TLD: changing a map to random drop zones
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#1: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:36 pm
I want to change Pegasus and Merville maps to have random drop zones similar to the U.S. Airborne maps.

Instructions please?

I know that may cause the Airborne to land in the Bunkers at Merville and away from the Glider graphics at Pegasus, but I think it would add more to game play ... especially since those static drop zones are so open.
Maybe if there were no VL's at the bunkers ... the AB would never land there?


#2: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Priapus PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 12:48 am
Yeah, random drops on those maps would be great. If the drops are too unrealistic reloading the map isn't too difficult.

#3: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:15 am
Priapus wrote (View Post):
Yeah, random drops on those maps would be great. If the drops are too unrealistic reloading the map isn't too difficult.

Good idea, just restart the battle if the drop is too unrealistic.

I've looked through some files, but can't find where too edit this ... hmmm ... maybe mafi knows.

#4: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 1:42 am
From a line on the Campaign.txt:

"# Allied parachute drop days (0 or 1) AB BGs arriving on maps with no off-map exit get random setup area(s)"

I don't know what off-map exit means but those maps have it. I'm guessing is one of those 'From X' road VL that goes outside the limits of the strategic map.

#5: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:27 am
Pzt_Kanov wrote (View Post):
From a line on the Campaign.txt:

"# Allied parachute drop days (0 or 1) AB BGs arriving on maps with no off-map exit get random setup area(s)"

I don't know what off-map exit means but those maps have it. I'm guessing is one of those 'From X' road VL that goes outside the limits of the strategic map.

Thanks ... I'll give it a try

#6: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:20 am
try this

Backup your /maps/INPegBdg.btd file first

download and unzip tp \maps

I've just changed the -3 allied entry VL to -1

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#7: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:56 am
schrecken wrote (View Post):
try this

Backup your /maps/INPegBdg.btd file first

download and unzip tp \maps

I've just changed the -3 allied entry VL to -1

I was just monkeying around with mafi's BTD editor and had done the same thing with Pegasus and Merville.
I goofed up somewhere and now need to do a re-install I think ... cause when I go to GC and try and see the next day, the game gets an error.
Do you think those maps require Allied or German Entries (-3,-4) ... cause they are ammo dumps?
I moved a few of the VL's out to 3 squares away too, and it made the deployment zone bigger, I think. Was messing with changing the landing ones to 50 ... and then 100 (non exit) ... and it seemed to make a difference of where they would land.

It would be good to have these random, but I hope it doesn't goof up any strat stuff.

Thanks again


#8: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:46 pm
Hi schrecken,
I did a re-install and tested with your file.
It all seems to work fine in the Strat interface ... selecting different days, to see when re-enforcements arrive. No error or crash.

I was concerned about having no Entry VL's (-3,-4) (on those maps) may cause a change in re-enforcements arriving ... but I've tested that and it's still the same.

1. I'm guessing the Entry VL's (-3,-4) are used strictly to force a BG to arrive at a designated Entry VL ... at the beginning of the game (first time on the map), and when a BG is recycled back into service at that map. Is this true?

2. Do any BG's recycle back to Pegasus or Merville?

3. I wonder if changing all the German Entry VL's to (-1) would make recycled BG's arrive at random VL's (on their side of the map)? This would add a little more variety when recycled German BG's arrive back, and immediately face a contested map.

#9: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:12 pm

-changed the Axis Entry VL from "-4" to "-1".
-moved "North Road" VL closer to right edge of map
-moved "To La Fiere" VL 3 squares from bottom and right

Random drop zones ... happening so far at the North Road VL and at the To La Fiere VL
The To La Fiere VL now has a larger deployment zone (when AB dropped there)

I think Entry/Exit VL's to other maps have to be within 3 squares of the map edge, but moving it inwards to 3 ... increases the deployment size.

will have to test all this to make sure it doesn't have any side effects  Smile

Last edited by davidssfx on Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:43 am; edited 1 time in total

#10: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:18 pm
Allied Beach deployment:

-change Allied Entry VL to "-1"
-Add two more "-1" VL along the length of beach

Random landing sites for Allied BG coming ashore.

I didn't see any deployment further inland.

1. Do you think initial Allied deployments (first time at map) will always happen at the far right on the map?

If this works without causing any side effects ... it will add a lot to replay value.

#11: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:05 am
Having random beach deployment is ideal, but unfortunately I'm getting an error which requires a full re-install to correct.

So I'm going to drop the random Para drops and random beach landings for now ...

