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Close Combat Series -> The Mess

#1: Politics Author: Kutsteel PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 10:19 pm
aint they grand I was just curious as to how the foreigners view our system of politicing? do we go overboard?are we tame? you know . Or are we just plain NUTS (coocoo,coocoo!!)
also as I hear it many foreigners (non US) believe we should elect ? the person currently not president, because ____________ is bad for us. is this true?or more of the great American Media spin? any answer would be welcome even Crass answers.

#2:  Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 11:06 pm
I like Bush's plan of taking the war to the terrorists instead of waiting at home for them. It does have it drawbacks, it seems people opinions of Americans abroad have dropped.

#3:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 12:46 am
terrorism is not defined as a nation generally, so its kinda hard to take the war somewhere like a cave in Afghanistan without blowing thousands of people to pieces who have nothing in common with these "terrorists" apart from language and race.

i find this idea stupid really

#4:  Author: RD_RoachLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:20 am
That is very true RS..but at the same time...you just cant sit back and do nothing! Caves arent the only place you find them..thier in towns/citys as well. but they blend right in with the population...very tough situation.

Id like to ask this....what is a Insurgent...i mean from where?

or All of thee above??

Just curious as you never here them say where they are from.

#5:  Author: cipressina0 PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 6:33 am
Terrorism has been there for a long time. It is so big now because nobody has done anything about it in the past, US and USSR have been exploting it for their own reasons and is backfireing now.
It is good to see Bush take action even if he makes some mistake it's a start.

#6:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:02 pm
rooting out terrorism with full scale warfare is like doing brain surgery with a 357. ur not creating less suicide bombers when you bomb ppls houses away, creating more poverty and misery.

#7:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:08 pm
AA_Brian_ wrote:

or All of thee above??

Just curious as you never here them say where they are from.

they cant possibly know where all these insurgents are from, but its a fair estimation they originate in the above mentioned countries and some others too.

#8:  Author: poliLocation: The Netherlands PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 4:13 pm
RedScorpion wrote:
terrorism is not defined as a nation generally, so its kinda hard to take the war somewhere like a cave in Afghanistan without blowing thousands of people to pieces who have nothing in common with these "terrorists" apart from language and race.

i find this idea stupid really

I would disagree with language and race- and insert Religion instead..

#9:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 9:15 pm
Bringing it to the Terrorist is great, especially when you can actually find them. But attacking Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, no matter how Bush tries to spin it.

Terrorism is a tool that America helped fund and create, and now it's come back to haunt us. Not that it's all our fault, but the ties are there, and the American people have now paid the price. I just want to know why we haven't pumped 150,00 troops into Afghanistan to get that Evil or Very Mad Bin Laden. Could someone explain that to me?

#10:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Sun Oct 17, 2004 11:31 pm
The war in Iraq is f'd up.
US should have attacked Iran or Syria before ever going after Saddam.
Those are terrorist nations.
N. Korea is also far more dangerous than Saddam, to name a few.
I'm just saying if you're going to attack someone, then why the hell waste time and lives in Iraq?
Saddam was contained. He had nil to do with 9/11. Now we hear how "the people of Iraq are being liberated". No offense, but who gives a fuck? That's a lame-ass excuse for occupying Iraq. I thought this war was supposed to destroy terrorism, not free oppressed peoples. That's a backtracking excuse and justification for a campaign that should have never happened. It's a nice side effect of US actions in Iraq. Good for the Iraqis.
You don't hear it on the news, but the Iraqis' are quite happy that the US got rid of Saddam. Now Saddam is gone and the bad guys in Iraq are being hunted. Big fkn deal. Now the US is bogged down fighting Iraqi militia. There's far greater targets of opportunity than Al Zarakowi or whatever the hell his stupid name is. US soldiers are dying in Iraq for this B.S. when they should be being used to fight the real war on terrorism. Operation "Iraqi Freedom" is completly FUBAR!

What the hell does Iraqi freedom have to do with 9/11 and a war on terror?

Still. Now is not the time for change just for the sake of change. Bush does indeed need to get his shit together though and get this thing headed in the right direction. Don't forget that George Bush was welcomed into office with 9/11. One hell of a welcome for a new administration. This kind of "terror war" is new to everyone. Mistakes have been made and some tough lessons learned. Some progress has been made too.
I don't agree with all that is Bush, but Kerry is NOT the answer. No way.

