Strange bug on CC WaR. PLEASE HELP!!
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Close Combat Series -> Tech Support

#1: Strange bug on CC WaR. PLEASE HELP!! Author: pathfinder76 PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:51 pm
Hi guys,

Well, I was just soldiering on through the 10 day counter offensive campaign when something weird happened on Day 7. I was battling on one of the maps (I am not by my computer right now, so I don't remember the name) and I had a Total Victory, sent the remaining Germans running. So I go through the rest of the turn, and eventually make it back to that map again. It says on the Strategic Map that my armored division is gonna battle a German army group on the map again. But when I click on the icon for the German army group to see what they have left, it shows nothing, like they have no platoons, no teams. nothing. So it's basically me versus no one.

So I go ahead and click continue, thinking it'll just show a quick victory and I go on. But once I'm in the force pool screen (where you can rename your guys, etc.), the button saying NEXT is not highlighted. You can't click on it. Also, the button that says Edit Opponent has nothing written on it, it is just a blank rectangle. So I can't click on that either. So I am stuck there, can't go on further to the other battles.

Does this make any sense to you guys? The computer I play on is not online, so I can't bring up screen shots or anything. Basically, the opponent I am supposed to face has no units, and I can't click NEXT and continue on to the other battles in the turn. I am just stuck on the Force Pool screen.

This totally sucks because I am 7 days in the campaign. I am wondering if I can salvage this, and continue, I don't wanna start over. Maybe there's a way to fix it? Has anyone else had this problem? Ugh, frustrated.

Well I hope you guys can help me, and I hope I don't have to start over. Thanks in advance for your help!!

#2:  Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:34 pm
Have you installed the 4.50.07 update?

#3:  Author: pathfinder76 PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:27 pm
not sure. i installed the one that came with the game. is that the same one?

if not, i will install it, but will that fix the problem? or will it just prevent it from happening in the future? i just really don't want to start over...

thanks by the way

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