CC3 Vietnam AAR
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Close Combat Series -> The Mess

#1: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:33 pm


#2: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:41 pm
Recently i have just had a new re interest in the Vietnam conflict.
The cold war is a amazing subject. Only in the last 2 years have i truly begun to understand the scope and significance it has had on history, its fascinating.

I used to be a staunch WW2 player. But now im looking forward to playing a modern war.
The 60s was an amazing time in human history. So lets celebrate it.
It's never been a better time to live. Enough of the old WW2. Its the 60s. And The times they are a-changin'.... Unlike Close Combat... Close Combat stays the same..........
Play music. Get stoned. Question your leaders and get ready to kill some Charlie!

Today i will be playing Close Combat 3 the Russian front. Released in 1998.I have installed Vietnam mod.

The mission:

We have been getting disturbing reports that a local village of 'HàHà My Nghèo Làng' is storing rice in there town. Theirs enough rice there to feed the town for a year and then some!

Our mission? Move in and take it out.  Capture the rice storage and eliminate the Vietnamese.

Nearly all the civilian residents of 'HàHà My Nghèo Làng" village would have left for the market by the time we get there. And any who remained would be Vietcong or Vietcong sympathizers.

The Village.
'HàHà My Nghèo Làng'. We will call it My Lang for short.

The mission is to-

*Protect the landing zone (LZ) after landing in the bush.

*Eliminate all VC on the way to the village.

*Take no casualty's

*Get too the My Lang village preferably within 4-5 days/Turns. Any thing more than that MAY be very detrimental.

*  Capture the My Làng Village or at least take and hold the Rice storage victory location. Its a green building in the middle of the town. Its the largest building in the town.  

This is the landing zone. Our helicopters will land our troops in the clearing. We expect heavy Vietcong presence in the bush land. After that it should be smooth hiking from there.
Ill show you...

On day 1 there will be a full 15 unit army of Communist enemy's. We are out numbered. Our side will only have 10 units. However we have superior firepower. And my goal is to blast the VC to smithereens with out taking any losses my self.

Now, if i win every single battle on the first turn then it will take me a minimum of  4 days to reach the 'Hà My Làng settlement'.

If this is achieved then it works in our favor. Because our enemy's will be getting no reinforcements.
(But neither will we.)  

So if all enemy's are killed on the 1st day then the rest of 2 maps should have no resistance. Including the village.

Any enemy soldiers i fight after day 1 and before day 5 will only be survivors from the initial L.Z battle.

So the more we kill the better!

#3: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: DAK_Legion PostPosted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:19 am
Good post antony!

i remember a pack missions for CC3 vietnam...


thanks for the AAR

#4: Platoon Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:37 am
Thanks for the link and comment. Smile
The AAR takes a satire turn for now on.


This is the The Vietcong guerrilla army. They also have  4 units of the regular North Vietnam Army.

These are the men im taking. Ill talk a bit about them.

Here is the Command team. The Commander is Antony.  Antony is the leader of the group. He makes the decisions on the battlefield once all the fighting starts. All troops will be given a boost when the are near him..
Im with Shaft and Jordan who both have the  M16 rifles. And my favorite Burris! He gets to call in air support!

Pulling out all the stops here. Seal team!

The game has the indigenous mike force  unit. MIKE Force was called a force multiplier, operating what is today called aForeign Internal Defense mission.
Here is a photo.

Here is an example of what Mike force may have looked like.
Couldn't find many photos on the internet. Then i found this on Facebook.
Its a Facebook page dedicated to them. The page has allot of photos.

Now the A-Team..

Here is a example of what a A-Team may of looked like.

Click on photo to view.

ROK Marine
Republic of Korea Marine

These guys are tough bad asses. They hate communist. And given there country's history, for good reason! Time to make them pay for Kim Il-sung !
They love saving Vietnamese towns. I wasn't going to bring them, but after they found out about our mission, they insisted on coming along!
Liberating towns is there favorite pastime. And in Vietnam you need good pastimes.

But they Are Okay. Get it. R.O.K Booomdiiiiisssh Very Happy

Here we have the Australians. Notoriously lazy,undisciplined, alcoholic.
Ill make sure i allocate them all the hard jobs.

At least we have the Australian SAS. And the SAS kick ass. Mark Nielson is the leader. (Q.M)
Along with Seymour skinner, fetteman, and ... posey.
They are going to do all the hard stuff. Lets see who survives.

And of course we have the MG team. We have Jeff Mayhew,swift. And the gunner Shane Davidson.

Good luck to them.