#11:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 12:25 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

#12: keep it up guys Author: Kutsteel PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:04 am
interesting posts especially Wruff's and Trogers. (no offense to anyone else)
Gentleman it is easy to quarterback from the stands, but lets point out a couple things that have occurred since (Mission Accomplished)
Libya has delivered to the United States (not UN) its centrifuges and other equipment necessary to continue Nuclear weapons programs and allowed ALL Nations access to its facilities to inspect them.
Iran has come under World scrutiny about it's programs, and tho bellicose towards the US (like thats new from them) is indicating compliance and willingness to work with the International community on Nuclear proliferation issues.
North Korea! ahh hell thats OLD news gentleman it is NOT President Bush's fault. this has been ongoing for decades and even the last President failed in his efforts to disarm them.
In Iraq, American AND British AND Italian AND Polish AND Spanish soldiers have died or are dieing for Iraquis who have been kept in check by brutality of the former regime. there ARE Iraquis, Brave Iraquis, who are beginning to stand up and say "enough! begone foreign fighters". The continued campaign to slow down the flood of men applying for Militia or police Jobs is evidence that the 'terrorists' know what will happen When (not if) the Iraquis become united in their new found freedom.

#13: politics Author: ANZAC_Lord4warLocation: Sydney Australia PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:48 am
well we have just had our elections in australia and our pm survived for another term.
so i think bushy may survive another term as well.
not that the aussies give a fark who the american peoples elect as it is there choice.
we are sick of seeing there debates on tv.

Pay attention,watch your back
Pay your dues,and stay on track!

#14:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:25 pm
Pzt_Wruff wrote:
The war in Iraq is f'd up.
US should have attacked Iran or Syria before ever going after Saddam.
Those are terrorist nations.

Shocked do you think these "terrorist nations" would be populated by less terrorist if the US entered? did US create more friends in the middle east by "liberating" Iraq? as i said before, i think full scale warfare to root out terrorism is like brain surgery with a 357. iraq is a good example. there must be other, better ways.

Pzt_Wruff wrote:
Saddam was contained. He had nil to do with 9/11. Now we hear how "the people of Iraq are being liberated". No offense, but who gives a fuck? That's a lame-ass excuse for occupying Iraq. I thought this war was supposed to destroy terrorism, not free oppressed peoples. .

agenda changed when no WMD were found. surprised? without any kind of justification of a war, the aggressor is smoked in a democracy where ppl who pay the hilarious costs can cast a ballot

Pzt_Wruff wrote:
You don't hear it on the news, but the Iraqis' are quite happy that the US got rid of Saddam..

i think its a bunch of mixed emotions really. ur country suffers from a rather brutal regime for 30 years, but still there is some stability in the dictatorship. then you get "liberated" without asking for it by a nation seen in the middle east with rather suspicious eyes, and you get rid of the dictatorshit but its replaced by a puppet regime made up of exiles who go on tv praising the liberation when your country is in disarray and you might have lost a friend or a family member in a rain of bombs...

i pity the lives lost in this tragic conflict, both sides. brave men died as usual at the hands of goverments. its always the small man paying the price for the missions of "great men." anyway i totally respect the right of the US to fighting back what happened at 9/11 - UN can fuck itself or any other international org, they should have NO power over single nations right to fight back attackers, be it US or Libya or whatever. but i consider the attack on Iraq an action not asked for, and i also ask how the international community can be so arrogant it thinks it can determine what nations are allowed to build nuclear arms as long as they have such themselves?

#15:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:25 pm
Yes, Red, it is certainly a hipocractic state of affairs.

I mean I certainly don't want those aforementioned countries having Nuclear bombs or other wmd's, but just 10 years ago the US was shitting it's pants when Pakistan detinated it's first nuc, but now look, they're one of our "closest" allies.

Nuclear prolifiration and other WMD's are a huge problem that affects everyone on this planet, and it scared the hell out of everyone when the Bush Administration came out and said that Saddam had them/will have them, and is going to use them on America. But now that we know it was all a big lie (which Bush still hasn't bothered to appologize for or even acknowledge), what should the consequences for that be? Another 4 years? I think not.

