LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes
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#21: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:12 am
Thanks for the comment, glad to hear you're playing the campaign till the end.
I would like to see the losses of tanks, men, vehicles and guns after a german campaign victory, so if you don't mind post a screenshot of your campaign losses or post the numbers.
If you're brave enough: after you've played the germans to a campaign victory, use the "save game editor" to open your saved game and "switch sides", then you can play as soviets and try to break out of the encirclement.

#22: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:40 am
Sorry, not sure what the "save game editor" is or where to find it.

#23: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 7:37 am
"save game editor" is available in the toolbox..
"This is a simple save game editor for, WAR, TLD, LSA and PITF. It is a small unfinished EXE file in alpha version. You can change sides, realism settings, battle ending conditions and difficulty levels.

When i play the soviet grand campaign till the end (winning all maps), i use the "save game editor" on the last saved game of the grand campaign to "switch sides", now playing as germans trying to recapture the entire stratmap  ,quite challenging as your german forces are now depleted.

#24: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:15 am
Here are the results of my first Radzymin44 campaign, where the Germans counterattack, starting with version 1 and then later after about three days upgrading to version 1.04. At the beginning my Panthers took many kills as the JSIIs and ISUs guns were overpowered. As I played, I restarted the battles a number of times, maybe up to 10 over the course of the campaign which could account for the number of destroyed Russian tanks as opposed to my German losses. I also tend to play pretty conservatively as the Germans generally have smaller force pools. With the settings that Aetius recommended the Russian forces were pretty much more aggressive resulting in more overruns of my forces and generally more losses. I generally would stop the battle after the Russians would sue for a "Truce." But after the decimation and disbanding of one of my units early on and the massive numbers of Russian tanks I decided to not have mercy, so many times Russians units were disbanded.

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#25: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 6:49 am
Thanks for posting your campaign result, soviet losses are massive.
If you have any remarks or suggestions for improvement just let me know.

#26: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: ExcellencyLocation: Alaska PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:21 am
I'm a few days into a GC right now (H2H, me from Alaska, opponent from Singapore).  Really enjoying it.  But, as Germans, I tried mightily and managed to cut off a few Soviet BGs from their supply, only to find out ... they seem to have eternal supply, even with no supply line!  They always go back to 100% at each strat.  Are there some quirks to the supply situation, such as Soviet units having a few days of automatic supply?

#27: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:06 am
Hi Excellency,

Glad you've enjoyed it so far.
If soviets are totally cut off from supplies they should deplete their ammo and supply.

Can you post a screenshot or a saved game so i can understand the strategic situation?


#28: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: ExcellencyLocation: Alaska PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 7:15 pm
Hi Aetius, thanks for the quick response.  Screen shot is below.  10Pz Gr Rgt of 5 SS Pz has been in Ostrow-Mazowicka for 2 turns (having attacked from N).  Soviet units in Falenica and Wiazowna remain in ++ supply status  (fuel and ammo) despite having no line to an uncontested depot.  What am I missing?  

BTW, this did not happen in a similar situation in the north, with roles reversed.  Thus, with my Germans in Repki and the Soviets contesting Sokolow, my Germans immediately were in XX supply status (that is, depleting at the usual rate, without replenishment).  Hence this problem is not universal in the game.  Perhaps it is geographic (only some maps) or specific to Soviet units, or specific to Soviet units in the early part of the campaign ... I am not sure what is going on.

R44 supply issue.jpg
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R44 supply issue.jpg

#29: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 9:26 am
Hi Excellency,

The soviets should have the same supply rules as the germans.

There have been issues with supply posted in the matrixforums in the past:

Wich version of the game are you both running 6.00.03?

Can you add screenshots of your mapscreens of "wiazowna" and "ostrow mazowiecka" so i can see wich VL's are taken.
If the soviets still have an "open road" connection from exit VL of "ostrow mazowiecka" trough Otwock to soviet held VL in "wiazowna" supplies will be able to be "transported".


#30: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: ExcellencyLocation: Alaska PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 6:17 am
Yes, we are running 6.00.03.  

I think you have nailed it.  The Otwock exit from Ostrow-Mazowicka is controlled by the Soviets.  So, it seems that in this game or on these maps you can trace a supply line through a contested map, as long as you hold the right exits.  

