76 years after. Overlord. Are there any left? I remember..
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Close Combat Series -> The Mess

#1: 76 years after. Overlord. Are there any left? I remember.. Author: BungarraLocation: Murchison region, West Australia PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:23 am
The cycle of life will take us all in time.

As we play close combat or watch another doco about the protagonists in the second world war..

I wonder just how many are left... from the combatants, supply chain, manufacturing, medical staff, food producers, etc,

The start of the epic finale in Europe (for England, US and commonwealth forces) began 76 years ago... this morning.

It is now history and if it were not for games like Close Combat and sites like this one, Close Combat Series.

Would as many people take the time to remember.... will the protesters stop to remember the people who through their endevour, allow them to do what they do.

Will the media run world give it 10 minutes of their live coverage to pay homage.

To all those men and women who served both then and now I say thankyou....

I remember......

#2: Re: 76 years after. Overlord. Are there any left? I remember Author: Pzt_bebusszmski PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:31 am
It's a dwindling number and I'm sure as the numbers get reduced to a handful, there will be renewed public interest in the history and the people who were there (as well as who actively served in WWII) before they are all gone, similar to what happened with the last survivors of the Great War.

Millions of people on all sides suffered immensely and many went through living hell. How lucky we are to now be living in peaceful times.

#3: Re: 76 years after. Overlord. Are there any left? I remember Author: Berger PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:22 pm
Manuel Otero Martínez is the only Spaniard who landed in Normandy. A veteran of the Spanish Civil War, he emigrated to New York and enlisted in the United States Army on December 4, 1941. He was a PFC (1st Infantry Div) and died in Omaha by mine.


Here's his biography (in spanish)

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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