It Never Snows In September Beta Available
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem

#1: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:28 am
Finally it's here and you can download it from here:

Here is how you get it to work:
-Make sure you have Last Stand Arnhem installed first and that it is updated with the latest patch.
-Download INSIS_BETA.rar, uncompress it and move the INSIN folder to your main Last Stand Arnhem folder.
-Now copy the original map folder from the original Last Stand Arnhem folder and past it into the INSIN folder.
-Download the INSIS_BETA_MAPACK.rar and paste the contents into the map folder in the INSIN folder. Replace any files when promted.

Almost done now  Very Happy
-Create a shortcut from the CCE located in the Last Stand Arnhem folder and put it on your desktop.
-Right click it and chose Properties, locate the "Target" string and put   /D INSIS     at the end of the line.
It should look like something like this:
"C:\Matrix Games\Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem\CCE.exe" /D INSIS
Finally press Change Icon and locate cclINSIS.ico which is located in the INSIS folder.
Press ok and then apply.
Open the shortcut and play,folks!

Last edited by Gunsche on Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:35 am
About the campaigns.

There are two Grand Campaigns, one for an axis player vs the AI and one for an allied player vs the AI.
H2H campaign will be added later.
The reson for the two player vs AI campaigns is an attempt to get a more historical feeling, with units showing up at the right time and such, to prevent them from going the wrong way etc.

The campaigns should be played at recruit level for historical force strenghts. You can't make your BGs stonger than their historical counterparts, only weaker to give you more of a challange.

Feel free to post your thoughts on the gameplay and post any errors you encounter.
Please note that this mod ain't finished yet!
Most of the axis unit pictures are yet to be done, the new intro video is missing and there are a few sounds missing.

Enjoy! Very Happy

#3: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:39 pm
Thanks Gunsche. You made this available just in time for me. I plan on playing this one all weekend at work assuming I don't run into problems or if I do will report back on those. Thanks for all your hard work.

#4: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:12 pm
No problem Schmal_Turm, I hope you will have fun playing it!  Very Happy
And if you've got time, I would love to see some feedback from your gameplay later.

#5: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: brunel PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 4:39 pm
I cant get the shortcut to work, having followed the instructions.

INSIS error.gif
 Filesize:  25.17 KB
 Viewed:  646 Time(s)

INSIS error.gif

#6: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:04 pm
aha. now I see it.
My instruction is incorrect.
It should be in "Target", not "Start in".
Instructions corrected  Wink

#7: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:25 pm
After playing a little bit (still in first turn of campaign) I've noticed that on long move orders soldiers with a BAR are faster then the rest of their rifle squad and end up far ahead to the point of becoming separated from the others. I don't recall ever seeing this in the un-moded game. Perhaps you (accidentally) adjusted the weight for the BAR?

#8: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:56 pm
Hmmm, haven't noticed that myself. I'll check it. I did make the BAR lighter as there are two BAR in the mod.
One is light LMG with bipod and the other is more like a very heavy assault rilfe with no bipod. I made it lighter to reflect this but mabe that small a weight change reflects poorly in CC?

#9: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:33 pm
It seems that the US 60MM M2 mortar doesn't leave shell holes in dirt, but does in pavement

#10: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:52 am
OK, sorry for the double post, but I'm a bit perplexed by the 107th Pz Bde's entry. So it spawned on the Son Bridge map (which feels a little cheap: "did you secure a perimeter around the bridge? Doesn't matter) from the to Son Heath victory location which means that it would have a very high likelihood of being cut off from supplies/fuel and that it gets bottled up behind those buildings with only the dirt road out. I was able to force it to disband its first turn using the 506th PIR/101st AB (no AT guns) and mortar support--I never even had the opportunity to call in an air strike before it was over.

Lest you think I only have criticisms, I love the new sounds--especially for the 30 cal machine gun (I hated the old sound), though the British rifle seems a touch load compared to the rest--like the unit icon pictures and love the Hill 75.9 map, the only new-new one I've fought on yet (I did fight in Veghel but, of course, it is an old CC2 map and essentially reused in Mook). It always seemed a tease that the CC2/LSA briefing videos showed what must be that hill yet we weren't able to fight on it.

#11: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:19 am
It seems that the US 60MM M2 mortar doesn't leave shell holes in dirt, but does in pavement

Yupp, it doesn't. I guess the 2-inch and the 50mm does the same. Will check it out.

