Kampfgruppe data mod for war
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Wacht am Rhein

#1: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: Doramas PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:03 pm
This is the readme file for the data mod i made, i must test it in multiplayer before release it. The changes aim to balance the game for multiplayer in GC with recruit-recruit settings.

Kampfgruppe mod for WaR by doramas

Main changes from WaR 4.50.07b

AxsTeams.txt file:

PG Zugtrupp 5 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
VG Zugtrupp 5 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
SS Zugtrupp 5 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
FJ Zugtrupp 5 men team with 2 pzfaust 60

PG Spähtrupp 4 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
VG Spähtrupp 4 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
SS Spähtrupp 4 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
FJ Spähtrupp 4 men team with 1 pzfaust 60

Panzergrenadiere (gp) 7 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
Panzergrenadiere      7 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
Volksgrenadiere       7 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
SS Panzergrenadiere   7 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
Fallschirmjäger       7 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
Volksgrenadiere Sturm 7 men team with 2 pzfaust 60
SS Grenadiere         7 men team with 2 Mauser-Grenadier
Panzergrenadiere (MG) 7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
Volksgrenadiere (MG)  7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
SS Panzergrenadiere (MG) 7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
Fallschirmjäger (MG)     7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60
Volksgrenadiere Sturm (MG) 7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60

PG Panzerpioniere 7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60 1 Flame
SS Panzerpioniere 7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60 1 Flame
VG Pioniere       7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60 1 Flame
VG Pioniertrupp   4 men team with 1 Flame
Fallschirmpioniere 7 men team with 1 pzfaust 60 1 Flame

No reinforcements avalaible for any BG.

AlsTeams.txt file:

Platoon HQ Team with 1 molotov
Recon Team 5 men with 2 Thomsom /Molotov
Rifle Team 7 men with 1 Molotov
BAR Team 7 men with 1 Molotov
Assault Team 7 men with 1 Demolition charge
Engineer Team  7 men with 1 Demolition charge and 1 flamethrower
AB-Platoon HQ Team 5 men with 1 Thompson/Captured PzF60
AB-Recon Team 4 men with 1 Thompson/Captured PzF60
AB-BAR Team 7 men with 1 Molotov
AB-LMG Team 7 men with 1 Molotov
AB-Engineer Team 7 men with 1 Demolition charge and 1 flamethrower
Heavy Team 7 men 2 bazookas 1 bar 1 flamethrower 1 demo charge 1 Molotov; veterans.
No reinforcements avalaible for any BG.

Soldiers.txt file:
added Thomsom /Molotov
added Garand /Molotov

Vehicles.txt file:
Jagdpanther armor increased to Truegreen by Nimits vls
Pz VIE front increased  to Tiger mod for CC4 by me.
Pz VG front  increased  to Truegreen by Nimits vls
Jagdtiger  armor increased  to Truegreen by Nimits vls
Pz VD  armor increased  to Truegreen by Nimits vls
P51 and others air vehicles changed with vls close to nimits´Truegreen mod.

aded Tiger to various BG
aded jagpanther to some germans BG
Screks to scouts BG aded
Hvy weapons teams aded to some usa BG.

#2: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: yuma PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:58 am
Can't wait to give it a try!  Looks like some interesting changes.

#3: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: Doramas PostPosted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 3:53 pm
In the first map we tested from GC it crashed, i loaded regular GC and save it with mod data, can be that. I will edit again the GC, fully edit. But we trayed a single Battle and it crashed when we agree a truce. All weapons seems to work OK.

#4: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:26 pm
Any chance someone here might have this Mod?

#5: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:24 am
This is the most interesting of the 3 older topics you brought to life, or for me at least it is. Probably many issues with it so many patches old, not to mention seems to have had issues then, even if someone has it floating around on a HD.

The Infantry teams seem to be a balance between vetmod and stock, which is pretty nice.

Might have guessed already i don't have it. Looked over all WAR mods and even other CC in case was out of place, but i ain't got it. Will look over the net, though am guessing you already have...


I looked online at dozens of places, same ones am sure. Moddb, google everywhere.. Then tried Nomada's site and saw Doramas was also a member... Not recently active and Nomada doesn't have that file in his DL's, but he *might* have it, as wasn't playing CC anymore and only put up the CC5 when I asked him to a couple years ago. He has several not here, or anywhere for that matter.

I put up a post about the mod, or if he doesn't have it? If he's possibly in touch with Dorimas.

#6: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:13 pm

Your goal by getting this mod is to? Is it to weaken the German infantry and beef up the allied some?

There is an accessible already available already that will work with the 4.50.15b patch, even the mod it is with *sort of*. It's not here anymore however and not on Nomada's site anymore either.. You guessed it..

You would have to get his permission perhaps(?) I dunno how all that goes with modders these days, but his Ardennes file for WAR, the one that had the jagdtiger, then Maus and T28 fantasy tanks had down to earth infantry teams.

I have the plug in for it and it's not here, you might still have it and the data files, .Various .txt documents.

Nomada made 3 different versions of his file, the one here is for..As i recall 4.50.07 patch to get it to work at the latest. The one with the types of infantry you are describing will play with 4.50.13 well, but will go pretty well with 4.50.15b until crashing for good. I have gotten days into it before if you want to look at it and see the equipment in use.

#7: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:36 pm
The real goal was to hopefully be able to easily check the Tank Armor he edited without having to install each Mod then extract the .adb

I do like what he did for the Allied Teams but I feel he went too far for the Axis.
I like the bigger German Teams just not all the pzfaust 60's.
Just seems like waaay too many to me.

But hey,
If someone had played it and liked it...who knows.

I also didn't understand these parts................

P51 and others air vehicles changed with vls close to nimits´Truegreen mod.

And whats a Heavy Team? And why do I only count 6 weapons?................Heavy Team 7 men 2 bazookas 1 bar 1 flamethrower 1 demo charge 1 Molotov; veterans.

#8: Re: Kampfgruppe data mod for war Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 8:34 pm
There was a mod it seems like which had Pzr fausts for the allies on a limited basis as captured equipment, but I do not remember which it was, nor which flavor.. Might have been CC3 even.

FWIW, I loaded in the Nomada 1.13 mod for WAR that has the teams was thinking of fairly resembled those you mentioned above, but they didn't have fausts, was incorrect there. The 8 man US heavy teams had 1 Bazooka, .30, 3 Thompsons and Garrands.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Wacht am Rhein

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