Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA
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#1: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:14 pm
Hi CC addicts,

As you may already have seen, we are working on a new version of the CC5 Stalingrad mod. The mod was already ported to TLD and will probably be ported to LSA in its first version. The Angriff version is an all new version for LSA that depicts the first days of the attack on Stalingrad in september 1942. This new version will have a new stratmap and 64 new maps. Also the BG, units and datas will be updated. Some new vehicles grafics will also come along
a new UI. Old vehicles grafics wil be resized (10 pixels/m to 8 pixels/m) to match the maps grafics. You will be able to see the updates on this forum, on discord and on facebook. Don't hesitate to comment, to bring some suggestions (not sure we will follow them  Laughing ), to criticize (not too much please) or to flatter us  Cool (the best option  Laughing ) : in any case your interest is our only salary! The development will be slow : drawing 64 maps is not an easy thing. So we will release the mod in 3 parts : the first release will be the completed mod but with only the 16 maps of south Stalingrad (from Kuibyshev sawmill to the Tsaritsa) + op/battle for this area. I hope to be ready before july 2021. The second part will be the central city and the Mamayev Kurgan areas. The third release will be the factories area north of Stalingrad.
Today I show you a preview of the new stratmap and the slicing for the maps. As you can see the city is stretched from north to south and bordered by the Volga. German attacks will come from the west side of the map. Russian reinforcements will come across the Volga. The first maps of the suburbs will be more open rural areas but will be more and more "closed" in the urban part of the city. This preview is under development and may be changed before the release.

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#2: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 4:32 pm
Awesome looking strat map!

Looking forward to the LSA Stalingrad release!

Edit: I better get LSA Meuse done ASAP as I'll want to play Stalingrad in the summer

#3: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:14 am
Sounds promising Manoi.

I'll stand by to create the installer package.

What's the Facebook URL people can view updates on?

#4: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ke_mechial PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 5:09 am
Good Luck Manoi. I was already looking forward to that, but really glad to hear that it is an iteration of the CC5 Stalingrad with new additions.

#5: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: KG_LokiLocation: Husker Nation PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 12:04 pm
Oh, can't wait for this one!

CCV Stalingrad by far my favorite mod...

Good luck and thanks!

#6: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 8:02 pm
@Mooxe : Close combat group on facebook or my personal page Angriff!

#7: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:05 pm
A very good video in relation with the stratmap : Battle of Stalingrad

#8: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:14 am
This mod will rock! - Just wait untill you see the beautiful maps Manoi has created!- Thank you for the effort and hours - The stratmap looks very nice.

#9: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Jatke PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 6:00 pm
My vote would be for all map areas to be labeled on the Stratmap. Might not look as pretty, but would be more useful. Understood that map area names are displayed on mouseover, but that's not always enough.

The scenario editor map should also be labeled with VL point totals for each map to aid in making scenarios with respect to the game's VL-based victory conditions. Optionally, the Stratmap could be labeled with VL pts as well.

The Angriff and Meuse/LSA mods are perfect candidates for custom Save file scenarios. Other than their briefings, the entirely generic stock Battles, made in the scenario editor, arent anything special. Players can easily make similar scenarios by the dozens.

#10: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 8:37 pm
Great suggestions. I'm gonna think how to introduce these elements on the stratmap. Maybe the solution is to make a "table of contents" on the stratmap (I have a lot of unused space on the right of the map).

#11: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Jatke PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 9:13 pm
I like the legend idea. A legend accompanied by a scale and, strictly optional of course, a compass rose  Shocked

Some random gothic letter added as a flourish
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#12: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:12 am
Yes! I have always enjoyed Stalingrad. It will be awesome ported to LSA as then you are able to have units leave areas while still under control if you have a reserve unit. Can't wait for this and Meuse.

#13: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: dj PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 2:51 am
Thanks Manoi looks very promising!  Kind of tough to get the old CC versions working, glad to see this.  Good idea to break-up the development into separate parts.  And to save time, perhaps the Maps can be downsized in smaller scale.  I would estimate the Map sizing can be shortened by as much as 1/2 size (vs original) or at least 1/3.  

@Mooxe - any chance for self-installer .exe?  appreciate your help with the installer

#14: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: stienerLocation: Gibsons B.C. canada PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 3:26 am
awesome cant wait !!

#15: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: backblast PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:41 am
bring it on!

#16: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:56 pm
Grain silo map preview (wip)

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#17: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Astalon PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 11:24 am
This looks excellent - many thanks for your work.

#18: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 6:37 pm
Kuibyshev sawmill map preview (Wip)

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#19: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2021 7:25 pm
So, Manoi, when you say, "Some new vehicles grafics will also come along," does this mean new vehicles or a redoing of vehicles in the previous mod?

Really looking forward to this, as well as any other mods you enterprising modders come up with. Prefer WWII with tanks, though.

#20: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: dj PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2021 1:03 am
Impressive work Manoi, haven't seen maps quite like that in very high resolution.

