegraph their displeasure. The realpolitik is that we ceded the offensive initiative in that region to China (and NK) years ago. OTOH, Tillerson may back down and claim he was using air quotes when he said 'military option'.

Of course with an administration willing to toss its most important ally under an int'l bus, to lie even lower in defense of the boss's lie, the worst-case scenario becomes even more possible..

#79: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:00 pm
Oops, maybe we didnt apologize for pointing the wiretap blame at GCHQ. Or we did and wont admit it. Or Congress needs to investigate Obama's treasonous collusion with GCHQ before we'll accept a Brit apology.

Turns out Trump wasnt kidding two days ago when he warned us to expect "very interesting items coming to the forefront over the next two weeks".

#80: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:00 am
If anyone is going to prove that US Security Agencies have been spying on Trump it won't come from or the agencies but Wikileaks. Firstly it's a death sentence for anyone willing to do a Seth Richard and leak info to Trump. Agencies investigating themselves is a forgone conclusion as we have already seen with the likes of Clapper's lies and Benghazi whitewash.

So it's up to trumps friends again to pull him out of the fire or maybe he could appeal to the Russians again.

#81: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 12:04 pm
The St. Patrick's day quote is appropriately: "I don't think we regret anything" - Spinmeister Spicer. Citing 'cost savings' only Fox News was invited to the  DMZ event despite Trump's enlistment of 'fake' news outlets in his wiretap defense.  Wayne Tracker takes his loud talk/little stick tour to China, threatening sanctions on its companies that do business with Pyongyang. El Caudillo is of course golfing again at Mar a Lago.

#82: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 4:48 pm
Counting down the days to the next big war.  How quaint of Trump to only invite the only Partisan news outlet to drum up support for another war.  The Republican Hawks can't wait for the next project to justify yet another huge increase in Defense spending.  Yet Trump complains that Europe and Japan do not spend enough?  

Trump is a pathological liar that gets his news from Partisan blogs or Political Commentators like Sean Hannity.  Interest that Spicer complains about unnamed sources, yet uses them himself and cites Hannity as supposedly legitimate source to justify their lies about wire tapping.

Yes Flynn is train wreck. Of course he was under surveillance.  Manafort and Flynn were both working as lobbyists receiving substantial amounts of money from foreign governments.  Interesting the man that said Lock her Up, himself was potentially committing a Felony with multiple lies.  Pence also got caught in a lie.  His office was formally informed by Government oversight committee months before Pence lied on Fox News that he had no idea Flynn met with Russia.  Plus Flynn lied and kept a secret that he was being paid by Turkish government while he was receiving Classified briefings.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for the most corrupt Presidential admin in history.  Trump has numerous conflict of interests and ties to Russian financial interests.  Like the house he sold to Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev for more than 2x what he paid for it.  All-time record for most spent ever for a house in USA.  Rumors now that Trump has ties to Russian organized crime as well.

#83: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:03 pm
The Telegraph article was very revealing.  Also Merkel's facial expression in photo is worth a thousand words.  Like she wanted to say, Germany already experienced a Fascist regime that tried to silence or censor the media.

Typical B.S. smokescreen from Spicer.  He is a master Con-Artist but who can buy this pile of rubbish?  Then yes even Fox News refused to defend this: a press conference with Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, on Friday afternoon, Mr Trump said his White House should not be blamed for quoting a Fox News analyst.

"We said nothing. All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television," he said.

"You shouldn't be talking to me, you should be talking to Fox."

#84: Re: Donald Trumph Author: reconscoutLocation: U.S.A. PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:56 pm
The most corrupt administration in history-really? How can you honestly say that after some of the things that happened under Obama? Not to mention other past administrations like Nixon. I don't like Trump but to be fair you should give this president a chance, he has only been in office a few months. I am an independent and don't like either party but I am not going to say that about Trump based on what is going on so far. The left wing press is going way overboard in attacking Trump just look at the tax returns story. They tried to make a story out of that and there was nothing there in fact it was positive for Trump but they tried to spin it negative. Don't base your opinion on rumors or what is being reported by the main stream press. I use to have great respect for the press but sadly they have become corrupt and are no longer fair and objective. I am trying to be as open minded about Trump as I was when Obama was elected. Obama had little experience and there was plenty of rumors about him too. The thing he had going for him is that the press bent over backwards to praise him unlike Trump who is at war with the press.

#85: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 6:45 pm
reconscout wrote (View Post):
The most corrupt administration in history-really? How can you honestly say that after some of the things that happened under Obama? Not to mention other past administrations like Nixon. I don't like Trump but to be fair you should give this president a chance, he has only been in office a few months. I am an independent and don't like either party but I am not going to say that about Trump based on what is going on so far. The left wing press is going way overboard in attacking Trump just look at the tax returns story. They tried to make a story out of that and there was nothing there in fact it was positive for Trump but they tried to spin it negative. Don't base your opinion on rumors or what is being reported by the main stream press. I use to have great respect for the press but sadly they have become corrupt and are no longer fair and objective. I am trying to be as open minded about Trump as I was when Obama was elected. Obama had little experience and there was plenty of rumors about him too. The thing he had going for him is that the press bent over backwards to praise him unlike Trump who is at war with the press.

Bang on.

#86: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:09 pm
Coming from the left I was inclined to give Trump as much chance as the right gave that Muslim usurper from Kenya ~ zero. After seeing his healthcare plan and proposed budget, considerably less. The only constituencies being served are the corporate kleptocrats, perpetual hawks and white supremacists.

#87: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:18 pm
reconscout wrote (View Post):
The most corrupt administration in history-really? How can you honestly say that after some of the things that happened under Obama? Not to mention other past administrations like Nixon. I don't like Trump but to be fair you should give this president a chance, he has only been in office a few months. I am an independent and don't like either party but I am not going to say that about Trump based on what is going on so far. The left wing press is going way overboard in attacking Trump just look at the tax returns story. They tried to make a story out of that and there was nothing there in fact it was positive for Trump but they tried to spin it negative. Don't base your opinion on rumors or what is being reported by the main stream press. I use to have great respect for the press but sadly they have become corrupt and are no longer fair and objective. I am trying to be as open minded about Trump as I was when Obama was elected. Obama had little experience and there was plenty of rumors about him too. The thing he had going for him is that the press bent over backwards to praise him unlike Trump who is at war with the press.

Yes really.  Do you not realize that (despite allegedly being an independent) that you are totally indoctrinated?  You just showed your cards when you said "left wing press".  So let me guess...the only "news" you listen to is Fox News like Sod, Brietbart, NewsMax or other Right-Wing Partisan sources.  Do you not realize what the proper role of Free Press is?  Josef Goebels also attacked the media calling them Jewish activists or Communists.  The proper role of any professional journalist is not to copy/paste blogs or advocate Partisan talk radio agendas.  Rather it should be Investigative Journalism.  Woodward = Watergate = downfall of Nixon.  It took one man doing his job to bring down a President.

Please enlighten me of "some of the things" that happened under Obama?  Benghazi-gate, Private server-gate.  You mean the same private email server that Flynn had?  Or Clinton's child sex slave dungeon under the pizza shop in D.C.?  You are listening to Alex Jones or Breitbart too much it sounds like.

It's not rocket science with the reports about Tax Returns or "connections" with Russia.  Jeff Sessions lied err forgot under oath he met with Russian officials during the campaign.  Flynn lied repeatedly about several things.  Mike Pence lied about not knowing Flynn met with Russia.  He was probably there with him.  Trump appiponted Rex to do the 1/2 trillion $ oil deal with Putin and remove the sanctions on Russia...I can go on and on.  

EVERY PRESIDENT for the past 50 years has disclosed their tax returns or even Presidential candidate.  You sadly again are brainwashed by Partisan sources.  Do you know why?  To show that there are conflicts of interest and most importantly their business interests.   And whom they owe debt to.  Trump has a lot to hide and not just zeroing out in taxes with numerous deductions.  That is legal.  Even former Bush ethics counselors have repeatedly warned about issues with Trump's conduct and numerous Republicans that watch Fox News.

#88: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:25 pm
IMO it remains to be seen if its the most corrupt.

Who would argue its not the most hypocritical admin ever?

#89: Re: Donald Trumph Author: reconscoutLocation: U.S.A. PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:31 pm
Really dj, have you ever voted for any other party than the Democrats? If that is the only people you support then your the one that is indoctrinated. I was a Democrat before becoming an independent. I still tend to vote more for Democrats than Republicans. Maybe if you read my 1st post you would have seen that. I know how important the role of a free and FAIR press is. What about the Clinton foundation and it's connection to the Russians or what was said about Hillary when she was in the state department and her dealings with Russia and all those e-mail leaks? Just how fairly did the main stream press cover those compared to Trump? Yes I do watch Fox but I also watch ABC,CBS,CNN and use to watch MSNBC and NBC. That is how I know for myself what the press is doing. I compare how they report or fail to report being retired I have the time to do that. You want to talk about lying how about Obama stating that you can keep you doctor and your plan under Obama care. He knew that was not true for many people when he said it and yes the Benghazi tape story and many others. I could spend hours too hammering Trump for things he has said too. Can you say the same about Obama or the Clinton or do you follow blindly and only point out what the other party does wrong? I agree that there is too much fake news on both sides. Maybe if people would clean up their own back yards before they yell at their neighbor to clean theirs it would be a better place. In other words clean up your own party before your demand the other party to do so. Washington D.C. is full of hypocrites from both parties.  Crying or Very sad

#90: Re: Donald Trumph Author: reconscoutLocation: U.S.A. PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:43 pm
One more thing, if I was still a Democrat I would be mad as hell about the way the DNC treated Bernie Sanders and would spend my time hammering them on this forum. Bernie is an honest man and I respected him more than Hillery or Trump. As far as I am concern the Democratic party is to blame for why Trump is in power. Mad

#91: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 9:51 am
DJ - Under Obama he inherited 2 conflicts at the start of his Presidency. At the end of it ( after he was given the Nobel Peace prize ) USA was actively involved in 5 conflicts - Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen. Under George W, USA bombed 4 countries. Under Obama 7 countries - Somalia and Pakistan added plus Nigeria unofficially and other covert operations. Under Obama in 2016 alone USA dropped over 26,0000 bombs somewhere in the world. That's 3 bombs every hour -
Obama is the only US President to serve 2 terms of which USA was always at war. Holds the title of being the President at war longer than any other...even Johnson.

Obama has constantly lied about Russian hacking and election interference providing not one single ounce of fact or evidence. Lied about getting rid of Gitmo and torture. Or course Benghazi which once again based solely on more lies- to protect civilians - up to 50,000 dead and that is a conservative figure. Who did Obama protect - Clinton. Was the sitting President at the time of the US aided coup in the Ukraine which now has been exposed - Nuland, Pyatt, McCain and others. Obama changed security laws weeks before leaving the office to make leaking of classified docs harder to track the source. Much more if you spent more time reading

What did the leak / disclosure dish up on Trump tax returns - nothing.Obama has illegally bombed in Syria and sent special forces also - invasion of a sovereign nation - a war criminal. But since WW2 that would nearly be every US President.

DJ you sound very anti American. Get behind your President and stop asking questions like you have always done.

#92: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:55 am
DJ - That wasn't you at the White House was it.

#93: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Bailing_Out PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:16 pm
I hate that this is my first post here in years and years, since its about politics. I used another name, I think, in the past that I can't remember it or the pass, the email is long gone.

Every BS thing Trump does is a distraction. His taxes, distraction, moronic tweets, distraction. His believers say take him seriously not literally, well I'm sure that was fed to them to say. He will say something crazy soon enough to make people move on from his accusation that Obama had Trump Tower bugged. The United States has put bugs in soup before, they tried using a cat with a mic on it, it got hit by a car, do I think Obama actually had Trump bugged? No if he had the whole story of it would already be out there. I could not vote for Trump or Clinton, I could not vote for people I would not allow near my grandchildren.

Will he end up doing good for the US? Hell I hope so, the US economy went to hell in the last 10 years jobs wise, fewer jobs. This has more to do with what congress has the guts to do. If they actually do free market healthcare, reform taxes and take power away from the agencies to make law on their own, things should go well.

Will he do good for the world at large? I keep reading things from people who know him well but who are not in the administration, they do not get much play in the media. They talk of a kind of deal/partnership with the US and Soviets. They keep their base in Syria, Syria will be a semi whole state, We crush ISIS, Iran will be isolated and not allowed to fund/supply the terrorist in Lebanon and Israel. Turkey, since some of its other earlier moves did not work out will be a part of this and with the rest of the so called moderate Arab states will kind of form an Arab NATO to keep Iran in check so the US doesn't have to. The Crimea will stay Russian, it was for several hundred years until 1955 or so anyway. They will leave the rest of Ukraine alone. This is in a way a reverse of the old Nixon strategy, which warmed relations with China to worry the Soviets. Now we warm to the Soviets to worry China and get them to lean HARD on North Korea. Our Secretary of State warning of a first strike was part of that, China doesn't want a bigger more powerful united Korea. So they have to keep their retarded cousin in check or they will get a big smart little brother on their border.

There are 3 main bad guys in the world, Islamic terrorist, Iran and North Korea, this plan is to do away with those problems.

#94: Re: Donald Trumph Author: reconscoutLocation: U.S.A. PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:20 pm
Bailing_out, I hope your right about what he has plans for dealing with our enemies. I not wild about this plan but it does make some sense. I agree that Trump says some outrages things at times. I wish he would stick to doing his job and not comment on just about everything else. Just watched a press conference with Senator Nune who indicated that there were some questions of concern raised at the intel hearing from info provided by NSA as far the the wire tapping of Trump that they are looking into. If they do find something I hope that  Obama was not involved and that if was someone below acting on their own. Time will tell what they find if they ever release it.

#95: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:40 am
Snowden leaked info that the NSA captures all email traffic coming in and going out of the USA. If the Trump team emailed anyone out of country, they're communications were monitored. Not sure if that particular program is still running though.

Can't wait to see what these incidental intercepts are.

Its going to be never rending.

#96: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:47 am
[quote="mooxe";p="86329"]Snowden leaked info that the NSA captures all email traffic coming in and going out of the USA. If the Trump team emailed anyone out of country, they're communications were monitored. Not sure if that particular program is still running though.


#97: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:14 am
Will he do good for the world at large? I keep reading things from people who know him well but who are not in the administration, they do not get much play in the media. They talk of a kind of deal/partnership with the US and Soviets. They keep their base in Syria, Syria will be a semi whole state, We crush ISIS, Iran will be isolated and not allowed to fund/supply the terrorist in Lebanon and Israel. Turkey, since some of its other earlier moves did not work out will be a part of this and with the rest of the so called moderate Arab states will kind of form an Arab NATO to keep Iran in check so the US doesn't have to. The Crimea will stay Russian, it was for several hundred years until 1955 or so anyway. They will leave the rest of Ukraine alone. This is in a way a reverse of the old Nixon strategy, which warmed relations with China to worry the Soviets. Now we warm to the Soviets to worry China and get them to lean HARD on North Korea. Our Secretary of State warning of a first strike was part of that, China doesn't want a bigger more powerful united Korea. So they have to keep their retarded cousin in check or they will get a big smart little brother on their border.

There are 3 main bad guys in the world, Islamic terrorist, Iran and North Korea, this plan is to do away with those problems.[/quote]

Soviets..............surely you mean Russia. Only Russia will be able to keep bases in Syria as all other countries in Syria weren't invited and are effectively " invaders " - that includes Turkey and USA etc. No court in the world no matter how corrupt ( UN Court of Justice ) will ever rule against that. Iran won't be isolated by the likes of Russia, China, India and other like minded countries. What have they ( Iran ) done wrong that others haven't done at least x2. Freedom fighters ( FSA - 60-80% foreign fighters ) in Syria - terrorist in Palestine / Lebanon = hypocrisy. The Occupied Lands that Israel have annexed will only ever mean more conflict. The borders of 1947 are the ones Israel needs to observe for any chance of peace. Ukraine is on the verge of collapse within the next 2-3 years - runaway inflation, shrinking economy, massive foreign debt and foreign ownership of it's few remaining assets - well done IMF and US backed coup. Russia has cemented it's relations with the likes China, Syria, Iran and others including Iraq. Nth Korea has since the Korean war been propped up by China. Nth Korea is a mineral rich country one reason the West keeps on about Nth Korea. China won't allow her puppet state out of her reach and surround it's self further.

The bad guys are the West who have financed, trained, supplied many terror groups - McCain picks with Al Baghdadi ( Head of ISIS ) among others at training camps. Created the revolution of 1979 in so doing creating the Iran of today. Nth Korean dictatorship - Sth Korea has had more dictatorships and each one more corrupt than the last - recent president charged with fraud.Lets not forget the now 56 countries USA has attacked. Who gives the USA the right to say who is right or wrong - illegal invasion of Iraq etc. Surely you can see the double standards the USA have used to judge others but not themselves. Solely on record alone the very description of a terrorist state, an aggressor nation, a threat to peace and stability around the world with have to be USA.

Prove me wrong.

#98: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:29 am
It's a start -

#99: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 11:03 am
Nune press release -

A history lesson for today -

#100: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Bailing_Out PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:48 pm
Lets see. The Soviets, I call them that and since they act like that and are still trying to rebuild the old Soviet empire, so I will continue to.

The only reason they are in Syria is that base, if they had no fear of losing it they wouldn't be there fighting.

International courts LOL. Ask the Chinese how much power they have.

The only way for the Jews to have peace is to not be in the middle east at all, the so called Palestinians don't recognize their right to exist.

Iran has been isolated before and can be again. Without them most of the terrorism in Lebanon and Israel doesn't happen. Iran is in a bind because the US oil boom but still were offering the Soviets economic help to keep them on their side, laughable. The Soviets will see the US and others as a better bet.

You can be in a picture with someone and not know who they really are or what they will become. There be pictures of me with people I wish didn't exist. One of them with a murderer, another with a rapist to name just two pictures and the worst. I didn't know they were going to do that.

How many people has South Korea executed outside of its own borders? For doing nothing?

Iran and other countries reasons for doing the things they do is much different than America's reasons. You may disagree with the reasons, you may even say they are lying.

Has the US screwed up at times? Sure we have. Have things not turned out as planned many times? Yes.

China and the Soviets have been pried apart by the US and allies in the past.

China, lol, we have some of their money and we have many their customers. If you read more about the Chinese outlook/view of the world  from people, including Chinese people who know it you'd know China and the Soviets are not natural buddies or allies. Maybe because they've been around so long, China's is a very long term view to simplify it. Over the long term the Soviets are not a good partner/ally to tie yourself to. That pair is not like the US and Britain or Australia. Then again the one child policy doesn't make them a good risk over the long term either, they are getting old fast. Unlike the US, they don't import new people all the time, many of them young.

You can build all the islands you want to in the South China Sea but you may have to staff those bases with old men and women. Mostly men because Chinese women threw their daughters away.

The Soviets have the same problem because they abort their babies like crazy.

Were going to disagree sod98 on pretty damn much everything. The Ukraine I suppose is one I think you could be right about, I hope not.

#101: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 4:19 am
Bailing Out - How do the Russians act like the Soviets other than neither were ever going to invade. USSR was made up numerous countries, Russia numerous states within the one country. Acting like Soviets. Russia since the Cold War has slowly but surely been surrounded by new Nato countries or wannabies with all the military bases. Which is another promise broken by USA but that is something else. Russia has cut it's defence spending by a quarter while USA has increased their's again for 2017. USA currently spends more on military then the next 8 countries

Syria has been closely allied to Russia since Glastnost and one of the reasons they were invited and not invaded like the USA. Comparing China to USA in foreign policy isn't a good idea for you. USA has by far the worse ever growing record. It's not even close - 56 countries some of which have been attacked numerous times. The picture of McCain - he knew who was in the meeting with him. McCain is the trouble maker for the US - Ukraine, Venezuela, Iran and many more. To make excuses for him is either naive or accepting of the aggressor roll USA today plays in the world. These meetings McCain has openly said he knows these guys well but refuses to talk about Al Baghdadi and the Al Nusra Commander on the right. The MSM won't chase McCain either or US Security which opens up more questions - why not.

Sth Korean rots have resulted in many deaths / murders it's just their media doesn't report them. Independent media have - Gwangju Uprising 1980's some 680 citizens died. Many others too. They just haven't killed as many as the Nth Korea....yet. Elections coming and word is Sth Korea will have a socialist Govt - closer ties to the north unless outside interference. Iran deals with issues close to home - why is USA in Syria. Iran was invited into Syria, USA wasn't.

Today only Nato countries can operate with impunity over illegal invasions and bombings as USA and Nato countries have. Israel being the exception which is protected by the UN. Sth China Seas islands ruling was a farce. Documented evidence of Chinese habitation of islands, pottery, coinage, poem and songs far out date any other country. Now that oil has been found everyone wants in.

Show me one country that can equal USA's foreign policy of aggression, illegal bombings and invasion since WW2. Also why can the USA get away with these war crimes and crimes against humanity. The double standards for me is astounding and I can only think of one other time in recent history of another country like it - Nazi Germany of the 1930's. What makes a US citizen believe their country can commit these crimes and it's ok.

Other than the above I think our views are similar. Definitely not anti American just anti American foreign policy. Something I hoped Trump would change and it's still too early to know  what will happen. Good reply though cheers.

#102: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:08 am
Nunes is partisan first.  Ethics don't matter. First he said he had to tell the speaker.  Then he had to tell Trump.  Then today he said he made a mistake.

Tick-tock...the bleeding is never going to stop.  Mannafort, Sessions, Flynn, Pence, Trump and now Nunes all caught in multiple lies.  Can't keep count of how many times Nunes changed his story why he didn't tell the committee first.  McCain is a partisan too but he slammed Nunes for this stunt.  Mannafort was the first to get caught lying.  He got paid $10M by one Russian billionaire alone.  Plus Ukrainian pro-russian interests.  And now finally he got tied to the same Bank of Cyprus money laundering scandal like the other dirty Russian $ cronies.  And one of Trump's billionaire cabinet members was working for the Bank of Cyprus how convenient.

#103: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:56 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Nunes is partisan first.  Ethics don't matter. First he said he had to tell the speaker.  Then he had to tell Trump.  Then today he said he made a mistake.

Tick-tock...the bleeding is never going to stop.  Mannafort, Sessions, Flynn, Pence, Trump and now Nunes all caught in multiple lies.  Can't keep count of how many times Nunes changed his story why he didn't tell the committee first.  McCain is a partisan too but he slammed Nunes for this stunt.  Mannafort was the first to get caught lying.  He got paid $10M by one Russian billionaire alone.  Plus Ukrainian pro-russian interests.  And now finally he got tied to the same Bank of Cyprus money laundering scandal like the other dirty Russian $ cronies.  And one of Trump's billionaire cabinet members was working for the Bank of Cyprus how convenient.

Let's be fair, there is no direct link back to Trump. Any monies Trump has used is through official channels. This story isn't a new one and has been investigated early in the piece and once again nothing was found.One of these day's, those who really want to remove Trump from power are going to have to give up this madness or change tact. Lets face it, it's not as though the removal of one President in favour of a patsy hasn't already happened at least once before.

Sadly using the likes of the Palmer Report as a source of real news is like using Bill Clinton as your daughters child minder. This Palmer is a wacko up there with other fake news reporters.

DJ - Keep trying but please up the sources of your paranoia news. Even something new would be nice.

#104: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Bailing_Out PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:52 am
Lets be fair to everyone here. I didn't vote for Trump and I will not defend his idiocy. Ok?

The rest of it is disputable. Not every country is run like we'd want it to be. Hell the US isn't run like I want it to be.

McCain? I will not defend McCain in everything he's done, he's made mistakes, like I basically said earlier. No one is perfect.

Now that I've gone this far into it. The United States has been a greater force for good in this world than any country EVER.

Like I said earlier, we've made mistakes. damn sure in Vietnam and after the 9/11 attacks. Have some of those mistakes been evil?

Yeah, they have been, at times been evil.

The US has never been NAZI Germany. We can't be yet. YET you might say. Yeah yet. Some people don't agree with what we do but that doesn't make it wrong.  I was drunk as hell when I wrote thsi and reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks just like they do in congress or while having congress LOL

#105: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:14 pm
Bailing_Out wrote (View Post):
Lets be fair to everyone here. I didn't vote for Trump and I will not defend his idiocy. Ok?

The rest of it is disputable. Not every country is run like we'd want it to be. Hell the US isn't run like I want it to be.

McCain? I will not defend McCain in everything he's done, he's made mistakes, like I basically said earlier. No one is perfect.

Now that I've gone this far into it. The United States has been a greater force for good in this world than any country EVER.

Like I said earlier, we've made mistakes. damn sure in Vietnam and after the 9/11 attacks. Have some of those mistakes been evil?

Yeah, they have been, at times been evil.

The US has never been NAZI Germany. We can't be yet. YET you might say. Yeah yet. Some people don't agree with what we do but that doesn't make it wrong.  I was drunk as hell when I wrote thsi and reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks just like they do in congress or while having congress LOL

Many very wealthy US Industrialists like aided Hitler's rise to power in the 1930's. They were the same people behind 1930's attempted coup of the USA that never took place because of one very good man - Smedley Butler. That clip I put on here a week ago was of him going public over it. FDR decided that to advise the public of so many involved in the treason would impact heavily upon public's view of US leaders and create a state of distrust of the ruling elite so to speak. -
The same families and business elite are at the top spinning their fake news and creating trouble for an outsider - Trump. I too don't like Trump but he is still a better option than the establishment choice of Clinton. Bush family business - Carlyle Group is doing well - biggest private weapons deal in the world today. They sell to nearly every conflict and often to both sides.

Going hunting then I might have a few beers and read your next reply. Good on ya.

#106: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:36 am
Ok Russia is on the back burner simmering, health care is done.... whats going to happen this week?

#107: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:51 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Ok Russia is on the back burner simmering, health care is done.... whats going to happen this week?

Nth Korea, the accidental bombing in Mosul and Pence touts to AIPAC as defender of Israel.

#108: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 3:00 am
Since you only apparently get your "news" from right-wing blogs or Partisan sources.  I will post article here.  It's all over the news for over a month now.  Many, many, many sources and crystal clear ties to Bank of Cyprus.
Again this is the most corrupt Presidential administration in History and pathogolical liars.  They think if they keep repeating the lies and invent them as "alternative facts" people might be stupid enough to actually believe.   A sucker is born every minute.  Just because Trump is supposedly better than Clinton doesn't make it ok what he is doing.
Also Pence and Bannon are even worse.  I hope Trump does not die in office because Pence is a radical right-wing fanatic and will absolutely start more wars and seize power.

(Wilbur) Ross, a private equity investor who has said he would step down from the bank after his final confirmation, had also been asked to provide more details about his own relationship with previous and current Russian investors in the bank, including Viktor Vekselberg, a longtime ally of the Russian president, and Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, the former vice-chairman of Bank of Cyprus who is also a former KGB agent with a close relationship to Putin.

and I stand by my statements about money laundering...same thing happened in the early 90's with BCCI scandal but President Bush did NOT have business with them

..In his letter, Booker asked Ross to explain why he had appointed Ackermann as chairman of the bank, noting that Deutsche Bank is the Trump Organization’s largest creditor.

Ross’s investment followed a controversial 2013 bailout of the bank at the height of the European debt crisis that was agreed by the EU, IMF and European Central Bank. At the time, the deal was scrutinised by German politicians who expressed concern that taxpayer funds were being used to bail out a money laundering haven used by Russian oligarchs. A German intelligence report cited by Der Spiegel at the time suggested that Russian deposits in Cyprus banks were worth between €8 to €35bn ($8.5 to $37bn).

#109: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 4:15 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Since you only apparently get your "news" from right-wing blogs or Partisan sources.  I will post article here.  It's all over the news for over a month now.  Many, many, many sources and crystal clear ties to Bank of Cyprus.
Again this is the most corrupt Presidential administration in History and pathogolical liars.  They think if they keep repeating the lies and invent them as "alternative facts" people might be stupid enough to actually believe.   A sucker is born every minute.  Just because Trump is supposedly better than Clinton doesn't make it ok what he is doing.
Also Pence and Bannon are even worse.  I hope Trump does not die in office because Pence is a radical right-wing fanatic and will absolutely start more wars and seize power.

(Wilbur) Ross, a private equity investor who has said he would step down from the bank after his final confirmation, had also been asked to provide more details about his own relationship with previous and current Russian investors in the bank, including Viktor Vekselberg, a longtime ally of the Russian president, and Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, the former vice-chairman of Bank of Cyprus who is also a former KGB agent with a close relationship to Putin.

and I stand by my statements about money laundering...same thing happened in the early 90's with BCCI scandal but President Bush did NOT have business with them

..In his letter, Booker asked Ross to explain why he had appointed Ackermann as chairman of the bank, noting that Deutsche Bank is the Trump Organization’s largest creditor.

Ross’s investment followed a controversial 2013 bailout of the bank at the height of the European debt crisis that was agreed by the EU, IMF and European Central Bank. At the time, the deal was scrutinised by German politicians who expressed concern that taxpayer funds were being used to bail out a money laundering haven used by Russian oligarchs. A German intelligence report cited by Der Spiegel at the time suggested that Russian deposits in Cyprus banks were worth between €8 to €35bn ($8.5 to $37bn).

Calm down DJ. It's all old news - Fake News rehashed. I'm actually much close to being a socialist than ever a Right Wing Conservative. I do believe in reading most sources these days for a balanced perspective. Guardian, CNN, BBC are good at times but when have they spoken about Civilian deaths in Mosul and tying on War Crimes like they did in Aleppo. MSM are just rehashing another story like the Russian hacks, Russian election interference and Trump ties Russia. I feel sorry for you as you believe the myth of Ring Wing and Left Wing Politics in the USA. It's actually Right Wing and further Right Wing.

#110: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Mar 28, 2017 11:21 am
DJ - It is good to see that you realize that MSM isn't objective or impartial and certainly not investigative.

A story and only a story that I have heard is that the FBI knows the Clinton's are crooked but can't prove beyond doubt as they ( Clinton's ) have paid off, removed or threatened anyone who goes against them. You might also want to look at how many former employees of the Clinton's have died in planes and car crashes, suicides, unsolved shootings and various other accidents. Politics is dirty but this family live in the mud. Remember it is only a unverified story that will probably never see the light of day.  

Trump for the rest of the world, really only wants Trump to withdraw US foreign policy as he has said he would do. It's so at happening to date but he is only new to the post. Jared Kushner volunteered to give evidence -

Predictions - 1 No evidence on Russia and Trump conspiracy. Lets face it if they had one piece you would know instead of guessing and using fake news. 2 Obama Care will crash in the next two years. Proving Trump was correct - playing the long game. 3 US possible attempt to start a Kurdish State in Northern Syria with the failure to remove Assad. The old break up the state like in Yugoslavia and other places.      The first two are give-ins but the last is a long shot.