#12: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Priapus PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:42 am
Shame to hear that David. Would it be possible to give the allies the whole of the coast for their initial deployment VLs? Maybe this would require pulling back the beach VLs to the waters edge. Doing this not only makes the landing craft portrayed along the whole of the coast make sense, but would make things a little easier for the allied player.

#13: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:26 am
Priapus wrote (View Post):
Shame to hear that David. Would it be possible to give the allies the whole of the coast for their initial deployment VLs? Maybe this would require pulling back the beach VLs to the waters edge. Doing this not only makes the landing craft portrayed along the whole of the coast make sense, but would make things a little easier for the allied player.

There is nothing else I can do about the Beach landings ... I'm messing with something that causes big error problems. For now it will have to stay as is ... but, read next post.

#14: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:40 am
I did some more testing with Ground Tactics 1.4 ... just the Para drop sites.
It seems to work well now, with no strat problems. Has some real interesting drops at Merville and Pegasus. Works at Amfreville too.

The only rule I'd make before playing is:
Pegasus Bridge and the Merville Battery bunker complex need to be in German control. If Allied para deploy there ... then go back and restart the battle. Everything else is a go.

If you want to test this ... download this attached file.
1. Unzip it
2. Place the unzipped "MAPS" folder in your "C:\Matrix Games\Close Combat The Longest Day\GroundTactics" folder.
3. note: this is for Ground Tactics 1.4 mod

Play "Objective Caen" or "The Longest Day" GC found in the "Campaign" tab

Please let me know of any errors or problems. If it works ... it will be included in the next release.


Also note:
1. Both players need to have this "MAPS" folder installed to test H2H, or both need to have it removed in order to be compatible with each other.
2. This is a work in progress ... use at your own risk  Smile
random para drops

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#15: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: graves101Location: Ontario PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:07 am
Oh my god, Merville and Pegasus make me want to ramrod my face through the computer screen! If the Germans utilize the maps accordingly, MGs and 20mm Flak can make being a British paratrooper a worse proposition than a dragoon of the Light Brigade. After the 4 times we replayed the scenarios, it became very apparent the British will be fired on, by the very least, from two different directions, and most likely at the front and both flanks.

Merville is harsh because those damn 20mm can either be positioned in the network of bunkers, fully capable of firing right on the paras deployment zone, or they can be deployed in the buildings to the south-east and able to crisscross fire along the paras route to the Pegasus exit, or they can be deployed on the hill at the north-west, firing on the areas behind the hedgerow facing the village, and thus complete the total coverage of any and all potential routes of advance for the Brits. When inside a building or bunker, engaging or resisting the flak was a ludicrous proposition, small-arms fire would do nothing (and even suppression had minimal effect), only a naval barrage or air-strike would have the chance to knock them out, if luck was on your side, and bunkers made that even less possible. Since it seems naval will no longer be allowed inland (I'm not sure what's the prognosis on that. Is Merville even considered inland? It's on the coast, but not a beach map.) So all faith is on a lucky air-strike that's not a strafing run with two measly 50kg bombs. If the flak was placed on the hill, the only saving grace was mortaring the thing to death. Since the mortars are being recoded to be less damaging to ATGs, and mostly causing suppression instead, it will now be even harder to progress on this map. MGs have a field day with extremely advantageous positions with long, long fields of fire and really good protection. That being said, yes, the Germans field only a small restricted BG, compared to the fully loaded British, but it's clear anything more would make the British's chances of success nonexistent - they would be pinned on this map until supplies run out and they are slowly chipped away to nothing.

Pegasus isn't as bad, there's only one hurdle that needs to be crossed, then the rest of the fighting is much more practical. The paras are deployed to the west on the center "island" of the map, with the Germans fully-sighted onto the deploy from the buildings to the north, across Pegasus Bridge, the building before Pegasus to the north-west (Poor Sod's House  Rolling Eyes ), the batch of trees across the river to the west, and south across the other bridge. It's another situation where Germans are shooting at you from multiple angles instantly. Thank god they don't have 20mm here, I would suck my thumb and just cry myself to sleep. Sneaking to the river will still get you spotted, even at night, so you'll just have to be used to paras getting picked off before you can even see the first Germans, and there is nothing you can do to prevent it, smoke will only disrupt their accuracy to a degree, they still seem capable of hitting vulnerable Brits trying to cross the river with no cover, whatsoever. Then there could be Germans with lines of trenches in the cluster of trees further on, making all your troops completely visible to the MGs on the left flank, now you need to smoke both the MGs in the north and the German trenches to the front, then while simultaneously suppressing the trenches, charge some paras at them head-on (no flanking maneuvers here, you've got no room to maneuver) and pray that, while the trenches are hopefully suppressed enough, the second line of Germans in the hedgerows behind the trenches doesn't mow down your assault before it even reaches the trenches. This is virtually the spiritual successor of The Charge of the Light Brigade implemented in TLD.