I wish that next gen TBF games would keep the 2D view because it has such better realism and quality of graphics.  And this is pretty much what modern commanders see from Satellites / Intelligence reports top down.  Or in WW2 it was the recon planes taking their own high-res pics surveying the opposition.

#21: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:36 pm
Some news from Angriff : the production of the maps is progressing well: 8 maps are already working in the game. The stratmap is finished (thanks to Schnellemeyer). Dima is working hard on the datas and Aetius 555 on the interface (feel free to try his new Radzymin44 mod
Operation South with the first 16 maps is still planned for mid September.
Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today :
Note also that mortars are able to shoot now from roofless buildings ????

#22: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:36 pm
Some news from Angriff : the production of the maps is progressing well: 8 maps are already working in the game. The stratmap is finished (thanks to Schnellemeyer). Dima is working hard on the datas and Aetius 555 on the interface (feel free to try his new Radzymin44 mod
Operation South with the first 16 maps is still planned for mid September.
Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today :
Note also that mortars are able to shoot now from roofless buildings ????

#23: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:37 pm
Some news from Angriff : the production of the maps is progressing well: 8 maps are already working in the game. The stratmap is finished (thanks to Schnellemeyer). Dima is working hard on the datas and Aetius 555 on the interface (feel free to try his new Radzymin44 mod ).
Operation South with the first 16 maps is still planned for mid September.
Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are able to shoot now from roofless buildings ????

#24: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:38 pm
Some news from Angriff : the production of the maps is progressing well: 8 maps are already working in the game. The stratmap is finished (thanks to Schnellemeyer). Dima is working hard on the datas and Aetius 555 on the interface (feel free to try his new Radzymin44 mod ).
Operation South with the first 16 maps is still planned for mid September.
Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are able to shoot now from roofless buildings ????

#25: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:39 pm
Some news from Angriff : the production of the maps is progressing well: 8 maps are already working in the game. The stratmap is finished (thanks to Schnellemeyer). Dima is working hard on the datas and Aetius 555 on the interface (feel free to try his new Radzymin44 mod ).
Operation South with the first 16 maps is still planned for mid September.
Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are able to shoot now from roofless buildings ????

#26: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:39 pm
Some news from Angriff : the production of the maps is progressing well: 8 maps are already working in the game. The stratmap is finished (thanks to Schnellemeyer). Dima is working hard on the datas and Aetius 555 on the interface (feel free to try his new Radzymin44 mod ).
Operation South with the first 16 maps is still planned for mid September.
Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

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#27: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:40 pm
And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are now able to shoot from roofless buildings ????

#28: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:41 pm
And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are now able to shoot from roofless buildings ????

#29: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:41 pm
And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are now able to shoot from roofless buildings ????

#30: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:41 pm
And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are now able to shoot from roofless buildings ????

#31: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:42 pm
And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are now able to shoot from roofless buildings ????

#32: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:42 pm
And one more for today : Kuibyshev in the South of Stalingrad. Sawmills and small factories to give a taste of what's to come later ????. Note the details inside the sawmill! The Maximovs factory still exists today : Maximovs factory
Note also that mortars are now able to shoot from roofless buildings ????

#33: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 8:43 pm
And one more for today :

#34: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 7:05 pm
Hi, our work on the Stalingrad mod is progressing well but unfortunately we will be behind the original schedule. We don't want to show you half-finished work but the first previews should be out this month.
Preview of one of the last finished map : South landing : the entry map for Russians in South Stalingrad.

#35: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: reconscoutLocation: U.S.A. PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 5:28 pm
Wow, looks great!

#36: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2021 3:40 am
Yes great job Manoi, we thank you! very good resolution and detail.

#37: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: JFFulcrum PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:42 pm
Manoi wrote (View Post):

Preview : Tomato fields and gullies on one of the first map you will play (Leather work). Only the maps graphics are from the mod. We hope to be able to show you more completed previews end July.

Panzerschreck in 1942?

#38: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 4:34 pm
As I mentioned, only the map is part of the mod in this preview, the rest is from the original game.

#39: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: JFFulcrum PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 10:41 am
Force pools and armaments will be troublesome, cause end of 1942 was times of changes on both sides. For example, Soviet forces largely dropped usage of self-reloading rifles like SVT, and KV1s tanks, which production stopped year earlier, was at so low numbers that nearly all remains was reassigned to Stavka direct reserves and was quite rare on battlefields. Germans was in process of rearms too, and there was large involvement of Romanian and Italian armies.

#40: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:26 am
I'm not worried about this aspect of the game: Dima is in charge of the datas. The research on equipment and OBs has been pushed to the max. The period covered being September 1942, we know precisely what weapons were used. By the way, did you know that the first MGs 42 were used in September in Stalingrad?

#41: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: JFFulcrum PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:34 pm
Dima is in charge of the datas

That make me calm too.

By the way, did you know that the first MGs 42 were used in September in Stalingrad?

