Some people do not deserve our work making mods
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#41:  Author: Flamethrower PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:42 am
apparently the apology you demanded and duly received, in sincerity, wasn't enough? I said I was sorry for describing you as a prima donna..

so if I call you an inarticulate cretin, an egocentric dufus, a self centered illiterate, or a blithering idiot how should I frame the required apology?

#42:  Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:59 am
Flamethrower wrote:
apparently the apology you demanded and duly received, in sincerity, wasn't enough? I said I was sorry for describing you as a prima donna..

so if I call you an inarticulate cretin, an egocentric dufus, a self centered illiterate, or a blithering idiot how should I frame the required apology?

Apology accepted but on my previous answer I was not thinking only on me or you.

You speak about free work made by some people and I do not know if you think that the people making mods is different or not, because I do not see nothing different from them to me or another modder. I spend my free time making mods and I spend my money. Of course I do not think that I win something.

Last edited by Nomada_Firefox on Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:06 am; edited 1 time in total

#43:  Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:02 am
Let's get back to playing and doing mods for WAR....

It is the best CC available and will hopefully pull some people back to CC....

#44:  Author: Nomada_Firefox PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:08 am
Let's get back to playing and doing mods for WAR....

I play it all days.

About make more mods, we would need a small guide about the strategic map and one tool as the strat from CC5 would help.

#45:  Author: Therion PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 5:11 am
Flamethrower wrote:
you all of your "personal" financial information here.....("personal" because it is safe to assume from your posts that you have no involvement in any shape or form of business)

Therion wrote:
Same here. I'd like to play CoI, buy I simply can't afford it. Not after paying for my living.

Therion wrote:
That's 36 hours of my work. No computer game is worth that.

That's too bad that CCIII:CoI isn't available in stores.
I can buy older Matrix games like War Plan Orange and $13 in local store for $9 (and no, not from bargain bin - that are the official prices of the Polish distributor), while a digital download in Matrix Games store costs $44.99 and $69.99.

I think that's enough info to explain why 40$ for CoI is unacceptable for me.
Also, it's CSO_Linebacker that complains about how people don't understand the financial and legal reasons for selling re-releases for prices of new games, and about how nobody wants to hear the truth and understand it, not me.

#46:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:21 am
Tejszd wrote:
Let's get back to playing and doing mods for WAR....

It is the best CC available and will hopefully pull some people back to CC....

I dont agreed

The best CC so far still CCV

#47:  Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:43 am
Zappi4, why is CC5 still the best CC?

WAR is CC5 with most, if not all, the CC5 bugs fixed plus its has a lot of enhancements....

#48:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 7:50 am
Well, i used all CC opus.

Started with CC1 passivly by reading article about it on pc magazine.
What pull me in CC world. i Bought my first PC for this game, and the time i took to
buy the PC CC2 was released, then i goes toward to it.
I used any CC game released, good or bad, just cos i'm a fan.
My personnal feeling is CC5 the best.
Because :
To be a good game, what do we need?
The game itself. The fun took when u play a game. The capacity to play all a night
and wake up one sleep later with only one obsetion, lit on the pc to continue the game.
A best game is a game well done, and well supported.
How to play WAR? >Well u v to go on any forum or so to found a player. U cant reach a
WAR dedicated room to meet each other to play them. In this way i dont see how WAR
can be the best CC ever. I dont understand how matrix didnt think about that and didnt
created any WAr dedicated space to play. Is it so expensif to call Game spy about WAR room?
Game spy or anything else.

#49:  Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:07 am
To get the game, you just have to buy it just like earlier versions.

For game play WAR is better than CC4 and similar to CC5. I have played CC more since WAR came out than the last couple of years. So for me at least some of the fun has come back because of WAR.

To play, you play like CC5. You go to different forums or sites or meet on messenger and the host gives the person joining their IP. If you need an application Battle HQ has a WAR room and other applications/sites of this type could create one too. Unfortunately the glory days/years for CC on the MSN gaming zone have been gone for years.

#50:  Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:09 am
There is a BHQ dedicated room

It's call Wacht am Rhein

You just have to use it

#51:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:13 am
U cant launch the game and select the " multiplayer" option to join any dedicated WAR room.
Then u have yourself to dig in any forum or game room to found someone who get the
game and try to play with him. Once you v got your player, u have to be sure than your
game is rightly settled to let you playing online. War is a 2008 game and lol
it sill some people not able to play online facing firewall or modem settling problem to open
port themself. In fact this problem occured from older CC opus. Everyone can remember
what problm they get to configure their machine to let them play online.

#52:  Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:22 am
As you say older CC titles, including CC5 have the same issue....

#53:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:24 am
you are right Tejszd. I remember how it was hard to confiure CCV for some player.
But anyway CCv get some dedicated room to try to play. And +- each older main opus
get it too

#54:  Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:34 am
Everyone can remember
what problm they get to configure their machine to let them play online.

i had to set up my sons brand new xbox360 to use the correct ports and router config. etc. It was no easier nor any more difficult.

CC has the same issues as the most modern technology

#55:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:38 am
really well:

I use for my kids: 1 PC, a Wii and a PS3. He v got around 10 games for each.
He goes sometime on net to play with one. And i never had to configure anythings
myself. Except the game install and sometime a patch what fixed H2H issue.