So do I endorse random para deployments for these maps? OH DEAR GOD JESUS, YES! YES! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!

But, weren't the troops attacking Pegasus glider-borne, anyways? I would think they should just deploy where the gliders land, as visible on the map.

#16: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:14 am
I like the way merville plays

#17: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:12 am
graves101 wrote (View Post):

But, weren't the troops attacking Pegasus glider-borne, anyways? I would think they should just deploy where the gliders land, as visible on the map.

Thanks for your comments.
I think I'll do as you suggest ... and just leave Pegasus stock. They have a large Deployment zone, and the glider graphics do make it necessary to keep the AB close to the gilders.

Merville and Amfreville are going to be random drops ... much better for replay value.

#18: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:33 am
Random beach landings is now working.
Landings occur in one deployment zone, but the location can vary among two or three sites ... depending on the length of the beach.
This variation in deployment locations opens/closes different firing lines, and well as prompting different AI deployment.

The only problem is:
you can't click the days forward button until the beginning of Day 7 (or until all the beach landings have taken place).
If you do click ahead to view the next arriving BG's ... then the game will not respond, and you will have to uninstall and then reinstall.
I believe this error is caused by the start map not knowing exactly where the Allied Beach BG's are going to land.

Once you get to the beginning of Day 7 (after all the first time beach landings have taken place) ... then you can click ahead/back all you want.

#19: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Priapus PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:51 am
There's another glider graphic on pegasus to the east. Perhaps allowing deployment there would be advisable. This would seriously disrupt the Germans defensive plans and give the Brits a shot at taking the map on the first day.

Merville is hell. Now that mortars are to have a realistically reduced gun killing capability, I imagine I can keep ole Gravy locked up there indefinitely.

davidssfx wrote (View Post):
The only problem is:
you can't click the days forward button until the beginning of Day 7 (or until all the beach landings have taken place).
If you do click ahead to view the next arriving BG's ... then the game will not respond, and you will have to uninstall and then reinstall.
I believe this error is caused by the start map not knowing exactly where the Allied Beach BG's are going to land.

Once you get to the beginning of Day 7 (after all the first time beach landings have taken place) ... then you can click ahead/back all you want.

I assume you mean turn 7? Does the crash also occur with the German player?

Me and Gravy occasionally experienced crashes when he used airstrikes. If he refrained from using the airstrike for the duration of the map all was well, but it did reduce his assault strength. Is this a stock TLD bug or something GT introduced?

#20: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:17 pm
Priapus wrote (View Post):
There's another glider graphic on pegasus to the east. Perhaps allowing deployment there would be advisable. This would seriously disrupt the Germans defensive plans and give the Brits a shot at taking the map on the first day.

Merville is hell. Now that mortars are to have a realistically reduced gun killing capability, I imagine I can keep ole Gravy locked up there indefinitely.

davidssfx wrote (View Post):
The only problem is:
you can't click the days forward button until the beginning of Day 7 (or until all the beach landings have taken place).
If you do click ahead to view the next arriving BG's ... then the game will not respond, and you will have to uninstall and then reinstall.
I believe this error is caused by the start map not knowing exactly where the Allied Beach BG's are going to land.

Once you get to the beginning of Day 7 (after all the first time beach landings have taken place) ... then you can click ahead/back all you want.

I assume you mean turn 7? Does the crash also occur with the German player?

Me and Gravy occasionally experienced crashes when he used airstrikes. If he refrained from using the airstrike for the duration of the map all was well, but it did reduce his assault strength. Is this a stock TLD bug or something GT introduced?

Thanks for the comments

1. The other glider graphic on pegasus to the east is now the fixed deployment zone. That's a good idea ... and will at least add a little variation from the original game.

2. At the beginning of a Campaign ... a player starts at the Strategic interface screen. Within that screen is an option labeled "Select Date". if you click the arrow of that option to "7" (June 7 1944) then the game will crash.
It will happen if you are playing either side versus the AI, or if either player does it in H2H.

All the beach landings have to be done before this option ("Select Date") can be used.
If you wait until the "Select Date" option displays a number "7" or higher ... then you can use the option without any crash.
I think it's worth not using that option for the first turn ... in order to have random beach landings

3. Air strike crashes were fixed in 09b ... so if you are using the .09b patch along with GT 1.4, then you shouldn't get any Air strike crashes.

#21: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:18 pm
Here are the four Road to St. Lo .BTD files.