#111: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Bailing_Out PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:16 pm
I'm not going to go into all of that Sod98, you obviously think the US has been wrong to go to war almost every time but I want to say a few things.

When you have a giant military hammer, many things start looking like military grade nails and they get hammered. While I do not believe the entire Vietnam conspiracy I do think the length of it had something to do with it being a test bed for weapons. South Vietnam unlike South Korea was never going to fight for itself so we never should have been there. The South Koreans will fight, were only there to keep the peace because the Norks know they can't take us under any circumstances.

The Norks,, why the hell haven't they looked to the north and notice how to run a communist country? If I had to live in a communist country it would have to be China, none of the others work economically. Well because the Chinese abandoned communist economics mostly.

I am willing to bet most people do not agree with you that the Soviets, especially under Stalin, were never going to attack thus the US kept a huge military after WWII. We had always drawn down our military in the past to almost nothing after a war which is why WWII lasted so long. If we had kept the military built up after WWI, the Japanese probably never attack and the Germans wouldn't have lasted long. Once you have a nuclear equal that you think may attack well you have to have the soldiers, carriers and all the other stuff that go with it or everything becomes a nuclear problem.

Then you fight proxy wars, maybe you're in it, maybe you fund it but never against each other. Your military becomes a traveling warrior show, only its real. I suppose its lucky for the US military that we have so many willing to go and fight because if you're in the US military you're pretty much guaranteed to at least get close to the shooting.

I think you and I would have both been happier had Rand Paul gotten the nomination for the GOP or the libertarians  I'd also be happier with a full head of hair and neither one is or was going to happen.

#112: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 4:10 am
[quote="Bailing_Out";p="86392"]I'm not going to go into all of that Sod98, you obviously think the US has been wrong to go to war almost every time but I want to say a few things.

When you have a giant military hammer, many things start looking like military grade nails and they get hammered. While I do not believe the entire Vietnam conspiracy I do think the length of it had something to do with it being a test bed for weapons. South Vietnam unlike South Korea was never going to fight for itself so we never should have been there. The South Koreans will fight, were only there to keep the peace because the Norks know they can't take us under any circumstances.

Korea - Yes, backing another dictatorship and away from home just to stop Communism that would have died a natural death due to it's many failings.
Vietnam - Yes, once again another dictatorship and coup in Sth Vietnam overseen by the US. Away from home and for all the wrong reasons.
Afghanistan - Yes. post 911 why invade Afghanistan and not Saudi A. Most of the terrorist were Saudi A, trained and financed by Saudi A ?
Iraq 2 - Yes, illegal invasion of - WMD lies.
Syria - Yes, illegal bombing and no invasion of
Yemen - Yes, illegal bombing of all in the name of a disposed of Saudi puppet dictator.
Libya- Yes, remove Gaddafi who was no threat to anyone ( recently ) on the pretext of possible civilian deaths in civil unrests that the US admitted to financing - Libya had free education and health. Everything is gone except Al Qaeda.
....many more examples. How can anyone justify that sort of record without sounding like an apologist, for at best a nationalist govt. All of these countries attacked have had resources that now sport Multinational Corp's ownership. The real reason for these conflicts and nothing to do with justice or freedom unless it's freedom from the assets and resources.

China is still Communist - note the hammer and sickle flags in their cities. It's just a modernized form of the failed Communist state of collectivism. USSR weren't going to invade. Not a shred of evidence exists. Once again their plans were in case of being attacked. You need to read about " Operation Unthinkable ". Propaganda 1960's in the west had many building bunkers and don't doubt many a time the nukes on both sides were ready. But the USSR were never coming for you -
Don't send your kids to the next one...send the Clinton's and Bush family children and you are guaranteed the US wont start one -

You need to question more and watch the propaganda you read. Watch Investigative Journalist Oliver Stone's Untold History of the USA. It might open your eyes.

#113: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:06 am
Flynn wants immunity.

Prepare for distraction....

#114: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:31 am
Flynn has absolutely not a shred of credibility left.   He is one of the most dishonest statesmen in our nation's history.  Even failed to disclose he received $ as a paid lobbyist of foreign government, which is a felony.  Only reason why he filed the papers is to avoid prosecution that he covered it up.  I believe nobody has ever served in such a high level position for such a short duration.  Yes Trump admin is desperate to shift the attention.  Everything points towards collusion with Russia.  Evidence starting to get exposed about
Russian Bot campaign in the final 2 weeks prior to election.  Also even Russia is funding California separatist political movement now to help weaken USA unity.

Russia is also said to be trying to helping support radical Right-Wing party in France.  And the Brexit movement in England to further weaken the Western alliance.  This was said by the former PM of Denmark last night whom also was the head of NATO.  Notice a pattern here?  Make sense?  Russia wants 1/2 a trillion $ oil deal with Trump appoints the head of Exxon to Sec of State to remove the sanctions and seal the deal.  Mannafort is very friendly to say the least with pro-Russia separatist factions in Ukraine and literally worked for Putin billionaire allies.  Trump repeatedly has criticized NATO...perfectly aligned with Russian interests.  Trump has lied about business with Russia.  He sold the most expense house in U.S. history to Russian billionaire for well over 2x what he paid for it.  His cabinet member did substantial investment with Bank of Cyrpus which is notorious in Europe for being a money laundering haven.

#115: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:53 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Flynn has absolutely not a shred of credibility left.   He is one of the most dishonest statesmen in our nation's history.  Even failed to disclose he received $ as a paid lobbyist of foreign government, which is a felony.  Only reason why he filed the papers is to avoid prosecution that he covered it up.  I believe nobody has ever served in such a high level position for such a short duration.  Yes Trump admin is desperate to shift the attention.  Everything points towards collusion with Russia.  Evidence starting to get exposed about
Russian Bot campaign in the final 2 weeks prior to election.  Also even Russia is funding California separatist political movement now to help weaken USA unity.

Russia is also said to be trying to helping support radical Right-Wing party in France.  And the Brexit movement in England to further weaken the Western alliance.  This was said by the former PM of Denmark last night whom also was the head of NATO.  Notice a pattern here?  Make sense?  Russia wants 1/2 a trillion $ oil deal with Trump appoints the head of Exxon to Sec of State to remove the sanctions and seal the deal.  Mannafort is very friendly to say the least with pro-Russia separatist factions in Ukraine and literally worked for Putin billionaire allies.  Trump repeatedly has criticized NATO...perfectly aligned with Russian interests.  Trump has lied about business with Russia.  He sold the most expense house in U.S. history to Russian billionaire for well over 2x what he paid for it.  His cabinet member did substantial investment with Bank of Cyrpus which is notorious in Europe for being a money laundering haven.

DJ - Where do you get this rubbish about Russia helping the Right Wing party in France - a comic. She is seeking funding from foreign banks - German, Russian, Chinese

Your severe paranoia helped by the MSM is now considered a disease - something that affects those from the West who listen and read unfounded propaganda. Find some evidence at the least like -
Now that's corruption but Bill as Hillary have a free pass when it comes to real facts on corruption.

#116: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:56 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Flynn wants immunity.

Prepare for distraction....

Flynn is history. I wonder if the Turks were influencing the Elections also.

#117: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 3:51 pm
The quote of the day came from ex-FBI agent Clint Watts in testimony to the Senate: "...part of the reason active measures have worked in this U.S. election is because the Commander-in-Chief has used Russian active measures at times, against his opponents", going on to cite a number of examples dating back to Trump's birther campaign. Note the pointed reference to Trump as C-i-C, then painting his role as a clear and present danger. Now that Nunes has laughably tanked the House investigation to assist in Trump's cover-up, the Senate has framed the scandal with the gravity it deserves and is poised to analyze the evidence thoroughly. Given that Rubio's campaign was also targeted by 'active measures', the Republican senator's understand that this isnt about partisan distractions like finding leakers or Obama's non-existent wiretap.

Watts testimony concluded in chilling fashion.  After urging the committee to “follow the trail of dead Russians” he concluded “My biggest concern right now is I don’t know what the American stance is on Russia, on who is going to take care of me. After years in the Army and the FBI, working in the intel community?—?today, I’m going to walk out of here and ain’t nobody going to be covering my back. I’m going to be on my own, and so that’s very disconcerting.” Safe to say his concern is shared widely in the US intel community, which Trump has been subverting since last summer.

Doubtful Flynn, who worked with both Russia and Turkey, will get immunity anytime soon. The longer and deeper the investigations dig the less important his cooperation becomes. Certainly not before Sally Yates testifies about the fall of General Flynn. Meanwhile the intricate financial components to the Donnie Moscow affair continue to be unraveled in New York where we are likely to learn that Trump associate Felix Sater is telling the truth about being an FBI(/CIA) mole. And that US Attorney Bharara was fired to squelch several prosecutions potentially damaging to Team Trump.

#118: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 7:00 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
The quote of the day came from ex-FBI agent Clint Watts in testimony to the Senate: "...part of the reason active measures have worked in this U.S. election is because the Commander-in-Chief has used Russian active measures at times, against his opponents", going on to cite a number of examples dating back to Trump's birther campaign. Note the pointed reference to Trump as C-i-C, then painting his role as a clear and present danger. Now that Nunes has laughably tanked the House investigation to assist in Trump's cover-up, the Senate has framed the scandal with the gravity it deserves and is poised to analyze the evidence thoroughly. Given that Rubio's campaign was also targeted by 'active measures', the Republican senator's understand that this isnt about partisan distractions like finding leakers or Obama's non-existent wiretap.

Watts testimony concluded in chilling fashion.  After urging the committee to “follow the trail of dead Russians” he concluded “My biggest concern right now is I don’t know what the American stance is on Russia, on who is going to take care of me. After years in the Army and the FBI, working in the intel community?—?today, I’m going to walk out of here and ain’t nobody going to be covering my back. I’m going to be on my own, and so that’s very disconcerting.” Safe to say his concern is shared widely in the US intel community, which Trump has been subverting since last summer.

Doubtful Flynn, who worked with both Russia and Turkey, will get immunity anytime soon. The longer and deeper the investigations dig the less important his cooperation becomes. Certainly not before Sally Yates testifies about the fall of General Flynn. Meanwhile the intricate financial components to the Donnie Moscow affair continue to be unraveled in New York where we are likely to learn that Trump associate Felix Sater is telling the truth about being an FBI(/CIA) mole. And that US Attorney Bharara was fired to squelch several prosecutions potentially damaging to Team Trump.

Flynn has already been compromised by Turkey but with his request for immunity there is no evidence once again about Russia. Saying something and proving it are two different standards. One is evidence the other speculation. The backers of Clinton want to impeach Trump at all cost to keep the Empire USA going. It's power they seek at all cost , not fairness or truth.

#119: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:57 pm
As expected the Senate has, for the time being, declined Flynn's offer (and Trump's tweet) that he testify under immunity.

Today's wrinkle in the story are reports that the White House staffers (one being a Flynn protege, the other was Nunes' former House lawyer) who leaked to Nunes werent just scouring raw intel to substantiate Trump's wiretap tweets. Their particular intel activities pre-dated those tweets, using US surveillance assets to track the FBI investigation from the outside.

Jeez, you'd think that a Trump coven claiming "witch hunt" would be somewhat more discrete with its cauldron of spells and Cyrillic incantations.

#120: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 5:06 am
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
As expected the Senate has, for the time being, declined Flynn's offer (and Trump's tweet) that he testify under immunity.

Today's wrinkle in the story are reports that the White House staffers (one being a Flynn protege, the other was Nunes' former House lawyer) who leaked to Nunes werent just scouring raw intel to substantiate Trump's wiretap tweets. Their particular intel activities pre-dated those tweets, using US surveillance assets to track the FBI investigation from the outside.

Jeez, you'd think that a Trump coven claiming "witch hunt" would be somewhat more discrete with its cauldron of spells and Cyrillic incantations.

I see goose and gander in this.

#121: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 11:20 am
I dont see this as Animal Farm but more the prequel to 1984 where doublespeak rooted in blue lies becomes ascendant.

Make of this what you will - Flynn has lawyered-up with a prominent Never Trumper who referred to him as the 'Manchurian Candidate' during the campaign.

T.Rump is showing some major stress over this scandal. At an order signing photo op yesterday he forgot to actually sign the orders, instead departing abruptly as the press peppered him with questions about Flynn. As cameras rolled Pence had to scoop the unsigned docs off the desk and scurry out after his boss.

#122: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:59 pm
Yes I saw that same video.  He had the look of stress & bailed-out quick.  The irony is that Pence and the Commerce Secretary are even worse than Trump.  Pence repeatedly lied that he didn't know about Flynn's involvement when he was notified months prior.  Plus guarantee it was a cover story that "Flynn lied to Pence".  Total B.S. they were trying to bait and switch.  Nunes incident made things way worse.  Interesting that Spicer normally a smooth talker was stumped about who let Nunes in to view the doc's.   Not even showing the other people in his own party on the committee?  Flynn does not really deserve immunity...but clearly he was just doing what he was told by Trump and Bannon.  My guess is that it was Bannon.  

Russia has set a new standard with Hybrid Warfare.  They infiltrated the U.S. poltiical system all the way to the top...likely with bribes and other corruption of our officials.
Russia has made the US look like a Banana Republic and made our Executive Branch totally incompetent.  Now Trump sending more troops into Syria and Iraq.  And trying to remove restrictions on bombing civilian targets.  Would not be surprised if Trump / Pence started another war and soon to serve as distraction.  Turkey should be safe at least with their investment paying Flynn to serve their interests.

#123: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 7:57 pm
Come on guys. You think that be Flynn asking for Immunity and then testifying means that he is going to sink Trump with stories of Russian spy master Putin owning Trump and his team - pure fantasy. Look at other case examples in recent history where immunity has been granted doesn't necessary mean equate to your hopes and dreams. It just means he provides his story which will mean his ties to Turkey. You guys are putting the cart before the horse.

The biggest and best 17 spy agencies in the world plus her allies - like Five Eyes and not a single piece of Russian interference suggests one of two things. Either your spy agencies are either total rubbish or there is really no story but mud sling by a few on Trump and his team. This whole episodes is quickly becoming a third rate movie and not of Trumps doing this time. The real witch hunt should have been on a real witch - Hillary Clinton. That time too has gone so move on from this and back your President. Be American and not anti American.

#124: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2017 8:14 pm
Explain how not backing Trump is anti-American?

#125: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:52 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Explain how not backing Trump is anti-American?

It's a tongue in cheek comment to those who have accused myself of anti American comments previously. When really all I was doing was commenting on the double standards that exist today with US foreign policy and corrupt practices by most US politicians.

Of particular interest is how people guess that Trump is corrupt with no evidence at all fired on by a propaganda machine funded by US Corporations - MSM. The same Corp's ( who own the MSM ) with use of lobbyists as a form of bribery to legitimize purchase of US politicians to push their financial interests. Chevrons funding of the coup in Ukraine as exposed by Oliver stones - Ukraine on Fire. Ukraine mineral wealth is now all but in name along with other US Oil giants, US owned. However it is clearly illegal for a foreign Govt to do the same and rightly so.

It still amazes me how people can justify and even believe US conflicts were for the better of the invaded and often smashed country. As there is no example of this..........even St Korea operates today with a US backed dictatorship.

Trumps promise of a gradual withdrawal from a failed foreign policy looks very slow due to the pressures of domestic attacks and false flags of Russian election interference etc.

#126: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:21 pm
The lack of administration pushback against Clint Watts' testimony that Trump used Russian 'active measures' is telling. The only question that then remains is whether Trump did so wittingly or not. The sheer volume of parallel messaging between Trump and the Russian disinformation campaign circumstantially supports the charge of collusion. Even if he did not this still disqualifies him in our ongoing 'election' - vox populi - effectively, the tv ratings (polls) our tweeter-in-chief is so fond of. The short cycle before the mid-term congressional balloting means that Republicans backing him now have an expiration date on their loyalty if Trump's ratings continue to sag.

The upside is that Trump is showing himself to be monumentally incapable as president. His administration's incompetence will limit the damage it can inflict during his expected short tenure. Trump will explode long before Obamacare, coming apart at the seams like a cheap piñata, spilling invective and lies like so much penny candy.

#127: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 7:56 pm
So if they follow the line of dead bodies from the Clinton family will that prove that they are owned by the Multinats - no. Sheer speculation. The lack of push back as you put it doesn't mean anything either. USA today is such a mixed up country god knows where all of this might end. Certainly the Establishment want power again for Clinton to continue their fake wars and proxy campaigns.

It's all about evidence and not paranoia - scared of Russia, China, Nth Korea, Muslims, Mexicans, Syria, immigrants in general

#128: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:39 pm
Trump earned the label of being corrupt prior to running for president, although not many cared then. Trump University is the easiest example here. Evidence of this and others examples exist.

In your context Sod, I think you mean there's no evidence of him using money for political gain or vice versa since hes been president. That could be true. Once again though, he earned this label prior to becoming president and there are no reasons to believe he is changing.

#129: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:49 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Trump earned the label of being corrupt prior to running for president, although not many cared then. Trump University is the easiest example here. Evidence of this and others examples exist.

In your context Sod, I think you mean there's no evidence of him using money for political gain or vice versa since hes been president. That could be true. Once again though, he earned this label prior to becoming president and there are no reasons to believe he is changing.

I don't doubt his shady past but haven't they all got one. There is saying someone is corrupt and proving it are still miles apart. Clinton's who is still around surprisingly. Still why do those who voted Hillary worry about what's right and wrong after Bernie Sanders was effectively cheated out of a real chance of being the Democrat's candidate for President. Sanders would have beaten Trump and USA would have had a decent leader for a change. Clinton's shady dealing far out weigh Trumps not only for finance but many other things - sadly to date she has escaped charge also.

#130: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:42 am
Hard to fathom the cognitive dissonance between a lengthy, impassioned defense of Trump and asserting Sanders would have been the leader America deserves. Nor a previous poster's claim to respect Sanders more than Trump but that Trump should be given a chance. This when Sanders' ideology is the polar opposite of Trump's and the kindest words he's had for president Trump have been to label him a fraud.

It is in deeply conflicted minds such as these that Orwellian doublespeak finds root.

#131: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:57 am
Not being from the USA, the rest of the world really doesn't give a hoot about US domestic policy to any great degree. The real concern is it's many times failed foreign policy. Something of which those in the US can't seem to understand is one of destruction and resource ownership. Just look at most of the 50+ countries USA has attacked - mineral resources seem to end up in foreign ownership once the regime has change. Not to mention the vast number of countries whose elections were influenced by the US either.

Trump promised similar to Sanders. A more domestic policy and a far less intrusive policy. A last resort after diplomacy has failed - military. Not one of false flags - WMD's in Iraq, Assad use of Sarin gas in Syria, post 911 in Afghanistan, Vietnam - USS Maddox in August 1964 incident plus others.

Some US people seem to be shallow enough to think what their country is doing provides Democracy - by Freedom and a better life - no schools, no hospitals and no infrastructure. To believe you have a two party system in the USA today shows you have lost touch with reality. The Democrats and Repub's are two sides of the same coin. Definitely from this outsider, USA has many characteristics of a fascist state where the media prints verbatim govt and business press releases unchecked and uninvestigated on little or no evidence and many times recently - Fake.

Sanders would have been the best choice for the people of the USA. Trump 2nd given what rubbish candidates were left. Trump was is still is a very long shot for real change. The Russian stories are just that stories. You guys must read a little of your countries recent history to understand who is pulling the strings. If like what is happening where doco's like Ukraine on fire isn't going to be aired in the US at least watch OS Untold history of the USA. Is Oliver Stone a Russian spy to....give me a break. Speak the truth in the USA today or whistleblowing is now a crime - isn't that a worry. No safe guards against a authoritarian regime is what's happening and they will replace Trump if you can't see it.

No country is beyond murder, corruption, internal political interference but the USA leads on all of them and by far.

#132: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:55 pm
Well said...makes no sense whatsoever.  There is no logic, polar opposites.  Trump epitomizes what Sanders is against with a staff full of Goldman Sachs executives, nepotism, billionaire elites that set policies that enrich themselves....the list goes on,

mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
Hard to fathom the cognitive dissonance between a lengthy, impassioned defense of Trump and asserting Sanders would have been the leader America deserves. Nor a previous poster's claim to respect Sanders more than Trump but that Trump should be given a chance. This when Sanders' ideology is the polar opposite of Trump's and the kindest words he's had for president Trump have been to label him a fraud.

It is in deeply conflicted minds such as these that Orwellian doublespeak finds root.

#133: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 7:58 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
Hard to fathom the cognitive dissonance between a lengthy, impassioned defense of Trump and asserting Sanders would have been the leader America deserves. Nor a previous poster's claim to respect Sanders more than Trump but that Trump should be given a chance. This when Sanders' ideology is the polar opposite of Trump's and the kindest words he's had for president Trump have been to label him a fraud.

It is in deeply conflicted minds such as these that Orwellian doublespeak finds root.

DJ - It's simple, you don't want to understand or admit that your political system is corrupt. Don't worry most are ( countries ) the nature of politics. Every now and then a politician comes along that promises something different / change from what is the norm where the rich pay little tax, can afford the best education and great health care. This may not have been Trump in your eyes but it certainly was in those who voted for him. Also lots of those voters didn't trust Clinton with her 30+ years in high level politics and have changed nothing other than grow her bank accounts. Remember before standing for the Repub's Trump was a Democrat.

Often what Politicians offer they never go through with or are stopped from pushing through - ditching Obama Care is an example. Burying your head in the sand and pretending that Clinton was going to be good for the US was and still is a joke. Your countries debt is all but 20 Trillion dollars. $ trillion from 1 term of Obama long. Clinton was going to continue his policies.

Someone please answer me why you think it's ok for the US foreign policy of 2016 to continue, foreign debt to south like GB third world levels. How Clinton was going to tackle these issues and what makes her a fair and not corrupt politician. Is USA today living beyond it's mean and who will pay for the next collapse - Soro, Clinton 's and Bush family or hard working US tax payer again. Lastly since WW2 what difference exists between Democrats and Repub's in foreign policy as a whole - nothing

#134: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:16 am
In today's Donnie Moscow developments it appears that the UAE brokered a meeting between Eric Prince and an unnamed Russian official in the Seychelles 9 days before the inauguration to "establish a back-channel line of communication between Moscow and President-elect Donald Trump".

Beyond the similarities to Flynn's clandestine contacts the intriguing part of this relates to reports last autumn of unusual computer traffic involving an 'unused' Trump email server getting DNS pinged almost entirely by Alfa Bank (Russian) and Spectrum Health which is led by cabinet member Betsy DeVos' husband. Eric Prince is the founder of the Blackwater mercenary organization, operates Frontier Services Group, a private paramilitary group based in Hong Kong, contributed $250k toward Trump's campaign, and is Betsy DeVos' little brother.

Interesting to see what findings the NSA will make of that curious computer 3-way.

#135: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:52 am
Flynn also failed to disclose that he received payments by Russia.  Trump's biggest problem legally could be his failure to establish a credible Trust fund.  His children are reaping 10's of millions in revenue running the Trump business while they meet in person foreign governments.  That is likely going to create a lawsuit soon sit is illegal and against the Constitution according to former Bush counsel Richard Painter and this article in the Atlantic:

#136: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 4:58 am
DJ - I see you keep using comics for your info

mick -
Nothing to see here guys it's old hat again. Don't MSM give you guys up to date news or just fake news . This article is just more regurgitated rubbish as the Washington Post ran this some time back. It's about US trying to ply pressure on Iran through Russia. Discussions about Syria, Iraq, Yemen and somewhere else from memory. Who Trump uses is no different to US Military using I have been accused of being a conspiracy theorist by some of you, but you guys take the cake - super paranoid. What next the women that Trump supposedly attacked again.

I see you guys avoid my answer to your " Hard to fathom the cognitive dissonance " rant. No answers explains it all really - your choice of potential President lost, time to move on and stop looking for excuses. Watch OS's Untold Hist USA and you will see what has been happening right in front of your eyes while you slept walked the last few years. All I see is complaints backed up with guess work, 3rd rate journalism and lots of fake news articles pumped full of WMD's scenarios.

It is sad to see people keep ranting without fact checking a thing but running with's embarrassing.

#137: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:14 am
Here is the smoking gun of Trump collusion with Russia and Putin, also reported on state owned media ( like BBC )   -

#138: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:16 am

#139: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:29 am
Intentional' leaks as Rice and others weaponized U.S. intelligence for an election -
They are closing in on Obomba.

#140: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 10:17 am
dj - Trump had his trust revised in Feb so he can take cash out anytime he wants. Spicer denied that revision yesterday but, as usual, didnt seem aware it had happened. Combined with the fact his son provides regular financial reports effectively means there is no trust, literally and figuratively. Trump doesnt have much leverage over a Republican congress with such an obvious charge of corruption hanging over his head.

"Don't MSM give you guys up to date news or just fake news . This article is just more regurgitated rubbish as the Washington Post ran this some time back."
Just to bring you up to date on the news -  WaPo broke this story some time back exactly 5 hours and 13 minutes before your NBC link confirmed it. Rather fake to claim that news from half a day ago is 'old'.

"It's about US trying to ply pressure on Iran through Russia."
By making concessions on sanctions against Russia. The same topic (and Logan Act violation) Flynn and Kislyak discussed in Dec.  Flynn, Kushner and Bannon also had a Dec. meeting in NYC with Zayed, who arranged the Seychelles rendezvous. Relevant that Zayed failed to give the Obama administration the customary notification ahead of the NYC trip.

Like Watergate, Donnie Moscow's dots are getting connected thanks to the hard work of the MSM.

#141: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:34 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Intentional' leaks as Rice and others weaponized U.S. intelligence for an election -
They are closing in on Obomba.
Had you twitched a forefinger to follow the link in that Daily Mail re-spin back to the primary source you'd have found this little nugget of clarity:

"The standard for senior officials to learn the names of U.S. persons incidentally collected is that it must have some foreign intelligence value, a standard that can apply to almost anything. This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law."

Deeply conflicted and poorly informed.

#142: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:38 am
mick - You really need to remember a little past yesterday. Wapo ran an article about this story. Do some checking to save further embarrassment. It's just another sideline to the Susan Rice & Obama surveillance of the Trump team, which is the real story. Without warrants and leaking to the media makes it a felony I do believe. I wonder who she will sellout to stop imprisonment. Maybe her boss......ex boss - Obama. I wonder why MSM aren't running headlines on this story either with the exception of Fox. The same Fox being only of few medias to pick Trump as a possible election winner prior to the elections. And CNN were the ones who passed debate questions to Hillary prior to the debate after all - no integrity.

As for the Logan act. US Govt has been disregarding much of it when it come to things they want -
The irony, to think that you guys really believe USA was saintly prior to Trump is laughable and shows how naive and gullible some have became today. Trump is no worse than his predecessors. Paranoia is king with you guys.

ps  How is Oliver Stones doco's going or can't you guys bring yourselves to watching some truth. Would much rather live in a fantasy state. You must keep me up to date on what episodes you are up to. There is a good one on Obama to. Enjoy and lets hope Trump can make USA great again. Or at the very least drain the great Washington sewer pit.

Tell me if you have seen Ukraine on Fire to guys. You will hear about Obama, McCain, Nuland, Pyatt, Biden, Merkel, Soros and others - very enlightening.

#143: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:42 am
Sorry guys. Did you read the replies on some of the posts on the Daily Mail from Brits. They don't seem to trust Obama or Clinton's much aye. Your spy agencies get a bit of grief too. It seems to be a reoccurring theme.

#144: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:57 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):
mick - You really need to remember a little past yesterday. Wapo ran an article about this story. Do some checking to save further embarrassment.
Please do embarrass me with any link reporting Kushner secretly meeting a Russian official in the Seychelles prior to yesterday's WaPo story  Embarassed

#145: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:15 pm
Edit: Prince not Kushner

#146: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:54 pm
As Trump and his fanatical supporters become more desperate, they will continue to talk about Obama or Clinton.  Everything is always a conspiracy theory.  IC experts and people familiar with the legal process have repeatedly said this is standard procedure.  Again the reason why they recorded calls is that they were dealing with foreign governments or their frontmen that have bribed or paid people working with Trump.   Proven without a doubt to be Mannafort & Flynn.  Likely others.  

Take a close look at this story and the photo.  Pictures are worth a thousand words.  Flynn personally met with Putin and received $68K that we know of.

#147: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:47 pm
Washington Nationals fans celebrating their teams Opening Day win over the Marlins:

Our cheese -colored tweet chief is going to have to select his public venues carefully.

#148: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:56 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
mick - You really need to remember a little past yesterday. Wapo ran an article about this story. Do some checking to save further embarrassment.
Please do embarrass me with any link reporting Kushner secretly meeting a Russian official in the Seychelles prior to yesterday's WaPo story  Embarassed

Not this again. Look it up for your self. What's the point in me doing your work for your and then you just stop talking about it. Did you watch Oliver Stones doco.

#149: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:58 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
As Trump and his fanatical supporters become more desperate, they will continue to talk about Obama or Clinton.  Everything is always a conspiracy theory.  IC experts and people familiar with the legal process have repeatedly said this is standard procedure.  Again the reason why they recorded calls is that they were dealing with foreign governments or their frontmen that have bribed or paid people working with Trump.   Proven without a doubt to be Mannafort & Flynn.  Likely others.  

Take a close look at this story and the photo.  Pictures are worth a thousand words.  Flynn personally met with Putin and received $68K that we know of.  

You are losing it. That picture says about as much as you do - nothing. Hows the Oliver Stone doco going.

#150: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 8:16 pm
Over the weekend Trump tweeted a bald threat to China about NK: "China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t. And if they do that will be very good for China, and if they don’t, it won’t be good for anyone."

Today Gen. Hyten, head of the US Strategic Command, provided our corruption-in-chief with an unsalted dose of reality in his testimony to Congress: "Any solution to the North Korean problem has to involve China. I am a military officer, my job is to provide military options to the president ... but I look at it from a strategic perspective and I can't see a solution that doesn't involve China"

#151: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 4:44 am
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
Over the weekend Trump tweeted a bald threat to China about NK: "China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t. And if they do that will be very good for China, and if they don’t, it won’t be good for anyone."

Today Gen. Hyten, head of the US Strategic Command, provided our corruption-in-chief with an unsalted dose of reality in his testimony to Congress: "Any solution to the North Korean problem has to involve China. I am a military officer, my job is to provide military options to the president ... but I look at it from a strategic perspective and I can't see a solution that doesn't involve China"

The Nth Korea threat by Trump is very stupid. China has for a very long time been a partner and allied to China. China is Nth Korea's biggest trade partner 67% of all Nth Korea's trade.

