Stalingrad GC's - Morale on or off?
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Close Combat Series -> CC5 Stalingrad

#1: Stalingrad GC's - Morale on or off? Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:01 am
Russian infantry is so poorly experienced and equipped (except for a few units). Once a regular Russian unit loses its tanks and ATGs the remaining 100's of infantry in the forcepool are quite useless when faced with elite German troops and vehicles. After a week or 2 of battles, your going to end up with alot of useless, poorly trained and equipped infantry battle groups.

I believe morale should be on for GCs and OPs. The reason being in, in order to take full effect of the hordes of bad Russian infantry you have to be able to throw the waves of them at the Germans. With moral off you will just get kicked off the map doing this. Your unit will respawn the next day and not really fit to go on an assault.

With morale on, if you dont succeed you'll probably get a morale loss but stay on the map and then have a second chance the next day. This simulates the use of waves of men.

#2: i agree Author: ANZAC_TackLocation: Australia PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:21 pm
i been playing the volga 2 via the AI, using heavy limits on my self, on elite, with ia on recruite, i use only 1 of each unit to save tanks and guns, and still end up throwing rocks(art's) at mk4g's within 2 days. then i do the moral callapse as mooxe said in the post last week, rush infantry, charge commanders, and set up for charges of massed infanty the next battle, i have thrown 10 teams at tanks, and kill 1or 2,least helps my reserve tank bgs later...
moral on, always do the pzt thing and select commanders with officer rank only, and try to get sergents in other units.

Close Combat Series -> CC5 Stalingrad

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