Higher resolution of maps
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Close Combat Series -> Tech Support

#1: Higher resolution of maps Author: CruwellLocation: Italy PostPosted: Thu Nov 01, 2012 2:44 pm
Playing with windows 7 (64) i can't have the maps ''enlarged'' as i could see them when playing with xp.
I changed the res in option menu, but nothing happens, reloading the game too.
No more than 800x600.
It's a problem expecially when, in the deploying phase, i have to deploy many tanks in a small space: when i begin the game i have to scroll like hell to find enemies on the move, expecially if far from my position and when i finally catch them they have shot down 1 or 2 of my tanks...   Shocked  
Just a little scroll along the maps to find enemies was normal with xp (i played 1024x768), but now it's a bit frustrating to spend most of time time running in search of them.
Hope i've been able to explain my problem clearly.
Thanx for help.

#2: Re: Higher resolution of maps Author: tripwireLocation: Florida - USA PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:52 pm
Cruwell, try looking for your graphics card's advanced adjustment app.  If you have an NVIDIA card or chipset, look to the control panel app for display settings.  The function you want is "Change flat panel scaling".  This MUST be set to "Use my display's built-in scaling".

Hope this helps.....

#3: Re: Higher resolution of maps Author: CruwellLocation: Italy PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:50 am
tripwire wrote (View Post):
Cruwell, try looking for your graphics card's advanced adjustment app.  If you have an NVIDIA card or chipset, look to the control panel app for display settings.  The function you want is "Change flat panel scaling".  This MUST be set to "Use my display's built-in scaling".

Hope this helps.....

Yes, thanx a lot, i get a better res now.

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