And to touch on Kutsteel's points, which are all good by the way, I don't think that everything coming out of Iraq is negative, but when you weigh the good with the bad, there is no contest. The US is cutting essential programs at home as a direct result of the war in Iraq, with almost no financial contributions from any other nation. And lets not kid ourselves about the Coalition of the Willing http://geocities.com/pwhce/willing.html#troops

Kerry might not be the best, and he is definitaley a Politician, just like Bush, but at least, if nothing else, he's willing to try different things to get at a solution.

Great debate guys

#16:  Author: GeneralLocation: FRANCE PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 6:36 pm
Quoiqu'il arrive les amis je vous souhaite bonne chance ! Mais au fait, chez nous on ne lis quasiment plus la bible, surtout si on fait de la politique. Sincères amitiés normandes Wink

#17:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:23 am
... i agree with general....

#18:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 6:58 pm
LOL. I don't know what the Gerneral said, but it sounded good Wink

#19:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:43 am
My french is a bit rusty, but I believe it had something to do with biblical values.

Well Troger. I didn't know you got into the good word. Cool

btw. That may be my Panzer burning in your avatar, but I still hold the VL. Smile

#20: if Author: ANZAC_Lord4warLocation: Sydney Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:03 am
if my knowledge of french is correct he said they would soon be serving french fires in the white house again. Laughing
or was it liberty fries in france???

#21:  Author: GeneralLocation: FRANCE PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:26 pm
French fries, camenbert et vin rouge et peut-être des breitzels !!!

#22:  Author: poliLocation: The Netherlands PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:43 am


#23:  Author: nomada_EgoSanti PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:14 pm
Pzt_Wruff wrote:

US should have attacked Iran or Syria before ever going after Saddam.
Those are terrorist nations.

well,jejejejeje if i use the same logical we must atack USA.

USA had suported Talibans and Sadan hussein in the past, is a fact

then, who is the terrorist here Very Happy Wink

no one is free of guilty

#24:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:50 am
The old "let's dig back to the cold war" argument doesn't fly ego.
You're gonna have to do better than that. Wink

..and, Who's the terrorist here you ask? Well certainly that would depend on whose side you're on ego.
You're French, right? What reason do you have to attack the US? You lost some Iraqi weapons contracts now that Saddam is gone or something?
I understand that Saddam being gone isn't the best thing for the french economy and government,,, but attack the US? lol


#25:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:47 pm
I think we can all agree that ALL of our governments are in bed with far too many of the wrong type of people.

So my next question is, will there be a U.S. draft? Or rather, how could there not be one?

#26:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:27 pm

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

#27:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 9:35 pm
Well said.

I know what you're saying about the draft if Bush called for it. But what if Kerry is elected, and he calls for it?

#28:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:28 am
One way or another, Bush or Kerry, it seems there's going to probably be a draft. The good men and women currently serving the US military have extented duties again and again. Our military is overextended already ( You can thank Clinton for that, and your shabby school books too). You can point your finger at Bush, but that's just not his fault. Naturally he's going to have to spend a lot on a military budget when the former democratic adminitstration slashed the hell out of the military budget and left our armies rusting and undermanned.
It's not 1998 anymore. It's a much diferent world now. Wether we like it or not, we're going to be in a state of war for a long time to come.

Don't get me wrong. I too think we should be working on problems at home and liberating our own people of course rather than spending billions liberating Iraqi's. (Contrary to popular worldwide belief, there are a lot of people suffering in many ways in the US).
Though those days of policing the world like the 1980's/90's are over.
Today, post-9/11, you wouldn't see the US running into Chechoslovakia, Bosnia to oust a madman like Slovadan Milosivich (sp), for example.

I've said it before... What does Operation Iraqi Freedom have to do with 9/11? Not a lot to the naked eye, but more than we might think in the great scheme of things. We could have picked a better fight than that though imo, though we've learned a lot and quite honestly need absolute control in that area for a base of operations in the middle east, etc.. to fight terrorism, and we already had our thumb on Iraq, so why not do it there? Iraq is only the first faze of a very long war that may go on for generations. If US actions since 9/11 have been all for not, then why haven't we seen another 9/11? You don't know enough to make the judement of wether or not we should be doing what we're doing there. There's more going on and so much more to it than we know.
In the long run I think we'll find a lot of good and bad things that result from current actions in Iraq. It doesn't mean it's absolutly "right" or "wrong".
Right now it seems better for the Iraqi's, but down the road I think you'll see why it's very very important for the US.