Back up your original similar files and put these in your TLD "MAPS" folder.
Unzip it first and move these four individual files out of the unzipped folder into the "MAPS" folder.

Start the Road to St. Lo Campaign

Remember to NOT click the "Select Date" button until "7" is displayed ... after all the landings

Random Landings Road to St.

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#22: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: graves101Location: Ontario PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:52 am
I just face-palmed when I read this on wiki.

"Another pathfinder team belonging to 9th Parachute Battalion, assigned to mark out the drop-zone area for the unit tasked with destroying the Merville artillery battery, was all but wiped out when an air-raid by RAF Avro Lancaster heavy bombers missed the artillery battery itself and bombed the area the team was in."

Also, considering Pegasus was really called the Caen Canal Bridge, and was only changed to Pegasus after the operation in relation to the Pegasus seen as the unit symbol of British Airborne, maybe that's the more appropriate name of the objective?

Last edited by graves101 on Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total

#23: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Priapus PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:00 am
heh. Perhaps you should simulate this event in our game. Historical realism is important.

#24: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: graves101Location: Ontario PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:09 am
Sure thing, I'll make sure to drop bombs wherever I see the guys running around in gray  Wink , oh wait...

A sad fact is my stepbrother had a friend and roommate in the CAF get killed by U.S. A10 Thunderbolts in that friendly fire incident during Operation Medusa. It really churns my insides when I think about how combat is already dangerous enough just fighting the adversaries. Not to mention that disaster in Sicily when Allied vessels starting shooting at the 82nd's transport planes just before their drop and shot down 23 of their own planes, all filled with paras.

But one thing about TLD that kinda miffs me, is why are the American paratroopers all green at "experienced" and "high morale", while the British (who I'd imagine received similar training) are only yellow with "seen action" and "good/high morale", seems kinda demeaning...

I know the American 1st Division has distinctly better troops than the 4th or 29th since it had seen serious action in Operations Torch and Husky. I see how divisions with previous experience in combat have superior troops. In that case, it is somewhat appropriate that 6th British Airborne division (since D-Day is its first engagement, as the 1st AB Division was the one at Sicily) be slightly lower. But, that being the case, it was also only the 82nd at Sicily, while the 101st would be fighting for the first time at Normandy. Why are the 82nd and 101st virtually the same in stats?

#25: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:27 am
The american paras of both divisions have the same stats because they share the same teams, for them to be different there would need to be another set of teams with different experience. I think it would be pretty interesting to try that, don't know about the limits of the files and if the game will allow for an inclusion of some 10 new teams with out crashing, but it would be cool if it worked. Also agreed that the brits and americans should be on the same level of experience.

I think that there needs to be more variety anyway, the allied team roster seems so dry and with out flavor, there needs to be a couple of variations of the same kind of teams at least, to spice things up. I actually would like to see a limited set of teams for the paras on the first night turn, no more than 25 squads per BG composed of small teams, say no more than 5 soldiers, some with out weapons, others with captured weapons etc. then you can have standard teams in the Force pool on the morning or next day and for the rest of the campaign.

#26: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: graves101Location: Ontario PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:07 am
I really like that idea of having special para units on the 1st night round. But that would be a doosy to try and implement. How I figure it, they would have to represent the loss of weapons and men in the drop. So, I don't know if you can randomize the contents of a unit when it's first activated, but it would be really cool for these special units to come with a random factor of between 3 to 5 men and each man is randomized with what weapon he is using, either garand, carbine, thompson, colt, maybe some German weapons, or nothing at all. Then there's how many of these units would be required in a BG on that night round. Somewhere like 5-10 of these units would be enforced on the Allied player to use, kinda like how units are disorganized and remained fixed in the active roster. Then, they would need to be only available on this one round, and after that the BG somehow reverts back to using normal units. The only problem here, is you'll lose those units that gained experience in the first round of fighting. Is it somehow possible to retain the specific soldiers who fought, and reorganize them back into normal units? Kinda like when a veteran squad is decimated, and only a few veteran soldiers remain, then those vets are placed into other units on the active roster.

Plus, I saw that amongst the Allied BGs that form the beach landings, there were certain BGs (American 1st Big Red One Div) using superior units than other BGs with the same units in their rosters. Aren't those an example of same teams with different skill levels? I don't don't if Big Red One used a separate selection of units, but they had Rifle Teams, BAR Teams, just like 4th Div and 29 Div, only at a higher experience level.