Not, but not surprised, both sides tested new equipment that time.

Will be great, if times of maximum usage of lend-leased arms in red Army had reflected in mod, like British 'Matildas' or US M3s tanks. BTW, in question of Panzeschrecks - summer 1942 USSR received thousand of early M1 'Bazookas'. It is still not known, was it used under Stalingrad in light of extreme lack of AT weapons, some accounts suggests that they was only tested on polygons and declared as unsafe, moved to storage and later paradropped to Czech and Yugoslavia red partizans.

#42: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:51 am
Any chance for AI improvements?  Not sure if that's do-able in LSA.  I remember PJ figured out some way to mod the AI in CC5 for his Stalingrad mods, smaller maps maybe.

#43: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: GeneralSauce PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 6:16 pm
Is there any updates on this mod?   long gap in communication has me worried!

#44: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Thu Jan 20, 2022 10:57 pm
Stalingrad part 1 - a mod for the CC LSA is well underway. The mod team is working every day to bring it to you as soon as possible. To ease the wait we will bring more screenshots and info in the coming weeks. Today we show a small selection of the Soviet teams  of a Battlegroup of the 35th Guards Rifle Division. In the image you can see from top to bottom:
1. 4-man Komandnaya Gruppa (Command team) from 133. Tank Brigade  
2. 5-man Komandnaya Gruppa from NKVD - The weapons and equipment carried are different - this is a design choice in the mod that you will see across other team types as well. - Variation in composition and weapons in similar team types. - We think that this keeps the teams both within the historical frame and creates interesting variation for the player.
3. 35.Guards Rifle Division 3-man Stankovyy Pulemet (HMG) with a Maxim M1910.
4. 4-man 35.Guards Rifle Division Strelkovoe Otdelenie (Rifle Squad)
5. 4-man 35.Guards Rifle Division Razvedovatelnoe Otdelenie (Recon Squad)

Please post you comments, viewpoints, wishes and questions.

Teams showcase soviet.png
Soviet teams showcase
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Teams showcase soviet.png

#45: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 3:53 am
Like the unit icon colours!

#46: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2022 8:29 am
Aetius has done an amazing work on the screens and icons!

#47: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2022 10:54 pm
Part 1 of Stalingrad 2 (a mod for LSA) is in its final stages and will enter public play-testing very soon.

Ingame screenshot -reduced.jpg
In battle screenshot
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Ingame screenshot -reduced.jpg

#48: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:47 am
Part 1 of "Angriff" mod will depict the fighting in the Southern sector of Stalingrad. In the screenshot you see some of the famous units that fought there depicted by Aetius awesome BG icons. Amongst them 35. Guards Rifle Division, 26. Tank Brigade, 24.PzDiv and 94.Infantry Division. Also enjoy the view of a snippet of Manoi's depiction of the historical battleground in the form of a high quality strategic map????

#49: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:48 am
Part 1 of "Angriff" mod will depict the fighting in the Southern sector of Stalingrad. In the screenshot you see some of the famous units that fought there depicted by Aetius awesome BG icons. Amongst them 35. Guards Rifle Division, 26. Tank Brigade, 24.PzDiv and 94.Infantry Division. Also enjoy the view of a snippet of Manoi's depiction of the historical battleground in the form of a high quality strategic map.

Stratmap - BGs showcase.jpg
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Stratmap - BGs showcase.jpg

#50: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:19 pm
Thanks for the update ScnelleMeyer.

Thank you to the whole mod team for all the effort/work getting it to this point!!

#51: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2022 1:54 pm
Coming very soon...

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#52: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Zep PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2022 12:09 am
Yes....Outstanding a dream come true, I Can't Wait Very Happy

#53: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 5:58 pm
Next part of Angriff : Central Stalingrad!

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#54: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ke_mechial PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 5:28 pm
Manoi wrote (View Post):
Next part of Angriff : Central Stalingrad!

Just in time for the summer!  Very Happy

#55: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: Amgot PostPosted: Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:20 am
It's been a year since the last update. How's work progressing on the next release with Central Stalingrad?

#56: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ManoiLocation: Brussels PostPosted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:57 am
Amgot wrote (View Post):
It's been a year since the last update. How's work progressing on the next release with Central Stalingrad?

Good!  Smile

Progress has been slower but we're continuing to work hard. 27 maps have to come with some very complex ones so it takes me a lot of time. The 64 BGs are nearly done. We will soon make new updates  to show you what was done.

#57: Re: Angriff - Stalingrad mod for LSA Author: ke_mechial PostPosted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:49 pm
Manoi wrote (View Post):
Amgot wrote (View Post):
It's been a year since the last update. How's work progressing on the next release with Central Stalingrad?

Good!  Smile

Progress has been slower but we're continuing to work hard. 27 maps have to come with some very complex ones so it takes me a lot of time. The 64 BGs are nearly done. We will soon make new updates  to show you what was done.


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