About war. It's not a soldiers place to decide wether or not he's going to fight. He fights. Bailing on your country because they go to war (a war you may not agree with) seems quite self serving to me. Get it while the gettin's good and run off when you're called to serve? If all the young people in a country were given a choice wether or not they were going to fight, well then we'd have to rely only on those that have a sense of obligation, duty, and honor to thier country (like we have now in a military of volunteers. Though a draft changes all of that). Quite frankly, young people 18-23 yrs old generally don't know enough about why things are the way they are to make a qualified decision about if a war should be fought or not.
We're very lucky that the people serving in the US military serve with honor and have a sense of obligation to their country and their duty as the generation that is called to service when their country calls on them.
Don't think for a moment that there aren't right reasons for the US and her allies to be there. Wether you believe it or not, our soldiers have a duty to do their job there... not desert their country and make a run for the border.

Would you have fought in Afghanastan? What if N. Korea blows up? What if Isreal hits Irans nuclear facilities and we're naturally fighting there too then? What if China moves on Tiawan? We've promissed to defend them from the Chinese.
Run off to Mexico before your number is called?

#29:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:17 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

#30:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:07 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:41 pm; edited 1 time in total

#31: French or Spanish? Indecsion 2004 Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:11 am
Pzt_Wruff wrote:
The old "let's dig back to the cold war" argument doesn't fly ego.
You're gonna have to do better than that. Wink

..and, Who's the terrorist here you ask? Well certainly that would depend on whose side you're on ego.
You're French, right? What reason do you have to attack the US? You lost some Iraqi weapons contracts now that Saddam is gone or something?
I understand that Saddam being gone isn't the best thing for the french economy and government,,, but attack the US? lol


From EgoSanti's Signature:

"Grita devastación y suelta a los perros de la guerra"
"Los unicos que ven el final de la guerra son los muertos"
"Solo hay dos cosas infinitas, el universo y la estupidez humana"
"El que no teme a la muerte nunca mue"

Not sure is that French or Spanish?

Could it be Spanish?

If you jog back Spain was in Iraq till they realised Bush's greed wasnt worth one of their soldiers lives...

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

#32:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:16 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

#33:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:51 am
Well... Ramble on Troger.
Yes. I was thinking ego from France, but remember now he is from Spain (Ego and I we're having discussions several months ago about Spain elections being swayed by terror attacks, etc...) Anyway.. that has absolutly nothing to do with what we're talking about tonight.
You're just reaching.

Anyway. Back on subject...

Troger said...
If bush passed the draft I would leave this country

If kerry called on the draft I would join.I have a respect for someone who has a way of finishing this stupid war and who FOUGHT for his when he was called

Ask those he served with and you may change your mind about the Kerry line of "outstanding and honorable" service in Vietnam. And he's never said ANYTHING about how he would "finish" this war. I really don't think you have paid much attention to your Kerry friend these past several months.
BTW. I'm sure you disagree with Vietnam also. That was a f'd up war. You'd run for the border then. Right?
Bailing on my country? I would leave in a heart-beat, I would never die for Bush and some BS war.

Just the kind of soldier I want going to fight for my country, the one who shreikes at the word Draft.... LAME..

Well, that's you,... isn't it? Just like your peers. So then you do agree with me that it's lame. Or are you just confused? You're contradicting yourself again.

If bush wins it will only speed up my will to leave this country.... two weeks ago i filed for a resisdence permit in NZ.

Better make your reservations for.... uh, New Zealand.

Electoral votes at this time:
Bush = 197
Kerry = 188

270 needed.

Oh, just announced... Unofficially Kerry has lost Florida. OW.
The mood is getting pretty gloomy there in the Kerry camp as reality is setting in.

I don't think I'm going that far out on a limb when I say that Bush will hold office for another 4 years.

#34:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:10 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

#35:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:29 am
Troger wrote:

Dont fu*k with my words wruff....

Lucikly your not the president, because if spain ever attacked us, you would blame france......