That's a given - a very stupid comment. Leave Nth Korea alone and they have nothing to jump up and down about.

#152: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:03 am
Please remove the name trump from above the prison door and replace it with Obama.

It will never happen as the US public are so heavily propagandized they could never handle it. Like the 1930's attempted coup by US Fascist that was stopped by Smedley Butler. Same gang just their off spring this time.

#153: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:04 am

#154: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:41 pm
"Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III." - Donald Trump

#155: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:08 am
Last week our serial sexual assaulter-in-chief declared April to be Sexual Assault Awareness Month. This week he's defending serial sexual assaulter Bill O'Reilly, Faux News host, who has paid five women a total of ~ $13 million to settle claims of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Trump's comments echo those he made defending Faux News CEO and serial sexual assaulter Roger Ailes last July after Ailes was fired for his misconduct.

#156: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 2:45 am
Syria. "You'll see." Can't wait.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Defending Bill O'Reilly. This is comedy.

#157: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:44 am
Not that I am defending anything that Trump may or may not have done, but I assume that if Hillary had won the election we would all be talking about the women that Bill groped and raped with Hillary defending him to the hilt -- even to the point of threatening one of the women. As well as the evidence that Bill and Hillary were consorting with a convicted pedophile on his remote island.

Yeah, like when pigs fly.

#158: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:20 am
Syria - Nothing. They ( Syrian Govt Forces ) have admitted to hitting a chem weapons factory run by rebels. UN aren't going to back up half brain ideas...........anymore. Too quick to fire with looking and know anything.

#159: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:49 am
Russia is parroting the bogus Syrian claim to have collaterally bombed a rebel WMD facility. More significantly it has challenged Trump to declare his Syria policy ("Russia's approach to Assad is clear. He is the legal president of an independent state. What is the US approach?") in what could be the first real test of their alleged 'kompromat' control over him. All this after the Sec. of Oil & State shifted away from the previous US policy of regime change by declaring Assad's fate “will be decided by the Syrian people” last Thurs. This is a code phrase favored by Russia indicating the war there is entirely a Syrian sovereign matter.

Schmal - that pedophile would be the same one involved in the Trump child rape case. So Slick Willie and Donnie Moscow have that much in common. Them sharing the same kiddie pimp explains why the wingnut media pulled its punches on serial sexual assaulter Clinton during the pussy grabbing news cycle. Had Clinton overcome the Russian hacking 'vote' and won, the wingnuts would certainly be foaming about every aspect of the Clinton's past, real or imagined.

#160: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:43 pm
"Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?" - Donald Trump

#161: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:32 pm
I have to tell you mick, I was not aware of that story. I could say that it is unproven it, and leave it at that -- but I wouldn't do that. Since the woman in question is anonymous as well as her supposed witnesses could make this a non-story. I have told my wife that if some woman accused me of rape, I could be in trouble as the courts tend to believe the woman. At the very least I would have to spend lots of money to defend myself.

Men in authority with money tend to abuse their power. I am sure Trump is no exception. If I had heard this during the election I am not sure what I would have done. I definitely wouldn't have supported Hillary.

#162: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:50 pm
[quote="mick_xe5";p="86517"]Russia is parroting the bogus Syrian claim to have collaterally bombed a rebel WMD facility. More significantly it has challenged Trump to declare his Syria policy ("Russia's approach to Assad is clear. He is the legal president of an independent state. What is the US approach?") in what could be the first real test of their alleged 'kompromat' control over him. All this after the Sec. of Oil & State shifted away from the previous US policy of regime change by declaring Assad's fate “will be decided by the Syrian people” last Thurs. This is a code phrase favored by Russia indicating the war there is entirely a Syrian sovereign matter.

UN didn't believe the same few belligerents as usual.

#163: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:12 pm
Last week Trump reverses US policy on regime change by signaling Assad can stay. This week, after another chemical attack, Trump does a 180 and says Assad should go.

A. Did the previous chem attacks not figure into last weeks policy reversal because they didnt happen on Trump's watch?

B. It makes US foreign policy look like a woman who cant decide which dress to wear. Consistency is everything in foreign relations. Zigzagging without cause confuses enemy and ally alike. And even your own people trying to implement a zigzagging policy.

Bone-brained amateurs.

#164: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:29 am

#165: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:38 am
Interesting development. Russia's response?

I wonder if these strikes put Russians at risk.

#166: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:24 am
Chemical strike retaliation gave legitimacy to War Hawk agenda, plans to increase Defense spending by $50 Billion and likely another provocation or excuse to start new war in Yemen or Iran.  Russia does not care the sanctions will get removed and they will get their 1/2 Trillion $ oil deal with Rex.  Could not ask for better timing on the same day House Committee Chairman Nunes stepped aside from investigation of Trump campaign.  Now Nunes himself is said to be part of the investigation probe.  Since he personally was part of the Trump transition team.

Iraq and Afghanistan have no end in sight now Trump wants a new fight with Syria, Iran and Yemen.  He needs a big war to take the pressure off FBI criminal investigations and questionable Ethics violations by not forming a credible Trust.  He consults with his children or Jared likely every day on his personal business matters.  While promoting political agendas that benefit his selfish interests.  The defense of Bill O'Reilly while Fox News is already under investigation for the culture of corruption Ailes had was epic fail.

#167: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:56 am
Well guys you were right that Trump is no different to all the rest of the recent US Leaders. Attacking Syria over a chem attack with no evidence, no investigation and not even a casing from the gas bomb. All proven military grade chem attacks in Syria have been rebels / terrorist to date. Even casings showing Saudi A have been recovered in prior attacks

There are no good guys ( outside of civilians ) in this region, there is just bad guys. To rely upon the likes of the White Helmets is to side with ISIS. To bomb Syria just means you are helping ISIS terrorists.

So Trump has dumped upon a better foreign policy of diplomacy in favour of bomb first and find the truth later. This action will hurt him in the long run. The only equalizer is that Clinton would have possibly attacked some other country if not Syria by now or distant future.

#168: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:35 am
Apparently Russia was given advance warning. No signs that they used any of their SAMs to defeat the cruise missiles. If Trump had his way those "beautiful little babies" which prompted this retaliatory strike would have been barred from the US before they were gassed.

The Ranger btn sent into Syria recently iare adding a couple more layers of sandbags to their bunkers...

#169: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:57 am
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
Apparently Russia was given advance warning. No signs that they used any of their SAMs to defeat the cruise missiles. If Trump had his way those "beautiful little babies" which prompted this retaliatory strike would have been barred from the US before they were gassed.

The Ranger btn sent into Syria recently iare adding a couple more layers of sandbags to their bunkers...

Russia had a " flight safety memorandum " with the USA so they were never going to violate that. Unlike the unprovoked attacked based on at best guess work over the gas attack. Once again USA has proved it self to be the aggressor nation. Just by luck again ISIS, Al Nusra and FSA forces were ready to attack straight after the air raids - Aleppo and other areas. Two civilians killed in the raids plus three military personnel. To go with the growing number of dead Mosul women and children. Talk about double standards.

It will be interesting to see what the International Community will do if Assad's Govt are cleared ( often it's hard to prove in Indian territory ). Many neutral experts are saying the terrorist list of gas use in the last 18mth points to them. Also the lack of any canister / container for the bomb. Of which it would have been displayed worldwide if there was one. Intel has already been released that the factory also supplied gas to conflict areas in Iraq and Syria. Was known to USA, Russia, Syria and Iraq. Big shipments of Sarin gas caught in Turkey recently. Plus Syrian Govt have notified UN Security Council over 100 times on terrorist / rebel gas use/ factories and transports.

Trump has just given the Democrats what they were wanting - a reason to get rid of him.

#170: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:35 pm
Sounds like youve jumped off the Trump train just as it was picking up steam. Russia has suspended the flight safety memorandum. Interested to hear the Pentagon's BDA as some reports have only ~36 of the 59 Tomahawks impacting the target area.

Right wing isolationists are feeling scammed this morning.

#171: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:17 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
Sounds like youve jumped off the Trump train just as it was picking up steam. Russia has suspended the flight safety memorandum. Interested to hear the Pentagon's BDA as some reports have only ~36 of the 59 Tomahawks impacting the target area.

Right wing isolationists are feeling scammed this morning.

I have always said there was hope he would be different. Sadly he is just the same as the others - foreign policy of death and destruction before diplomacy.

He will be proved wrong and the Democrats will have him where they want him and good job.

#172: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:15 am
In a 48 hour period Trump jumped from a America First policy and no regime change in Syria. To once again a foreign policy of intervention and regime change. Based on what the white helmets ( Al Nusra ) has told the West - that Assad planes dropped Sarin Gas. Even though as a retired US UN Lawyer pointed out he has ( Assad ) no motive to do such a thing at this stage of the game. The war had heavily gone in his favour and by the year out Syrian conflict for all intents and purposes would largely be over. Al Nusra on the over hand has a proven history of using sarin gas. Over 100 complaints of terrorist groups from Al Nusra, ISIS and FSA using it have been filed by Assad's Govt with the UN. The confl;ict was going against them.

Trump will have to act fast in Syria, as when the truth comes out he wont have a leg to stand on. Trump has either been fooled by the Military, wants to boost failing polls or always was looking for a false flag to hide civilian deaths toll from Mosul - 15 more dead from coalition strike plus all the others from their campaign. Either which way it is going to be a stort live gain for a lot more pain.

As the past has shown before nothing will happen to the US over this sadly.

#173: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:45 am
Russia's and Iran's response to Trump illegal bombing of Syria -
Interesting to see that still no evidence in the way of a gas casing / canister / bomb has been located. Something that the MSM failed to mention but hasn't gone unnoticed by some - Ron Paul among others.

#174: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 2:43 am
Looks like you are finally starting to get it.  Lesson learned...never trust a single word uttered by Trump or his people.  Pathological liar that invents his own facts.  Even many Republicans are saying this.

Today Russian Botnet hacker was caught.  He brought down Estonian intranet a few years ago and now it is said he sent massive Botnet attack prior to the U.S. Election.  Trump surrogates under*t is going to hit the fan soon.  Trump is desperate for war to distract and the U.S. media will absolutely take the bait with non-stop war coverage.

#175: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 4:43 am
As much as I would like to say Trump is tied up with Russia post the false flag gas attack. There still isn't any evidence. The best way for the US to rid themselves of Trump remains with this Sarin gas fiasco. If it turns out Assad forces didn't use Sarin gas but was delivered by artillery / hit chem factory as some experts are saying then Trump has committed an act of war plus war crimes as civilians also died due to his actions.

Fancy using the White Helmets as a source of info. These guys of Al Nusra have been caught staging numerous false flags and some involving chem gas attacks.

Trump foreign policy of diplomacy is out the window totally. He has flip flopped on Assad again - 3 times in a week.

#176: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:37 am
WaPo is reporting the FBI took out a FISA warrant on Carter Page last summer.

Trump isnt going to be held liable for the Tomahawk barrage which merely escalated another sandbox clusterf#ck we were already hip-deep in. The downside is - with that show of force Trump both shifted the news cycle away from the Russian campaign hack and he got some positive press from left-leaning media outlets. This doesnt bode well for his next PR crisis.

Im worried more about the developing confrontation with NK than the existing byzantine conflict in Syria. China has refused NK coal shipments, that country's most important export product to its most important trading partner. In an odd fulfillment of Trump's campaign pledge to revive coal jobs here, China is replacing NK coal with US coal. Who knows? Trump's brash, unpredictable foreign policy approach may force China's hand in harnessing NK. Then again, NK takes brash and unpredictable to bizarre levels so there's a non-trivial possibility the situation detonates in kilotons over Seoul.

#177: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:50 am
Im worried more about the developing confrontation with NK than the existing byzantine conflict in Syria. China has refused NK coal shipments, that country's most important export product to its most important trading partner. In an odd fulfillment of Trump's campaign pledge to revive coal jobs here, China is replacing NK coal with US coal. Who knows? Trump's brash, unpredictable foreign policy approach may force China's hand in harnessing NK. Then again, NK takes brash and unpredictable to bizarre levels so there's a non-trivial possibility the situation detonates in kilotons over Seoul.[/quote]

It is hard to imagine China not backing NK after everything and for so long.

#178: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:55 am
China isnt the poor agrarian nation it was in 1950 when the PLA went south of the Yalu. Smoke signal's on NK  from a Chinese military publication - China’s bottom line on DPRK nuclear issue

#179: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:24 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
China isnt the poor agrarian nation it was in 1950 when the PLA went south of the Yalu. Smoke signal's on NK  from a Chinese military publication - China’s bottom line on DPRK nuclear issue

To China though giving ground on NK would mean giving ground in the Spratley Islands at a later date......maybe. NK keeps the US busy as a sideshow and away from the Sth China Seas situation. NK also protects a large Chinese border, long time trader etc. Maybe China is saying what people want to hear and playing the game only. No meaningful resolution.

#180: Re: Donald Trumph Author: WilliamTheSilent PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:28 pm
Putin is a fascist. That means he has his people in all big companies.
That means that anyone who does business with them gets involved with his people.
Whole EU does business with Russia = Putin. Big time. They get their gaz.

So it's easy to make that look bad. But it's mostly just business. But at least include all the US politicians who do business in Russia = Putin if you want that to look bad on someone:
Bill Clinton earned half a million with a speech there.
Clinton Foundation got 145 million from Russian business people who made money with the sale of ukranian (US) uranium.

Podesta's brother works for a Russian bank. That looks very suspicious to me.

#181: Re: Donald Trumph Author: WilliamTheSilent PostPosted: Wed Apr 12, 2017 9:37 pm
NK is a Chinese puppet. They use it to bully their neighbors.
Problem: the have an idiot dictator who lives in a different universe that might throw a nuke on one of it's neighbors.
Especially now he got rattled by that attack on Syria.
Nobody wants that to happen.
Not even China so they will have to take care of it.

There is 150.000 Chinese troops at the NK border.
So they might replace the little dictator.

Good move from the US.

#182: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:46 am
[quote="WilliamTheSilent";p="86558"]Putin is a fascist. That means he has his people in all big companies.

Putin is a lot of things but a fascist he isn't. He does the things you accuse him of, but really what country isn't doing the same - China, USA, GB, France, Germany and more. Those who supported fascism in the 1930's, there families are still around causing the same troubles in recent times - Bush family. They own Carlyle Group and supply nearly every conflict in the world and then was Iraq. You just need to look at the countries who increase military spending, dominate world military exports, involved in conflicts globally consistently. Fascism has a very important element of race / religion. Like white christian for an example only.

Hardcore socialist yes. Certainly not communist as he has been fighting communists groups politically in Russia for sometime.

#183: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:05 am
Meanwhile...Manafort is belatedly registering as a foreign agent. AP has confirmed at least 2 of the $12.5M in payments listed in the Yanukovych 'black ledgers' were actually paid (laundered) to Manafort in those exact amounts. The ex-head of MI-6 accuses Trump of secretly taking Russian cash to keep his business afloat after the '08 financial crash. Trump informed Xi of the Syria strike over "the most beautiful chocolate cake". It took a 10 minute China-NK history lesson from Xi for Trump to understand NK is not China's puppet. NK appears to be readying another nuclear test. Trump's people cant get on the same page as to whether Assad should stay or go and what role the US will play in Syria. NATO is suddenly, but not surprisingly back in favor with our dysfunctional administration. Pols on both sides say Nunes misrepresented the intel docs purportedly substantiating Trump's wiretap claim. And Trump recently threatened that its "not too late" to fire FBI Dir. Comey.

The leak about Page being under FISA investigation is noteworthy because FISA activity is very tightly held information. Somebody in the IC/Deep State took a huge risk to ensure that tidbit came to light as public attention was being diverted offshore. Who recruited Page for the Trump campaign you ask? None other than Jeff 'recused from all things Russian' Sessions, our nation's highest law enforcement officer.

#184: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:02 am
How convenient.   After Flynn and Mannafort got caught in multiple lies did they decide to file papers they served as lobbyist receiving payments from foreign government interests.  Kind of like when Jeff Sessions lied under oath, then choose to "amend" his statements to Senate.  There is your proof you kept asking for Sod. Reports of Mannafort money laundering via Bank of Cyprus surfaced over a month ago.  Despite his repeated lies, he finally got caught.  

Yes I am amazed with the constant leaks at the highest levels.  I am concerned that as Trump and many of his questionable staff members become more desperate, they will panic and resort to big distraction like Pre-emptive strikes on civilian targets or instigate wars.  His comments about North Korea are quite provocative.  His approval points went up almost 10 points after Syria strike.  Then all the War Hawks like Graham who led the case for War for Iraq are asking for regime change in Syria.  I am sure they will be desperate and maybe try to start war with NK or Iran.  

Policy makes no sense.  USA used Iranian faction and their Shia militia allies to help prop-up Iraqi govt unpopular with Sunni's.  Then we switch sides and try to use the Sunni's that are angry at Syria government that is aligned with Iran and Hezbollah?  So we have already bombed both sides in Syria now.  Nuts.

#185: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:02 am
What a mess and somewhere is the truth whatever it might be. But i'm sure it's going to take some time to filter through all the fake releases, reports and leaks. It doesn't appear anyone is independent enough in the US to do the job. Start from the beginning again and only the Govt can pay Officials as it use to be once before Lobbyists and corruption ran every aspect of Govt and parties. Like some of the Scandinavian countries.

#186: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:35 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Policy makes no sense... Nuts.
In the last week Trump's 'policies' on  Syria, Russia, China and NATO have flip-flopped, not to mention a slew of campaign positions that have been abandoned as if they never existed. There is no policy in this ad hoc circus.

#187: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 5:59 pm
We now know where Donnie Moscow got his 'Obama used GCHQ to spy on me' BS.  The Guardian reports that GCHQ first spotted links between members (plural) of Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence in late 2015 and relayed their findings to the US IC.

That rules out Manafort, Page, Flynn and Sessions, none of whom joined the campaign until early '16. The betting favorites are Stone and Cohen, Trump's lawyer.

#188: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 5:09 pm
This article from the Guardian really says a lot...yet barely mentioned in U.S. media.  Shrew move by Trump to plant a leak that they are looking to strike North Korea so the U.S. media would get obsessed.  After the media ran the MOAB attack in Afghanistan non-stop for the past few days.  Eventually this will also get exposed and Trump will have to find a more long-term war to keep media distracted.

"...According to one account, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan. The matter was deemed so sensitive it was handled at “director level”. After an initially slow start, Brennan used GCHQ information and intelligence from other partners to launch a major inter-agency investigation.

...a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.

Another source suggested the Dutch and the French spy agency, the General Directorate for External Security or DGSE, were contributors."

#189: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:29 am
Some media have picked up The Guardian's last para regarding the Wikileaks email dumps -
"One source suggested the official investigation was making progress. “They now have specific concrete and corroborative evidence of collusion,” the source said."

Correction to the timeline above - Sessions started advising Trump in Aug '15, Flynn that December so both are eligible to have been involved in the GCHQ intercepts.

#190: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:00 am
The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said.

The Five Eyes members aren't permitted to spy upon their own ciitizens so their allied countries do the dirty work for them. So it wouldn't be too hard to imagine how easy it would be to gain itel into opposition parties etc for Govt's.

#191: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:05 pm
Did you read that from or some other right-wing blog?  That is complete bulls*t.  Yes they are allowed if part of communications with foreign agents or their frontmen.  That's like blaming the victim for a crime.  And explains why GCHQ got angry when Trump's spokesman tried to blame them.  You are reading Alex Jones and other partisan radical blogs too much.  So now you think this is all an international conspiracy trying to frame Trump and his associates?

#192: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:16 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
...So it wouldn't be too hard to imagine how easy it would be to gain itel into opposition parties etc for Govt's.
Easy as "somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds" hacking into the DNC according to El Caudillo del Mar a Lago.

#193: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:10 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
Did you read that from or some other right-wing blog?  That is complete bulls*t.  Yes they are allowed if part of communications with foreign agents or their frontmen.  That's like blaming the victim for a crime.  And explains why GCHQ got angry when Trump's spokesman tried to blame them.  You are reading Alex Jones and other partisan radical blogs too much.  So now you think this is all an international conspiracy trying to frame Trump and his associates?

No DJ that's their mandate for countries like NZ and Aussie. What's the point of Intel Agencies if they are only going to do part of the job. It like having a massive military for peace keeping or as the world's police. Words are wind Jon Snow. History shows us that Empire like what we have now do what they want when they want with little or no repercussions - illegal invasions etc. Often backed by propaganda outlets - MSM.

#194: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:16 pm
Welcome to the age of Cyber Hybrid Warfare with many millions of lines of code of malware with literally armies of hackers employed by governments all over the world.  Plus they use all sorts of third parties and contractors or hired guns.  Even Samsung Smart TV's are vulnerable to microphone activation hacks.  I am happy to have my Government monitor sleazy scumbags taking millions of dollars of "loans" deposited into blackbox bags overseas and not reported as income.  Also I do not see the harm of Western IC sharing info if targets are doing nefarious activities like taking bribes.

#195: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 12:11 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Welcome to the age of Cyber Hybrid Warfare with many millions of lines of code of malware with literally armies of hackers employed by governments all over the world.  Plus they use all sorts of third parties and contractors or hired guns.  Even Samsung Smart TV's are vulnerable to microphone activation hacks.  I am happy to have my Government monitor sleazy scumbags taking millions of dollars of "loans" deposited into blackbox bags overseas and not reported as income.  Also I do not see the harm of Western IC sharing info if targets are doing nefarious activities like taking bribes.

Totally agree - two cases of differing nature. The first one you might say deserved it although I wouldn't. the second was just illegal and resulted in raids also and made of stories of terrorism.
Sadly once again there is no real checks or balances on the Agencies who do run a muck. They prosecute others for their illegal activities while denying theirs in the face of evidence with Govt protection. A Western disease is the continual need for surveillance on very shaky grounds. The things countries like ours use to accuse the USSR and China of doing except now out Govt's are doing it x 10 -

#196: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:49 am
The CVN strike group that a week ago Trump and Mattis said was heading for the Sea of Japan to monitor NK, was actually headed for the Indian Ocean to do scheduled routine training with Australian naval forces. It is now steaming northward — really, truly, honestly this time — expected to arrive in the Sea of Japan sometime next week.

Fake news indeed.

#197: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:45 am
Im going to North Korea on the 28th. I will see the May day tour.

#198: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:03 am
Antony_nz wrote (View Post):
Im going to North Korea on the 28th. I will see the May day tour.

You will be safe. Trump isn't going to do a thing. He's had his bluff called and now doesn't know what to do other than more sanctions. It's pretty clear they haven't worked in the past either.

Funny enough China requires many of Nth Korea's rare minerals for it's Industries. China also won't stand by and watch a takeover by a foreign power

#199: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 7:14 pm
Intriguing read on re-evaluating China's NK relationship: Excerpts From a Chinese Historian’s Speech on North Korea

"My basic conclusion is judging by the current situation, North Korea is China’s latent enemy and South Korea could be China’s friend."

Why could SK be China's friend? Both have become mercantile countries grown wealthy on international commerce.

#200: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:47 am
All the tough talk by Trump during the election.  Resulting in Chinese President having to personally give history lesson, while they ate wonderful chocolate cake at his Country Club resort.  And his daughter's clothing company getting official endorsement on the same day.  Marie Antoinette would be proud.  China is making USA look like Banana Republic by making business deal with Trump's daughter.  Very high probability Trump family business owes substantial amount of debt to China.  Which who knows what transpired behind closed doors.  Also how convenient they had this state visit on his private property with his children and Jared present with all sorts of ties to their business holdings.  China also took notice the way to get to Trump is to speak with Jared, Banana Republic style.

Keeping White House visitor logs a secret in the name of National Security was a nice touch as well.

#201: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:02 am
"My basic conclusion is judging by the current situation, North Korea is China’s latent enemy and South Korea could be China’s friend."[/i]

Noirth Korea relies upon China for nearly everything - their biggest trading partner by far. It really would be a stretch to see anything else other than at best China exerting some pressure upon Nth Korea to calm down it's ranting and threats. Something the US also needs to do, as Nth Korea isn't off the coast of the USA yet. Unlike Trumps mislaid warships.

#202: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:12 pm
In another reappraisal of history, our Putter-in-Chief declared that “Korea actually used to be a part of China.” At great risk of being outed on Twitter as a fake country, the South Koreans humbly beg to differ.

The White House visitor log is not being released to prevent public misunderstanding of daily visits by middle school tutors in science, history and social studies.

#203: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:41 am
I see the US want to chase Wikileaks and Assange again -

#204: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:17 pm
House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz is resigning allegedly to spend more time with his family.  Timing is suspicious just as the investigations as starting to reveal details of collusion.

#205: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:25 pm
No wonder Jason is resigning.  The slow drip of investigative journalists and never-ending leaks at the highest levels is taking a toll.  Don't tell me this is fake news:

"...the references to Trump Tower are because Jared Kushner’s meeting with Gorkov  and Kislyak was indeed taped because SVB Bank is a direct target of the warrant. Epshteyn led an ‘invest in Moscow’ trip in 2014, Gorkov’s bank and SVB had signed a memo to “invest in US startups”. The latter bit is mentioned in the Steele Dossier.

As a named target, SVB Bank is legitimate – and US persons caught up in this are legitimate. Jared talking to Gorkov was fair game.

...Kushner had snuck the Russian ambassador secretly into – Trump Tower. And Trump said “MY phones were tapped.” That means – I believe – that legal FISA intercepts involve not only Jared Kushner talking to Russian spies but also, because Trump called in to this secret meeting or meetings within Trump Tower, Donald J. Trump.

Michael Ellis probably called Nunes in with urgency because he saw Trump and Kushner named in intercepts. This explains why the equally galactically stupid and treacherous Nunes said that he read top secret FISA evidence ‘not to do with Russia’ and ‘Russia was never mentioned’. When you are looking at money-laundering and RICO offenses – as I report the FISA warrant was – you do not need to NAME Russia. You discuss dates, amounts of money and deals."

#206: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:40 pm
Numerous ways to hide money transfers.  Real estate transactions of the numerous holding of the Trump umbrella of companies and shell companies are almost impossible to track.  LLC's are shielded legally from having to disclose the identity.  Frequently these are foreign nationals.  It is no longer acceptable for banks for conduct loans to foreign nationals for real estate however there are no restrictions for paying cash.  Also buyers can pay whatever the seller wants to charge.  So it fair market value is $1M USD, the buyer can pay $20M or whatever is negotiated regardless of market values if cash deal.

#207: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:56 pm
The funny thing about all of these Trump stories...........non of them result in anything but a few anti Trump people jumping up and down. If one thing were to stick Trump would be gone by lunch. Trump's do it may way or the highway seems to be dividing his team, party and voters. But that isn't enough to topple him...yet.

#208: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:08 pm
Kushner met with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak at Trump Tower in December, a session also attended by former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who was fired for lying about the nature of his contacts with Kislyak.

...the White House acknowledged a previously undisclosed meeting between Kushner and Sergey N. Gorkov, chief of Russian government-owned Vnesheconombank. The bank, which handles Russia’s pension funds and deals with development activity for the state, including foreign debts and investments, has been under U.S. sanctions since July 2014, in response to Russia’s intervention in Ukraine.
The bank also has been tied to Russian intelligence services.
Reeks of bribery.  Follow the $$$  Pay to play

#209: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:14 am
All of this Russia business is just a diversion and Trump will love it. it detracts from real issues like foreign policy, tax cuts for the wealthy, health etc. To date no evidence of Russia helping Trump. But when does evidence become a requirement - Sryia gas attack.

#210: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:38 am
Caffetz sees the handwriting on the wall. Either he stalls any oversight into Trump's numerous ethical conflicts and winds up looking like a stooge, as did Nunes, or he makes himself highly unpopular among Republicans by doing his job. Neither prospect being very palatable for a politician with his sights set on a higher office .

#211: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:23 pm
Flynn in his own words:

#212: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Apr 29, 2017 7:59 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
Flynn in his own words:

Semantics - He's doing a Politician.............playing with the meaning of who paid him. But really if this is a concern, what politician hasn't been paid by a foreign power. There isn't many - Obama maybe and trump to date sadly.

But still where does this where. Trump still sits in the WH.

#213: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 12:59 am
Sally Yates - We believe..........that's evidence -

I see, still not one shred of Russia / Trump conspiracy being true not matter how many investigations. Paranoia is king in a land of fools. How much tax payers money is going to be wasted before the US decides enough with this fantasy.

MSM at it again this time in France - Russian hack - no proof again. Also backing a total unknown _ Macron. Writing him up as anti Establishment, for the people etc. He worked under Holland for several years and worked for Rothschilds. He also signed off on a bill that created less workers rights and pay leading to riots.

#214: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:42 am
Believing there was Russian influence is not paranoia, or ignorance. Governments influencing foreign governments is not new. It would be ignorant to think Russia stood by idly during the elections.

sod98 wrote (View Post):
what politician hasn't been paid by a foreign power.

Same idea.

#215: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 3:00 am
[quote="mooxe";p="86690"]Believing there was Russian influence is not paranoia, or ignorance. Governments influencing foreign governments is not new. It would be ignorant to think Russia stood by idly during the elections.

sod98 wrote (View Post):
what politician hasn't been paid by a foreign power.

The idea of a politician being paid by a foreign power is no different to likes of Biden's son and Kerry's family friend being on Ukraine Oil's pay roll. There are numerous examples in fact too many to list here. It's state sponsored paranoia and MSM that creates this one sided Russophobia based on what..........nothing. Bill Clinton paid mega dollars to speak in Russia prior to the elections...that too is meaningless and only shows his greed. It clearly isn't moral but it isn't corrupt and certainly isn't in a society that openly allows lobbyists to influence politicians.

Russia would and have stated who they wanted to win - Trump. No evidence to the contrary exists. I certainly would require a lot more convincing other than a bunch of borderline politicians saying trust me - Iraq...WMD's. So poor Russia has a better cyber army than the US 17 Agencies and multiple other allied agencies all doing the same thing..............please. Even a pic of Putin sitting in front of a computer would be a I though US citizens would remember things like the Bay of Tnkin incident to see what their country is capable of -

#216: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 4:39 am
Josef Goebels also called the media fake news and the Nazis attacked the German media as Jewish propaganda.  You never believe anything unless posted on Right-wing blogs.  The head of Nato and most European governments have complained about the same thing.  What specific proof do you need?  The British intelligence, former head of Nato / Denmark Prime Minister, the new French President...and BOTH parties in the US Government have confirmed this.

