Two tiny annoyances
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

#1: Two tiny annoyances Author: Normandy6644 PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:36 pm
I've been playing CC games since they came out and I love them. I've probably logged more time playing CC5 than any other game, and no matter what current stuff I have I always go back to CC.

However, I have two nitpicks that kind of annoy me. They don't hurt the game in any way, but I figure they should be modable. The first is rank. Why do all my companies have like 4 first sergeants? Sometimes I will have a command squad led by a regular sergeant, but a rifle squad in that platoon has a first sergeant. Not to mention the fact that I rarely see any officers. I get them sometimes, but the majority of the time my command squads are led by sergeants, something that is historical but only to a point. I would really like to see a realistic rank system for every company, at least before they've fought any battles. It kind of bothers me seeing so many first sergeants, especially if they aren't even the leaders of their squads!

My only other problem is that leaders seem to be the first ones killed all the time. I can have a squad in a building and they take fire from a machinegun and instantly the first one down is the leader. Now, this should happen sometimes, but the frequency I see it is a bit much. Does anyone know of a way to edit these things, or if it's already been done?

#2:  Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:45 pm
I think theres some randomness involved in the ranks. I know the last guy of a section will never be a sargent but the top ones will. Really no idea how it works but I dont think you can fix it.

As for your Section Commander dieing 1st... What are the circumstances? If you pick a section and your commander ends up with the section weapon such as the BAR, FT or anything heavy they will lag back and get picked off easily. If they have a lighter weapon they will be out in front and probably get picked off easy again.

Your solution to both problems is to keep reselecting teams untill you get what you want.

#3: two tiny annoyances Author: Bel8910 PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:39 pm
I haven't yet figured out how to change rank either; however, if you use CCReq you can add rank to your names....not the best fix, but a temp one, I suppose. Also, using QClone, you can change the weapon of your leader and that could help change your frequency....I have limited success in doing using that method. Hope that helps!

#4:  Author: Antifa PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:24 am
Rank is affected by the "leader" "asst" leader codes --

Your post brings up two problems I have with CC --

One -- as apparent in the ranking issue you're talking about -- why didn't they bother to change the game much from CC3 to CCV? I mean the changes are really minor. and the CCM and RtB changes aren't really that great advances either.(personally I don't want to want like 5 fucking minutes to watch a unit "dig in" -- so that "advance" is fucking stupid. -- They need to look at changes that affect game play -- even the mount and dismount isn't all that great. It would be cool if you could tow guns though. But for "close combat," I've never been all that interested in the vehicles. I like the CC format -- wouldn't want to see it changed but computers have gotten at little better since 1997. What about live action weather, running rivers, variable VLs, streaming reinforcements, more flying debris, crashing planes, -- have captured airports affect enemy air force and supply etc. -- all of these things would drastically change game play and be very easy to do without change CC that much. At the very, least they could get a little more savay with rankings -- I mean holy shit, that's like a 5 minute hex edit fix. -- suffice it to say they've been trying to get the most out of CC3.

The second -- ohhhh the AI -- they reason why you're officers are killed first is because you have it set on difficult. The only way the "AI" makes things more difficult is by giving itself outrageous strokes of luck. (I had one Russian inf. beat a whole Strosstrupp to death with his barehands today. -- That's how the AI balances things out -- there's not much you can do and you ahve admit it's funny -- I fear that a shitty AI is something universal to games at this point in history and the only remedy is to play H2H.

#5:  Author: Pzt_Megadeth PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:06 pm
The game code is written so that leaders have a high chance of getting hit, its an assumption on the designer that they "lead from the front" and so had a higher casualty rate.

Its not exactly realistic....

The ranks of platoon leaders are a little weird, there is a attrition value for leadership that degrades the BG platoon leaders rank as the total manpower pool goes down. however there is no provision for "replacement" and lateral promotion...

#6:  Author: Antifa PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:09 pm
Pzt_Megadeth wrote:
The game code is written so that leaders have a high chance of getting hit, its an assumption on the designer that they "lead from the front" and so had a higher casualty rate.

Its not exactly realistic.....

not exactly in the code either.

#7: TINY ANNOYANCES Author: Bel8910 PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:42 am
If you are familiar with using gadgetmunger (props to The Blood), you can manupilate your icons to reflect Captains as Team Leaders, etc. I just completed doing that to my mod...even made a LtCol. It takes some work and patience but worth it. Still don't know if this helps, yet there are ways to manupilate the game using all the great tools out there. Luck on modding!

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

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