I filled in the gaps with these Airborne troops. Makes sense considering they are arriving by helicopter.

There leaders are called Little and Van Dyke.

And last but not least we have the U.S Marine Core Sniper.

Matilda Rose.

Miltilda is a bad ass with chip on your shoulder . Lets see how many kills he makes.

Last edited by Antony_nz on Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:10 am; edited 1 time in total

#5: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: ke_mechial PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:33 pm
Yeah, I recently play CC3 Vietnam, awesome... Alll teams and weapons variety, sounds... I actually was presumptuous that Modern era warfare couldn't be fitted to CC3 but AI and all action really surprised me... I would really like to see Just Cause and Vietnam in CC5 or TLD...

#6: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:51 pm
These guys are tough bad asses. They hate communist. And given there country's history, for good reason! Time to make them pay for Kim Il-sung !

Enjoyed the description of that group there. Was very interesting. Reminded me of some folks way back who used to put bumper stickers on their vehicles that said "Kill a commie for my mommie". Tensions were high at one time.

#7: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:04 am
ke_mechial wrote (View Post):
Yeah, I recently play CC3 Vietnam, awesome... Alll teams and weapons variety, sounds... I actually was presumptuous that Modern era warfare couldn't be fitted to CC3 but AI and all action really surprised me... I would really like to see Just Cause and Vietnam in CC5 or TLD...

Yeah. Me too. When i was real young i barely even looked the the wars in iraq as real wars at all.
But now i look at it as a real piece of history.
I would love to see more Cold war scenarios for Close Combat. Cuban revolution would be great.
And i must try "just cause" for CC2. Close Combats such a great war game i believe any battle could be applied to it.

johnsilver wrote (View Post):
These guys are tough bad asses. They hate communist. And given there country's history, for good reason! Time to make them pay for Kim Il-sung !

Enjoyed the description of that group there. Was very interesting. Reminded me of some folks way back who used to put bumper stickers on their vehicles that said "Kill a commie for my mommie". Tensions were high at one time.

Thanks. I really glad you enjoyed it. Originally i was scared that i went to far with the silly jumbled AAR. But i quite like what i have done. I had to restrain my self from being more and more outrages and offensive. Lol,funny
I did a brief research into the ROK units from the CC Vietnam mod. I read about there terrible war crimes.
And "why and how" did such thing come about. If it makes people want to read about history then its always worth it.

I still have all the photos. Ill upload them when i get the chance.

#8: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:26 am
The Landing

Ok, we have landed.
All we need to do is take the VL and move forward.

As you can see my troops have a long way to navigate. Four whole maps will needed to be cleared to complete this operation.
The game turns out to be a bit of a mess. So lets take a look and see how it goes...

I deploy my men in a circle. A 360 defense for when the hit the begin button. My plan was to hold the landing zone until all the Vietnamese troops have been spent. Then move east. Hopefully with out losses.
Things are not quite as easy as that, unfortunately.

On the top left i decide to deploy the Mike force as a bonus insurance. They can do all the jobs that don't involve defending the landing zone. :)

Its not easy being commander. Here i am safely in the middle. Did i mention we can call in napalm strikes :)

For the sake of keeping track of the soldiers let take a look at my precious men.

Schwarzeneggers looking Jacked.

Here is the the Australian  MG team. And dont forget the Australian SAS team. Lead by our friend Mark Nielson!

And we need to keep a Close eye on our sniper. Matilda Rose. I love this guy.

#9: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:27 am

So far all we can hear is the uneasy sound of crickets and Cicadas.

                                     Its quiet.. almost to quiet..

Every ones in a good position. But then all of a sudden the leader of the Australian MG team feels the need to stand up, brandishing his pistol.

I scream
"Meyhew! Get your ass down or you'll get your self killed!"

But he ignores me. Pacing back and forth yelling obscenities.

Things start to get serious. Commies spotted to the south. And a friendly artillery barrage starts going off. Hot Damn Vietnam!

The Australian SAS team start to open fire on the communist positions

As more enemy positions appear, i get some disturbing news on the Radio.
"Sir, FRIENDLY FIRE! Team leader Wesevich! His face has been blown off!"

(I can hear his screams in the background)

It turns out the artillery barrage forgot that the MIKE force unit was hiding on the top left of the map. Tragically the team leader is disabled. A very bad start for them and the entire operation.

Objective 3.
*Take no casualty's


My mind races for excuses for this mishap.
"Friendly fire doesn't count"
"Hes not even dead!"
"Hes not really on my side"

But slowly the guilt fulls my heart as i hear about the intensive damage done to his face.