There is nothing new with bribery of government officials.  USA is becoming more and more like a banana republic though under Trump era.  White House visitor logs are censored.  Jared Kusher's sister offered Chinese officials fast track Visa status in exchange for investment in his family real estate business.  China is already laundering billions of monopoly money in U.S. real estate before currency devaluation hits the books.
Biggest scam that only U.S. still keeps legal is shell companies masking the identity via LLC of real estate purchases.  Which Trump has already sold numerous condo holdings since taking office.  Europe does not allow for anonymous purchases.  Real Estate can be sold at whatever price seller wants regardless of real market values.  Plus no restrictions on foreign nationals monopolizing properties.  As many as they want, no citizenship required and no questions asked if paid in cash.

#217: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:33 am
So DJ CNN is right wing blog. Try again except this time try and get it right - your media. Also once the Nazi's owned / ran the media like they do today in the US, they publish fake news like Russian hacks of today. If you believe otherwise please front up with the missing evidence, I for one will be

The problem with MSM is that they are owned by the same guys who make money out of these conflicts. 90% of all US media owned by 6 Multinat Corp's. The same Corp's that receive the lions share of Military and Reconstruction contracts in places like Libya, Iraq, Nigeria and where else the US has bombed recently. The Brit Govt much like the US says a lot of things and backs them up with........we know, trust us rhetoric. If the US, GB. France or anyone had evidence we wouldn't be having this discussion surely.....even you can see that. Proof / evidence is what is needed in a court of law the rest is sheer speculation and scaremongering. Why let your media and Govt get away with fooling you so often.

As for reading Right Wing I'm certainly Left Wing but did believe that a former Democrat supporter Trump might at least keep his foreign policy promise. Sadly he appears to be pals with the Military Contractors. A quick look at the stocks of these companies since he has come to power shows massive share increases with the Syria bombing and Nth Korean issues.

Agree with most of the rest of the last paragraph. However it appears you still believe you have two clear political parties maybe ? They ( Repubs and Democrats ) are the two sides of the same coin. Both heavily lobbied by same interest groups and the same foreign policy. It's like the Chinese voting system a little. Vote for either Communist part A member or Communist party B member in their case. USA missed it's chance with the cheating of Sanders when he ran against Clinton for the democrats vote. Money talks and Clinton knew the language of money very well.

#218: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:47 pm
With the sacking of Comey the paranoid masses will believe once again Trump is trying to hide the Russia connection. Nothing to do with the real reason - Comey's poor handling and public announcement of opening the Hillary Clinton investigation - Dept of Justice.


#219: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:51 pm
It will be interesting to see what the " Butcher of Libya " - Hillary Clinton has to say on this matter.

#220: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:04 pm
There's the smoking gun........Trump meets his Spy Master Lavrov -

#221: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 1:13 pm
...and Kislyak, whom current and former US intelligence officials accuse of being a top spy and recruiter.

Meetings in the Oval Office to which only Russian media was allowed access.

As usual, ludicrous timing and optics on the part of this maladministration.

#222: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 2:58 pm
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if Trump intentionally is trying to sabotage our Government to force collapse of the Real Estate bubble.  Trump first and foremost is a Real Estate investor along with son in law Jared.   They are looking to make money buying value investments.  And sell only when the opportunity arises, like selling the most expensive documented residential purchase to Russian billionaire at more than 2x what he paid and far more than legit market value.  If Flynn was known according to fired Sally Yates to be vulnerable to blackmail by know Trump personally has all kinds of dirty laundry the Russians can leverage against him.  Gotta give Russia credit for exploiting the situation.  Hybrid warfare on the cheap that has pushed USA into Constitutional crisis and complete disarray.

US is in complete chaos right now.  The head of the ethics committee abruptly resigned when asked why White House refused to turn over documents about Flynn.  Then Nunes sabotaged his committees investigation.
Yates fired for revealing Flynn was a crook.  Then Comey fired for aggressively pursuing Trump investigation asking for daily status reports.  And the REAL reason was that Comey refused to tell Sessions and his deputy what actions he was taking.  Despite Sessions recusing himself from both the investigation plus any matters related to Clinton email scandal.  Yet Sessions cited the reasons HE wanted Comey out was due to the Clinton investigation that he was suppose to be recessed from meddling in.  The United States of Ecuador, we are officially now a Banana Republic.

#223: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:20 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
...and Kislyak, whom current and former US intelligence officials accuse of being a top spy and recruiter.

Meetings in the Oval Office to which only Russian media was allowed access.

As usual, ludicrous timing and optics on the part of this maladministration.

I heard that was false. Only government photographers were in there, no media.

#224: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 10:23 pm
TASS is run by the Russian govt. TASS is a major Russian media outlet.

The story gets even more ironic now that the White House is claiming they were tricked and lied to by the Russians w/r/t the photographer.

#225: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 11:44 pm
Keep seeing boogeymen you guys. Worry only when there is evidence. Everything else is being fed to you guys via your MSM is bull. From day one most of MSM have been onto Trump and sometimes not without concern. But I have said for a couple of years your media isn't objective, impartial or truthful. Trump is a fool and I can see he probably won't help Joe average USA. This constant Trump and Russophobia is over the top. Trump dislikes MSM from the campaign lies published as truths - those women who have since dropped their cases against Trump over his apparent inappropriate behaviour - lies. And much more if you care to remember.

Trump has to date failed his foreign policy promises, so to me he's just another lying US scumbag politician. But you guys fail to see the wood for the tress. More fake news guys like the firing of doesn't stop the investigation just gets rid of a guy who wasn't up to the job.

#226: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 12:26 am
I am sure most contributors to this thread get news from multiple sources and base their opinion from that. After all, the media is the only outlet which we can listen to and form opinions from about politics. Its not new to anyone here that news outlets can lean a certain way. We get it, we've been getting it for years.

#227: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 12:30 am
Thanks for that 'objective, impartial or truthful' news link that didnt mention Kislyak, a figure of some recent notoriety, accompanied Lavrov.

The conventional wisdom on Comey's ouster is that it 'just gets rid of a guy who wasn't up to the job' of protecting Trump.

#228: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 2:06 am
Protecting Trump after 3 Investigations come on. He's not the only person employed by the FBI, just it's figurehead. Others do the donkey work and you expect people to believe Comey meant

Mooze - There was a time when some and maybe you were the one's that disputed the leaning of MSM. Esp when it came to foreign policy. Look no further than the info on John McCain meeting with Al Baghdadi - that's treason surely. He openly says he meets these guys ( terrorists ) but believes them to be Moderate Rebels. Some have suggested he didn't know who he was meeting with...really after many meetings. The illegal invasion of Iraq, Syria and other places received no backlash like Trump's election has. But back on topic it will take US public pressure to make MSM reform it's self. I read the other day RT ( Russia Today ) could possibly be banned / restricted from reporting in the US. Because it's a Govt funded media - so is BBC and Al J and both of whom have reported outright lies / fake news yet the BBC is held in esteem in the West. Neither face the same restrictions on operating. Restriction of the media of any form isn't a good thing to a so called democracy.

I see Trump has helped certain sectors of US Industry - Weapons Industry shares of some missile companies have risen.

#229: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 12:52 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Protecting Trump after 3 Investigations come on...
If I understand the crux of our differences correctly, while others are constrained by the space-time continuum to inhabiting the present, you have escaped to another dimension which accesses the future. Otherwise, I believe the word you were grasping for is 'during', or a phrase synonymous with 'in the midst of'.

As for the FBI Director being merely a ceremonial appendage much like your queen, clearly you are ignorant of the enormous power accrued and abused by former director J. Edgar Hoover. While some safeguards have been emplaced, the director retains great discretion in the allocation of agency resources which inevitably determine the scope of its activities.

#230: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 1:31 pm
mick_xe5 wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Protecting Trump after 3 Investigations come on...
If I understand the crux of our differences correctly, while others are constrained by the space-time continuum to inhabiting the present, you have escaped to another dimension which accesses the future. Otherwise, I believe the word you were grasping for is 'during', or a phrase synonymous with 'in the midst of'.

As for the FBI Director being merely a ceremonial appendage much like your queen, clearly you are ignorant of the enormous power accrued and abused by former director J. Edgar Hoover. While some safeguards have been emplaced, the director retains great discretion in the allocation of agency resources which inevitably determine the scope of its activities.

Geez I get into trouble when I supposedly get personal but I will play along. Nice rant just very inaccurate like my

It should have read 3 times Comey told Trump have wasn't under investigation - my bad. Comey was just a figurehead and no the investigation won't stop. The scope of the investigation is determined by your House Intelligence Committee not Comey. So I guess we both made mistakes or both ignorant.  Paranoia ( scared ) of Trump, Russia and anything else outside of your norm, taints your vision of reality. As you say the Queen is just a figurehead much like your great American presidents who are told what to do by business interests. Otherwise they would look to home problems instead of trying and failing at conflicts from Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos, Libya and other places. It's pretty much the same with leaders the world over. Particularly in Western countries where leaders are figureheads so I hope I haven't upset you with that knowledge you were naive of. Most Officials are getting their strings pulled from somewhere, maybe that's lesson 2 for you.

The US preoccupation with this make believe Russian election interference is so laughable. Once again no evidence while loads of evidence how USA ( and USSR ) have tried to interfere in others elections around the world.

#231: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 6:04 pm
Trump acted like a Mafia boss inviting Comey to dinner to demand a loyalty pledge.  Some legal experts called that an act of obstruction of justice and witness intimidation.  FBI is not a partisan branch of govt.  Trump also changed his story and lied repeatedly...likely because Rosenstein threatened to quit after he was used for false narrative.  One of the biggest lies is when Trump's spokeswomen Sarah claimed she personally spoke with many people from the FBI that claimed Comey was doing a bad job.  NY Times asked her in briefing "really?"...calling her bluff.  Sarah peddled lies that nobody was buying. Trump changed the cover story and just simply said it was related to Russia investigation.

Now in a bizarre sequence of events, Trump's lawyers introduced a letter dated in March that he has no business ties to Russia based on his tax returns from the past 10 years.  I believe the residential property sale to Russian billionaire in Florida was noted as the only exception.  Skeptics abound as the letter is 2 months old and those tax returns were never disclosed like every other President has done since Nixon.  I am 99.9% convinced that Trump is lying and substantial amount maybe Billions tied up with Russian and Chinese shell companies.  Since Limited Liabilities Corporations shield the identity of investors for real estate transactions.
Legally he or his lawyers can say that and lie knowing that on paper LLC's are bullshit.  Real Estate is the most corrupt industry in the world and the best possible way to launder dirty money.

#232: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 6:25 pm
trump is nothing but a BS artist/conman/snake oil salesman..  Best way to know what he is doing is to expect him to do the exact opposite of what he says he will do..  and when He talking in public, he acts  like an grade school child in a school play for the 1st time. It really is annoying and just makes me cringe. History will not be kind to this dude and his admin will go down in history as the most corrupt and that IS REALLY saying something.

Trump is damaging the credibility of the office of President, by his assine and constant lieing . The best way to know when trump is being truthful is to know that he has never told the truth in his entire life when it revolves around money and power... Our allies and adversaries are confused which is never a good thing. When a president of these United States speaks on the world stage, It is suppose to holds weight and people take him at that word. There should never be any misinterpretation on what a president means, as the stakes are way to high for such a blunder

When he is impeached I hope the US gov confiscates all properties connected with russia/china:).. Hell, people like trump LOVE foreclosure when they are the ones foreclosing.. LOL. Besides, Most others get their property confiscated if it is suspected of being used in a crime. Since this is a high crime, i think it fits

#233: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:34 pm
Look I'll play along with your guys paranoia.

Ok, so we say he's corrupted by the Russian's. Money trial............none, witnesses......none, documents...........none. Could he have been recruited years ago. Might he going to be paid once he's finished in Office, what motivates a guy who already has the dollars - blackmailed maybe. There has to be a motive not just because............Managed crime always has a motive as opposed to spontaneous crime.

Trump is a narcissist like Hillary is. He never forgets those who cross him. He appears to be backed by the military where Hillary was backed by US Security, one reason he doesn't trust the FBI or CIA. Both campaigns were backed by Multi Nats and that's where the corruption lays not with another power.

#234: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:59 pm
I just don't see the paranoia here.

#235: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:26 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Look I'll play along with your guys paranoia.

It ceases to become paranoia when Trump does stuff  in the open and gets caught in a lie after a lie.. He is as transparent as muddy glass..  You can see he is up to no good.. just cant see excactly what untill he opens the window (i.e. Speaks)

You know.. I KNEW clinton was a crook and had many skeletons in her closet..HELLO!!  she was a lawyer and in a SOS. All the hearings the republican lead  congress had, and found nothing on her. Not to say she didnt do anything wrong but no one found anything. If someone fails to convict someone by the 3rd or 4th time, its time to move on because you are clearly outmatched or just incompetent.. both a lawyer and a statesperson require a person to be a good BS artist.. BUT atleast she was stable and was a statesperson.

Trump is neither stable nor is he an effective leader or tactful enough to be statesman. There is a pretty big difference between a leader and a boss.. A leader can be a boss but a boss will probable be nothing more than a boss. This Requires a different skillset and you either have it or you dont. This is the primary reason a country should never ever be run like a business. Their mission statements are different and are mutually exclusive/not compatible. Business generally are around  to make profit and government is supposed to look out for its citizens. When you combine the two, profit will always usurp the good of the people..

He appears to be backed by the military where Hillary was backed by US Security, one reason he doesn't trust the FBI or CIA. Both campaigns were backed by Multi Nats and that's where the corruption lays not with another power.

While this might be true too some degree, its also inaccurate. the FBI  has been reported in the news lately as being pro trump by former agents. the FBI were actually trump supporters up until he sacked a popular leader of the FBI..LOL  and alienates YET!!! another important agency  or ally to have on your side.. Trump hatred of the CIA is because of  "fear" and its probably wise he do fear them in his case.  It has yet to be seen if trump has the backing of the military or if it will help him out in any meaningful way. He has alot of Brass and this IMO is ill advised..With an inexperienced president, this is a recipe for disaster

We are always going to get f*cked by the politicians. Just a matter of how much. If you have taking a look at trumps cabinet you will see.. well maby

Trump is an idiot and his time is coming.  Just need one major disaster that requires him to act like a leader of the free world. Then you will see his true color. 30% of the country is color blind and maby that will help people see and wake them up

Nope.. Not a Hillary supporter or democrat.. Just an American that see's through this BS and has a pretty good idea where things are headed

#236: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:35 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
I just don't see the paranoia here.

Fair enough, I should have qualified that as Trump / Russo hysteria / paranoia. Not all of the anti Trump situation to date is paranoia. But certainly the Russian business is.

#237: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:48 pm
KG_Brandenburg wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Look I'll play along with your guys paranoia.

It ceases to become paranoia when Trump does stuff  in the open and gets caught in a lie after a lie.. He is as transparent as muddy glass..  You can see he is up to no good.. just cant see excactly what untill he opens the window (i.e. Speaks)

You know.. I KNEW clinton was a crook and had many skeletons in her closet..HELLO!!  she was a lawyer and in a SOS. All the hearings the republican lead  congress had, and found nothing on her. Not to say she didnt do anything wrong but no one found anything. If someone fails to convict someone by the 3rd or 4th time, its time to move on because you are clearly outmatched or just incompetent.. both a lawyer and a statesperson require a person to be a good BS artist.. BUT atleast she was stable and was a statesperson.

Trump is neither stable nor is he an effective leader or tactful enough to be statesman. There is a pretty big difference between a leader and a boss.. A leader can be a boss but a boss will probable be nothing more than a boss. This Requires a different skillset and you either have it or you dont. This is the primary reason a country should never ever be run like a business. Their mission statements are different and are mutually exclusive/not compatible. Business generally are around  to make profit and government is supposed to look out for its citizens. When you combine the two, profit will always usurp the good of the people..

He appears to be backed by the military where Hillary was backed by US Security, one reason he doesn't trust the FBI or CIA. Both campaigns were backed by Multi Nats and that's where the corruption lays not with another power.

While this might be true too some degree, its also inaccurate. the FBI  has been reported in the news lately as being pro trump by former agents. the FBI were actually trump supporters up until he sacked a popular leader of the FBI..LOL  and alienates YET!!! another important agency  or ally to have on your side.. Trump hatred of the CIA is because of  "fear" and its probably wise he do fear them in his case.  It has yet to be seen if trump has the backing of the military or if it will help him out in any meaningful way. He has alot of Brass and this IMO is ill advised..With an inexperienced president, this is a recipe for disaster

We are always going to get f*cked by the politicians. Just a matter of how much. If you have taking a look at trumps cabinet you will see.. well maby

Trump is an idiot and his time is coming.  Just need one major disaster that requires him to act like a leader of the free world. Then you will see his true color. 30% of the country is color blind and maby that will help people see and wake them up

Nope.. Not a Hillary supporter or democrat.. Just an American that see's through this BS and has a pretty good idea where things are headed

As you put it about getting f-ucked by politicians that's the world over and it has always been that way unfortunately. In the past we just didn't realize the games they play with our lives and our families lives. FBI will have to prove a lot more for me rather than a few ex agents, as actions speak louder than words. This situation USA today finds it's self in isn't unique to just the USA. More and more Western countries are starting to see they same or similar. GB for one, France, Germany and those are just the big boys. The answer is to expose those who are pulling the strings of the likes of Clinton's, Bush regime, Obama and Trump. Soro's recently and some countries in Europe have taken steps to cut ties with his business and other NGO's.

If Trump is going to be taken down and not just replaced with Trump / Clinton model number 4 ( replacement but just the same ). Then the system needs to change.

#238: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 1:53 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):
mooxe wrote (View Post):
I just don't see the paranoia here.

Fair enough, I should have qualified that as Trump / Russo hysteria / paranoia. Not all of the anti Trump situation to date is paranoia. But certainly the Russian business is.

ok someone isnt paying attention.. More that half a dozen close trump associates have been caught having possibly inappropriate communications.. This isnt a leftist plot. This is real sh*t here..  That many people close to trump ... Dude, trump knew and most likely encouraged his advisers to have a conversation with russian officials on a multitude of occasions..I'm sorry you cant see it ,but coincidences are pretty rare in life.There is just too many coincidences around trump and his closest associates to be shear chance encounters...

and HAVING an Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov and the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, Both from adversarial country, in the oval office with a cameraman from a state run news agency but barred all american press..  Yep, Russia should still be considered an adversary. Trust Putin at your own peril as he is dangerous,shrewd and very calculating. It was a stupid security move. One of many he has made

#239: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 3:25 am
KG_Brandenburg wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
mooxe wrote (View Post):
I just don't see the paranoia here.

Fair enough, I should have qualified that as Trump / Russo hysteria / paranoia. Not all of the anti Trump situation to date is paranoia. But certainly the Russian business is.

ok someone isnt paying attention.. More that half a dozen close trump associates have been caught having possibly inappropriate communications.. This isnt a leftist plot. This is real sh*t here..  That many people close to trump ... Dude, trump knew and most likely encouraged his advisers to have a conversation with russian officials on a multitude of occasions..I'm sorry you cant see it ,but coincidences are pretty rare in life.There is just too many coincidences around trump and his closest associates to be shear chance encounters...

and HAVING an Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov and the Russian ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, Both from adversarial country, in the oval office with a cameraman from a state run news agency but barred all american press..  Yep, Russia should still be considered an adversary. Trust Putin at your own peril as he is dangerous,shrewd and very calculating. It was a stupid security move. One of many he has made

That my friend counts for zip in terms of what some are saying - impeachment. Only evidence counts and only evidence will convict. What always makes me laugh is that Trump administration isn't to have secret meetings with the Russians - so called enemies. Yet US Senator John McCain meets with the head of ISIS - Al Baghdadi and that's ok. There are so many examples of this but evidence only will change things. 17 US Intel Agencies alone and they haven't to date found real evidence. The rest is speculation. Just like how the Clinton's accepted Russian money while the Uranium deal was going through - isn't that treason then....dealing with the so called enemy.

Your enemies are who you are told they are and often by the media - Russian hacking and not one shred of evidence. Now this latest hack business they are getting the blame for that too from some quarters - that's where the paranoia and propaganda comes into it. By all means question everything but look at not both sides but all sides of interested parties. That little rat Soro's has far too much to say these days....

#240: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 6:05 am
hmm.. ill start by saying that I decide who my enemies are.The media does not choose them. Those conservative talking points will work on some   .  YES, Russia is still very dangerous. Do you not see that the cold war might of ended for us but that doesnt mean it ended for the other side?  Yea, the old USSR fell but they were not defeated. Just evolved to something else. The man in charge of Russia atm is a pretty dangerous dude and trump would be wise to keep him at arms length.. Putin is former KGB and when the USSR fell,im sure he blames the USA.Do you not think he might hold a grudge?

I think Trump is being played. He thinks he is so smart, he is the stupidest one on the planet and everyone knows that he is the butt of the joke but him... Hell.. He did that interview on NBC not to long ago for the soul reason, that he thought his PR team failed him and he needed to take charge to "fix" things.. Well, he fixed them and he just signed his fate in doing so BY openly admitting to firing comey in part , because of the ongoing investigation.. Well, that right there is interfering with an ongoing investigation.. Incidentally,that didnt play out well for Nixon either.trump saying what he did in the interview, directly contradicts the official WH line as well.. So not only did he admit on national TV that he possibly interfered with a ongoing investigating by firing the head of the fbi, his administration has EVEN worse credibility issues than now. The thing about credibility is, its hard to earn but really easy to loose ..Team trump  is flailing like a beached whale and its only going to get worse

As for enemies.. I have come to think of some of my own countrymen as the enemy...So many unkool things are being done

#241: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 6:44 am
KG_Brandenburg wrote (View Post):
hmm.. ill start by saying that I decide who my enemies are.The media does not choose them. Those conservative talking points will work on some   .  YES, Russia is still very dangerous. Do you not see that the cold war might of ended for us but that doesnt mean it ended for the other side?  Yea, the old USSR fell but they were not defeated. Just evolved to something else. The man in charge of Russia atm is a pretty dangerous dude and trump would be wise to keep him at arms length.. Putin is former KGB and when the USSR fell,im sure he blames the USA.Do you not think he might hold a grudge?

I think Trump is being played. He thinks he is so smart, he is the stupidest one on the planet and everyone knows that he is the butt of the joke but him... Hell.. He did that interview on NBC not to long ago for the soul reason, that he thought his PR team failed him and he needed to take charge to "fix" things.. Well, he fixed them and he just signed his fate in doing so BY openly admitting to firing comey in part , because of the ongoing investigation.. Well, that right there is interfering with an ongoing investigation.. Incidentally,that didnt play out well for Nixon either.trump saying what he did in the interview, directly contradicts the official WH line as well.. So not only did he admit on national TV that he possibly interfered with a ongoing investigating by firing the head of the fbi, his administration has EVEN worse credibility issues than now. The thing about credibility is, its hard to earn but really easy to loose ..Team trump  is flailing like a beached whale and its only going to get worse

As for enemies.. I have come to think of some of my own countrymen as the enemy...So many unkool things are being done

Russia hold a grudge - no. Does the US Govt and it's various agencies require an enemy to keep their over bloated military and Security budgets - Yes. Russia has reduced it's military budget this year by 25%. While the US has again increased theirs. USA now spends more on it's military than the next 8 countries combined. Nato is progressing upon Russia's borders not the other way round. Of which that is also another story of broken promises. Russia doesn't trust the West at all and not without good reason - Operation Unthinkable, Berlin Airlift, Reconstruction monies never paid post WW2 and much more. The US managering of the Ukraine Coup. Ukraine on Fire is a no holds barred doco by Oliver Stone. I believe it has been Unofficially banned / not to be shown in the US.

I too think Russia is playing up to Trump's narcissist personalty - saying what he wants to hear. What a choice for the US voters though - Clinton or Trump.

#242: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 3:41 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):

Russia hold a grudge - no. Does the US Govt and it's various agencies require an enemy to keep their over bloated military and Security budgets - Yes. Russia has reduced it's military budget this year by 25%. While the US has again increased theirs. USA now spends more on it's military than the next 8 countries combined. Nato is progressing upon Russia's borders not the other way round. Of which that is also another story of broken promises. Russia doesn't trust the West at all and not without good reason - Operation Unthinkable, Berlin Airlift, Reconstruction monies never paid post WW2 and much more. The US managering of the Ukraine Coup. Ukraine on Fire is a no holds barred doco by Oliver Stone. I believe it has been Unofficially banned / not to be shown in the US.

And how long have you played any war games.. ?  "know thy enemy and know thyself and you will be victorious in 1000 battles"  regardless of you thinking russia as an enemy, you dont know them very well at all or the mindset that is steep in tradition and national identity

Since when has the US ever been short of enemies..  Russia should still viewed as a threat

correction: I SAID PUTIN, not Russia holds a grudge.. Yea, its an important distinction.Russia might have lowered its defense spending and at the same time has brought several weapon systems to challenge the USA dominance in several areas.. Guess, they spend their defense spending more efficiently than the tanks with the T-14 Arrmata which is a 5th generation tank I think. Capable of standing toe to toe against the M1a2, new fighter planes, missile defenses,etc


I too think Russia is playing up to Trump's narcissist personalty - saying what he wants to hear. What a choice for the US voters though - Clinton or Trump.

Go back and re-read the very first part of that.. WTH man.. You just said, its ok for an adversarial power to manipulating the POTUS and the POTUS has a serious psychological issues.. Do you not see that might be a problem? But hey, atleast it wasnt clinton, right?. She was a crook,liar and a thief but she was also competent and would not embarrass the office  of the POTUS. .. you know, because she is a statesperson..

as im shaking my head in partial disbelief. Please get you head out of fox/brietbart./infowars..  That awesome wave you will feel rushing over you is the ability to use critical thinking skills,observation skills, and just good ole common sense again. I imagine it will feel like being reborn:)

not trying to change your mind..Just pointing you towards the light as you must come to this realization on your own.

There should be a special independent investigator hired  immediately.."To see whats really going on"..These same people that are saying  that there doesnt need to be one are the EXACT same ones that called for clinton to be locked up and had hearing after hearing AND found nothing substantial.. This is most unkool and EXTREMELY hypocritical.. To all that oppose hiring an independent investigator is not only unwise, its Unamerican...

#243: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 7:56 pm
KG_Brandenburg wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):

Russia hold a grudge - no. Does the US Govt and it's various agencies require an enemy to keep their over bloated military and Security budgets - Yes. Russia has reduced it's military budget this year by 25%. While the US has again increased theirs. USA now spends more on it's military than the next 8 countries combined. Nato is progressing upon Russia's borders not the other way round. Of which that is also another story of broken promises. Russia doesn't trust the West at all and not without good reason - Operation Unthinkable, Berlin Airlift, Reconstruction monies never paid post WW2 and much more. The US managering of the Ukraine Coup. Ukraine on Fire is a no holds barred doco by Oliver Stone. I believe it has been Unofficially banned / not to be shown in the US.

And how long have you played any war games.. ?  "know thy enemy and know thyself and you will be victorious in 1000 battles"  regardless of you thinking russia as an enemy, you dont know them very well at all or the mindset that is steep in tradition and national identity

Since when has the US ever been short of enemies..  Russia should still viewed as a threat

correction: I SAID PUTIN, not Russia holds a grudge.. Yea, its an important distinction.Russia might have lowered its defense spending and at the same time has brought several weapon systems to challenge the USA dominance in several areas.. Guess, they spend their defense spending more efficiently than the tanks with the T-14 Arrmata which is a 5th generation tank I think. Capable of standing toe to toe against the M1a2, new fighter planes, missile defenses,etc

Well done. You have proved my point exactly - some of that US paranoia. When I have more time and not sitting at an airport I will reply further.


I too think Russia is playing up to Trump's narcissist personalty - saying what he wants to hear. What a choice for the US voters though - Clinton or Trump.

Go back and re-read the very first part of that.. WTH man.. You just said, its ok for an adversarial power to manipulating the POTUS and the POTUS has a serious psychological issues.. Do you not see that might be a problem? But hey, atleast it wasnt clinton, right?. She was a crook,liar and a thief but she was also competent and would not embarrass the office  of the POTUS. .. you know, because she is a statesperson..

as im shaking my head in partial disbelief. Please get you head out of fox/brietbart./infowars..  That awesome wave you will feel rushing over you is the ability to use critical thinking skills,observation skills, and just good ole common sense again. I imagine it will feel like being reborn:)

not trying to change your mind..Just pointing you towards the light as you must come to this realization on your own.

There should be a special independent investigator hired  immediately.."To see whats really going on"..These same people that are saying  that there doesnt need to be one are the EXACT same ones that called for clinton to be locked up and had hearing after hearing AND found nothing substantial.. This is most unkool and EXTREMELY hypocritical.. To all that oppose hiring an independent investigator is not only unwise, its Unamerican...

#244: Re: Donald Trumph Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Sun May 14, 2017 10:10 pm
Classic Deflection Pt1

Democrat "Trump is lying" - Republican "At least he doesnt use a private email server"

Democrat "Trump is embarrassing the country" - Republican "At least he doesnt use a private email server"

Democrat "Trump is breaking the law" - Republican "At least he doesnt use a private email server"

Democrat "Trump is spending $100M on bodyguards in 3 months" - Republican "At least he doesnt use a private email server"

****Trump starts nuclear war***** - Republican "At least he doesnt use a private email server"

#245: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 12:07 am
Don't forget this one... Those were the facts when he was a candidate, now he's president.

#246: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 4:44 am
Fairs fair, they all lie. Some are better at it like Obama. Clinton tried to cover hers up. While Trump just doesn't give a monkey's.

#247: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 10:13 am
KG_Brandenburg - To answer your last post. So how has Putin displayed any grudge to the US . Over the Cold Does Germany, Italy and Japan who actually were at war with the US also present a threat going by that. Has Russia pushed it's borders closer to Western Europe other than support Rebels post a coup made legal by the UN - Ukraine ( already covered that ). If you think Putin presents a risk and not Russia itself, that's naive, as they are the same. It's back to creating enemies from nothing, no evidence, no actions against the West. In fact they have tried to include US on Syrian talks. Or do you mean by the non existent evidence of hacking, election interference.................paranoia. So how did your pick who your enemy is surely not on media but on actions.