About the 107: They did make a counterattack on the Son Bridge and were forced to withdraw in the same hour and the reason it spawns on the Son Bridge in the allied campaign is to make sure it actually try to take back the bridge. At first I placed it in Gemert and hoped he would take the right way. Ofc it didn't as it attacked Veghel instead.
Disbanding the bde is ok as it should reapear the next day at the closest major supply depot.
Or it should: I noticed I had forgoten to turn  "Recycle Disbanded BGs" on.
This is now fixed for the next update. Sadly for you, you won't see 107 in your campaign anymore  Crying or Very sad

I always liked that unit  Very Happy

#12: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Sapa PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:11 am
Great work! Youve got a kind of CC2 feeling with this one Very Happy

Playing as germans...when will the XXX:e corps attack? I thought they started the offensive when the Áirborne troops landed??

Anyway...fantastic work!

Cheers Mats

#13: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:24 pm
Thank you for this mod and your hard work!

Just started a GC. So far Im liking the sounds and look of it all.

#14: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 4:20 pm
Thank you all, glad you like it  Very Happy

Playing as germans...when will the XXX:e corps attack? I thought they started the offensive when the Áirborne troops landed??

Valkenswaard was changed to Aalst as Valkenswaard is further south of the campaign area and I could not include both.
Now it's more like CC2 ( Very Happy ) as they were delayed until the morning of the 18th, spending the night in Valkenswaard.
I thought it to be nice to put some more pressure on the allie dplayer and give the germans some extra time.
Battles were raging in Best and at the Son bridge as the XXX corps arrived in Eindhoven, the germans having been given the time to counter attack.

Btw, Sapa, wouldn't that be the dream?
CC2 with space for 64 maps, 300 unit and weapons pictures, unlimted number of team variations, weapons and vehicles?
Omg, just the thought... Shocked

#15: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 6:16 pm
Not a bid deal, but the BO unit defending the Heumen Bridge map has a 7.62CM Pak 63(r) which has a unit icon/picture of an allied half track, at least when I click on the force on the strategic map--I've somehow managed not to fight there yet.

#16: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:31 pm
Yeah I know. It's one of the german units to get a new unit card  Wink
No idea how he got the M5 HT though  Laughing

#17: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Sapa PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:27 am
Yes  Very Happy  that would be nice! i understands why Horrock arrives sep 18  Embarassed


#18: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: HogansHeros PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:31 pm
Odd problem which (hopefully) I've attached a save file to illustrate. My British 1st Airborne are in full supply (++) and should not be. I wonder if it has something to do with your new West Osterbeek map as I moved onto for the first time last turn--maybe the game thinks it has a hidden connection to a map it shouldn't?

Full Supply.rar

 Filename:  Full Supply.rar
 Filesize:  136.75 KB
 Downloaded:  553 Time(s)

#19: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: brunel PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:52 pm
Hello, great mod, I have got it working now. A few things I have noticed which could be fixed in the next version:

The mortars seem far too accurate and wipe out entire squads of infantry. Perhaps decrease the accuracy and add a minimum range?
The ammo loads for some units seems unrealistic - US .30 machine has 6000 rounds and US mortars have between 44 and 60 rounds.
I don't think the US airborne units had BARs - they used a light version of the M1919 .30 calibre
I put up a M9 halftruck in one battle against a Panther and it took more than 1 one to disable to halftruck....

#20: Re: It Never Snows In September Beta Available Author: Gunsche PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 9:29 pm
HogansHeros, I'll check that issue this weekend. Currently I haven't found any strange/hidden map connections, but I will look again.

Great brunel!  Very Happy
About the BAR for airborne: they used both LMG 30cal and BAR during Market Garden. At first I only found reference that the 82nd used them, then later I found out that the 101st used them too. Many squads swaped their squad 30cal LMG for a BAR as it was more versalite than the LMG 30cal. It was less heavier and more use full in assaulting enemy positions.

On mortars = I have put the accuracy very low for all mortars. The spread of detonations depends on the range to target.
Medium mortars are set to a minimum range of 200 meters, light is set to 50 meters.

Will check ammo levels for soldiers, I may have forgotten to adjust these for some of them.

On the M9 vs Panther incident = did it take two tanks to kill the M9? Or did it take more than 1 shot to kill it?
As far as I have played CC I can remember incidents like this, with tanks putting rounds in to a target and doing minor damage when it should outright kill it. Like a Panther vs a halftrack. I belive this is a CC engine thing where it calculate the chances for a 1 shot K.O. or something. It's not something I encounter regulary, seems much like "shit happens" you know?

But if this DO happen often, please tell me and I'll check it.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem

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