As more and more Vietnamese soldiers close in on the landing zone it occurs to me. "More of my good men are going to become casualtys"
As i give the order to sit tight and keep firing at the enemy i get another disturbing report..

The far left VL called "Trail home" has been taken!
Now the only VL left is the Landing Zone!    If we manage to take the exit VL we will still have to go back and take "Trail home VL"

I scream out to the Australian SAS. "On my order! TAKE THE WEST VICTORY LOCATION!
They acknowledge my order over the sounds of shooting,yelling and bombs going off.
I Then get another message from Mike force...

Milton is down! We need to get out of here!

The persistent Vietcong are being destroyed by fire.
Until there numbers swell down the Australian SAS will have to sit tight.

I give the order for the Mike Force to carefully move out

In a war measured by body count, we are feeling pretty good.
Hold out until attrition kicks in for the Vietnamese soldiers. Then we can simply stroll to the remaining VLs unopposed.  Its a fool proof strategy :)

I stole this cool picture with out Permission
Click here for this cool AAR

You cant really tell from the Photo. But one of the VC guerrillas ends up surrendering.  
Lets pretend it was her Smile
We will tie her up and send her to be interrogated by our MIKE force.
Should be fun.
Click here for more female soldiers during the vietnam war

But MIKE force is now on the move.

After a lull in the fighting, they dose Wesevich and Milton up with morphine. Make them comfortable.  Then crawl out into the unknown...

#10: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:27 am

The R.O-K Marines storm into the middle of the circle and lay down some heavy fire power. Relieving the Australians.
(Note the hysterical prisoner running around flapping her hands in the air)

The leaderless MIKE Force notice Communist troops in the dead river/Trench.
Panicking they break out into a run.
Was Milton shot, instead of Artillery barrages shrapnel ? There no way to find out....

Shoot them!

Its finally time for the SAS to get moving. Its quite interesting to read about Australia's SAS and general involvement in the Vietnam war.

The Vietcong called them Ma Rung. Phantoms of the Jungle.  
(says Wikipedia)

 Mike Force stops the covering fire. To the dismay of the Australians

Its very likely that the there will be enemy's waiting to ambush the SAS.
A-Team is ordered to provide back up to the 4 man SAS team.

To try and flush out enemy's, the SAS open fire in that general direction.

MIKE force are half way there. They take a rest here. Crawling can be physically draining.

Matilda Rose ventures south. To check out the burning dead body's. He wants to find a target.
A group of NVA are spotted and everyone opens fire.  

SAS are moving closer to the target, Meanwhile A-Team are having a group huddle. Initiated by there Quarterback  "Snap.. HUT!"

Matilda is trying desperately to make a kill.

Mike Force come under more fire.

The SAS make it to the VL. There back up moves in. There seems to be no enemy troops around.

With the Trail home VL taken, there's just 1 left!
I get up to get a better view.
MIKE Force is ordered to continue there advance.
And below, you can see the airborne have moved north into the foxholes.
They will try and flush out the enemy from the dry river..

We drop some napalm to clear the air.

#11: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:55 am

Everyone gets a move on.
Seal Team will be leading the advance to the Exit V.L!

Next minute Norman gets shot! Followed by a infantry charge! Mike Force frantically aim and take fire at the screaming enemy's.  

They take cover and fight back!

They are subdued by fire power coming from the Landing Zone. Then another Vietnamese unit appears.

After they are defeated, Seal team make it to the exit VL!

*Protect the landing zone (LZ) and move forward.

Objective complete!

Or is it...

#12: The trail to Hà Hà m? làng continues... CC3 Vietnam Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:17 am
With the landing zone secure A team get a nasty surprise.
Vietcong attack to the west!

Was getting scared, but managed to shrug off the attack.

Time to leave.

After a long night sneaking through the jungle, we finally arrive.
The next map has begun. We occupy a friendly field hospital. Here we can asses the damage from last nights fighting..

Incredibly the only losses we took were 4 men from Mike Force.  And they just so happened to be the men who were not part of the 360 circle in the deployment zone.. Should of been a lesson. A lesson that will haunt me.

#13: The trail to Ha Ha my lang continues... CC3 Vietnam Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:17 am

Last edited by Antony_nz on Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total

#14: Good morning Vietnam! Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:52 am
After some much needed R&R at the hospital. We become aware of communist activity in the area.
If the 4 casualty's we take during the landing seems bad. Things are about to get allot worst.

In the photo above, you can see my deployment.
I underestimated the enemy's numbers in this battle.  

I end up moving along in a wide line. Opposite of my
original plan.