I read most media for a balance. I sometimes read Wapo, NYT and listen to CNN and Fox briefly of US media ( many other world media too ). Both of whom ( Fox and CNN ) are as bad as each other. Remember it was CNN that handed Hillary the Election debate questions prior to the debate. It has been me for sometime decrying your MSM as rubbish media. Over 90% of all US media is owned by 6 Multinat Companies. The same parent companies receive the lions share of military and reconstruction contracts. In other words they have a vested interest in what they tell the public. Remember WMD's in Iraq. Bush family owned business for an example - Carlyle Group. Is the biggest private arms dealer in the world. They supply most conflicts in the world today and often both sides. War is good business in the US. I suggest you do some research as what I have said here is public information not state secrets. Maybe you should pick these guys as your enemy as they have done more harm to your country since WW2 than Russia.

It appears you still possibly believe in a two party democratic voting system. Both parties are just the opposite sides of the same coin in reality in many things - Foreign Policy for one, National Security another etc. Clinton is a proved war monger - Butcher of Libya. Also her actions make her a war criminal but she wouldn't be alone in that - Trump in Syria attack and the illegal invasion of Syria. Obama supplying Moderate Terrorists with arms against the legitimate Govt of Syria and so forth.

If you want real Investigative Journalism I suggest you read / watch some of John Pilgers, Greenwald or Oliver Stone productions. Or probably the best of MSM media - UK Guardian. I would be very interested in knowing what you think is good media, so please advise.

Shake your head all you want but if there is nothing in there you won't hear a rattle.

#248: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 4:57 pm
Dude.. Putin was a career officer that started his KGB career in 1976 and ended when the USSR fell..  COLD WARRIORS do not suddenly change their views,mistrust and hatred because the political climate changes. Hell, We have old cold warriors that are the same.45 years of mistrust doesnt just disappear over night

r do you mean by the non existent evidence of hacking, election interference.................paranoia. So how did your pick who your enemy is surely not on media but on actions.
Dude..there is evidence by 17 Agencies..not counting agencies like MI6.. and Wikileaks was the middleman too disseminate information.. Assange definitely didn't do this because of the american people..WHY, you ask? because he only released it against one side WHICH implies he took a side..Now he released info about both candidates, there would be no problem

As I said. I pick my enemies and i only have 2 or so people i will see burn before my time is up..

the country my country picks as a friend or enemy isnt mine.. Israel,Russia,Saudi Arabia..  These countries should not be trusted . If russia did launch a cyber attack on the USA, that makes them an adversary/enemy if they were nit one before. Israel should never be trusted. Remember the USS Liberty in which over a dozen US sailors died? Just one ofseveral other misdeeds that fly in the face of american goals and self interest does by israel. Saudi ..terrible human rights record and the fact that most the 9/11 hijackers where saudi

You really have no idea of the game being played,do you?

Remember WMD's in Iraq. Bush family owned business for an example - Carlyle Group. Is the biggest private arms dealer in the world. They supply most conflicts in the world today and often both sides. War is good business in the US. I suggest you do some research as what I have said here is public information not state secrets. Maybe you should pick these guys as your enemy as they have done more harm to your country since WW2 than Russia...  

Yes media strokes the flames of war. Hurst did in in 1897/98 and was directly responsible for fanning the flames of war with spain. Its called Yellow journalism and is nothing new..  Iraq most likely had WMD's man. just because they were never found doest mean they dont have any but there was no hard evidence they still had an operating chemical weapons department. How can I make that bold statement? because the US,Germany, and france hold that receipt for the chemical tech.How do you think sadaam received the tech? Do i support the bush admin for going into Iraq? Nope.  It was a bad move and the prelude to war was built on a lie like Veitnam.. fyi: The 2nd gulf of tonken incident never happened per McNamara in 1999. Its important because the whole justification for the US official involvement in south-east asia was because of that ONE incident

It appears you still possibly believe in a two party democratic voting system. Both parties are just the opposite sides of the same coin in reality in many things - Foreign Policy for one, National Security another etc. Clinton is a proved war monger - Butcher of Libya. Also her actions make her a war criminal but she wouldn't be alone in that - Trump in Syria attack and the illegal invasion of Syria. Obama supplying Moderate Terrorists with arms against the legitimate Govt of Syria and so forth.

Actually I do not believe in the 2 party system... one thing that caught my eye.. Butcher of lybia.. Really? for 4 people..  LOL  more people have died after kadaffi fell.. are their lives any less important then?

You try to give the illusion of impartiality but yet you still use far right talking points which leads me to believe you arn't a moderate at all. This is what you are trying to imply but your comments and some key words scream  far right ideology

I read a variety of sources that are either moderate or lean not far left which is just as bad as far left. why, not right wing sources?  They lie so much, its god damn embarrassing. I cringe EVERY single time I hear them and their weekly talking point..  In saying all of this. I draw my own conclusion with "mental experiments" and update these conclusions when new evidence comes forth.. my perceptions might not be always right but they tend to be more right that wrong

Do you know how I can tell trump is a BS artist and incompetent? I actually watch footage of him or read his unedited tweets. as I said. There needs to be an independent investigator. It goes well beyond right or left here and to all that stand against something such as an independent investigator, really says alot about them.People cant claim to be looking out for america when they try to crucify clinton with endless hearings but , DONT want a special investigator for trump. This speaks volumes. There might of been evidence of clinton wrong doing but there is definite questions about trump..
Shake your head all you want but if there is nothing in there you won't hear a rattle.

LOL  ohh there is plenty..  various strategies from through out the ages of war, 2 degrees,alot of historic data, and an image of a truly perfect set of titties i say this morning

believe what you want dude.. you will not change my mind as i wont change yours

#249: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 5:35 pm
what.. no edit here? well i cant find one..

in anycase..  
this need to say .. made a typo and its imoportant.. forgot the word IF

Now IF he released info about both candidates, there would be no problem

#250: Re: Donald Trumph Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 9:01 pm
Has Russia pushed it's borders closer to Western Europe other than support Rebels post a coup made legal by the UN - Ukraine

Seems like u and I had a conversation about this very subject that devolved quickly a few years back. you still bring this up? Really with Putin showing he's more unstable AFTER Ukraine?

how safe would all those new European countries be (former soviet satellites) if the US pulled it's forces out of Europe.. which don't get me wrong.. i'd love the see the US do, like pronto.

You really don't think those spanking new democratic (mostly) countries wouldn't all of a sudden have the same breakaway groups wanting to return to the soviet sphere? Don't get me wrong.. I'm tired of the US getting dragged into european conflicts, but not seeing what is plain as day is beyond...

#251: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2017 11:45 pm
johnsilver wrote (View Post):

Seems like u and I had a conversation about this very subject that devolved quickly a few years back. you still bring this up? Really with Putin showing he's more unstable AFTER Ukraine?

More calculating is the word that would fit better IMO  than Unstable.. Atleast not like Trump unstable.I dont really fault Putin for trying to bring back the good ole days..  His actions are no more objectionable than the US actions in various countries now.. Which is to say,very questionable  actions. Hell, I admire Putin on some levels but that doesnt mean I want to invite in my house or be buddy buddy with him.

#252: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 8:19 am
johnsilver wrote (View Post):
Has Russia pushed it's borders closer to Western Europe other than support Rebels post a coup made legal by the UN - Ukraine

Seems like u and I had a conversation about this very subject that devolved quickly a few years back. you still bring this up? Really with Putin showing he's more unstable AFTER Ukraine?

how safe would all those new European countries be (former soviet satellites) if the US pulled it's forces out of Europe.. which don't get me wrong.. i'd love the see the US do, like pronto.

You really don't think those spanking new democratic (mostly) countries wouldn't all of a sudden have the same breakaway groups wanting to return to the soviet sphere? Don't get me wrong.. I'm tired of the US getting dragged into european conflicts, but not seeing what is plain as day is beyond...

Yes still conversing a similar subject. It's like preaching to the flat earth society. What has Putin displayed as unstable behaviour. I would have thought illegal invasion and bombing Syria unstable - Trump, supplying moderate terrorists who end up being ISIS and Al Nusra unstable - Obama and bombing Libya back into the dark ages unstable - Libya. But the US always seems to think International Laws don't apply to them - illegal invasion of Iraq.

Ukraine as I have pointed out and has come to light in the last 12 mths was unashamedly a US coup. I did at the time put a clip of a old Ukraine Govt MP explain how this coup was going to take place some 2mths before the act. Hungry, Austria and some other countries have actively petitioned on behalf of Russia recently. Those Eastern European countries who have joined Nato have also experienced large scale anti Nato exercises that have been reported in European media.

Like I keep saying. War is a profitable business to be in and US FP shows that and so does Military weapons exports - Number 1 in the world USA.

#253: Re: Donald Trumph Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 6:31 pm
Like I keep saying. War is a profitable business to be in and US FP shows that and so does Military weapons exports - Number 1 in the world USA.

Interesting.. Who exactly has been producing millions of automatic rifles per year for export as a way to raise hard cash for decades? Need something bigger? We just have to have one of those laying around also from pre 1990 as a matter of fact also.. if the price is right..

Soviet, some old soviet countries and China it's big biz to produce and keep economy afloat.. Germany.. Israel. Guess they are proliferaters also, fighting every day to stay alive among a area surrounded by devils?

#254: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:59 pm
johnsilver wrote (View Post):
Like I keep saying. War is a profitable business to be in and US FP shows that and so does Military weapons exports - Number 1 in the world USA.

Interesting.. Who exactly has been producing millions of automatic rifles per year for export as a way to raise hard cash for decades? Need something bigger? We just have to have one of those laying around also from pre 1990 as a matter of fact also.. if the price is right..

Soviet, some old soviet countries and China it's big biz to produce and keep economy afloat.. Germany.. Israel. Guess they are proliferaters also, fighting every day to stay alive among a area surrounded by devils?

USA 1st, GB 2nd, then Russia. But USA easy number 1 - GB for the first time in a long time 2nd - massive weapons sales deal with Saudi A. Remember it's not just rifles - tanks, aircraft etc. Russia had been 2nd for the last 15yrs til 2016. List put out approx 2mths ago, I'll see if I can find it.

#255: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:44 am
all I have to say after today is...


The news is the best TV show lately!

#256: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 3:01 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
all I have to say after today is...


The news is the best TV show lately!

Yes..  the news was good...  waiting for it to get even better

#257: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 4:52 am
Is that the " stop probe " business. It's nothing. Hillary stopped the probe into UBS if you remember rightly -
They are all at it. Not one of them beyond corruption. Hillary was clever whereas Trump is just out there.

KG_Brandenburg - Hillary was called " Butcher of Libya not over Benghazi but over regime change in Libya resulting in thousands of deaths that she was trying to stop. The country was coming in from the cold. Gave money to Sarkozy for an election, free health and education all of which were to a high standard. Libya I believe had the highest standard of living in the ME - now destroyed due to her democracy.

#258: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 3:05 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):

They are all at it. Not one of them beyond corruption. Hillary was clever whereas Trump is just out there.

KG_Brandenburg - Hillary was called " Butcher of Libya not over Benghazi but over regime change in Libya resulting in thousands of deaths that she was trying to stop. The country was coming in from the cold. Gave money to Sarkozy for an election, free health and education all of which were to a high standard. Libya I believe had the highest standard of living in the ME - now destroyed due to her democracy.

OMG  you got to be f*cking kidding me. The right wanted a regime change from the start from what I remember and had zero issue with it..  And even though she had a part in it, she wasnt the only player here.. With the above BS answer, yea, you loose general credibility on the topic with me. Again with your far right talking points and now  .. Who coined the term Butcher of lybia?  where did you hear it from ? was it brietbart,fox,or infowars? as I never have heard that her called that. Wonder what ya call bush  as regime change is regime change..LOL  

appears to me, that this is used as some kind of excuse for the POTUS actions..  "lock her up" was the chant about Clinton with some emails that were labeled possibly "C" or confidential. The lowest classification of security.. Trump HAD the ambassador and and the foreign minister at the WH at the personal request of Putin..and 1 is well known in intel circles as a spymaster.This was a DAY after he fired Comey for possibly not playing ball with trumps possible Russia dealings. In this meeting, he gave VERY sensitive information that was at the top of classifications . From what I have heard, you have different levels of classification You have Confidential, Secret, Top Secret for the classifications but then you have "code-word information" that is high compartmentalized and is truly For very few eyes only

And you dont see nothing wrong with the chain of events^^..  Dude, we were all born ignorant. its up to us if we choose to stay that way. I might be wrong occasionally but i dont think I am here. Coincidences are rare in the universe and there are just too many fires to not be something more to it. Analogy time:Ya trump supporters cant see the forest because all ya can see is the trees.. Ya might want to back out of that forest, because its going to be a pretty big forest fire and ya might get burned

You might try too counter tthe above argument by saying that Bush had putin at his ranch and let him be apart of the presidential daily briefing . This is all very trueBUT he did not do this on a whim like trump did. He asked his national security team to put together a special briefing just for putin. All the information givin to Putin was vetted and definatelty was not on the same level of clearance trumps

now destroyed due to her democracy.
not the only player and could not of done anything without alot of support internally as well as externally.. AND "HER" democracy..  Like Trumps "military"  The right sure likes to put ownership on things

Everyone who supports this POS at the time of his impeachment are traitors. Atleast with ISIS, I know they want to destroy my country or way of life.. Some of trump supporters want the exact same but say they are doing it for the good of america or that consider themselves great americans..

#259: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:46 pm

I took you for a trump supporter and didnt occur to see where you are located.. so  not USA

hmm, This is odd because many of your talking points are very right leaning which is why i said so much in atleast 1 post

I tend to post aggressively when I believe them to be trumpites.. but unlike some of these loyal trump supporters, i dont resort to name calling

1)The biggest failing in your arguments about trump is that Trump is like the ones that came before him..  so its just the status quo..  Biggest difference between him and his predecessors is they respected the office in which they held and tried to uphold tradition. Trump looks at like he is entitled to it or its that ultimate goal to be a success. He is so damn clueless, its embarrassing

2) not being in the US, how do you know whats truly going on here? Ohh , you can read or watch TV like we all do but here there is a feeling in the air that cant be projected on a screen..It also has to do with the rights that the constitution/bill of rights bestow on every american and a person like trump who would do away with them if he could. Trump has autocratic tendencies for all to see if people would open their eyes. Autocratic-like leaders are not compatible with anything like the Bill of rights or similar

Trump will be impeached...Its just a matter of time.If it isn't before the mid terms, it will bwe the day after when the house is dem controlled

#260: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 2:51 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
all I have to say after today is...


The news is the best TV show lately!

Seriously...the National news is turning into tabloid theater tv.  Like the National Inquirer but mostly true.  Growing number of Republicans are hedging their bets and starting to bail on Trump.  Like what happened with Watergate.  Richard Painter who served under Bush is one of his worst critics and exposing his vulnerable ethics violations.  

Need a flow chart to keep up with the leaks and scandal of day.  Trump can't stop the damaging leaks.  It's getting out of control and getting worse.

Today Washington Post had yet another leak with secret audio recording of Kevin McCarthy opening his big mouth again on audio tape.  I watched the interview with the journalist whom wrote the story.  The Source let them listen to the recording but would not give them a copy.  McCarthy said that Dana Rorrabacher and Trump are paid by Putin.  I get Trump but why Dana?  Maybe Russia wants to purchase properties in Orange County?

#261: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 5:30 am
KG_Brandenburg wrote (View Post):

I took you for a trump supporter and didnt occur to see where you are located.. so  not USA

hmm, This is odd because many of your talking points are very right leaning which is why i said so much in atleast 1 post

I tend to post aggressively when I believe them to be trumpites.. but unlike some of these loyal trump supporters, i dont resort to name calling

1)The biggest failing in your arguments about trump is that Trump is like the ones that came before him..  so its just the status quo..  Biggest difference between him and his predecessors is they respected the office in which they held and tried to uphold tradition. Trump looks at like he is entitled to it or its that ultimate goal to be a success. He is so damn clueless, its embarrassing

2) not being in the US, how do you know whats truly going on here? Ohh , you can read or watch TV like we all do but here there is a feeling in the air that cant be projected on a screen..It also has to do with the rights that the constitution/bill of rights bestow on every american and a person like trump who would do away with them if he could. Trump has autocratic tendencies for all to see if people would open their eyes. Autocratic-like leaders are not compatible with anything like the Bill of rights or similar

Trump will be impeached...Its just a matter of time.If it isn't before the mid terms, it will bwe the day after when the house is dem controlled

From New Zealand. No I can't say I am or ever will be right leaning. I have said numerous times but you will insist on thinking otherwise. I did support Trump's run to the elections of course as a non American purely on his Foreign policy. But that is fake as his hair, it's a comb over policy hiding what was really beneath. I have always said no matter who the person is in the spotlight - evidence and still believe only evidence will remove him. Not the rubbish put out by MSM. So when you talk of info wars and the like, of course I know who they are but find it hard to take them serious.

How do I know whats right or not having not been an American. Read or watch good sources of news and those others for balance - I gave you the names the other day. You are feed biased at best media representation of news. I can list so many examples of fake / false news it's not funny. But your media persists on propaganda - latest one the Syrian jail that has a crematorium - CNN. As they say over here MSM has been got and that includes the likes of Fox - pro Trump. All those things you say of Trump are true but are also true of Clinton, Obama to a lesser degree, Bush etc.

You say the other guys respected the office - Clinton and Monica, Bush jnr and lies on WMD's, Obama UBS scandal, war on whistleblowers and more. Trump like Clinton, like Obama are all owned by lobby groups. How you can't see this is beyond me. I guess for an outsider who really doesn't have a vested interest, it's easier to see. Did you start to watch that doco, as it will open your eyes a little to your fake democracy. That's not being anti American as most Western countries including NZ are the same just on a much smaller scale. I didn't notice your aggression just lack of good judge - evidence, naive of your political system and politicians etc.

Tell me this if Trump is guilty of being a Russian assets of some sort. Are the Clinton's also - Uranium mining rights to the Russians and pay off to the Clinton Fraudation by the Russians soon after. To me it's unadulterated greed. To date still no evidence against Trump just stories and stories make good movies but they aren't reality. Something that you need to find. Trump passed on info, that Russia has passed on previously about possible terrorist actions - that's good sense. Remember while USA were bombing camels in Iraq, Russia was fighting ISIS. Show me today the evidence that Trump is a Russian asset - not he said, she said, i think, it's possible rubbish. You get excited over nothing but CNN propaganda.

You didn't even understand that Julian Assange gave Hillary her title of Butcher of Libya over her regime Or of the thousands of civilians killed  - crime against humanity. Why doesn't she have to face charges like Bush on the illegal invasion of Iraq etc. Are you aware how Grand Daddy Prescott Bush and others tried to create a coup removing FDR in the 1930's and install a Nazi / fascist Govt in the US. It's off the subject but it illustrates how very little you know. I doubt you even realize that one of your allies - Saudi A funds ISIS and Al Nusra. Israel got an apology from ISIS for an
Please take the time to do some research as your replies are an embarrassment to read and esp with you thinking they are correct. It's not anti American, just facts something you appear to be short of.

#262: Re: Donald Trumph Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:02 am
Libya I believe had the highest standard of living in the ME - now destroyed due to her democracy.

The one military action (real) that took place while was in the Navy was this fiasco and Ghadafi foolishly threw several jets, even some small boats against the Naval ships pounding him during this time.. A USNR radioman at the time.. Was pure joy watching messages coming over the teletype back then at how that moron was sending jets and even smaller/obsolete vessels out to get smashed. I remember one mentioned 2 old F4's being shot down during 1 skirmish.. Long since obsolete, even at that date.

Textbook crush the enemy until they plea for mercy to stop the punishment.

#263: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:50 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):

[quote]I did support Trump's run to the elections of course as a non American purely on his Foreign policy. But that is fake as his hair, it's a comb over policy hiding what was really beneath.

So why support his policy if you knew they where fake ?

I have always said no matter who the person is in the spotlight - evidence and still believe only evidence will remove him. Not the rubbish put out by MSM. So when you talk of info wars and the like, of course I know who they are but find it hard to take them serious.

Know idea what MSN has said.. as for infor wars. You assume I take them serious too. LOL  I do not, but alot do and thats scary . People with launch codes also listen to him ,or worse others do and are trying to influence the "president."

How do I know whats right or not having not been an American. Read or watch good sources of news and those others for balance - I gave you the names the other day. You are feed biased at best media representation of news. I can list so many examples of fake / false news it's not funny. But your media persists on propaganda - latest one the Syrian jail that has a crematorium - CNN. As they say over here MSM has been got and that includes the likes of Fox - pro Trump. All those things you say of Trump are true but are also true of Clinton, Obama to a lesser degree, Bush etc.

You assume an awful lot with me here I think. I donot really listen to or read alot of news nor was it implied. The ones I do read/watch are usually moderate/left leaning and occasionally right leaning. Perceptions,experience, body language and facts is how i form opinions on historic events and/or current events. I would say, future events but havent quite mastered that trick

you are so missing the point I keep trying to make.. Trump is not like the ones before him. Being an american where his stupid policies will have real consequences. Your perception might change a bit

and you not being an american really does you no favors in such a debate about trump.. just saying.

ou say the other guys respected the office - Clinton and Monica, Bush jnr and lies on WMD's, Obama UBS scandal, war on whistleblowers and more. Trump like Clinton, like Obama are all owned by lobby groups. How you can't see this is beyond me. I guess for an outsider who really doesn't have a vested interest, it's easier to see. Did you start to watch that doco, as it will open your eyes a little to your fake democracy. That's not being anti American as most Western countries including NZ are the same just on a much smaller scale. I didn't notice your aggression just lack of good judge - evidence, naive of your political system and politicians etc.

LOL  you're an arrogant lil' one arnt ya?  Not sure where to begin. I never said the previous presidents did nothing wrong, but, they still respected the office. well for the most part. FYI  trump is owned by the russians, not the lobbyist . I haven't gotten a chance to watch the doc but ill eventually get around  to it. There you go again. Assuming...I can see just fine.  

ohh really. Dude ,My judgement is not up for debate. few know me well enough that I actually care what they might perhaps think. You think i don't know how my country's political system works? I know far better that you i suspect.

Tell me this if Trump is guilty of being a Russian assets of some sort. Are the Clinton's also - Uranium mining rights to the Russians and pay off to the Clinton Fraudation by the Russians soon after. To me it's unadulterated greed. To date still no evidence against Trump just stories and stories make good movies but they aren't reality. Something that you need to find. Trump passed on info, that Russia has passed on previously about possible terrorist actions - that's good sense. Remember while USA were bombing camels in Iraq, Russia was fighting ISIS. Show me today the evidence that Trump is a Russian asset - not he said, she said, i think, it's possible rubbish. You get excited over nothing but CNN propaganda.

I honestly have no idea what CNN says .. With trump. Open YOUR f*king mind. He is guilty of something. There are too many fires all around him for there not to be. whether it's money laundering,black mail,unknowing involvement or knowingly in bed with the russians,etc. In this country, you dont have to know you are committing a crime in order to account for the crime.. Trump is pretty ignorant but this will not save him. there is evidence is coming. This is why there is a special prosecutor. Regardless of what the little clever wording of what the assistant AG wrote. There was just cause for special prosecutor and not just for public well being. He also played CYA  on a few lines i noticed . Those memo's of comeys must of really been damning.. and they will hold up in a court of law BTW

You didn't even understand that Julian Assange gave Hillary her title of Butcher of Libya over her regime Or of the thousands of civilians killed  - crime against humanity. Why doesn't she have to face charges like Bush on the illegal invasion of Iraq etc. Are you aware how Grand Daddy Prescott Bush and others tried to create a coup removing FDR in the 1930's and install a Nazi / fascist Govt in the US. It's off the subject but it illustrates how very little you know. I doubt you even realize that one of your allies - Saudi A funds ISIS and Al Nusra. Israel got an apology from ISIS for an

Tone it back a tad dude. its ok to be proud of what you believe to be factual knowledge..Been there and im still there on a few topics.. but your showing smug overbearing arrogance .. Been there too .im alot tamer and more measured these days though.

on too the paragraph
You think i pay attention to assange or care enough too care. the dude is a f*cking snake playing all sides. This is who he is. has the bush invasion been proven illegal?  Who brought charges against him? and who will enforce them?  Yeah, thought so. I understand how things work in this scary ole ball of dirt pretty gd well. I knew about the nazi movement in the 30's and YESSS I knew saudi funds ISIS as well as other terrorist organization just like iran and anyone else in the ME or Africa.

I like the daily mail for the most part but i really dont use them as a source because they are not what i consider reliable. Not a fan of Israel so i have nothing to say on that. Well, i dont know anything either which is fine .. well i do know about all them pesky war crimes..well Not all because thats impossible. Do you have any idea how many war crimes you can commit in 70 year. Technically, is there war crimes if there is no war? i guess sense Israel sees herself in a state of perpetual war. Guess its better to consider everyone a combatant instead of differentiating between a pow and a enemy combatant like another country or 2 or 3/end sarcastic tone

Please take the time to do some research as your replies are an embarrassment to read and esp with you thinking they are correct. It's not anti American, just facts something you appear to be short of.

Ohh really..  glad you think that. Do you feel better now?  I think i am right because i generally am. Statistically speaking..Just means im actually right more than im wrong .Ohh but ive made some miscalculations along the way. Thankful, those arnt too frequent now adays

After reading this arrogant post you wrote, I think you really need to experience Trumpism up close. Ohh, being far away, you cant experience him making amerika great. I think you should if you have the right papers.. LOL. really though, it would give a little bit of perspective to you. Something that you are indeed lacking here..  I Read the whole thing and even though I didn't respond to everything , feel fortunate I did as much as this.Even cleaned up the grammar a tad. More so because I always end seeing my errors after i hit send. Normally a quick edit does the trick but see no edit. Perhaps im my eyes are still closed and i just dont see it..:P

This made for an entertaining read. I might of just showed up at this forum recently but im not new. been around a long time so respect you elder lil' one. LMAO  Age as well as CC

Well, have a good one.. seriously, I am.    /non-sacastic tone.. perhaps a bit too sexy but it is what it is..  Zap brannigan voice

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#264: Re: Donald Trumph Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:07 am
dj wrote (View Post):
mooxe wrote (View Post):
all I have to say after today is...


The news is the best TV show lately!

Seriously...the National news is turning into tabloid theater tv.  Like the National Inquirer but mostly true.  Growing number of Republicans are hedging their bets and starting to bail on Trump.  Like what happened with Watergate.  Richard Painter who served under Bush is one of his worst critics and exposing his vulnerable ethics violations.  

Need a flow chart to keep up with the leaks and scandal of day.  Trump can't stop the damaging leaks.  It's getting out of control and getting worse.

Today Washington Post had yet another leak with secret audio recording of Kevin McCarthy opening his big mouth again on audio tape.  I watched the interview with the journalist whom wrote the story.  The Source let them listen to the recording but would not give them a copy.  McCarthy said that Dana Rorrabacher and Trump are paid by Putin.  I get Trump but why Dana?  Maybe Russia wants to purchase properties in Orange County?

I truly believe all this intrigue is just a plan to get us ready for the final season of Game of Thrones!

#265: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:28 am
I truly believe all this intrigue is just a plan to get us ready for the final season of Game of Thrones![/quote]

Lets hope. The series is based upon a book series. The last book of which hasn't finished been written yet and the final episodes will air before the last book is published ? Apparent a off shoot of the Game of Thrones is now possible - pre Game of Thrones era.

#266: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:32 am
johnsilver wrote (View Post):
Libya I believe had the highest standard of living in the ME - now destroyed due to her democracy.

The one military action (real) that took place while was in the Navy was this fiasco and Ghadafi foolishly threw several jets, even some small boats against the Naval ships pounding him during this time.. A USNR radioman at the time.. Was pure joy watching messages coming over the teletype back then at how that moron was sending jets and even smaller/obsolete vessels out to get smashed. I remember one mentioned 2 old F4's being shot down during 1 skirmish.. Long since obsolete, even at that date.

Textbook crush the enemy until they plea for mercy to stop the punishment.

johnsilver - Was that the time he was going out to meet his forces to sink the US Navy. He got cold feet after an exchange and returned to port. Apparent he may never have left port but had his bluffed called - 1980's

#267: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:05 am
So why support his policy if you knew they where fake ?

- Post Syrian attack by the US upon Assad was when I lost confidence in Trump's Foreign policy. I did mention that at least once.

I have always said no matter who the person is in the spotlight - evidence and still believe only evidence will remove him. Not the rubbish put out by MSM. So when you talk of info wars and the like, of course I know who they are but find it hard to take them serious.

You assume an awful lot with me here I think. I donot really listen to or read alot of news nor was it implied. The ones I do read/watch are usually moderate/left leaning and occasionally right leaning. Perceptions,experience, body language and facts is how i form opinions on historic events and/or current events. I would say, future events but havent quite mastered that trick

- You presumed I was reading or listening to info wars, Fox etc. You are right, I don't know much about you and try not to when talking in general terms.

you are so missing the point I keep trying to make.. Trump is not like the ones before him. Being an american where his stupid policies will have real consequences. Your perception might change a bit

and you not being an american really does you no favors in such a debate about trump.. just saying.

- Fair cop. I would hate his domestic policy particularly. I have stated previously I was only interested in his FP. I did make that clear a few times too.

LOL  you're an arrogant lil' one arnt ya?  Not sure where to begin. I never said the previous presidents did nothing wrong, but, they still respected the office. well for the most part. FYI  trump is owned by the russians, not the lobbyist . I haven't gotten a chance to watch the doc but ill eventually get around  to it. There you go again. Assuming...I can see just fine.  

- Naive. No evidence of him being a Russian asset. Also I thought you didn't call matter, it's nothing. Unless you are Trump......busy calling Mockba. Time watch Untold..... would save you further mistakes on US recent history.

ohh really. Dude ,My judgement is not up for debate. few know me well enough that I actually care what they might perhaps think. You think i don't know how my country's political system works? I know far better that you i suspect.

- You haven't proved that yet. It's not an insult just an observation.

I honestly have no idea what CNN says .. With trump. Open YOUR f*king mind. He is guilty of something. There are too many fires all around him for there not to be. whether it's money laundering,black mail,unknowing involvement or knowingly in bed with the russians,etc. In this country, you dont have to know you are committing a crime in order to account for the crime.. Trump is pretty ignorant but this will not save him. there is evidence is coming. This is why there is a special prosecutor. Regardless of what the little clever wording of what the assistant AG wrote. There was just cause for special prosecutor and not just for public well being. He also played CYA  on a few lines i noticed . Those memo's of comeys must of really been damning.. and they will hold up in a court of law BTW

- Evidence not paranoia or scaremongering will decide Trump's future.

on too the paragraph
You think i pay attention to assange or care enough too care. the dude is a f*cking snake playing all sides. This is who he is. has the bush invasion been proven illegal?  Who brought charges against him? and who will enforce them?  Yeah, thought so. I understand how things work in this scary ole ball of dirt pretty gd well. I knew about the nazi movement in the 30's and YESSS I knew saudi funds ISIS as well as other terrorist organization just like iran and anyone else in the ME or Africa.