#27: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:33 am
graves101 wrote (View Post):
I really like that idea of having special para units on the 1st night round. But that would be a doosy to try and implement. How I figure it, they would have to represent the loss of weapons and men in the drop. So, I don't know if you can randomize the contents of a unit when it's first activated, but it would be really cool for these special units to come with a random factor of between 3 to 5 men and each man is randomized with what weapon he is using, either garand, carbine, thompson, colt, maybe some German weapons, or nothing at all. Then there's how many of these units would be required in a BG on that night round. Somewhere like 5-10 of these units would be enforced on the Allied player to use, kinda like how units are disorganized and remained fixed in the active roster. Then, they would need to be only available on this one round, and after that the BG somehow reverts back to using normal units. The only problem here, is you'll lose those units that gained experience in the first round of fighting. Is it somehow possible to retain the specific soldiers who fought, and reorganize them back into normal units? Kinda like when a veteran squad is decimated, and only a few veteran soldiers remain, then those vets are placed into other units on the active roster.

It is possible in theory to have this 'special' ad-hoc units at the start on the night turn its just a matter of making the teams that is if the game allows for it, individual soldiers cannot be randomized though nor the teams can be fixed unless you set all BG's to not choose units like in CC4, when the next day comes around, the availability of these ad-hoc units would be set at zero, I am not sure if these special teams can be replaced with others on the next day so as to not appear later, example: on the night turn of 6 of june you have a unit available called 'Ad-hoc Rifle' that appears on the top spot on the forcepool, on the next day I don't know if another team can take it's place or if it will always remain there until the end of the campaign. I think the Germans should get this too representing their confusion and what not and also to not make the attacking side too difficult on the para drops.

graves101 wrote (View Post):

Plus, I saw that amongst the Allied BGs that form the beach landings, there were certain BGs (American 1st Big Red One Div) using superior units than other BGs with the same units in their rosters. Aren't those an example of same teams with different skill levels? I don't don't if Big Red One used a separate selection of units, but they had Rifle Teams, BAR Teams, just like 4th Div and 29 Div, only at a higher experience level.

Yes there are two, actually 3 sets of teams for the americans, but one doesn't get used as far as I know. They are regular troops (1st), green troops(4th & 29th) both are differentiated only on their experience and morale as they have the exact same unit name and Cavalry troops (not used I think). Maybe cavalry troops can be modded to represent either the 82nd or the 101st with different experience level and another mix of teams. The Rangers could use some re-work too as their team consists of 2 main units plus the MG squad, pretty boring I think.

#28: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:33 am
Try this 101st with less experience data tweak

back up your fpools.txt and alsteams.txt files first


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#29: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:33 pm

5 days and not one download.

you guys don't really want feature enhancements do you?

maybe you just want to moan and whine?

#30: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: mooxe PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:00 pm
schrecken wrote (View Post):

5 days and not one download.

you guys don't really want feature enhancements do you?

maybe you just want to moan and whine?

I do. The method of delivering manual install mods burried in forum posts is not advisable.

#31: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:04 am
It was aimed directly at those requesting it.... not a general community mod.

it really is a demonstration of exactly what the above posters were asking for.

it is something to be tried discussed anfd then built on.

#32: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: graves101Location: Ontario PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:39 am
Sorry Schreck, it's just that we're holding off until GT 1.5 comes out to start playing CC again. I'm grateful for what you did, and I'll certainly be implementing it when we do start again. I'm sure it needs no testing, just, what levels did you set the 101st at? Is it on the same level as the 6th Brit AB Div? I think that would be perfect, if you did.

Are we whining? Probably. But we're just discussing and going down the list of things we are looking to change, making sure we can get it all perfect for our playing-style before we start another camp (we've restarted at least 4-5 times, I can't remember anymore). We might be a little anal, but I think what's being worked on will benefit whoever plays TLD in the future.

Thanks again for all the hard work, everyone.

#33: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:23 am

I was looking for feedback as I was considering implementing bthe Ad-Hoc /scattered teams you mentioned.... but need to know if I'm on the right track.

#34: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:06 am
Updated 101st and 82nd to have scattered teams on the first day - really needs a combination of scattered and formed teams, so will look at that after the 6th AB.

the cattered teams have lowered morale.

2nd day the 82nd will have stock tLD teams and the 101st the less experienced teams in the above attachment.

one problem with a mixture of formed and scattered teams is tha AI will pick the stronger formed teams first, which works against the idea of including the scattered teams.

#35: Re: TLD: changing a map to random drop zones Author: graves101Location: Ontario PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 8:38 pm
Cool Beans.

What do these scattered teams include? I would imagine 1/3 to 2/3 of the active roster should be scattered, 5 to 10 units.

As for the AI, I only know that when I play against it, I pretty much choose the units myself for them every battle. I typically give them the standard layout of what I'd expect myself to bring to battle.

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