Over at Sokolow/Repki, my Repki unit would then be out of supply not because Sokolow is contested, but because the Sokolow exit to Repki is held by the other side.

We have just come off playing the TLD Kharkov mod, where any fighting on a map completely blocked supply through that map.  This situation--where you have to not only get onto the map, but fight through to block the relevant exit--will make supply interdiction a heck of a lot harder!


#31: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2022 2:45 am

the Heavy machine gun that does not display a proper graphic in game (when the soldier is using it in his hands) is the SG-43. In game it looks like a rifle/SMG.


#32: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2022 3:08 pm
Indeed Heavy MG was coded as smg in weapons.txt, will be fixed in next version.
Thanks for reporting.

#33: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Berger PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2022 7:13 pm
LMG42 and LMG34 teams only have 450 rounds. It's on purpose? In other mods lmg teams have more rounds: In GJS 1250 rounds, in Rhineland and Angriff 1050.

#34: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Fri May 20, 2022 4:35 pm
will be corrected in upcoming 1.05 version

#35: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2022 6:09 pm

I think designating a couple guys in the squads to carry the MG/Flamethrower is a must. When there is a Gunner/Loader/Assistant the weight of the ammo is evenly distributed between them, when only one guy carries the piece he gets to carry the whole load and thus becomes very slow; this is amplified if the leader of the squad becomes the gunner/ammo bearer as it happens in the majority of the cases when there's no designated crew member in the teams database (soldier type 2) and so the squad is left leaderless for a while until he catches up and when he does he is by then winded or tired which hampers the performance of the team.

And here's something that happened the other day:
in one of the movement phases I had a soviet tank brigade (forgot which) that had been resting for a couple of turns as it had been beaten badly and had lost quite a bit of cohesion, then as events around this Tank brigade unfolded it had resulted on an isolated german infantry regiment right in front of it and so I decided to attack it but the german AI thought the same and attacked my Tank Brigade with this infantry battlegroup...big was my surprise when the battle happened on the soviet map instead of the other way around! I thought vehicle battlegroup speed>infantry battlegroup speed. I managed to beat the infantry regiment but now this Tank Brigade is lagging behind. Was it because it had lower cohesion than the attacking germans? or are germans inherently faster than soviets in this mod? or maybe another unknown variable?

It didn't affect me much particularly, I just find it curious that an armored unit was outpaced by a foot unit.

#36: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2022 11:03 pm
Schmal_Turm wrote (View Post):
Here are the results of my first Radzymin44 campaign, where the Germans counterattack, starting with version 1 and then later after about three days upgrading to version 1.04. At the beginning my Panthers took many kills as the JSIIs and ISUs guns were overpowered. As I played, I restarted the battles a number of times, maybe up to 10 over the course of the campaign which could account for the number of destroyed Russian tanks as opposed to my German losses. I also tend to play pretty conservatively as the Germans generally have smaller force pools. With the settings that Aetius recommended the Russian forces were pretty much more aggressive resulting in more overruns of my forces and generally more losses. I generally would stop the battle after the Russians would sue for a "Truce." But after the decimation and disbanding of one of my units early on and the massive numbers of Russian tanks I decided to not have mercy, so many times Russians units were disbanded.

wow what a lot of tanks killed! According to this site:  THE STABILIZATION OF THE FRONT BETWEEN WARSAW AND RIGA UP TO THE END OF AUGUST

Together, these four armoured divisions (HG, 19. Pz, 5. SS-Wiking, 4. Pz) possessed 223 tanks, plus 54 assault guns and tank destroyers

On the other side, 2nd Armoured Army had around 800 tanks and assault guns, although an unknown number had been lost in the meantime.
Of course 2nd Tank Army is just a part of the forces depicted in the mod, but still 1300+ tanks destroyed...Almost 2 tank armies completely wiped out!

#37: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: TejszdLocation: Canada PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 12:55 am
Pzt_Kanov wrote (View Post):
I thought vehicle battlegroup speed>infantry battlegroup speed. I managed to beat the infantry regiment but now this Tank Brigade is lagging behind. Was it because it had lower cohesion than the attacking germans? or are germans inherently faster than soviets in this mod? or maybe another unknown variable?

It didn't affect me much particularly, I just find it curious that an armored unit was outpaced by a foot unit.