- Assange deals in the truth something USA, GB, Russia and others at times forget. Yes, Wikileaks has published tens of thousands of pages of text on Russia to. However most of it pales in comparison to the bigger US leaks. To date nothing Wikileaks has published has been discredited - can the any of the MSM say the same - no. Truth is an asset to those who speak it and a mine field to those who lie - Hillary's Bosnian

I like the daily mail for the most part but i really dont use them as a source because they are not what i consider reliable. Not a fan of Israel so i have nothing to say on that. Well, i dont know anything either which is fine .. well i do know about all them pesky war crimes..well Not all because thats impossible. Do you have any idea how many war crimes you can commit in 70 year. Technically, is there war crimes if there is no war? i guess sense Israel sees herself in a state of perpetual war. Guess its better to consider everyone a combatant instead of differentiating between a pow and a enemy combatant like another country or 2 or 3/end sarcastic tone

- DM also published the WMD's in Iraq as truth and tried to validated the illegal invasion of Iraq. War Crimes - why was Saddam hung and yet Bush walks as a free man. The Butcher of Libya isn't held to account. No War - crimes against humanity covers that off.

After reading this arrogant post you wrote, I think you really need to experience Trumpism up close. Ohh, being far away, you cant experience him making amerika great. I think you should if you have the right papers.. LOL. really though, it would give a little bit of perspective to you. Something that you are indeed lacking here..  I Read the whole thing and even though I didn't respond to everything , feel fortunate I did as much as this.Even cleaned up the grammar a tad. More so because I always end seeing my errors after i hit send. Normally a quick edit does the trick but see no edit. Perhaps im my eyes are still closed and i just dont see it..:P

- Maybe you need to experience US aggression where wars / conflicts are fought on others soil. Like Vietnam where i spoke to a guy whose child has a disease as a result of US use of Agent Orange. The poison hasn't affected him just yet but his children - child. I can assure you the Vietnamese still dislike the US Govt ( not US people ). Cambodia where the US backed the Khmer Rouge and many more examples. The trouble with some people is they don't understand that others have lives in these countries destroyed by bombing, economic undermining, regime change etc. Turkeys an interesting place. They are USA but of the ME. A growing power but very anti who ever their Govt tells them there enemy is. They strongly like the US. Yet I can't recall USA doing anything to them ( pos coup a year or so ago ). Even before this incident.

This made for an entertaining read. I might of just showed up at this forum recently but im not new. been around a long time so respect you elder lil' one. LMAO  Age as well as CC

- Respect should be earned not gifted. But I do like the replies. Everyone's views are important. So good on you and have a great weekend. For me it's duck shooting season following the Roar - what do you guys call it - rutting maybe ? Stay safe Yank, from an outsider.

#268: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:01 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):

- Post Syrian attack by the US upon Assad was when I lost confidence in Trump's Foreign policy. I did mention that at least once.

must have missed it. If that is the case, sorry for overlooking it


- You presumed I was reading or listening to info wars, Fox etc. You are right, I don't know much about you and try not to when talking in general terms.

All i said was you using far right talking points. Stop using their talking points then there wont be no confusion.. I did mention too stop listening to brietbart once and only once

- Fair cop. I would hate his domestic policy particularly. I have stated previously I was only interested in his FP. I did make that clear a few times too.

Please explain it to me then. That FP you are gung ho about was nothing but a hogpog of ideas by some of his would-be advisers and domestic policy is really important if you live here.. Thats why is important to be in the US so you can bask in the glory. I prefer a balance of domestic and and foreign policy. Hell, id just settle for stable atm


- Naive. No evidence of him being a Russian asset. Also I thought you didn't call matter, it's nothing. Unless you are Trump......busy calling Mockba. Time watch Untold..... would save you further mistakes on US recent history.

AS I have said. Thats the purpose of the special prosecutor . If there was no hint of evidence then why the special prosecutor.? Nope.. Havent been called  naive in a long time..Your perceptions are wrong but feel free to keep on having them


- You haven't proved that yet. It's not an insult just an observation.
I was so unaware im being judged my on my judgement. Who are you to make that determination?  . No one tells me what to do and  come and go as
I please. Ive made bad calls before and paid a heavy price because of it but i always owned up to them.. My judgement is irrelevant in the context of this would-be debate. All im reading is my judgement is bad because it is counter to what you perceive reality to be.

damn dude... drop the condescending, self-righteous ,arrogant tone. Not a good look and hurts you in a forum debate. not a serious debate here but still


- Evidence not paranoia or scaremongering will decide Trump's future.

evidence and luck.. Alot can happen .. as i said. ALOT of trump associates are being looked at.As I said, trump knew because to many of his closest advisors are being caught up in this investigation FOR the same thing with the same people. There is a reason people are paranoid a bit have been down this road before. Watergate or you going to somehow say there isnt any parallels?


- Assange deals in the truth something USA, GB, Russia and others at times forget. Yes, Wikileaks has published tens of thousands of pages of text on Russia to. However most of it pales in comparison to the bigger US leaks. To date nothing Wikileaks has published has been discredited - can the any of the MSM say the same - no. Truth is an asset to those who speak it and a mine field to those who lie - Hillary's Bosnian

Dude, do i need to get an interpreter for you?  I NEVER said that WIKI leaks information was bad. Just that assange had alterior motives and is one sided in his distribution of the information. I thought i was clear in this. Apparently not


- DM also published the WMD's in Iraq as truth and tried to validated the illegal invasion of Iraq. War Crimes - why was Saddam hung and yet Bush walks as a free man. The Butcher of Libya isn't held to account. No War - crimes against humanity covers that off.

You tone changed here. Did i hit a nerve. I suspect I did. Im not saying that everything they publish is not factual but DM loves sensationalized and often has biased reporting. Im so sorry you really cant see this but its there


- Maybe you need to experience US aggression where wars / conflicts are fought on others soil. Like Vietnam where i spoke to a guy whose child has a disease as a result of US use of Agent Orange. The poison hasn't affected him just yet but his children - child. I can assure you the Vietnamese still dislike the US Govt ( not US people ). Cambodia where the US backed the Khmer Rouge and many more examples. The trouble with some people is they don't understand that others have lives in these countries destroyed by bombing, economic undermining, regime change etc. Turkeys an interesting place. They are USA but of the ME. A growing power but very anti who ever their Govt tells them there enemy is. They strongly like the US. Yet I can't recall USA doing anything to them ( pos coup a year or so ago ). Even before this incident.

Not disputing this nor did I.. Im well aware of my countries actions in the past and present. Some of my countries cities are war zone too. Just saying


- Respect should be earned not gifted.

in some cases you are correct but not in the way i mean it..  

1) basic common courtesy/respect then  less the self-righteous /arrogant tone
2) old guard of CC. What i mean by that is. Back when CCC2-5 came out. There was a group of modders that made the game more than it ever would be otherwise and I was actually part of that.. Wasnt a big part but it most definitely was an important one. Bold statement that can be backed up.Without these initial modders that used archaic tools , this game would of never been redone  and the developers definitely would not be creating a new engine. So general respect because I was an and am once again part of the community
3) Im old fashion and I was always taught to respect you elders with-in reason. I figure im 25 yrs older than you. Just a hunch on your age by your debating skills and style..

You might of not gifted me any respect but i actually gifted you the basic level of respect. Its up to you to increase or decrease it. Why?  Because you are part of THIS forum. Let that sink in a bit. I love this game so much and am greatfull for a place such as this or the CSO days, to have a repository of all things CC. So EVERYONE here has my basic respect..Even the self-righteous/arrogant youngsters with no real world knowledge to better help tempter their conclusions.

now,If you dont play CC, then why are you here?  I was part of a guitar product forum. Didnt use their products but like the people there. Still its still guitar related..  Your story is?

food for thought: The most ignorant person is one that thinks and believes he knows everything..  I never said I was right in most of this debate or that my perceptions are right. Just a most likely outcome with a few excepptions. One of several possible outcomes.  Could be wrong, could be right. Its on this forum so its a "memo" of sorts.. One way or the other, we will know who was closer to the truth

#269: Re: Donald Trumph Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 9:29 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
johnsilver wrote (View Post):
Libya I believe had the highest standard of living in the ME - now destroyed due to her democracy.

The one military action (real) that took place while was in the Navy was this fiasco and Ghadafi foolishly threw several jets, even some small boats against the Naval ships pounding him during this time.. A USNR radioman at the time.. Was pure joy watching messages coming over the teletype back then at how that moron was sending jets and even smaller/obsolete vessels out to get smashed. I remember one mentioned 2 old F4's being shot down during 1 skirmish.. Long since obsolete, even at that date.

Textbook crush the enemy until they plea for mercy to stop the punishment.

johnsilver - Was that the time he was going out to meet his forces to sink the US Navy. He got cold feet after an exchange and returned to port. Apparent he may never have left port but had his bluffed called - 1980's

That's part of it. Off Libya we hit some of his so called fishing boats and think was 2 F4's in '86 that came out to challenge the fleet was bombing him. I wasn't there.. Was out of active duty by then, in reserves and only was active on WC (boot camp + schooling) and Caribbean anyway. The joy was the incident coincided with my active period for the year onboard a reserve ship..

#270: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:06 am
KG_Brandenburg - If you think respect comes with Yeah right, so I'm meant to roll over and pretend you are right just because you are an old hack with dust in his ears. I can't be bothered at the moment to go through all of your rubbish. Some I agree with but it's just going around in bigger circles.

You misplace arrogance with being correct. But that's only because I have knowledge in that area of concern due to work. Your knowledge might be greater in some other field. Sorry to see that you keep taking offense to my replies but really I have gone very easy on you compared to others who try to fired verbal bullets my way. Take that as a form of respect if you like. But really I was feeling sorry for you as your statements are far fetched, inaccurate and really worded quiet poorly 9 difference in English language ).

Save yourself further embarrassment and myself time by researching a little over the weekend while I'm out hunting. Really your knowledge level of events is very low., just a fact.

ps I see US helping ISIS moderate rebels again -

#271: Re: Donald Trumph Author: US_BrakeLocation: USA PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 1:49 pm
Trump is a Troll

#272: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:10 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
KG_Brandenburg - If you think respect comes with Yeah right, so I'm meant to roll over and pretend you are right just because you are an old hack with dust in his ears. I can't be bothered at the moment to go through all of your rubbish. Some I agree with but it's just going around in bigger circles.

You misplace arrogance with being correct. But that's only because I have knowledge in that area of concern due to work. Your knowledge might be greater in some other field. Sorry to see that you keep taking offense to my replies but really I have gone very easy on you compared to others who try to fired verbal bullets my way. Take that as a form of respect if you like. But really I was feeling sorry for you as your statements are far fetched, inaccurate and really worded quiet poorly 9 difference in English language ).

Save yourself further embarrassment and myself time by researching a little over the weekend while I'm out hunting. Really your knowledge level of events is very low., just a fact.

ps I see US helping ISIS moderate rebels again -  

dude.. p.s. we never stopped helping them.. Im still confused on who the terrorist are. lol  ahh yes.. EVERYONE taking part in that clusterfuck from all sides

LOL  im going to leave you alone dude..  Problem with you is.. You believe yourself to be correct and with me Im wise enough to know that I could be wrong

Dude..  you are what my dad refereed to as an educated idiot..  How old are you?  i figure 20 to 25 tops AND YES age makes a difference..your reply to the whole respect and age told me all i needed to know about you. Its been enlightening

Do you not see that everyone deserves basic respect or are just a callous self assured asshole in life?  I said basic respect THAT EVERYONE should have unless that give reason this should not apply.. as i said.. basic respect .. I still hold the door open for people, believe is a strong handshake, believe in making eye contact and consider it disrespect not too.. i still believe in moms apple pie baseball and fair play..  1950's USA without the racism if you will.. Its the love of the ideals that this country was founded on and the incredible potential we have.. We as americans.. not You.. your from a lesser country..LOL  see, I can be self righteous and arrogant too. Add that with german blood that runs through my veins and you see where im going here . I let the voices in my head have there way and sometimes things just get out.. .

example: I wear dark shades all the time when out in public. last job i saw my boss once in the morning, once before i left.. When i talked to him or was just BS'in, the shades were raised on my head so the man that cuts the check can see my eyes. As I said..,  respect.. he respected the agreement we had when i started work for him so he had my respect. Did I trust him?  I trust no 1 initially.. I learned to respect and trust his judgement with a few exception. Came close to quitting more than a few times over his calls.. FYI..  I wasnt some lil peon but had my own department so I was a tad difficult to replace .If i quit, it would of caused "problems" for them, atleast in the short term

on the flip side of that.. if someone disrespects in the real world, i might overlook the 1st time , rarely the 2nd.. Ill either advise the person or have nothing to do with them for a day, week, month, or YEARS!..  applies to everyone including family and in one case, to my daughter that was 16 at the time. Pissed me off really bad and I kicked her out and sent her to her momma for 3 months. In that time I said nothing to her nor asked about her other than making sure she was ok.

in closing:
I just am an asshole with serious mental issues such that I have been called Neil the Irate or Neil the Mad..  Ive mellowed alot in recent years though

too say im wrong because you believe yourself to be right all the time or have all the answers is assine of reaks of immaturity.dude GTFO  .Both people can be wrong or right in any debate or discussion, and at the same time..,.You see the world in black and white. As you get older you will hopefully see that the world is just many shades of grey.There are no coincidences in this world and very few absolutes. No dude, no matter how much you tell me im wrong, .. Im just looking at the events from a different perspective.. Something age has tempered

you are probably fortunate i dont take you or this topic all that serious.. Actually your post are danger close to being in troll territory.Just saying

#273: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 8:18 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
KG_Brandenburg - If you think respect comes with Yeah right, so I'm meant to roll over and pretend you are right just because you are an old hack with dust in his ears. I can't be bothered at the moment to go through all of your rubbish. Some I agree with but it's just going around in bigger circles.

and you fail to see..  I wasnt saying im right dude..DO YOU NOT understand this basic concept.. I didnot say i was 100%.. it was more that Its either a likely outcome or that its high likely that I am..  Not 1 time did I say I was definitely right.. You on other hand cant say this..  On the flip side of this whole discussion, You want me to accept that you are right because you post links or read more than I. This is a fallacy you have had throughout this thread.. Not only that, you are young and have no idea how the world works.. All of that reading does is to reassure you that you know whats going on. Reality is quite different..  Reading is great but real world experience and age is needed too

#274: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2017 10:29 pm
KG_Brand / Neil - I thought you didn't get personal like all of those Trump supporters. You let me down. You must be at least 25 years older than me if you keep failing to see that facts presented aren't mine quite obviously but that from sources presented previously. But at least one thing you have shown to me -  what alzheimer's is like.

Your rant just goes round and round I guess like a crazy persons mind. Where it stop's nobody knows. With you being at least 25 years my senior according to you. You must have all the time in the world to research the matter in concern, after all what else do people in rest homes do all day. Please show me where I have said I am 100% correct or even that I am correct. If you have read my previous post I would as a matter of routine provide links to media release and normally from all around the world. If you feel under threat through your inadequacies or modes swings, I can't help you with that sorry. Just putting facts and opinions of others and myself on here. Remember opinions aren't facts....................don't get the two mixed up.

Once again respect is earned not given because you are old or have issues.

All trolls are easy to deal with..........when you use facts.........even trump. That's why he is so much grief now.

#275: Re: Donald Trumph Author: KG_BrandenburgLocation: Austin,Tx PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 1:54 am
actually had a full post written but ya know.. I deleted it .. killing my buzz and my general mood.
Rest home.. LOL  you lil shit..with that comment, i put you at 16 to 20..before you think im invalid,senile and on my deathbed..

brandenburg out

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#276: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:39 am
KG_Brandenburg wrote (View Post):
actually had a full post written but ya know.. I deleted it .. killing my buzz and my general mood.
Rest home.. LOL  you lil shit..with that comment, i put you at 16 to 20..before you think im invalid,senile and on my deathbed..

brandenburg out

Is that Brandinburg out.......or out of his mind. Your comments put you in an area where put didn't question, think but obeyed. Sorry about the rest home bit, I now realize it's probably some other sort of home for people with your issues. Family reunions must be fun at your place. I see you possibly work at a school. Every school needs a janitor.

But thank you all the same for saving me from having to read more terrible statements for of inaccuracies. When you are sitting in your special home try to watch Untold if you are allowed in between episodes of Golden Girls etc.

Back on topic. I see Trump is supplying the funders of ISIS and Al Nusra with more weapons -

#277: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 2:40 am
typo - area.......should read era.

#278: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 9:21 pm
"I alone can fix this"

#279: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 9:53 pm
Bill Mahr vs Cornell West.  I agree with Cornell 100%...Hillary's speech about mass incarceration was bogus double talk.  It was President Clinton that instituted Police State incarceration policies.  Wall Street executives never go to jail while they lock up the poor for life for drug offenses.  Hillary and Trump are both hardcore narcissists.  The arrogance she has to say she would have won if Russia didn't help Trump.  Cornell is spot on to confront Mahr that Clinton is really not that much better than Trump.  Mahr just doesn't get it.  

And Cornell nailed it, when he confronted Mahr about why does nobody talk about how Clinton and her corrupt party officials robbed Bernie Sanders and cheated during the Primary.  So the Democratic party leadership and Clinton get a free pass for cheating and pathological lies about the Primary, while they act like Saints?  And only Trump is the bad guy?

#280: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2017 10:00 pm
USA is screwed if Trump is forced out and replaced by Pence, absolute nightmare.  Great job to the brave class of 2017 graduates of Notre Dame today, walking-out of graduation ceremony while Pence was giving his teleprompter speech.  Growing number of Republicans are sharpening up their daggers getting ready to stab Trump in the back for Pence to replace him.  Jeb Bush and many others are eager to get their revenge.  But President Pence would be far worse.  1000% odds for another war. David Frum is said last night that 2nd Carrier Fleet has departed towards Korea.  Pence is hardcore war hawk.

#281: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 12:22 am
Pence has some serious Flynn problems of his own. Pence headed Trump's transition team. Flynn says that in early January he told the  transition's chief lawyer Donald McGahn, now White House counsel, that he was under FBI investigation for his Turkey lobbying. Pence claims he never heard about the investigation on Flynn until March. If Trump is ousted for collusion and/or obstruction, and Pence is lying about Flynn, could be that the  prevailing sentiment will be to dump Pence as well. How better to eradicate the political consequences of a tainted election than by booting the whole Trump administration?

Not that President Ryan would be viewed as any true panacea by disgruntled Dems.

#282: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:38 am
dj wrote (View Post):
"I alone can fix this"

Nice one, that was good and sums up today very well.

#283: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2017 3:59 pm
That was funny.

#284: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 3:50 am
Financial Crimes investigation "person of interest" confirmed today as Jared Kushner.  Already documented Jared met with head of Russian-state owned bank under the premise of "investments".  They could spin that in into real estate LLC scheme or other shady deals.  Financial crimes investigators are the only ones that know the trail.  Flynn & Kushner "businesses" will be audited as part of person of interest investigation.

"Vnesheconombank" handles pension funds & development activity for the state, including "investments".  And tied to Russian intelligence services.

#285: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 4:07 am
When will something stuck though. That will require real evidence not just business dealings with foreign Govt's and their interests.

#286: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:49 am
Hes home now.

Whats next?

#287: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:59 am

#288: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:05 pm
Jared seems to have learned well from his criminal father whom was sent to Federal prison by Gov. Christie of all people.  They are running a mafia style crime ring in the WH...really sad to see my country turn into a Banana Republic with some blantant self-serving interests.  The only thing the Trump / Kushner family cares about is making the most amount of $$$ as possible for themselves with a FU attitude towards everyone else.  Because they can and it is sort of legal.  What is NOT legal is witness intimidation, obstruction of justice, repeatedly lying on security clearances, "forgetting" they met multiple times with Russian officials, "forgetting" they were paid as foreign agents, "forgetting" to disclose they received millions of $ to serve as foreign lobbyists...etc.

@Mick...yes I do believe that Pence is also a pathological liar and probably will be proven at some point to be part of the cover-up and misinformation.  They tried to set-up Flynn and hoped he would be like an Oliver North fall guy.  But they eventually had way too much dirt on him.  IMPOSSIBLE that Pence did not know about Flynn's situation.  Pence was sent a letter by House Committee informing him personally about Flynn long before he took office.  Now Pence is trying to pretend and fake again that Trump's people do not keep him informed.  Another pathetic attempt to weasel his way out of this massive clusterfk.

#289: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:31 pm
It's not a case of a part of the core is rotten but the whole apples is rotten to the core - both major political parties, most politicians, the whole idea of lobbyists, how the media conduct non biased coverage of elections and politicians and funding of the parties in general. That's just some of it.

Where were the complaints of corruption over the last few Administrations - illegal bombing of Syria and regime change in Libya ( that's just a couple of things ). The Clinton Fraudation and supply weapons to terrorist Org' It's a two faced world where people are only concerned if they themselves are missing out.

#290: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 3:49 am
Start of a possible fallout of Allies -
The funny thing is Europe would rather be subsidized and lied to - Iraq. Than be told the truth and pay it's own way.

#291: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:50 am
Washington Post today had story with 20 sources that Trump asked Dan Coats to interfere with investigation of Russian influence.   Sure sounds like some sh*t is going to hit the fan on Thursday when Comey speaks.
Dan Coats could not even answer question previously to Senate inquiry on this matter previously, obvious he was trying to keep this quiet.  Trump is going to face impeachment soon at this rate.

#292: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:38 am
Comey has boxed himself in. Any claim he makes to the Senate committee of obstruction by Trump  begs the question 'why now and not then?' More likely he'll only be able to establish a pattern of pressure that amounts in aggregate to obstruction. Unless he's willing to step on Mueller's toes with some new bombshell from the FBI investigation his testimony seems destined to be somewhat underwhelming after all the media hype.

The GOP will of course deflect by focusing on Comey's handling of the Clinton email scandal to support the administration's position that he has botched both investigations and deserved to be fired.

#293: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:52 pm
Yep you called it Mick.  Bait and Switch attack the whistle blowers, leakers and whine about Clinton instead of the matter under review. Very slivery, evasive answers by Coats and NSA chief "best of my recollection" err did I forget?  Like Nigel Farage forgetting why he walked into the Ecuadorian embassy to meet with Wikileaks.

President Gekko, the Narcissist liar in chief is bluffing yet again with the "tapes".  Will find out "very soon" like what he said about Melania's expired Visa news conference & numerous other lies.  Comey knew that he is a pathological liar so he took the notes like law enforcement officer would do.  

What's the next step?  Lie detector tests, hiring more personal criminal defense attorneys, subpoena of all Trump/Kushner family financial records?  The comments about AG Sessions sounded very sketchy.  Also about trying to manipulate the wording about Clinton's investigation.  Clinton is also a pathological liar and narcissist but nearly as bad as Trump.  The Democrats were idiots to run her knowing she was damaged goods and almost got smoked by Bernie Sanders.

Mannaford seems to be the biggest crook of all of them even worse than Flynn.  No news about him yet.

#294: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:21 am
The endless tax payers circus continues. This witch hunt won't end until Trump is either voted out of office or thrown out. Then I wonder if they will conduct the same sort of hunt for the war criminals behind the illegal invasion of Iraq, illegal bombing and invasion of Syria and the regime change in Libya - not a chance. No matter the Russian will still be to blame and upon what solid evidence - none just speculation and paranoia.

Has anyone looked into the election manipulation by Soro's / Podesta I guess there's too much evidence of that.

#295: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 4:39 pm
So Trump , his surrogates and Russia did nothing wrong then?  You spend way too much time reading Breitbart or other partisan blogs.  Let's hear another one of you rants about how all of this is fake news and how we can not trust anything the mainstream media says.  Do you work as a representatiive for Russia or trump family?  You only want investigations of your Partisan factions and anything that damaging to Trump is a witch hunt.  What does Soros or Pedesta have to do with this?  Totally irrevalant other than the fact Nigel Farage helped work with Wikileaks and Russian hackers to steal his emails.  Other than that what is your point?

Investigations involve a formal process.  Watergate took years to resolve.  Nixon had 30% approval rating all the way to the end, so there will always be people like you to defend the un-defenseable.   As far as Iraq is concerned, Obama already stated many years ago that he would not "look backwards" when confronted by activists about why he would not investigate.  Even though plenty of evident Dick Cheney and his henchmen wanted war with Iraq even before 9/11.  Syria bombing review is impossible because Trump personally order the missile strike along with some the war hawk republicans wanted to intervene.  And a minority of democrats. Trump although faking to be angry about Iraq invasion is bluffing yet again on that and only wants endless war in Iraq still.  Plus he had several strikes in Yemen.  Afghanistan exit strategy also no where in sight.

#296: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Jun 12, 2017 12:18 pm
DJ - Are you blind. Still nothing showing Russia had anything to do with the Elections. Comey says it points to collusion but can't offer a single piece of evidence backing it up. Doesn't that suggest there is nothing to answer for. Trump asking Comey for his loyalty - is just that - asking. It's a witch hunt but going after the wrong traitors. Where do you get off guessing I listen to any of your redneck news or even take US news seriously.You are so blinded by your hate of Trump you have lost all vision of objectivity. Do I work for Trump or the Russians.............I'm from New I work for the NZ Govt and have for some period. Your paranoia has clouded your judgement.........I doubt it was of good judgement in the past any way.

What does Podesta and Soro's have to do with this inquiry - nothing. But that's where the issue lays. These guys clearly tried to influence the Elections through at times illegal activities = recruit people to create fights at protests, getting Democrat volunteers to destroy enrolment papers of anyone voting Repub's etc. These and many other incidents have been show to have irrefutable evidence. You must have seen some of the Wikileaks material of even some of the videos. Russian leak possibly came from within DNC. Maybe Seth Rich but that is still speculation and probably always will be. Also remember Comey admitted to leaking - but he will walk free -

Obama not looking backwards - tell that to the Nazi's who to this day are still being hunted down. Or even Gaddafii, Saddam, Milosevic and the many other present day war criminals who have paid the price. Trump didn't bomb Syria first it was Obomba. Nor did Trump send in the first SF's it was once again Obama.Trump who did continue and escalate the mistakes also making himself a war criminal. You seriously need to research a little.

It's all about evidence something you seem to have conveniently forgotten about. No evidence of Russian hacking , election interference but plenty that Trump isn't going to be a good leader but also some in the US won't let him either. I do feel sorry for you guys. Believing in something like Democracy that is just a myth at best and a management tool against the ignorant peasants. They use to just wave a clan flag to rally peasants - now they use the MSM.

#297: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:36 am
Here's one that should remove Trump from the Presidency of the USA - War Criminal -

#298: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 12:24 pm
................or maybe this one -

#299: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mick_xe5 PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2017 2:01 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
DJ - Are you blind. Still nothing showing Russia had anything to do with the Elections.
NSA contractor Reality Winner is charged with leaking a document describing some of the Russian election hacking. Now, while your inner-conspiricist might dismiss this as less than first hand evidence of such, at this point its the closest the press and public will get as far as original source materials about the issue. The US IC says it happened and Congress has seen/heard sufficient supporting evidence to vouch that it happened. Until other evidence is declassified, wittingly or not, we can safely assume that Russian election hacking happened. To continue to claim otherwise is much more like 'they faked the moon landing' than 'there were no WMDs'.

Quite telling that Trump is still focused on proving non-existent voter fraud took place while doing nothing to address Russia's 'vote fraud'. Even the politically ignorant who have supported him are beginning to sense that he has and will trash any perceived adversary except for Russia. Some of those are OK with this on the basis that the int'l enemy of my nation is our friend because the int'l enemy is also the enemy of my intra-national enemy - those dirty socialist libs. But enough knuckle draggers still harbor the Cold War mindset that Russia=USSR, and the USSR is enemy #1. Bodes ill for our Dear Leader down the line.

The question of collusion has become almost moot as prima facie evidence of obstruction mounts.

BTW - the auteur of the Ukraine on Fire schlockumentary yoouve lauded just released a glowing profile on Putin. So much for an unbiased POV eh?

#300: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:39 am
I have worked in the business world for 20+ years.  Let me tell you...there had better be a VERY good reason to have meetings.  The first thing is "what is the purpose of this meeting" any good business person has to answer.  And having some drinks at a reception or not remembering is complete BULLSH*T answer.  The reason is usually about how to make for each other or proposal for mutually beneficial interests.  If Kushner and the Russian Bank under sanctions gave conflicting statements for the reason of the meeting at Trump Tower in December that is huge red flag.

I'm 99.9% sure that Kushner likely under the advice of Trump made arrangements for $ laundering either direct or via Bank of Cyprus front.  Finally we got word that Kushners "family" know the one his dad went to federal prison for...will be audited.  It is another huge red flag what could be the legitimate reason for such a meeting with a Bank that was under sanctions.  Worse is when Kushner asked for access to Russian-owned facilities.  Obviously this was done to evade law enforcement or intelligence agency surveillance.  Why else would he ask for such a strange request.  It's all about the $$$ for President Gekko all the time.  That was the purpose of all the meetings.  You can say that with 100%.

This reminds me of the BCCI banking scandal in early 90's when that bank was notorious for money laundering to hide identities of intelligence agencies, drug lords and other secret interests.  Many of the same shady characters.  Just the fact Mannafort was known to deposit money at Bank of Cyprus and one of Trump's cabinet members is affiliated with that Bank are also big red flags.  Get ready for the sh*t to really hit the fan soon.
Pence is lawyering up!  Those Criminal Defense attorneys are quite expensive.

#301: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 11:05 am
dj wrote (View Post):
I have worked in the business world for 20+ years.  Let me tell you...there had better be a VERY good reason to have meetings.  The first thing is "what is the purpose of this meeting" any good business person has to answer.  And having some drinks at a reception or not remembering is complete BULLSH*T answer.  The reason is usually about how to make for each other or proposal for mutually beneficial interests.  If Kushner and the Russian Bank under sanctions gave conflicting statements for the reason of the meeting at Trump Tower in December that is huge red flag.

I'm 99.9% sure that Kushner likely under the advice of Trump made arrangements for $ laundering either direct or via Bank of Cyprus front.  Finally we got word that Kushners "family" know the one his dad went to federal prison for...will be audited.  It is another huge red flag what could be the legitimate reason for such a meeting with a Bank that was under sanctions.  Worse is when Kushner asked for access to Russian-owned facilities.  Obviously this was done to evade law enforcement or intelligence agency surveillance.  Why else would he ask for such a strange request.  It's all about the $$$ for President Gekko all the time.  That was the purpose of all the meetings.  You can say that with 100%.

