CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations
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Close Combat Series -> The Mess

#1: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:34 pm
Having completed (but not completely debugged) the CC3/CoI Saved Game FIie Handler (CCODM), the main purpose of which is to provide possible integration with CC3/CoI, and perhaps others, I have started to gather together ideas and resources towards the development of a Strategic Game.

It is no small initiative, and that's putting it mildly!  It will need the contributions of various skills in the development/programming, some of which I do not have, so if anyone is interested in participating, pop a line here or message me.  There is absolutely no panic or rush.  It is just as important at the moment to gather ideas about the whats and hows.  The technology used will depend on a variety of things, and much of that will be down to the capabilities of those who decide to join in (I have one lost soul on board already  Wink ).

I am setting up a Project area on my Site, and you are welcome to drop in and take a look.  There is a very raw development release available to start the ball rolling, though it doesn't do much.  I am developing it more to test out what approaches to take.  While I can take care of some things, there are things which I cannot, such as developing the Map/Game functionality, and the tricksy nature of handling online connectivity.  But I am in no tearing hurry.  I'll learn how to do what I need to do as I go along, but left on my own, I do not see this ever coming to a working Game, just a cludgy model.

However, CCOPS is the main reason I started on the Saved Game File Handler in the first place.  Although it has put back my schedule for CCODM a bit, it is also encouraging to see something of what it might be put to use with.

Just follow the Link to CCOPS from the Projects Menu ( if you fancy a gander... but word of caution, its not going to blow your socks off at the moment.  You will need to see where it 'could' go, and be interested in helping it get there, otherwise you will probably find it a bit of a waste of your time.... but if you are interested, please let me know.

#2: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:37 pm

A screenshot from the CCOPS Dev
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#3: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:11 pm
Okay that screen shot caught my interest.... Looking good VonB!!!

#4: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:18 pm
Thanks.  I am going to need all the support I can get (moral and practical!).

The UI is purely based on what I am best able to produce right now, and so is a Windows Form Application.  However, I hope that any final 'Game' can have a more attractive presentation, but hey, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself!  It's more important that it works first, and it can then be 'dressed up' however, and that's the easy part!

At the moment, most of my effort is being spent on the online connectivity.  I have set up a MySQL Database to manage all the Data.  There are all kinds of  issues that can screw things up, not the least what to do if the connection fails, but at least during early development, we can put up with these hassles in order to try and nail the functionality.  Idiot proofing is much more work than most people would realise, but I see that as being an agenda for an Alpha (whenever that happens).

What I would like to have help with first is the 'game' handling, particularly related to the Map(s) and the Operational Game  This requires graphics manipulation and handling which is a bit beyond me at the moment.  Sure, i can learn it, but then I have to make a living, eat, sleep, and be available to my family  Wink  So if it is down to me alone, it is going to take some time, and a bit more...

Already encouraged by the 'positive waves' already offered  8)

I am going to drive the Project from my Web Site, but will post updates here to keep the troops informed.

#5: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: southern_land PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:11 am
Looks Awesome

#6: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: papa_whisky PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:04 am
This is potentially the most important thing that has happened in the CC modding front for a long time, and may blow a lot of fresh life into the game. Great stuff.

#7: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:05 am
Let's hope it comes to something then.

Having hacked out a basic model, it is time to review the directions.  I think the next step is to nail (or at least establish a sensible framework for) the Operation Map handling, after all, this is where everything resolves for the player.  The online multiplayer connectivity is crucial, but not at this stage.  We can cludge that for the time being if necessary, and there is Single Player Mode to consider anyway.

Never having embarked on such an enterprise before, I would sorely like some help.  Until then, I will progress as best I may...

But do shout support from the byelines too!  A cheery wave can help elevate flagging spirits!...

#8: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: MafiLocation: Germany PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:25 pm
Hello vonB,

looks to me like the 2004/5 RedPhoenix should had to be....
Good luck for your new CC-project!


#9: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:12 pm
Thanks Mafi.  In my more sane moments  Wink the audacity of what I am trying to do takes my breath away.  

I don't need to tell you anything about Coding... mind you, I could be tapping you up for ideas yet... but first I have to stand back a little bit, and work on structuring.  I hate spaghetti Code, but it takes a bit more care in the preparation to avoid it.

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#10: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: papa_whisky PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:07 am
Sending positive waves to Mafi to help vonB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

#11: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 10:29 am
Ok, I'll lob this into the air and see what happens....

Operation Map:

I need a routine that is able to (for starters):

Read an image (BitMap) into the Application
Display in a viewing box (in a Form), and scrollable
Zoomable within useful limits (original BitMap in 2x standard View for example, so can zoom in x2, or zoom out x2, x4, or however far it can *usefully* go)
Overlay with a Grid (Hex preferred) (zooms with Map)
Overlay game elements (add, remove) including adjustments to the Map View, Cell by Cell (which also need to be zoomable with the Map).
Identify which Cell the pointer has selected

I am developing in VB .NET.

That should provide a basic Map Handler for the Application to start with.

At present, I am working on Player Handling (Installation, Setup, etc.) with Local and Remote File/Database management.  I am changing the way the Dev Release handles these things (well, everything); basically a rewrite.  That was not done with true functionality in mind, just to grab a 'vision', and there is no point trying to progress with Logic that does not provide the functionality desired (which does not).

Anyone want to take a pot shot?

#12: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: Spinlock PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:20 pm
vonB wrote (View Post):
Ok, I'll lob this into the air and see what happens....

Operation Map:

I need a routine that is able to (for starters):

Read an image (BitMap) into the Application
Display in a viewing box (in a Form), and scrollable
Zoomable within useful limits (original BitMap in 2x standard View for example, so can zoom in x2, or zoom out x2, x4, or however far it can *usefully* go)
Overlay with a Grid (Hex preferred) (zooms with Map)
Overlay game elements (add, remove) including adjustments to the Map View, Cell by Cell (which also need to be zoomable with the Map).
Identify which Cell the pointer has selected

I am developing in VB .NET.

That should provide a basic Map Handler for the Application to start with.

At present, I am working on Player Handling (Installation, Setup, etc.) with Local and Remote File/Database management.  I am changing the way the Dev Release handles these things (well, everything); basically a rewrite.  That was not done with true functionality in mind, just to grab a 'vision', and there is no point trying to progress with Logic that does not provide the functionality desired (which does not).

Anyone want to take a pot shot?

Not sure it it's helpful, But here is a quick and dirty example of drawing a scaled image and applying a grid to to it.
stamping additional images can easily follow the same method.

#13: Re: CCOPS Project : Close Combat Operations Author: vonB PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 9:31 pm
All contributions and suggestions gratefully accepted.  On a quick scan I am not sure if is suitable, but it might be, even if not in its original structure.  I'll try and load it up and see what it can do and what can be done with it.  Thanks for the effort Spinlock!.

I am deep in Binary File handling just now.  I am going to use Binary Files for some of the Local Configuration so that they cannot be tampered with or accidently changed should the Application ever get to the point where it is being actively used.  Text Files are convenient, and I will use them where it is suitable.

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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