Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT
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#1: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:18 am
As I did for resizing map work

I would want to try the build same detailled and practical guide for converting map work : A guide that would exlain step by step with screen captures, etc  for all users the process of conversion (recoding) maps of other opus to be playable in CCMT.

This guide would be specialized in map conversion of other opus to CCMT (other opus maps --> Conversion --> to have playable maps in CCMT)

Do you think it would be possible to do that ? If yes, I will do and share it like the first resizing maps guide

#2: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:06 pm
I began some little exercices with the 5CC tool

I noticed that the ACTION/ DATA BULK ACTIONS allows to work with tables translations

I took a custom map made by a user for RtB and I lunch it in CC5tool
After that, I opened ACTIONS/DATA BULK ACTION and I opened the translation table RTB -> CCMT

I saw that almost all values are identical, except some of them
Then I replaced the "wrong" values in right col (CCMT) by their equivalent in left column (rtb)

Before that, I setted the preferences like that
: I choiced RtB elements (due to the fact the map I am working on is a map made for RtB by a user). Is it the right choice ? Or should have I choiced CCMT elements ?

Is it right ?

And is there any thing else to do for map conversion ?  (scale modification, etc)

Do I have to generate again LOS for map (like in resizing work) or may I save directly the map after data bulk replacement made ?

Concerning the conversion work, I will first limit my  exercices to that : conversion of maps made for CC5 or Road to Bagdhad, that seems not very different in coding (except perhaps some lines   : in table translation  RTW -> CCMT, I founded only 3 lines that are different for RtB and CCMT : Headstone, tractor and one another)

These little exrcices will perhaps help me to understand the process, because the 5CC tool manuel is very "analytic" (it describes each function separtaly), but without any synthetic, practical and pedagogic vision as I did in the resizing guide : the manuel is documentation for geeks and I would try to build a guide for all users that allows them to convert quicly their maps (like resizing work, that is finally very easy... but only if you have in hands a visual and synthétic guide Razz ) .

Like resizing attempts, some little help at begining would be highly usefull... Wink

Last edited by stratweg on Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:29 pm; edited 4 times in total

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#3: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:22 pm
No, you dont edit the translation table. Just click the "Replace" button and its all done! Just save the converted map afterwards.

#4: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:32 pm
Ok, thanks Wink

So, process is that ?
1- To choice preference in 5CC Tool (table element of the concerned map = here RtB elements ? Or CCMT elements ? What must I CHOICE ? The elements table of the CC opus from wich the map comes, or the elements of the CC opus where the map will be played ?)

2- To open DATA ACTION/ Databulk replacement
3- To load the concerned translation table (here this table : RTB -> CCMT)
4- To left click on "replace button"
5- To save the map

Nothing else is needed for a simple elements conversion ? (generate again LOS ?, modify scale ?, etc)

If there are no else manipulations : very cool Cool , I will add in the resizing map guide a section "conversion map"  in addition, to complete the guide. And I will name it : "Resizing and conversion maps guide"

EDIT : Perhaps is it needed to generate again LOS ? Because if I just save the map without to do that, I get no any LOS file in the new generated files.
Or may use simply the "old" LOS file of the original map ?

RE-EDIT : Tried to re-do the same process + GENERATE LOS, and result is that this time I have all needed files that are generated. Was it really needed to do GENERATE LOS  ? (I ask because the Generate los process seems take 10-15 mn each time after the conversion process, on my OS). If not needed, it will save time Rolling Eyes

#5: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 6:45 pm
I would load the elements file that belongs to the game the map originally come from.
I don't know if generating a new LOS is necessary, but I would do it just in case. Also : Very often you would have to cut or expand maps when doing a conversion from another game, and would have to generate a los anyways.

#6: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:15 pm
Ok, thanks for infos Wink  

In addition, 5CC editor seems be a very cool tool to do some minor and quick modifications on a map (by sample, to ad or to erase flamable terrain, etc).

I will not do any heavy editing work with maps, but it may be usefull to be able to add or erase sometimes some little things in a map.

In this case, I suppose you have just to do the minor modif you want and nothing complicated else  (juste to erase something, to add something, not large work, just some little terrains modifications, by example to erase some barbed vires in the Bir-Hacheim map, that blok the way for vehicle, etc = minor modifications).

And after you have just to save the map ? (nothing else to do, except re-generate LOS).  Is it ok for that kind of little modifs also ?

EDIT : Very cool tool, I erased some barbed vires sectors in the Bir Hacheim map, that blocked way for vehicles, and all works perfect in game. Very funny to have this editor. Heavy editing work with seems take some time, but  for minor changes it's perfect : in few secunds you may do what is needed
I will update the resizing guide with 2 little § : How to convert map and How to do minor modifications on maps

#7: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 12:51 pm
A question about Groof error, please

I am collecting lot of CC5 mods maps, to be able to use them in CCMT, after resizing if needed

Most of the time, when I open the map, I receive the usual Grof Error 2 and I have just to click "compensete", then button "done". Ok.

But in some cases, the choice is different (attached images) and 5CC tool ask me to enter some values in the roof informations windows

Any info about the process to follow in this case (and what values to enter) ?

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#8: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:26 pm
I have no idea how to handle that, but I would just cancelled the warning as he map is working in CC5 - it will also work in CCMT after conversion..

#9: Re: Project : A quick guide to convert CC Maps for CCMT Author: stratwegLocation: France PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 1:52 pm
Ok, thanks Wink  

To learn with your help to resize and convert maps  was a very usefull decision : with that, the number of playable map I have now with CCMT is monstruously incredible... Rolling Eyes  Even some TLD maps work without any pb in CCMT after conversion, it's great.

I will in some days upgrade the guide of resizing : I think all beginner users of CCMT like me have great interest to know how to resize + convert quickly and easely CC TLD/RTB/CC5 maps (and to be able to do some minors modifications in maps also, if needed : its' a gold mine of maps for CCMT Razz

Hope that CCMT will a day be more played and more modded, because after some modifications in databook, it's an excellent CC opus, with very challenging AI when databooks OPFOR parameters are adjusted

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