This reminds me of the BCCI banking scandal in early 90's when that bank was notorious for money laundering to hide identities of intelligence agencies, drug lords and other secret interests.  Many of the same shady characters.  Just the fact Mannafort was known to deposit money at Bank of Cyprus and one of Trump's cabinet members is affiliated with that Bank are also big red flags.  Get ready for the sh*t to really hit the fan soon.
Pence is lawyering up!  Those Criminal Defense attorneys are quite expensive.

You seriously need to learn the definition of a conspiracy theorists. Just one for you " a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event ". That places you in the mix - Trump / Russia ( no evidence ). I think you will also find in a court of law that only evidence holds weight not speculation. And it will require evidence to prove a case of Russian hacking, election interference and collusion between the Trump Camp and the Russian Govt.

" We can safely assume that Russian election hacking happened ". Based upon what exactly. 17 US Spy Agencies, Five Eyes - 4 Allied countries who can spy upon any US citizen and combined they can't find one trace of Russian Not to mention election interference. It's exactly WDM's just with the word Russian Interference instead. How gullible naive and paranoid can you get. Gullible and naive to believe once again the lines - " trust us, we have seen " when it comes to your Govt's proof. Paranoid over the continued falsehood of what has become Russophobia 1960's style. The rest of that paragraph rant is near meaningless. I even tried to get drunk to understand it but that didn't decipher it's meaning either.

Trump's obstruction - asking Comey to be loyal isn't anything but asking. How you read anymore into it is beyond belief.

So you have watched Ukraine on Fire then. It does explain the using something you appear not to understand. It's called evidence. The evidence provided shows who financed the coup and who the main players were - USA mainly. If you believe USA's Oliver Stone lied / iinaccuracies, please explain where. As after reading your post I to believe that your sharp mind may have picked up things his investigative teams missed. Stone has a nasty habit of doing doco's on important people and incidents. Remember Untold History of the USA where 3 teams of investigators tried their best to pull apart his doco. Anything less than 100% correct was never used. Once again you display your paranoia over beliefs that differ to yours. I guess when put into context USA has deep paranoid thoughts pushed upon it's public over Muslims, Russia, China and Nth Korea..................I forgot Mexicans. Forgetting their own part in world affairs - what is it now 55 countries attacked.

ps Paranoia - unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.

#302: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 1:37 am
Here's another Trump disgrace -
Surely this sort of unprovoked attack upon the legitimate Govt of Syria's forces is another war crime ( something he could be kicked from Govt for ). But these things don't seem to be illegal and go uninvestigated. Even though these rebels fight against Syria and US are illegally on Syrian soil. USA are too busy chasing paper tigers - Russia hacking etc.

Some will make their excuses for it sadly.

#303: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:34 am
Here's the US citizens way out of having Trump as your leader for the possible next 8 years. I know he didn't start the illegal invasion or bombing of Syria ( Obama did ) but he kept it going - complicit. There will also be others who would go with him of course - Bush Jnr in Iraq, Bill Clinton bombing 1993 of Iraq, Obama with Syria, Hillary with Libya and many others but that's the price of freedom.

#304: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:55 am
In a non paranoid country this may have been a good idea -

#305: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:14 am
Ban on transgenders in the Military -
Surely this is a very good move. But did transgenders really serve in the US Military or was that just a very bad proposal not yet taken up by anyone ( Bradley Manning after the fact excused ). Surely they didn't serve in the front lines, just the rear. Imagine that, handbags at dawn. High heeled combat boots. Maybe a recon brigade - Dykes on bikes. Liberalization of the

#306: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 10:11 pm
Here's one thing I have learned being in the military for the past 20 years... Making any type of disparaging comments against a fellow soldier only serves to weaken. Comments like yours Sod, weaken, not strengthen. I'll serve with anyone who will show and give respect and put the mission before self.

#307: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:44 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Here's one thing I have learned being in the military for the past 20 years... Making any type of disparaging comments against a fellow soldier only serves to weaken. Comments like yours Sod, weaken, not strengthen. I'll serve with anyone who will show and give respect and put the mission before self.

Lovely PC words which I would expect nothing less from you. But as we all know actions speak louder than words. Liberalization of anything has undoubtedly weakened not strengthened. Simply look at the US Military's record not just encompassing transgenders but in general. Lost conflicts in Somalia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Laos etc. In an age of accepting drug use, prescribed drug use, individual rights over the majority, easing of regulations and so forth. But I guess in military terms you just have to accept what you are told without thinking for yourself esp in the lower ranks.

Mission before self had nothing to do with this discussion. That's a separate discussion again.

#308: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:09 am
Oh right. Standing up for your men and women who are under your command is PC. Spoken like someone who has never served.

#309: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:04 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Oh right. Standing up for your men and women who are under your command is PC. Spoken like someone who has never served.

You said men or women.They are the third sex I believe it is called. You sound like a person who served alright - breakfast , lunch and tea. Why get so offended ( unless there is something you would like to share..or not ). I only speak what others believe including myself, maybe not everyone of course.  Having these people serve in the military only makes them a laughing stock and the military.  

Standing up for your guys is one thing but the point is transgenders shouldn't be in the military. You would be perfectly happy to have your commander as a transgender. What next - blind snipers, mute comms operators and maybe pilot with Tourettes or a cross dressing Admiral. For you to believe that's ok with transgenders in the military it shows how far the West has lost it's morals and dignity with some people. I don't propose naming and shaming them etc. Just don't let them join.

Very liberal but very naive of you. Can you imagine a transgender Police Who could take them seriously. That applies to any position of authority, office or service. You must have served in the Navy -

Just for you.


#310: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:07 pm
"only makes them a laughing stock and the military." "Who could take them seriously." These are your reactions, not problems with the soldiers themselves.

We're not laughing at them in Canada and I doubt they are in the US. We take them seriously. Is there a job they can't do? I can't think of any. I am not sure what your point of not letting them serve is. There are minimum standards to meet when any military, if you meet them, you can serve.

You believe they shouldn't serve, why?

#311: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:44 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
"only makes them a laughing stock and the military." "Who could take them seriously." These are your reactions, not problems with the soldiers themselves.

We're not laughing at them in Canada and I doubt they are in the US. We take them seriously. Is there a job they can't do? I can't think of any. I am not sure what your point of not letting them serve is. There are minimum standards to meet when any military, if you meet them, you can serve.

You believe they shouldn't serve, why?

A good question. The answer isn't a reflection upon their desire to serve their country but on the grounds of human biology. First transgenders suffer from depression and suicide to a far greater degree than any other sectors of society. I'm not sure about US or Canada's policy in relation to firearms use. But stats and common sense dictates that mental illness and guns don't mix. 41% of transgender persons in the 18 to 44 age range are suicidal ( compared to 4.6% of general population ). This is a serious risk for personnel who are around weapons or operating machinery or aircraft. If this were the only issue, it would be enough to justify the medical ban. A soldier patrolling around Taliban territory in Afghanistan who runs into medical issues has to be evacuated by helicopter. That puts the crew at risk. Helicopter crashes have made up a sizable chunk of the American death toll. Since medical personnel in Afghanistan won’t be equipped to deal with transgender problems, he will have to be flown out to Germany.  And then to America. The political crusade for a transgender military is selfish and irresponsible. It demands that the military put the lives of others at risk to cater to the emotional whims of their identity politics.

Transgender operations and hormone therapy requires constant monitoring by a doctor. They carry serious health risks. Some of those risks require serious medications and ongoing management. The Rand study being touted by transgender advocates who claim that medical expenses will only be in the millions relies on a statistical bait and switch. The actual cost is estimated to be in the billions.

In July, the House of Representatives voted down Missouri Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler’s amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would have banned the military from funding such treatments.Paying for transition-related surgeries for military service members and their families is beyond comprehensible.Perhaps they have forgotten that US military was forged to be one of the world’s strongest fighting forces, not a government-funded, politically correct, medical sex change clinic for people with gender dysphoria. ( Gender dysphoria, the common diagnosis for one who feels at odds with his or her birth gender, develops from prolonged anxiety and depression. People are not born that way ). Over 60 percent of this diverse population suffer from co-existing mental disorders. Consider Bradley Manning (now Chelsea Manning), a former Army soldier who was so psychologically and emotionally unbalanced that he stole confidential documents from the military and forwarded them to WikiLeaks according to some.

The military is expected to prepare its members in warfare to kill, destroy, and break enemies. The most important factors in preparing a strong military are not hormone therapy, surgical sex changes, or politically correct education.

There is more if that isn't enough for you. Some of this has been taken from media releases on the topic.

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#312: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:47 am
Remember this

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#313: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 10:56 pm
"The most important factors in preparing a strong military are not hormone therapy, surgical sex changes, or politically correct education."

Correct, it never will be, even with allowing transgender personnel to serve.

If you are fit to do the job, you can do the job. Leadership does not discriminate. Its really that simple.

#314: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 11:23 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
"The most important factors in preparing a strong military are not hormone therapy, surgical sex changes, or politically correct education."

Correct, it never will be, even with allowing transgender personnel to serve.

If you are fit to do the job, you can do the job. Leadership does not discriminate. Its really that simple.

They aren't fit to hold a weapon, operate machinery etc on the grounds of depression associated with their transgender issues. I understand what you are saying but that in it's self raises issues. They have to be fit to serve mentally as well as physically. Leadership does discriminate - the weak are weeded out and don't progress further. Maybe it's different in the Americas as it appears to be. In a time when the US are chasing recruits they certainly are chasing anyone to fill the ranks. These people don't strengthen only weaken a military struggling success and acknowledgement in modern times. A another version of throwing the very old and very young into the fight ,now we have the left overs.

Even you must realize that. A good argument but a failed one. I see the media paint a lovely picture of these new brave warrriors but it will come back to bite someone on the bum at some stage.

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#315: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:33 am
Yes, we discriminate based on performance.

You've laced your argument with jokes and insults against transgender pers. That makes me believe you don't care about who serves in a foreign military, especially when it comes to the US Military and that you are just using this issue to vent true feelings about transgender people.

#316: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:52 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Yes, we discriminate based on performance.

You've laced your argument with jokes and insults against transgender pers. That makes me believe you don't care about who serves in a foreign military, especially when it comes to the US Military and that you are just using this issue to vent true feelings about transgender people.

Get over yourself. You asked " why " they shouldn't served and I gave you a correct and logical answer. Concede that you were wrong. Yes I placed humour within parts of my argument but lets not be prissy. I do use humour in most of my statements. You are far too sensitive and don't start with that anti American thing. When it has been me defending Trump over these bogus accusations starting pre-elections. Man up and admit when you were wrong again instead of trying to defend the undefendableor giving further PC rubbish. It's just you or DJ always crying about something when you are wrong and can't admit it.

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#317: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 2:58 am
What would be interesting is to see who agrees given both sides of the argument - fit to do the job
                                                                                                          - unfit due to transgender issues like depression, anxiety and suicide

No right or wrong answers just individual opinions. And i won't make any comments on their choice as it is their opinion as stated. That's me being serious mooxe for a change. Actual I thought my answer to your original question wasn't too bad either ?

#318: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 5:01 pm
The medical screening you undergo in the recruitment phase can catch depression, anxiety and suicidal issues. If detected, your candidacy in that particular area will be even more heavily scrutinized and you may be rejected. If a transgender person is rejected based on medical requirements for whatever trade they choose, then they aren't fit to serve, just like everyone else who tries to join. They should not be rejected simply for being transgender.

#319: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:10 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
The medical screening you undergo in the recruitment phase can catch depression, anxiety and suicidal issues. If detected, your candidacy in that particular area will be even more heavily scrutinized and you may be rejected. If a transgender person is rejected based on medical requirements for whatever trade they choose, then they aren't fit to serve, just like everyone else who tries to join. They should not be rejected simply for being transgender.

Totally agree. But when you do a little research it becomes very obvious to all that they all suffer at least one of these issues if not all. That's even admitted by themselves. Mentally they aren't fir for service on the grounds of either depression, anxiety or suicide. Things that would keep you or I out of service as well. That's being treated as equal. Easy.

#320: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 2:32 am
More Democracy. -
Where there's oil there's foreign intervention -
Or is it just me making up these stories. Like the post of the 17 Spy Agencies that some don't believe exist even if it's the Coast Guard among the FBI and NSA etc. May be the Business inside have made a mistake -

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#321: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:31 pm
Another ignorant post.  Whatever Trump said is shared amongst the international community. Nicholas Madura actually donated 2x to the Trump election campaign in order to change US political policy that has hurt Venezuela.  The only reason why Trump spoke out against Venezuelan govt is because he was told to do so by his advisors.  

The Republican Party chose to dance with the devil to advance their agendas and are now paying the price.  The Alt Right and their radical racist right-wing supports have been attempting to hi-jack the Republican Party for decades.  Never have they been this close with the head of Brietbart working in White House.  Trump refuses to denounce because he needs their political support as his base starts to crumble.  If he keeps their support, he might get re-elected as rise of xenophobia & hate groups spreads with dog whistle politics.  Nazi's , KKK and their "Unite the Right" rally ended up in disaster yesterday.  Trump refuses to denounced his racist supporters & that is rallying his radical base and "real news" websites like

#322: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 8:35 pm
Trump's close ties to Nigel Farage and rise of radical right wing other places like Poland also feeds this narrative of association with right wing extremist groups.

#323: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2017 10:06 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
Another ignorant post.  Whatever Trump said is shared amongst the international community. Nicholas Madura actually donated 2x to the Trump election campaign in order to change US political policy that has hurt Venezuela.  The only reason why Trump spoke out against Venezuelan govt is because he was told to do so by his advisors.  

The Republican Party chose to dance with the devil to advance their agendas and are now paying the price.  The Alt Right and their radical racist right-wing supports have been attempting to hi-jack the Republican Party for decades.  Never have they been this close with the head of Brietbart working in White House.  Trump refuses to denounce because he needs their political support as his base starts to crumble.  If he keeps their support, he might get re-elected as rise of xenophobia & hate groups spreads with dog whistle politics.  Nazi's , KKK and their "Unite the Right" rally ended up in disaster yesterday.  Trump refuses to denounced his racist supporters & that is rallying his radical base and "real news" websites like

DJ I see you are still batting for the wrong side. No other country has even come close to share Trump's views on Venezuela. The truth is Venezuela has the world's biggest oil reserves and 4th largest natural gas reserves. This is the real reason for US interference in yet another country. Actually this isn't the first time either not by a very long way. USA were involved in the attempted coup of ousting Chavez in 2002 plus much more. A very good documentary exists on this also -

Maduro along with many others including myself thought very wrongly that with the the of Trump that US Foreign Policy would change for the better ( "unlike other candidates for the presidency, war and aggression will not be my first instinct"- Trump ). Trump like very nearly very President since WW2 has acted for big business over country. Hillary Clinton would have been no different given her track record as SOS - Libya etc.

Poland's far right neo nazi's only reflect peoples frustration at continued domestic failings - Ukraine's the Right Sector. Remember that group I was saying to you guys about during the coup in Ukraine. And who trained those guys in Poland - CIA ( Ukraine on Fire - Oliver Stone ).

For some reason you still believe in a difference between Repub's and Democrats. They are the two sides of the same coin. You even said Trumps advisers told him to make that speech on Venezuela. He is just a figurehead as most Presidents are and are influenced by big business Org's. It's nothing new. As for Trump picking on minorities - democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch - Ben Franklin.

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#324: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:55 am
Yet another completely ignorant post so typical... DO NOT put words in my mouth.   You again pull  your info and "news" obviously from Right Wing propaganda websites.  You think Trump is draining the swamp?  What a complete bunch of bullshit.  He is swimming right in the middle of it and filling it up.  Deep State is what Roger Stone and the Right Wing use to smear the government.  They want to discredit the investigation.  "Wrong side"?
Again you just a troll and have no idea what you are even talking about and are just making things up.  Do you get all your education from cartoons or from Alternative fact propaganda videos?  What Partisan website did you find this?  Do get all your info from Breitbart or Alternative News?  

You just showed how truly stupid you are to pull a cartoon from a Partisan cartoonist whom is a radical right wing nut.  Figures you were promoting fake news they were peddling, like the Pizzagate conspiracy that Clinton had child sex slave shop  at Pizza store.  And Seth Rich story was retracted by Faux News and even one of their own paid contributors just filed lawsuit for intentionally hustling this story.  Keep on living in your alternative universe with make believe facts.

Ben Garrison views have been described as libertarian, and his cartoons often portray President Donald Trump in a favorable light. He has also drawn cartoons promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory.More at Wikipedia

#325: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:04 am
You need to learn that Trump only cares about one thing.  Making as $ as he possibly can for himself and his family businesses.  That's it.

#326: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:17 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Yet another completely ignorant post so typical... DO NOT put words in my mouth.   You again pull  your info and "news" obviously from Right Wing propaganda websites.  You think Trump is draining the swamp?  What a complete bunch of bullshit.  He is swimming right in the middle of it and filling it up.  Deep State is what Roger Stone and the Right Wing use to smear the government.  They want to discredit the investigation.  "Wrong side"?
Again you just a troll and have no idea what you are even talking about and are just making things up.  Do you get all your education from cartoons or from Alternative fact propaganda videos?  What Partisan website did you find this?  Do get all your info from Breitbart or Alternative News?  

You just showed how truly stupid you are to pull a cartoon from a Partisan cartoonist whom is a radical right wing nut.  Figures you were promoting fake news they were peddling, like the Pizzagate conspiracy that Clinton had child sex slave shop  at Pizza store.  And Seth Rich story was retracted by Faux News and even one of their own paid contributors just filed lawsuit for intentionally hustling this story.  Keep on living in your alternative universe with make believe facts.

Ben Garrison views have been described as libertarian, and his cartoons often portray President Donald Trump in a favorable light. He has also drawn cartoons promoting the Pizzagate conspiracy theory and Seth Rich murder conspiracy theory.More at Wikipedia

Calm down DJ. That cartoon was to go with how Trump promised changed and to drain the swamp which he hasn't but has added to it. Try reading the article in context to the cartoon and you might see the It's your answer to everything that doesn't fit into your very shallow way of life and thinking. I haven't nor would put anything into your mouth. You said " Trump spoke out against Venezuelan govt is because he was told to do so by his advisors". That suggests Trump isn't in total control of the country. Is that not true ? He's a figurehead.

Really DJ read other countries news article and see what their people think of the US today. In NZ, US foreign policy is roundly disliked and mistrusted ( not the people ). We are allied to your country. Read the Daily Mail where they are far more ruthless, Rueter etc. Germany and France aren't saying great things about USA either over Venezuela, Nth Korea etc. You appear to be insular in thought and mind. You hate Trump and all he stands for. But because of your tainted views, refuse to accept what your countries foreign policy has been like. How numerous US Presidents have acted as war criminals illegally bombing and invading countries based on lies. Everything about you is a contradiction of facts.

Your paranoia is first class. You really need to read context, use facts and stop guessing. I'm soLeft Wing but keep my eyes open and not blinkered like some here. You reflect what others perceive to be USA today. Not sure if they should be more feminine or manly. democracy or hypocrisy, rich or poor and says it wants bombing everyone that disagress with them.

Seth Rich story doesn't end or start with the MSM but with Wikileaks who have offered up a reward for information on Seth's death. How many other deaths have they done that for - none. Your so called free media is anything but free let alone accurate. But don't let me get in your way of your paranoid thoughts and rants, naive and apologistic statements, lowly educated understanding of posts. My mistake was thinking that a US leader could tell the truth and make good Foreign Policy change - it's a myth just like your intelligence.

To summarize DJ you are pathetic.

#327: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 2:24 am
dj wrote (View Post):
You need to learn that Trump only cares about one thing.  Making as $ as he possibly can for himself and his family businesses.  That's it.

DJ - I have reread my post and for the life of me how did you come to that conclusion that I like Trump " Trump like very nearly very President since WW2 has acted for big business over country". That cartoon fits perfectly with his deciet.

Sorry that post went right over your head. Perhaps you can help add in the few missing countries from this chart. I hear Iran might be Trump's next excursion.

How can stating facts be trolling. I suggest it's you who has the problem.................with the truth.

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#328: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:45 pm
Surely this isn't true. Ukraine is a Democracy post the coup and backed by some Western countries -

#329: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:27 am
Divider in Chief gave worst press conference ever using Right-Wing extremist talking points defending people were carrying Confederate & Nazi flags (it's on video).  Every other Republican President has said they don't want the support of the Nazi's , KKK or other extremist groups.   He has crossed the line today but giving shelter to the people carrying Tiki torches like the Nazi's did in Nuremberg.  And what the KKK had done in the 1800's.  The Alt Right, David Duke and right wing extremist groups are fired up now and planning to start more fights in Liberal stronghold cities.   Really pathetic to watch USA fall apart, like the 60's all over again but potentially worse. Nixon and LBJ never gave shelter to Nazi sympathizers.

#330: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:34 am
dj wrote (View Post):
Divider in Chief gave worst press conference ever using Right-Wing extremist talking points defending people were carrying Confederate & Nazi flags (it's on video).  Every other Republican President has said they don't want the support of the Nazi's , KKK or other extremist groups.   He has crossed the line today but giving shelter to the people carrying Tiki torches like the Nazi's did in Nuremberg.  And what the KKK had done in the 1800's.  The Alt Right, David Duke and right wing extremist groups are fired up now and planning to start more fights in Liberal stronghold cities.   Really pathetic to watch USA fall apart, like the 60's all over again but potentially worse. Nixon and LBJ never gave shelter to Nazi sympathizers.

You are the most negative person I have ever encountered. Trump didn't defend the White Extremists. He said both sides were guilty of committing acts of violence. The Far Right rally as planned were confronted by the anti Far Right. It's like a match to petrol. Try using facts as your continued bias really is showing how pathetic and paranoid of Trump you are.

It's an easy thing to do....................stop using emotion or viewing things emotionally. Report what is actually in front of you. Just because your media says Trump defended them listen to the facts child. Trump isn't the only cause but one of many - Obama, Bush etc. It's social issue caused by successive failed Govt policies.

#331: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 9:59 am
DJ I think you will find your statement about " Nixon and LBJ never gave shelter to Nazi sympathizers". During their periods in office and not really even a poorly hidden secret. What's the say - actions speak louder than words. Although this report never became official due to errors ( errors never explained ) -

Geez kid you really need to learn your countries history, it's become very embarrassing.

#332: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 3:20 pm
There are no sides and it was not a far right rally your are an idiot.  It was planned by Racists.  I saw the video from Vice news, they chanted "Jews will not replace us" with their Nazi style tiki torch marches some wearing Trump hats.  Many Republicans have complained about what Trump said yesterday.  One group was Neo-Nazi / KKK hate groups, the other group protested their presence and one got murdered.  You have no fuking clue what you are talking about TROLL.

#333: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 7:59 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
There are no sides and it was not a far right rally your are an idiot.  It was planned by Racists.  I saw the video from Vice news, they chanted "Jews will not replace us" with their Nazi style tiki torch marches some wearing Trump hats.  Many Republicans have complained about what Trump said yesterday.  One group was Neo-Nazi / KKK hate groups, the other group protested their presence and one got murdered.  You have no fuking clue what you are talking about TROLL.

You are certainly losing it DJ. Calm down for both of our sakes otherwise you will get kicked and I won't have anything to laugh at. In the US you have a thing called the freedom of speech. I do believe this also covers the likes of this rally. Another group of haters ( possibly friends of yours ) also turned up creating the stage for the violence. Putting two groups of haters together.............see what I mean. The rally was legal. Trump condemned both sides - facts..........very easy.

You get too excited over very little when it comes to Trump and it exposes your naivety, gullibleness and paranoia. Like I have said in the past stick to facts. Like you really are thick DJ just going off these post - fact.

Please post something that reflects your intelligence...............or maybe you just have. Why are you such a stranger to the truth.

#334: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:28 am
The bleeding heart Liberals are at it again. Lets hope they don't pull down ones like this.

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#335: Re: Donald Trumph Author: JFFulcrum PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:42 pm
I actually love that confederate statues fall in U.S. For years US-backed NGOs and politicians in eastern Europe applaused for Soviet monuments demolitions, and US state department officials made a fake surprised faces when that leads to public riots (like in Tallinn, Estonia) or Ukrainian civil war. Now US citizens take the lesson right on their own ass, and that newslines are...priceless. That plans for clearing-up Capitol building and lustrations of Arlington War cemetery from former confederates looks very promising, i`l should prepare a wagon of popcorn for moment of that procedures. And you know who is next? Columbus! Someone should tell to that morons that G.Washington was an owner of tobacco plantation...with slaves of course. How much work still left!

#336: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 10:56 pm
JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
I actually love that confederate statues fall in U.S. For years US-backed NGOs and politicians in eastern Europe applaused for Soviet monuments demolitions, and US state department officials made a fake surprised faces when that leads to public riots (like in Tallinn, Estonia) or Ukrainian civil war. Now US citizens take the lesson right on their own ass, and that newslines are...priceless. That plans for clearing-up Capitol building and lustrations of Arlington War cemetery from former confederates looks very promising, i`l should prepare a wagon of popcorn for moment of that procedures. And you know who is next? Columbus! Someone should tell to that morons that G.Washington was an owner of tobacco plantation...with slaves of course. How much work still left!

Exactly. Destroying history and rewriting history and bad lessons for all.

#337: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 12:19 am
Another broken US / Trump broken promise - 4000 more troops for Afghanistan -

#338: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 11:53 am
More madness -

#339: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:35 pm
JFFulcrum wrote (View Post):
Someone should tell to that morons that G.Washington was an owner of tobacco plantation...with slaves of course. How much work still left!

To be fair, confederates are traitors and enemies of the Union.  If anyone wanted to put up a statue of Osama Bin Laden, I'm sure that would get the same response.  

George Washington on the other hand was a US President, despite the awkwardness of his private interests.

#340: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:58 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
More madness -  

It's always feelings that comes first in a leftists' mind. So what if his name is Robert Lee? I'm pretty sure his parents didn't intentionally call him 'Robert' so that idiots could just moan about something for a day. Just let the guy be. If the world is going to turn out with feelings coming first, a guy called  'David Cameron' will be publicly humiliated because he offended a dead pigs' feelings.

#341: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:19 pm
Rodmorg wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
More madness -  

It's always feelings that comes first in a leftists' mind. So what if his name is Robert Lee? I'm pretty sure his parents didn't intentionally call him 'Robert' so that idiots could just moan about something for a day. Just let the guy be. If the world is going to turn out with feelings coming first, a guy called  'David Cameron' will be publicly humiliated because he offended a dead pigs' feelings.

According to other reports, Lee himself requested to be removed from the University of Virginia game and reassigned to Youngstown State-Pittsburgh game.  Seems like a publicity to stunt by Lee.  If any politics was involved in the decision, it could easily be argued the other way that his removal is racist because ESPN failed to recognize that "Lee" is an extremely common name among East Asian ethnic groups.

#342: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:21 pm
Citrus wrote (View Post):
Rodmorg wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
More madness -  

It's always feelings that comes first in a leftists' mind. So what if his name is Robert Lee? I'm pretty sure his parents didn't intentionally call him 'Robert' so that idiots could just moan about something for a day. Just let the guy be. If the world is going to turn out with feelings coming first, a guy called  'David Cameron' will be publicly humiliated because he offended a dead pigs' feelings.

According to other reports, Lee himself requested to be removed from the University of Virginia game and reassigned to Youngstown State-Pittsburgh game.  Seems like a publicity to stunt by Lee.  If any politics was involved in the decision, it could easily be argued the other way that his removal is racist because ESPN failed to recognize that "Lee" is an extremely common name among East Asian ethnic groups.

And that's crystal clear proof as to why the left are so contradictive

#343: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:06 am
Rodmorg, a single issue should never be used to define a large group.

#344: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:18 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Rodmorg, a single issue should never be used to define a large group.

The left always do this to people who sit on the right wing of the political spectrum. They label many conservatives (like me) as being racist and homophobic etc. For example, Brexit. If you voted for the UK to leave the EU, leftists will call you the labels mentioned previously. Most of the people who voted to leave aren't racist, they have just have conservative and nationalistic views, with only a small portion actually being a bunch of horrible racists.

#345: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:01 am
Yeah many people do this. Its wrong.

#346: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:02 am
The old story of labels and are often used incorrectly. The one I see often - Putin the fascist. There are many others and no doubt Trump is accused of far more than most on very little grounds or evidence.

Ulysses S. Grant monument could become a target for the haters as he and his wife hand slaves -

General Ulysses S. Grant.jpg
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General Ulysses S. Grant.jpg

#347: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:09 pm
Sod, explain to me how labels are used incorrectly today.

Mooxe - The majority are those who are leftists

#348: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:00 pm
Rodmorg wrote (View Post):
Sod, explain to me how labels are used incorrectly today.

Mooxe - The majority are those who are leftists

Putin - fascist is wrong. Fascist are far Right Winged.  " Aggressor nations " are labeled by some western countries as China, Russia, Syria etc. Yet history shows even to a blind man countries like the USA and GB's foreign policy record are far worse yet considered Democratic and fair. Saddam was called a dictator and despot for killing his own people and attacking neighbouring countries. Yet Saudi A openly execute citizens for opposing the Govt ( beheadings ) and have attacked far more countries and called an ally in the West. Nth Korea called a paranoid state while we forget about own Govt spying on citizens and reducing their rights under the black cloud of Terrorism paranoia. Many more examples also exist but I guess by now you get the point.

It's too easy to label something incorrectly provided you have the media on side to push those same ideas. Remember the Axis of Evil ( Iran, Iraq, and North Korea ). Hardly successful states at their time but hardly Axis of Evil when compared to 54 countries attacked since WW2 delivering democracy and freedom through bombs and bullets. Understanding the meaning of the words used often betrays those who we think we should trust.

#349: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:02 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Rodmorg wrote (View Post):
Sod, explain to me how labels are used incorrectly today.

Mooxe - The majority are those who are leftists

Putin - fascist is wrong. Fascist are far Right Winged.  " Aggressor nations " are labeled by some western countries as China, Russia, Syria etc. Yet history shows even to a blind man countries like the USA and GB's foreign policy record are far worse yet considered Democratic and fair. Saddam was called a dictator and despot for killing his own people and attacking neighbouring countries. Yet Saudi A openly execute citizens for opposing the Govt ( beheadings ) and have attacked far more countries and called an ally in the West. Nth Korea called a paranoid state while we forget about own Govt spying on citizens and reducing their rights under the black cloud of Terrorism paranoia. Many more examples also exist but I guess by now you get the point.