As they become aware of the hostility's MIKE force pace the hospital anxiously.  
ROK marines guard the entrance of the hospital.

I thought all the enemy's would be moped up from the Landing. I was wrong. Australian SAS move forward and receive back up fire.

And to the north Seal team venture forward, away from the safety of the field hospital.
They soon encounter enemy's in the bush!

I decide to move my Australian MG team towards the entrance. For the purpose of laying fire down into the trees. To backup Seal team.

In the picture above you can see the Command team (me) screaming at my troops. Its time to get moving.

You can allso see my Sniper. "Matilda" in the middle of the map. He has encountered Vietnamese.

Things are looking bad for our sniper "Matilda Rose". So he calls me up, and i call in a airstrike.

A attack is made on the pillbox.

Members of Mike force are killed in the hospital. To this day i don't know how they died.
Very haunting...

Dortman is killed.

Looking from this picture you can see things are a mess. My teams are completely spread out.
Enemy's left right and center.

I call a truce

Enough is a enough, I dont want to lose more men. To prevent a all out disaster we decide to withdraw and rethink my deployment.

Time to pull back.

Please view my link where i was actually able to post certain pictures and videos.  Mad

Last edited by Antony_nz on Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total

#15: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 7:56 am

A total of 4 dead soldiers and 5 wounded in this battle.
A-team lost 2.
Airborne lost 2
and 5 Korean Marines lost!

This simple hike towards the village is turning into a 3 day nightmare.
Tensions are mounting. Should it really be this hard?
I made calculations at the start. And im surprised the enemy still has troops.
Will this end up becoming to overwhelming?
If i don't make it by day 5 the attack may have to be called off.
Intelligence suggests the V.C will receive 500 requisition points on day 5

#16: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:22 am


Last time the battle was a mess.
I had to call a cease-fire.

This battle. Or patrol as we will call it, is another attempt to win over the map.
5 of my units must rest and sit this battle out.
This time we only have My team,Seal,Airborne, the sniper and the Australians.

I'm looking forward to day 5 when i can spend my 300 points. After that, the Vietnamnese may have pillboxes Artillery guns and even Armour at there disposal.
Its looking bleak for us.

You can see my deployment is way more compact this time.
MG team and Sniper are the only thing that protects our exit victory location.
While the rest of us deploy at the mid bottom of the map. With the hopes of quickly taking the eastern road out of here.

A MG team is spotted.

But airstrike is called!

We made short work of them!

The mission ends with a success.
The main teams hold off the center

While the Australian SAS make a brave run for the Eastern exit VL! These men end up winning us the battle!

The Vietnamese realize this, and go for the western road! Tragically the Australian Machine gunner Mark Mathew is horribly wounded in the successful defense.

It should be noted that the Seal Team member Hoffman has made 8 kills.
Thanks to Seal Team sticking there neck out, we have captured the area.
Ill tell you more, but this is all i have played! I will need to get my CC3 CD and continue on playing, to finish my blog.
Will the reinforcement day help or make things worst?
Will i make it to the Village of " 'HàHà My Nghèo Làng'?
How will i balance my units that need rest?

Ill update after i play the battle Smile

Last edited by Antony_nz on Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:28 am; edited 2 times in total

#17: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Bel8910 PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 5:36 pm
Awesome Antony_NZ!  I still like playing CC3: Vietnam myself.  In G2C: A Shau Valley I have developed, so far, two operations:  Ia Drang Valley and the Battle for Hue City.  Ia Drang includes LZ X-Ray, and later the ambush of 2/5 Cav at LZ Albany.   Hue starts in the New City against the ARVN and ends at the Citadel with the Marines of 1/5.  I'll post some AAR after I've gotten through them.

#18: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:59 pm
Great AAR - love the photos and the story

#19: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: Antony_nz PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:27 am
Thanks guys!
I love the photos too! There is a massive wealth of photos of the Vietnam war on the internet.
I contemplated how far i should go with the photos. Considering these are real people.. But i have diffidently decided in favor of posting them!
Yesterday i continued the Vietnam game for the first time in months. So i will upload the story. Things have gotten sticky in the village.
Refreshing experience. The guns high rate of fire and the modern firepower makes for some interesting tactical game play.  

@Bel8910 Im keeping a close eye on your work. I think its great and cant wait to try the mods in the future.
If its not to much trouble, can we have a video example of the helicopters?

#20: Re: CC3 Vietnam AAR Author: DAK_Legion PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:26 am
Could make a pack missions or operations based on USMC???
I have a sub-mod only USMC
Do you want?

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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