You're the only one "fu*king" with your words Troger.

And, yes. I should be president.
And yes... France should be blamed for everything. (jk... I'm not going to argue that one for the next week.)

And sorry about your boyfriends not being able to tie the knot.
Better luck in New Zealand maybe?

Bush = 246
Kerry = 188
270 needed

#36:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:40 am
"And sorry about your boyfriends not being able to tie the knot"

That Comment is out of line... Go fu*k yourself...

Last edited by Troger on Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:13 am; edited 1 time in total

#37: saw Author: ANZAC_Lord4warLocation: Sydney Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:45 am
on the tv the american voters how long they wait to make a vote.
quite disgusting really.
cant believe theydo not have an efficient voting system yet.
from my experiences in life 1 man cant solve all ur problems,there is always going to be something u dont like about somewhere or something,but thats life.
it takes a brave man to stand up and refuse to fight at the risk of imprisonment ,differential treatment or even death.

#38:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:00 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

#39:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:08 am
Troger wrote:
"And sorry about your boyfriends not being able to tie the knot"

That Comment is out of line... Go fuck yourself...

LOL. True colors Troger. True colors. All I can do is laugh.
Well, you can watch on your local New Zealand news affiliate what's going on in the USA the next 4 years.

#40:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:11 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

#41:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:12 am
Why do you have to be so rude?
"F*ck you" "Fu*ck yourself" "up yours".
It's very unbecoming. Why stoop to that manner?
You don't have to go around saying those things to people.
Or is that just how they talk in New Zealand?

#42:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:22 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

#43:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:52 am
Stop calling names. Enough...
or I will be forced to taunt you a second time.

#44:  Author: bambam887Location: Belgium PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:46 pm

Temper on the language pls. ()
I know Politics can sometimes get out of hand. pls cool down and each others opinion.


#45:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 8:24 pm
Well it's all a mute point now as we have Bush Inc. for another 4 years.

Now before anyone starts writing a lengthy rant again, could anyone really argue with with these facts?

we have war *
we have the largest dificit in U.S. history *
we have cuts to head start * (why should we help the poor anyway, right...jk)*
and a tax cut to the top 1 % *

So someone tell me what are the good things that Bush has done? I guess if you are in the top 1 % your stoked. And if you love war, your good. And if you hate poor people, you should be happy.

Also, lets stop blamming Clinton. Bush has had four years to clean up all that, and he put us into a deficit. Also, Clinton may have cut programs and money to the Military, but Rumsfeld tried to do 10 times the damage with his "small-fast reaction forces" that he wanted to station around the world. Now we have 142,000 troops in Iraq to occupy it, so any cuts that happened or where planned to happen are out the window.

As far as a draft goes... well that's a desturbing thought, but a reality that all of us 18-32 yr old American males need to seriously start thinking about. And even though I may not agree with this war, I would most likely go...

#46:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:51 pm

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#47:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:10 am
Yes, our domestic policy is screwed. The "trickle down effect" is BS, but for some reason people just really want to give the rich as much money as possible, in hopes that they might catch some of it when they go shopping.

The Republicans have convinced 51% of America that they are morally superior, and the Democrats are morally bankrupt. All over a guy who got his Johnson hummed in the oval office. Utterly preposterous. The Democrats are disorganized and weak right now. They think staying the middle course is the way to go... which didn’t' work again. Yet the Republicans can choose a right wing religious fanatic like Bush who lives on the far right side of everything, and win? The Dem's need a new voice, a strong voice, a voice not afraid to offend, a voice to tell the truth.

Fighting a bunch of extremist is a bad idea, for both sides, and there have been an uncountable number of innocent Iraqi citizens die for a BS war.

But regardless, we're in it now, to our eyeballs, and there is no leaving, there is no going back, there is no "loosing". I do not advocate extending the war to Iran, or Syria, or the myriad of other authoritarian states out there that make up the Middle East, which includes Israel, the bane of American existence there.

So what do we do now? Anything we can to get our troops home and cut our reliance on foreign resources. I mean if you think about it, what war hasn't been fought over resources?

