How requisition points management works
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Cross of Iron

#1: How requisition points management works Author: ograndoLocation: Treviso - Italy PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 10:19 am
Hi to all.

I need to understand how the requisition points assignment mechanism works, to apply it as a home rule to a tabletop wargame in an operation / campaign perspective.

Let's say I have three maps and 4-5 days, one side attack and one side defend scenario.
How are points awarded each battle day?
I know there are points that are awarded to both sides when entering a new map, points that are awarded to each side each day, and points that are awarded to each side based on the outcome of the battle.
Anyone know better how it works?
Maybe this is a question for modder?

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Cross of Iron

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