It's too easy to label something incorrectly provided you have the media on side to push those same ideas. Remember the Axis of Evil ( Iran, Iraq, and North Korea ). Hardly successful states at their time but hardly Axis of Evil when compared to 54 countries attacked since WW2 delivering democracy and freedom through bombs and bullets. Understanding the meaning of the words used often betrays those who we think we should trust.

Agreed. I'd like to speak about Saudi Arabia.
One of the most tyrannical states in the world today and they're allowed to do what they want, without facing any sanctions at all, despite the fact that North Korea has its own problems as well. I'm not glorifying North Korea at all, but what I'm saying is that Saudi Arabia is as tyrannical as North Korea is. The policies in the country are absolutely disgusting, such as not allowing women to drive, and executing homosexuals because they are homosexuals. I find it so ridiculous that 78% of the LGBT community in the 2016 US elections voted for Clinton, despite 20% of her funds coming from Saudi Arabia ( If these 78% of people lived in that country, they would all be dead. But then they may have not known much about Saudi Arabia's policies.

Another thing about Saudi Arabia (and in some parts, Iran) - oppression of women. Women in these countries are forced to wear a hijab or veil because of the political ideology of the two countries. When worn loosely or not at all, these women can be jailed, or even executed ( It is wrong on so many levels. And today, we are seeing that the hijab is a sign of feminism, when in fact it is a sign of policies which are outdated, misogynistic and tyrannical, on so many levels.

#350: Re: Donald Trumph Author: JFFulcrum PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:03 pm
    — - If so proceeds further, LA 1992 will be remembered as slight folk disturbance.

#351: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:51 am
Another thing about Saudi Arabia (and in some parts, Iran) - oppression of women. Women in these countries are forced to wear a hijab or veil because of the political ideology of the two countries. When worn loosely or not at all, these women can be jailed, or even executed ( It is wrong on so many levels. And today, we are seeing that the hijab is a sign of feminism, when in fact it is a sign of policies which are outdated, misogynistic and tyrannical, on so many levels.[/quote]

Each country to their own. But when you go to live in another country, you adopt their values and way of life, not export your beliefs upon them.

The example of Saudi A is such a contrast from how our media paints Saudi A as a democratic country and fair to all. Reality is something much different -
This frenzy over Trump will last as long as he is in power. It's a smear campaign and to date no evidence of Russian election interference, hacking or corruption. Personally I don't like the guy over his u-truns over foreign policy. But lets be fair, the media can either make or break a politician. It's trial by media based on assumptions, guess work and playing on the   publics paranoia of old enemies - Russia.

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#352: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:15 pm
JFFulcrum wrote (View Post): - If so proceeds further, LA 1992 will be remembered as slight folk disturbance.

Didn't one of Milo Yiannopoulos' speeches cause the riots in Berkely?

#353: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:18 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Another thing about Saudi Arabia (and in some parts, Iran) - oppression of women. Women in these countries are forced to wear a hijab or veil because of the political ideology of the two countries. When worn loosely or not at all, these women can be jailed, or even executed ( It is wrong on so many levels. And today, we are seeing that the hijab is a sign of feminism, when in fact it is a sign of policies which are outdated, misogynistic and tyrannical, on so many levels.

Each country to their own. But when you go to live in another country, you adopt their values and way of life, not export your beliefs upon them.

The example of Saudi A is such a contrast from how our media paints Saudi A as a democratic country and fair to all. Reality is something much different -
This frenzy over Trump will last as long as he is in power. It's a smear campaign and to date no evidence of Russian election interference, hacking or corruption. Personally I don't like the guy over his u-truns over foreign policy. But lets be fair, the media can either make or break a politician. It's trial by media based on assumptions, guess work and playing on the   publics paranoia of old enemies - Russia.[/quote]

Would like him to build the wall though, and conservative Youtube Channel 'PragerU' does an excellent explanation as to why it should be built. I recommend you to watch PragerU, they have some very good videos that are only between 3-6 minutes long and talk lots about politics today, such as the environment, taxes and the two main parties of the good ol' US of A.

#354: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2017 10:57 pm
Would like him to build the wall though, and conservative Youtube Channel 'PragerU' does an excellent explanation as to why it should be built. I recommend you to watch PragerU, they have some very good videos that are only between 3-6 minutes long and talk lots about politics today, such as the environment, taxes and the two main parties of the good ol' US of A.[/quote]

I watched the clip on the " wall ". I do agree with the concept of the wall. It makes sense to secure your country from illegal's otherwise why have places like Otay Mesa where good citizens go through and the crims go around it. Not to mention all of the negative effects of illegals upon a country - housing, schooling, crime, employment etc.

However these guys on PragerU spew out some propaganda. Example - the clip on Venezuela never mentioned once how poverty was running at 80+% pre Chavez. USA Oil companies were creaming their resources and putting zero back into the country. Once Chavez had nationalized the Oil Industry, sanctions, attempted coups backed by the US Govt and many demonstrations were the start of the crippling of the country ( also oil prices dropped ) and many other things.

Clips on Vietnam and Israel are also equally disturbing in their purposeful inaccuracies - lies. They are nowhere near being a balance source of information but pander to what some people want to hear as opposed to what people need to hear - the truth. I couldn't watch anymore after those few. Of note were some people involved in these clips have some shady history or their partners do - you are who you mix with.

#355: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:27 am
Columbus Day -
What next..........................

#356: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:43 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Would like him to build the wall though, and conservative Youtube Channel 'PragerU' does an excellent explanation as to why it should be built. I recommend you to watch PragerU, they have some very good videos that are only between 3-6 minutes long and talk lots about politics today, such as the environment, taxes and the two main parties of the good ol' US of A.

I watched the clip on the " wall ". I do agree with the concept of the wall. It makes sense to secure your country from illegal's otherwise why have places like Otay Mesa where good citizens go through and the crims go around it. Not to mention all of the negative effects of illegals upon a country - housing, schooling, crime, employment etc.

However these guys on PragerU spew out some propaganda. Example - the clip on Venezuela never mentioned once how poverty was running at 80+% pre Chavez. USA Oil companies were creaming their resources and putting zero back into the country. Once Chavez had nationalized the Oil Industry, sanctions, attempted coups backed by the US Govt and many demonstrations were the start of the crippling of the country ( also oil prices dropped ) and many other things.

Clips on Vietnam and Israel are also equally disturbing in their purposeful inaccuracies - lies. They are nowhere near being a balance source of information but pander to what some people want to hear as opposed to what people need to hear - the truth. I couldn't watch anymore after those few. Of note were some people involved in these clips have some shady history or their partners do - you are who you mix with.[/quote]

That does seem to be a problem about the channel - they do not back up their proposals with evidence. Some of the things about Israel is true, such as the numerous wars that they have had, however I think for them to say what they did about Vietnam is a bit disturbing as you said, and that there aren't a lot of facts. There may be some bias towards Israel though, as the creator/leader, Dennis Prager, is Jewish.

#357: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 4:25 pm
Left or right.  They're all the same.  Left is full of contradictions but so are the right.  Take this statement for example:

"The left always do this to people who sit on the right wing of the political spectrum. They label many conservatives (like me) as being racist and homophobic etc."

The person who said this rightly calls out those in the left who make gross generalizations, then proceeds to defend making gross generalizations of their own, about the left, because the alleged generalized left do it.  Is this person trolling or am I meant to take their hypocrisy as a rational position?  

To me this is the entire problem with Trump politics.  People excuse shitty behavior and saying shitty things because they can point to some example, however obscure, that someone else has done and claim they can now do it as a general practice, no matter how much they supposedly disagree with that behavior or type of statement.  Really it's just an excuse to be shitty and laying the responsibility on someone else.

#358: Re: Donald Trumph Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:10 pm
Citrus wrote (View Post):
Left or right.  They're all the same.  Left is full of contradictions but so are the right.  Take this statement for example:

"The left always do this to people who sit on the right wing of the political spectrum. They label many conservatives (like me) as being racist and homophobic etc."

The person who said this rightly calls out those in the left who make gross generalizations, then proceeds to defend making gross generalizations of their own, about the left, because the alleged generalized left do it.  Is this person trolling or am I meant to take their hypocrisy as a rational position?  

To me this is the entire problem with Trump politics.  People excuse shitty behavior and saying shitty things because they can point to some example, however obscure, that someone else has done and claim they can now do it as a general practice, no matter how much they supposedly disagree with that behavior or type of statement.  Really it's just an excuse to be shitty and laying the responsibility on someone else.

Very well put! I have noticed this as well, I always look for a reply that starts with "But they do ...."

I've always considered myself a moderate politically, I find all this extremism worrying, but it's not new is it?

Today we dont have too many real leaders, just older versions of those over-competitive idiots we remember from school who ALWAYS had to win and be the centre of attention.  Rolling Eyes

#359: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:32 pm
Citrus wrote (View Post):
Left or right.  They're all the same.  Left is full of contradictions but so are the right.  Take this statement for example:

"The left always do this to people who sit on the right wing of the political spectrum. They label many conservatives (like me) as being racist and homophobic etc."

The person who said this rightly calls out those in the left who make gross generalizations, then proceeds to defend making gross generalizations of their own, about the left, because the alleged generalized left do it.  Is this person trolling or am I meant to take their hypocrisy as a rational position?  

I noticed to. I couldn't bring myself to continue the conversation until now.

#360: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:32 pm
More rubbish. If they are so convinced that Russia interfered in US elections show some evidence - they can't.
I hear a press release could be aired on US base al Tanf in Syria. The report offers first hand evidence from a moderate rebel commander. It will be very interesting if these statements are verified.

Left wing or Right wing in US As you guys have finally noticed the two main players being the Democrats and Repub's are two sides of the same coin vying for the same contract to please their lobbyists. The same methods and outcomes in foreign policy for some 50 years shows proves this.

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#361: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:09 am
sod98 wrote (View Post):
More rubbish. If they are so convinced that Russia interfered in US elections show some evidence - they can't.
I hear a press release could be aired on US base al Tanf in Syria. The report offers first hand evidence from a moderate rebel commander. It will be very interesting if these statements are verified.

Left wing or Right wing in US As you guys have finally noticed the two main players being the Democrats and Repub's are two sides of the same coin vying for the same contract to please their lobbyists. The same methods and outcomes in foreign policy for some 50 years shows proves this.

I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed.

#362: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:50 am
I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed.[/quote]

So why then does the US Govt act upon the so called evidence they can't once again release before the completion of the investigation - shutting Russian consulates and openly accuse Russia til the investigation is complete etc. Is that guilty before being proved innocent and we all know how that went for Iraq last time - illegal invasion.

The hacking, election interference and collusion etc will never arrive at a finding with evidence. Lets face it if there was one shred of evidence it would be plastered all over the world's media yesterday. Evidence is often released before the completion of investigations. Often to gain further withheld evidence in the public domain and as an appeal to the public. Just not a complete case is released for public consumption for obivious reasons. Please you see that every night on your news.....................or not, depends on the quality - CNN, Fox etc.

Must be true if two sitting Presidents at the time say

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#363: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:36 am
I am going to generalize here. I think most people who followed the details of the election would agree votes were not hacked in. They would agree there was attempted collusion and they would agree there was certainly outside influence on the media to favour Trump.

When Mueller's investigation is complete I am sure it will make Trump look really bad, and that's about it. Some of the people who worked for Trump will go down (maybe Manafort) but nothing will come out so concrete as to get him impeached. He won't be proven innocent or guilty. If anything is going to bring Trump down prior to four years, it will be something he's done post inauguration.

#364: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:16 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
I am going to generalize here. I think most people who followed the details of the election would agree votes were not hacked in. They would agree there was attempted collusion and they would agree there was certainly outside influence on the media to favour Trump.

When Mueller's investigation is complete I am sure it will make Trump look really bad, and that's about it. Some of the people who worked for Trump will go down (maybe Manafort) but nothing will come out so concrete as to get him impeached. He won't be proven innocent or guilty. If anything is going to bring Trump down prior to four years, it will be something he's done post inauguration.

Fair enough. Media in favour of Trump. The only media that I saw from an international perspective that favoured Trump and predicted a Trump victory was Fox. NYT and Wapo from print media and CNN, and the rest appeared to heavily in favour of Clinton in the final race. Remember CNN passing the questions of a debate to the Clinton camp. Collusion.........well no one will go to jail and I still say no evidence will ever be presented. Without a trail Trump can only ever be innocent.

Trump is learning to play the game so his lobbyists will be kept happy - he's safe. USA will continue to lose friends internationally - Philippines, Qatar, Turkey etc. But at least the domestic ecionomy will pick up. Not sure if everybody will benefit from it though.

#365: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 4:38 am
When I say media I mean it as a whole. Like social networks, website comments and news but not the actual manipulation of published articles/shows on major news outlets. However the former can and probably did influence the latter.

#366: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:36 am
mooxe wrote (View Post):
When I say media I mean it as a whole. Like social networks, website comments and news but not the actual manipulation of published articles/shows on major news outlets. However the former can and probably did influence the latter.

Cheers for clearing that up.

I had a good laugh while reading this on going issue from this so called journalist -

#367: Re: Donald Trumph Author: RodmorgLocation: Bournemouth PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 10:14 am
Citrus wrote (View Post):
Left or right.  They're all the same.  Left is full of contradictions but so are the right.  Take this statement for example:

"The left always do this to people who sit on the right wing of the political spectrum. They label many conservatives (like me) as being racist and homophobic etc."

The person who said this rightly calls out those in the left who make gross generalizations, then proceeds to defend making gross generalizations of their own, about the left, because the alleged generalized left do it.  Is this person trolling or am I meant to take their hypocrisy as a rational position?  

To me this is the entire problem with Trump politics.  People excuse shitty behavior and saying shitty things because they can point to some example, however obscure, that someone else has done and claim they can now do it as a general practice, no matter how much they supposedly disagree with that behavior or type of statement.  Really it's just an excuse to be shitty and laying the responsibility on someone else.

Excuse me mate, I'm not a troll, I'm just speaking my mind if that's okay with you. I agree with you, it is true that both the left and the right can be hypocrites, but then hypocrisy isn't rational at all. Using Brexit as an example of the left calling people who voted to leave the EU is not obscure at all.

#368: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:02 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
So why then does the US Govt act upon the so called evidence they can't once again release before the completion of the investigation - shutting Russian consulates and openly accuse Russia til the investigation is complete etc. Is that guilty before being proved innocent and we all know how that went for Iraq last time - illegal invasion.

The closing of Russian consulates is part of the tit-for-tat posturing between US and Russia.  Only weeks ago Russia closed US diplomatic buildings.

Your question about US Government and evidence to act raises a critical point about government power e.g.  How is that US government under Bill Clinton can order missile strikes against Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factories in Sudan without providing sufficient evidence of threat to US national security, yet the Russian investigation drags on?

In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

#369: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 6:18 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Fair enough. Media in favour of Trump. The only media that I saw from an international perspective that favoured Trump and predicted a Trump victory was Fox. NYT and Wapo from print media and CNN, and the rest appeared to heavily in favour of Clinton in the final race. Remember CNN passing the questions of a debate to the Clinton camp. Collusion.........well no one will go to jail and I still say no evidence will ever be presented. Without a trail Trump can only ever be innocent.

Trump is learning to play the game so his lobbyists will be kept happy - he's safe. USA will continue to lose friends internationally - Philippines, Qatar, Turkey etc. But at least the domestic ecionomy will pick up. Not sure if everybody will benefit from it though.

Apples and Oranges.  Collusion with news media to influence outcome of a debate is highly unethical but does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal.

I have yet to see anything that could bring Trump down.  Most of the news about him on both sides is bluster and distraction.   Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal or anymore controversial than previous presidents.  The difference is he revels in controversy; whereas others try to avoid it.

I dislike Trump because he says some of the most stupid things and behaves like a child.  I also like Trump because he exposes the political system for what it is - a power game between society's elites (including Trump) where the opinions and wishes of the people ultimately do not matter.  Sure, people get to vote, write to representatives and protest.  But the game is ultimately played among the rich and powerful and the voice of the people are just another tool in their arsenal that they wield when it suits them and dismiss when it doesn't.

#370: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:35 am
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.[/quote]

Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today -
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground -

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

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#371: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 5:49 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

[quote[Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today -
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground -

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

The FBI link you provided is a statement at the end of the investigation.  Also, this statement doesn't provide any specific evidence of guilt.  It's a summary of findings.

Your statements about war are irrelevant to the point I was making about government power.  Furthermore, I essentially agree with you i.e. I said you raised a "critical point about government power," and the example I provided (attack on Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan) was unsanctioned.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, there are much better places online to have mindless disagreements with people than the closecombatseries forum.

Also, no need to make condescending personal statements about "paranoia" and "hatred" (I'm not even sure how you infer that from my statements).  If you want to talk about the issues talk about them.  Your judgments about me personally are unnecessary and laughable, because you know nothing about me except a few short forum posts.  In other words, you know nothing Jon Snow.

And I don't have a "country", so no need to try and twist this into a moral pissing contest.  I live in the United States, but I'm not a US citizen.  And philosophically, I'm anti-nationalist.  In my opinion, nation-states are imagined communities i.e. they only exist and are maintained in the minds of those who willingly believe or are unwillingly forced to accept that their established institutions represents a united population with shared values.

#372: Re: Donald Trumph Author: MajorFrank PostPosted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:39 pm
If I was an American I would be very worried about what is happening to the 'brand' of USA and also of the POTUS. USA wasn't really that popular even under Obama, Dubya managed to make USA one of the most hated nations in the world. It's not a question of Muslims hating USA but pretty soon everyone will. This will reflect into economy, commerce, politics, etc. USA is hampering protection of the environment that has a huge global effect and is starting wars left and right. IMHO this cannot continue.

#373: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:55 am
Citrus wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

[quote[Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today -
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground -

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

The FBI link you provided is a statement at the end of the investigation.  Also, this statement doesn't provide any specific evidence of guilt.  It's a summary of findings.

Your statements about war are irrelevant to the point I was making about government power.  Furthermore, I essentially agree with you i.e. I said you raised a "critical point about government power," and the example I provided (attack on Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan) was unsanctioned.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, there are much better places online to have mindless disagreements with people than the closecombatseries forum.

Also, no need to make condescending personal statements about "paranoia" and "hatred" (I'm not even sure how you infer that from my statements).  If you want to talk about the issues talk about them.  Your judgments about me personally are unnecessary and laughable, because you know nothing about me except a few short forum posts.  In other words, you know nothing Jon Snow.

And I don't have a "country", so no need to try and twist this into a moral pissing contest.  I live in the United States, but I'm not a US citizen.  And philosophically, I'm anti-nationalist.  In my opinion, nation-states are imagined communities i.e. they only exist and are maintained in the minds of those who willingly believe or are unwillingly forced to accept that their established institutions represents a united population with shared values.

Embarrassing, that link I provided states "  the FBI is completing its investigation " - as in not yet finished. You must remember that at the time Comey was roundly criticized for releasing this information / evidence ? Anyway here is another link explaining more of this -
I disagreed with " Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but NOTHING ILLEGALl ". If you don't like me proving you wrong again don't write such school boy statements, naive in context and lacking in facts. Then try to hide behind pathetic rants like keyboard warrior when you have been proved wrong - acknowledge them and move on.

My statement of "What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth'. If you haven't already started to realize is a thing called a general statement. Once again it is given away by the words " some people ". Also if you have read some of my previous post you will see that I have mentioned the meaning to this many times. Also how is a general statement a personal attack on you.............that is paranoia.............welcome to the western disease. General statements are used regularly in the English language - hope that helps.

Lastly I'm not really interested in your homeless life would be as boring and mindless as you are. See that is a personal attack and you can clearly see that. I did gather and say you were American by the use of " your country holds " and that's my mistake. See how easy it is to admit to a mistake. Now lets see how you get on once you have read those links.

Now that you reside in the USA, it would be a good idea to catch a couple of English classes to improve your sadly lacking English Comp. Or if this helps and don't take offense my Spanish isn't very good and used Google  - Ahora que usted reside en los EE.UU. sería una buena idea para coger un par de clases de Inglés para mejorar su tristemente falta Inglés Comp.

#374: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:17 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Citrus wrote (View Post):
sod98 wrote (View Post):
In my opinion, it's because Sudan is weak and Russia is powerful, so each are handled differently.  Sudan cannot directly retaliate if things turn out to be different.  Messing with Russia is dangerous.

As for release of evidence before investigation is completed, please provide example.

[quote[Attacking any country without sanction can lead to war crimes, crimes against humanity and conducting a war of aggression. No excuses can be found or given for attacking Iraq, Syria,  Libya, Laos, Cambodia and many others. The Presidents sitting at the time were are still are war criminals in every context of the words. Note how I never used Afghanistan, Korean war and others - sanctioned.

Release of info before investigation complete. Many others exist you can look for them if needed. It's no surprise to me but I guess it is to you til today -
Collusion with who - still no proof exists. Words are Wind John Snow. Remember saying this - " does not compare to a collusion with a foreign and hostile power to influence an election.  One is dirty politics, the other is illegal'. How about the 45 countries USA has interfered or is that ok. That also is just the countries we know about.  Or is the USA exceptional - above the law. My country isn't, Nazi Germany wasn't.

"Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but nothing illegal" - what about continuing the illegal bombing in Syria and now the illegal boots on the Supplying weapons to rebels in a sovereign country - Syria making the USA in breech of International Law. Illegal bombing of Yemen and much more.

What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth.

Watch this then tell me your country holds the moral high ground -

ps Also remember USA accounts for 23% of all hacks worldwide 2106  ( Business Insider ) and are number 1, Russia 3.07% and sit at number 6 in the world...........hypocrisy not democracy

The FBI link you provided is a statement at the end of the investigation.  Also, this statement doesn't provide any specific evidence of guilt.  It's a summary of findings.

Your statements about war are irrelevant to the point I was making about government power.  Furthermore, I essentially agree with you i.e. I said you raised a "critical point about government power," and the example I provided (attack on Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in Sudan) was unsanctioned.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, there are much better places online to have mindless disagreements with people than the closecombatseries forum.

Also, no need to make condescending personal statements about "paranoia" and "hatred" (I'm not even sure how you infer that from my statements).  If you want to talk about the issues talk about them.  Your judgments about me personally are unnecessary and laughable, because you know nothing about me except a few short forum posts.  In other words, you know nothing Jon Snow.

And I don't have a "country", so no need to try and twist this into a moral pissing contest.  I live in the United States, but I'm not a US citizen.  And philosophically, I'm anti-nationalist.  In my opinion, nation-states are imagined communities i.e. they only exist and are maintained in the minds of those who willingly believe or are unwillingly forced to accept that their established institutions represents a united population with shared values.

Embarrassing, that link I provided states "  the FBI is completing its investigation " - as in not yet finished. You must remember that at the time Comey was roundly criticized for releasing this information / evidence ? Anyway here is another link explaining more of this -
I disagreed with " Trump has done a lot of questionable things as president (mostly his talk), but NOTHING ILLEGALl ". If you don't like me proving you wrong again don't write such school boy statements, naive in context and lacking in facts. Then try to hide behind pathetic rants like keyboard warrior when you have been proved wrong - acknowledge them and move on.

My statement of "What is it with some people. They can't see past their own paranoia or hatred of something to see the truth'. If you haven't already started to realize is a thing called a general statement. Once again it is given away by the words " some people ". Also if you have read some of my previous post you will see that I have mentioned the meaning to this many times. Also how is a general statement a personal attack on you.............that is paranoia.............welcome to the western disease. General statements are used regularly in the English language - hope that helps.

Lastly I'm not really interested in your homeless life would be as boring and mindless as you are. See that is a personal attack and you can clearly see that. I did gather and say you were American by the use of " your country holds " and that's my mistake. See how easy it is to admit to a mistake. Now lets see how you get on once you have read those links.

Now that you reside in the USA, it would be a good idea to catch a couple of English classes to improve your sadly lacking English Comp. Or if this helps and don't take offense my Spanish isn't very good and used Google  - Ahora que usted reside en los EE.UU. sería una buena idea para coger un par de clases de Inglés para mejorar su tristemente falta Inglés Comp.

You hang your entire opinion on a turn of phrase?   Laughing

Did you actually read the press release, or did you look for words that suit your opinion?

What evidence of guilt is actually released in the FBI statement?  Remember your complaint was that no evidence of Russian collusion had been released.  Yet you have not provided any example of evidence release before completion of an investigation.

This discussion reminds me of another problem of Trump politics: he has given every ignorant loud-mouth the courage to express their vapid, ignorant, bigoted or regressive opinions.  Likewise, it is amusing how you use the same tactics as Trump - feigning innocence about making a personal insult, then follow it up with another insult "as boring and mindless as you are".  

Also, I'm not Mexican.  And I have more degrees than you could ever achieve in a lifetime.  Like I said above, there is no need to make condescending personal statements.  If you want to discuss the issues, discuss them.  If you want to be a keyboard warrior, you might have more fun on reddit.

#375: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:03 pm
A turn of phrase - more like proof that evidence is release during an on going investigation " For example, when one of Secretary Clinton’s original personal servers was decommissioned in 2013, the e-mail software was removed. Doing that didn’t remove the e-mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of e-mail fragments end up unsorted in the server’s unused—or “slack”—space. We searched through all of it to see what was there, and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together". - That is evidence that only the investigation team would have known. It's not evidence of guilt as we all know however it is evidence from an on going Just admit you were wrong - it is so embarrassing to see a very well education person make themselves look so dumb. You certainly didn't need my help.............well done. Even Trump was spouting off things that only the Investigation team could have known.......................where were you..............south of the border.

If you don't like being insulted or your intelligence ( the jury is still out on that one or under investigation should i say ). Try not to trade in the very thing you say I'm doing. Words have meaning not emotion but a very well educated person like you would know that.

Try using facts is always a start but admitting when you are wrong just shows you aren't a little man in mind and stature. You wanted an example I provided the very thing and now you are in denial. Maybe you shouldn't converse with the adults child.

You have embarrassed yourself today.

#376: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 10:11 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
A turn of phrase - more like proof that evidence is release during an on going investigation " For example, when one of Secretary Clinton’s original personal servers was decommissioned in 2013, the e-mail software was removed. Doing that didn’t remove the e-mail content, but it was like removing the frame from a huge finished jigsaw puzzle and dumping the pieces on the floor. The effect was that millions of e-mail fragments end up unsorted in the server’s unused—or “slack”—space. We searched through all of it to see what was there, and what parts of the puzzle could be put back together". - That is evidence that only the investigation team would have known. It's not evidence of guilt as we all know however it is evidence from an on going Just admit you were wrong - it is so embarrassing to see a very well education person make themselves look so dumb. You certainly didn't need my help.............well done. Even Trump was spouting off things that only the Investigation team could have known.......................where were you..............south of the border.

If you don't like being insulted or your intelligence ( the jury is still out on that one or under investigation should i say ). Try not to trade in the very thing you say I'm doing. Words have meaning not emotion but a very well educated person like you would know that.

Try using facts is always a start but admitting when you are wrong just shows you aren't a little man in mind and stature. You wanted an example I provided the very thing and now you are in denial. Maybe you shouldn't converse with the adults child.

You have embarrassed yourself today.

It's proof of nothing- the term is clearly a turn of phrase.  The investigation was closed in July.  The statement was made in July.  The investigation had come to an end, and the press release was a summary of findings.  

It's bizarre to me, how I agreed with your initial comments, yet you're trying to find any disagreement you can with me; all because I said "I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed."  If you're offended by that statement, please accept my apologies.

#377: Re: Donald Trumph Author: sod98 PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 9:54 am
It's proof of nothing- the term is clearly a turn of phrase.  The investigation was closed in July.  The statement was made in July.  The investigation had come to an end, and the press release was a summary of findings.  

It's bizarre to me, how I agreed with your initial comments, yet you're trying to find any disagreement you can with me; all because I said "I don't know of any ongoing investigation where evidence is presented to the public before the investigation is completed."  If you're offended by that statement, please accept my apologies.[/quote]

Actually the press release was a day before the official ending of the investigation. Comey's release of information was 5 July 2016 and the Investigation was closed on the 6 July. As I have said before the investigation had concluded.I guess you already knew this and was a reason why i used this example as it was still fresh. Others like the Dutch MH17 Investigation - 9 Sept 2014 a preliminary report outlined evidence. The a final report 13 Oct 2015 was released. But it really isn't new to release information / evidence during an investigation. It's common practice by the Police among many others.

No way Jose, I disagreed with what you had said post my comments. It has little to do with you agreeing with my comments. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

When you were talking of degrees I'm sure you mean a degrease. Everyone needs a good mechanic whether he's Mexican or not. No need for apologies just an admission of making a mistake.

#378: Re: Donald Trumph Author: mooxe PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:04 pm
Anyone who attempts conversation with Sod eventually gets called paranoid, has their intelligence insulted and Sod will reply dismissively to what others people say.

This is not a thread about Donald Trump, this thread is Sod's trap. Sod is not able to have a discussion without adding all the rhetoric which only derails the topic  and his own points, turns people away and shows his real intent.

He is why the Russia thread was ended.

#379: Re: Donald Trumph Author: dj PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:20 pm
Yes USA is evolving into a Banana Republic that is manipulated by foreign powers with immense financial & political leverage over us.  True, USA lost international credibility over waging a war based on lies and illegal invasion of Iraq.
Then Obama made some limited progress to restore our reputation but failed to close Guantanamo and honor pledge to end the endless wars in Iraq & Afghanistan.  The rise of India and China as economic powers has further weakened USA as our educational system and infrastructure falls apart.  While China and Russia use USA to launder many Billions of fraudulent $$$ into real estate including Trump and Kushner holdings.  Plus "loans".  Flynn asked for immunity already.  Mannafort now was said to have received $100M to work as lobbyists on behalf of pro-Russian interests and virtually guaranteed to launder the $ via Bank of Cyprus and lie to the IRS.  The investigations take years not months especially of something of this scale.

MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
If I was an American I would be very worried about what is happening to the 'brand' of USA and also of the POTUS. USA wasn't really that popular even under Obama, Dubya managed to make USA one of the most hated nations in the world. It's not a question of Muslims hating USA but pretty soon everyone will. This will reflect into economy, commerce, politics, etc. USA is hampering protection of the environment that has a huge global effect and is starting wars left and right. IMHO this cannot continue.

#380: Re: Donald Trumph Author: Citrus PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:53 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Anyone who attempts conversation with Sod eventually gets called paranoid, has their intelligence insulted and Sod will reply dismissively to what others people say.

This is not a thread about Donald Trump, this thread is Sod's trap. Sod is not able to have a discussion without adding all the rhetoric which only derails the topic  and his own points, turns people away and shows his real intent.

He is why the Russia thread was ended.

I thought Sod was a Russian operative and they forget tell him Trump's election campaign is over.   Wink

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