I have a mod idea - do you think it can be done?
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Close Combat Series -> Modding Workshop

#1: I have a mod idea - do you think it can be done? Author: general_solomon PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 1:21 am

I was thinking about doing a mod based on the russian invasion of afghanistan.

maybe do have a few battles from the beginning invasion and then the rest would be the afghans vs. the russians.

my questions is can i design mountians and russian equiptment in cc. also, design the afghan dudes.

i saw there was a red storm mod, my only major problem would be figuring out how to map out mountians.

please advise.

general solomon

#2:  Author: squadleader_idLocation: Soerabaja PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:45 am
Not a bad idea...if you want to use the CC5 engine...then you should pick out a particular operation in the campaign. CC5 is designed to simulate 25 days of battles.

#3: mountians Author: general_solomon PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:41 pm
thanks for the tip.

do you know if cc5 engine can handle mountians. In order to do the battles there are mountians involved. i want to make sure this can be represented in the game.


#4:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:03 pm
Yes, it can handle mountains. You might find some limitations to it, but I'm sure you could work around it.

Great mod idea, btw :Cool

#5:  Author: AudieMurphy PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:34 pm
There are paramilitaries in the Road to Baghdad game which can be very easily converted into Afghan dudes. There you also have examples for missions, like advance in the mountains, convoy ambush and hunt for the enemy leader.

Not so easy to remember a good song at once, there are many patriotic Soviet songs from WW2 era and earlier, but what would be a typical Afghan song? I have heard several. Any ideas?

#6:  Author: dacman82Location: Perth, Australia PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:46 am
The call to prayer would be a nice main screen background tune

#7: Great ideas Author: general_solomon PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:12 pm
hello everyone,

thank you for the awesome ideas, I just purchased RTB. The mountians situation was a big relief.

Here is what i was thinking.

since you can connect 25 battles together i was thinking about starting out with the soviets invading kabul and ghanahar.

first few battles with afghan military. then the next few battles with the soviets.

after that the civial war battles between all the rebel factions, what would be cool is to show kabul in the begining of the game without problems and then in the civil war map you see kabul just ruined.

and the finale would be the tenth moutain division or some other special forces against the taliban.

would you play such a game???

all ideas and how to's are very welcome, as i am newbie who needs all the i can get.

thanks again.

#8:  Author: AudieMurphy PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:10 pm
Will the mod be RtB or CC5 based?

Capture of Amin's palace will be one of the first battles, it was a famous operation of the Soviet special forces.

I am not sure about Taleban, during the war rebels were called "dushman" by the soviets and "mujahideen" by themselves; but there could be special operations on the mujahideen caravan routes and there were several larger offensives against Ahmad Shah Masoud, one of the best mujahideen commanders. The Soviets kind of pushed him out of positions several times but as soon as Soviets left the area Masoud was back again. Or we can make a fictitious mujahedeen leader and foght with him.

I would definitely play the game, after all it is a game and that war is over. The new one is another story, sad for the poor country.
If you need some assistance with research and Soviet names in Russian let me know.

#9: planning stage Author: general_solomon PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:27 pm

Thank to you all for your great idea. Now i know it can be done.

Since i am a newbie i would like your help in learning map making as well as create a mod step by step.

as i get the story line together, i will come back to this thread and post my obsticles. hopefully the senior members can me out.

my goal is to create a tactically challenging mod. where you can play both sides. each side would have its own tactical advantages.

i love game that challenge me not just look or have great 3d graphics.

My hope is to create a fun mod. not that war is fun, by no mean do i take the soviet-afghan war as a fun time to relive. I dont wish to offend anyone. from the get-go this is not my intention.

the download section is overwhelming. so please tell me the best to find the following stuff:

1. easy to use map making guide.
2. map making software
3. modding software
4. putting it all together ideas
5. should i make a website for this mod???


#10: moding another game Author: general_solomon PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:44 pm
hello everyone,

someone suggested to me that this mod would be better using another games engine.

have you folks heard of combat mission shock force. I have not played it, is it realistic battle tactics like cc.

please advise.

also, what limitions do you forsee the mod being done in cc.


#11:  Author: southern_land PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:46 pm
Just an idea but you may want to modfy the elements text and create/edit something like steep hill to be tank proof. This would force all armour to stick to the roads and flats operating as semi-mobile fire support and give the Afghanis a chance in the higher rougher terrain. Also I think there may be a limit of 50metres absolute elevation in CC 3-5. That's the maximum available in 3c anyway

cheers and good luck

#12:  Author: AudieMurphy PostPosted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:21 pm
Some good news from RtB front. After some effort (advice from Nembo) we found a way to have more teams in the game, so that each side can have US equipment, Soviet equipment and paramilitaries (which can be defined as mujahideens). This can make the Soviet-Afghan war or even a hypothetical WW3 with USA on the mujahideen side (we are all very lucky it did not happen in reality).

There is need for Soviet planes and helicopters, the Soviets flying F18s will not look very realistic.

#13: terrian Author: general_solomon PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 9:48 pm
thanks to all for your input.

this game will only be interesting if the afghans have a fighting chance. the terrain it important. tanks can not just take out whole groups of afghan.

would it be possible to have caves represented on the map. so this will limit the damage aircraft has on the afghan units.

also, a time limit count down after the initial contact with the rebels. this would accuratly depict the afghan hit and run tactic.

the russian side has to find and destroy retreating rebels beyond a certain point of you lose the map.

what do you think,

on another subject,

what do you guys think of the upcomming release of theatre of war??? and beyond that, combat mission shock force.

"I'll take my answer off the air"


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