If the BG's are rated at the same speed the tie goes to the Germans in the base CC games. I do not think there is any way in the config files to change which side has this advantage.

#38: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Berger PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 8:43 am
Pzt_Kanov wrote (View Post):

Just for your information, it's a chapter from Germany and the Second World War. Volume VIII, The Eastern Front 1943-1944 : the war in the East and on the neighbouring fronts by Karl-Heinz Frieser.

#39: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Aetius PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 12:42 pm
I think designating a couple guys in the squads to carry the MG/Flamethrower is a must. When there is a Gunner/Loader/Assistant the weight of the ammo is evenly distributed between them, when only one guy carries the piece he gets to carry the whole load and thus becomes very slow; this is amplified if the leader of the squad becomes the gunner/ammo bearer as it happens in the majority of the cases when there's no designated crew member in the teams database (soldier type 2) and so the squad is left leaderless for a while until he catches up and when he does he is by then winded or tired which hampers the performance of the team.
In upcoming V1.05 the MG's, flamethrowers will have soldier type 2 "crew"

n one of the movement phases I had a soviet tank brigade (forgot which) that had been resting for a couple of turns as it had been beaten badly and had lost quite a bit of cohesion, then as events around this Tank brigade unfolded it had resulted on an isolated german infantry regiment right in front of it and so I decided to attack it but the german AI thought the same and attacked my Tank Brigade with this infantry battlegroup...big was my surprise when the battle happened on the soviet map instead of the other way around! I thought vehicle battlegroup speed>infantry battlegroup speed. I managed to beat the infantry regiment but now this Tank Brigade is lagging behind. Was it because it had lower cohesion than the attacking germans? or are germans inherently faster than soviets in this mod? or maybe another unknown variable?
Tejszd: If the BG's are rated at the same speed the tie goes to the Germans in the base CC games. I do not think there is any way in the config files to change which side has this advantage.
Interesting situation, indeed the soviet BG should have attacked on german infantry's map.

Factors that might influence this:

1-BG speed, all infantry units are set as slow "1", tank brigades are set as medium "2", i will correct this so tank brigades are set to fast "3".

2-in the campaign.txt you can set the "base plan, for german infantry everything is now set at defend "3" but apparantly it wasn't enough to prevent them from attacking a soviet tank BG:
# Battle group 'base' battle plans:  Controls the default plan used by
# A given BG when opposed by a given enemy BG. Plans are:
# 0 = all out attack, 1 = limited attack, 2 = probing attack, 3 = defend, 4 = survive
# NOTE: The base plan will be refined based on commander aggression and
# situation, and may result in an actual battle plan +/-1 from base.
# Axis Infantry BG vs Allied infantry, recon, armor, armored infantry, paratroop, and engineer BG

3-See description above, commander settings also influence this, all commander settings are set to maximum aggressiveness, i'll set german infantry BG's (who where retreating in this campaign) to a lot more cautius settings.

wow what a lot of tanks killed! According to this site:  THE STABILIZATION OF THE FRONT BETWEEN WARSAW AND RIGA UP TO THE END OF AUGUST
Thanks for the link, interesting read.
A book about this subject:
Warsaw II. (The Tank Battle at Praga)  July - September 1944 by Norbet Bacyk

Together, these four armoured divisions (HG, 19. Pz, 5. SS-Wiking, 4. Pz) possessed 223 tanks, plus 54 assault guns and tank destroyers
On the other side, 2nd Armoured Army had around 800 tanks and assault guns, although an unknown number had been lost in the meantime.
Of course 2nd Tank Army is just a part of the forces depicted in the mod, but still 1300+ tanks destroyed...Almost 2 tank armies completely wiped out!
I've lowered number of tanks in previous mod version, maybe the high tank casualty numbers in schmall_turms post are a leftover from when he started the campaign with an older mod version and continued with mod version 1.04 so maybe forcepools are set at creation and don't get updated when m0d is updated?

I decided to put lots of tanks into this mod, maybe some more than was historically correct but i wanted to make it a real armored warfare mod.

#40: Re: LSA Radzymin44 mod bugs and mistakes Author: Pzt_KanovLocation: México PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2022 5:06 pm
Thanks for the book recommendations Berger and Aetius.

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