And Bush WILL institute the draft, but I'm not going to Mexico, or Canada, or jail, or even New Zealand. I won't abandon this nation to the likes of the Bush family. I understand that it feels like we would be fighting for Bush, but I don't see it that way. I see it as a way of restoring our nation to the standing it once knew, at home and abroad. Vietnam was won by the men and woman who went there and saw it for what it was, then came home and told the rest of America what was REALLY going on there. We don't have that element in Iraq, not on the scale that it needs to be, at least not yet. Men like John Kerry knows this about Iraq, which is what he's been trying to tell an America that isn't willing to listen. But he also voted for the war, like every other weak ass congressperson out there.

I don't think that you're a coward if you dodge the draft, I think it's your right too as much as voting or speaking your mind. And maybe if the youth of this nation could all come together and say "NO!" then things would change. But judging from the piss poor turn out of the under 30 vote, I don't think that's going to happen.

Lets hope for the best in the world...

#48:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 4:20 am

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#49:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:48 pm
Dude, McCain would rock. Except for his environmental record, McCain seems like a really good man. Too bad Washington Republicans hate him, he would have been a true "unifying" President Confused

#50:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 6:58 pm

Last edited by Troger on Wed May 23, 2007 7:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#51:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:05 pm
looks like the people in england are smart...

#52:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:21 am
lol is that for real?

#53:  Author: TrogerLocation: L4W's place, Australia PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:28 am
haha yes it is.

that newspaper says it all!!!! Smile I was told its a tabloid and thought it was.

But they still can write the truth sometimes...

#54:  Author: BlackstumpLocation: Hunter Valley Australia PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 5:48 am
its interesting to note that kutsteels original post asked us foreigners what we thought of US politicking. i presumed prelectioneering, well what can i say, u fellas love a parade, a sing song with a bit of bibal bashing inbetween. as far as your choice of leader of the free world. its interesting the most vitriol comes from within your own border. which shows that democracy is alive and well !! Kutsteel, Wruff, Troger, Mac are lucky to come from a country that allows their distinct differences,u can fight for your country, u can leave it if u wish,u can sit on the fence and whinge. the iraqi people never had that choice. not before, not now, not after this. and now....the coalitition of the willing... a little history (not american) it started in 1914 when the cream of the male population of britain, canada, australia, new zealand,india.south africa, and france were fed into a killing machine called ww1. 2 years later america join the allies luckily!! our frontline troops trained your men on the spot... in the trenches of paschendale. then in 1940 the same coalition of the willing fought rommel to a standstill in africa,while keeping the nazis out of britain. 2 years later pearl harbour is bombed and the americans join the allies,australians are called home from europe against churchills orders to meet the japanese threat, luckily the americans came too ! my point being we have all been scratchin each others backs for a long time so.. since ww2 america has taken on the mantel as a/the world leader from britain we are all effected from their policy.where all in this together dosnt matter where u go, because there will be no neutral countries.sweden,france, new zealand, wont matter to the terroists, because its your freedom there after sticking your head down wont work.

#55:  Author: GeneralLocation: FRANCE PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 2:33 am
Hello friends !
First: I've read a reply to one of my message in this forum. Well the guy who understood that I was an enemy of your country must be " un con"(in french). Exclamation
Deuxio: Oui effectivement on ne peut que remercier les usa pour leur engagement aux côtés des alliés durant la ww1 et la ww2 ( even if I was born in Saint Lô and if this town was totally destroyed by bombers...On ne fait pas d'omelette sans casser des oeufs !)
Tertio: I'm french but that doesn't mean that I speak for all the french Idea
Quatro: les légers désaccords en matière de politique étrangère entre la France et les USA ne doivent surtout pas faire oublier qu'on peut être allié sans pour autant marcher main dans la main ( sauf si on a grandi à DisneyLand et qu'on à un QI de 30)

Enfin, je suis super heureux d'aller aux usa à noël même si je sens une légère inamicalité de la part de certains d'entre vous messieurs (mesdames ?)
Vives les States !!!!!! Very Happy

#56: f Author: ANZAC_Lord4warLocation: Sydney Australia PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:29 am
far out stumpy how long did u have to sit down and figure out that reply?

#57:  Author: poliLocation: The Netherlands PostPosted: Sat Dec 04, 2004 8:51 pm
NEW! The top secret debate notes made by bush-- bought to you at great cost...


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