I use myself some strategy game. And again never get to configure H2H myself.
Except for CC
Anyway i guess for people who can made a game, itsnt very diffcult to help player to
fix those issue by using a smal program what will handle those modem issue.

#56:  Author: AT_Stalky PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:17 am
schrecken wrote:
There is a BHQ dedicated room

It's call Wacht am Rhein

You just have to use it

Well, there is non there Schrecken... And i also have BHQ for CCMT and COI... Basicly non ever in any rooms.
Cant that be adverticed or easy clicked from mutiplayer screen?

Last edited by AT_Stalky on Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total

#57:  Author: AT_Stalky PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:15 am
CSO_Linebacker wrote:
There in lies the rub. Today's generation is definitely made up of 'What's in it for me type of people...we all know that.

Is that the reply one get when one decline to work for free for a comercial project... Wow,
Uhhhhhchh, Ha, yes, I supose Im one of them selfish ugly "'What's in it for me type of people...." , And ofcose, you&co are the only ones who do anything unselfish! Hm?
You dint spend a secund to think about all the moders who work for free did ya?
Yes we are egoistic, right..

CSO_Linebacker wrote:
The community wants all of these things, big changes, a new updated engine, we all do I think...but only a few are willing to actually do anything that could possibly lead to that outcome.

Yes I want that, and I have paied for that (50+40+40 dollars), and not got any of that, so?

Though I expect that anyone work for that project get a cut or a part of the money I provided…
To be hounest it leaves me a bad taste, knowing that the chefs in the kitchen got NO salary or cut of the money I provided, as they so often say they work for free and try get other to do the same, though the owner get a sallery and a profit.. IMO that SOME making money on free work is immoral.

CSO_Linebacker wrote:
The community talks down to them for being 'slaves', but they are the really true fans of the game. They are the givers...not bitching and moaning about everything, just dedicating themselves to trying to help bring something new to the community...

Hm, you may do EXACTLY what u whant Linebacker, but don’t expect everyone else to work for free for a corporation that pay salaries to some and make profit, yet pay nothing to them who really do the work. And dont slapp the people in there face whom declain working for free on a comercial project with a statement like: Copyright (c) Linebacker "There in lies the rub. Today's generation is definitely made up of 'What's in it for me type of people...we all know that. "
Have you forgot the MODERS who actually done as much or arguably MUCH more to CC than you and the team has? And the moders has also done all that work for free, no? and they given the fruit of there labour to the community for free.

CSO_Linebacker wrote:
The community talks down to them for being 'slaves', but they are the really true fans of the game.

Thats a misstake I agree,
Slaves is not like that. If so then Matrix/S3T would be slave owners?
Na, that’s an unfair comparison to the slave owners in general.
See, the slave owners in general provided housing, they gave food, and even medical treatment to there slaves. So the slaves actualy got a cut of the slave owners profits. Matrix/S3T on the other hand gives nothing to there “workers” they expect that ppl just work for nothing. So, your right, you ought not be seen as slaves, and most importent matrix/S3T dont deserve to be seen as slave keepers.

Well, sad as it is, please continue to look at ppl in your own little way :
CSO_Linebacker wrote:
There in lies the rub. Today's generation is definitely made up of 'What's in it for me type of people...we all know that.

We? You mean YOU and the TEAM?
Na, sry LB, I dont agree with you there. I dont share your view that the moders and community ppl are like that. On the contrary, I believe they are the most unselfish generous people I meet. . ... .. .

#58:  Author: Flamethrower PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:08 pm
Tejszd wrote:
Let's get back to playing and doing mods for WAR....

a great suggestion

Tejszd wrote:

..... and will hopefully pull some people back to CC....

isn't that a goal we all share despite differences of opinion on lesser issues?

#59:  Author: Flamethrower PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:32 pm
AT_Stalky wrote:

You dint spend a secund to think about all the moders who work for free did ya?
. ... .. .

A group of very talented and experienced "modders" were at the heart of making WaR and it wouldn't exist without them. In reality a great deal of discussion, time, energy, talent and work, was spent during the development of WaR in careful consideration of modders at large and the final product is evidence of that because it is the most moddable version of CC yet.

It is ironic that this whole thread is the result of a modder being possessive about his mod but nobody talks about that, instead the thread becomes a platform for the same old boring mealy-mouthed trashing of the developers by the same old malcontents.

#60:  Author: AT_Stalky PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:46 pm
Flamethrower wrote:
AT_Stalky wrote:

You dint spend a secund to think about all the moders who work for free did ya?
. ... .. .

A group of very talented and experienced "modders" were at the heart of making WaR and it wouldn't exist without them. In reality a great deal of discussion, time, energy, talent and work, was spent during the development of WaR in careful consideration of modders at large and the final product is evidence of that because it is the most moddable version of CC yet.

It is ironic that this whole thread is the result of a modder being possessive about his mods but nobody talks about that, instead the thread becomes a platform for the same old boring mealy-mouthed trashing of the developers by the same old malcontents.

The issue is when someone in the development team thinks that other people has no right to decline work for free on a COMMERCIAL product, and if they do they then slap them with something like: Copyright Linebacker “Today's generation is definitely made up of 'What's in it for me type of people...we all know that. “

Who are you or linebacker to say something to ppl who dont whant to work for FREE so other ppl can make money on that work... THINK
Do what YOU whant with your time, but DONT ASK other to do the same, and dont lable em with insults if they decline.

.................. try one more time Flamer.. read again plz

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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