Best purchase ever
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Close Combat Series -> The Mess

#1: Best purchase ever Author: southern_land PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:28 am
In about 1998 I bought my first close combat CC2 second hand for about $20. Played it and played it. And all was good and right with the world. but the fun faded.

I bought Cc3 in 1999 for about $90, new off the shelf. Then, later, I discovered maps and mods, and the Zone ahhhhh the fucking Zone was great. I remember getting home from work each day and there was often a new map or two to download (at 56k LOL) And all was good and right with the world.

I bought CC4 in 1999 as well and CC5 in 2000 and fell in love with the "slightly strategic" aspect - about $100 each.

in 2001 I learnt a little photoshop as a part of a course I was doing and one of my first thoughts was "I'm gunna make a map."  I did: Tikvin, simple cut and paste, shadows backwards, hand drawn shade, no roofs (as I could never get GROOF2 to work)

My fiftieth map was A salt, a cheezy experiment that appeared to be a forested hill but was actually an underground V weapon factory... number 50 had to be "special"

I don't know how many maps I ended up making - well over 150 maps for CC3/COI (I've just scanned through the downloads here for old times sake, so many seem to be missing)  a few for Bloody Omaha with Dom, 44 for Karealia with Sapa, and another 43 for Berlin, same modder, 42 for RSR  1 for Africa, I did an entire 64 for winterwar for tLD but I think they were lost, I did 64 for Kursk but that mod never eventuated and I did 64 for Meuse but not all ended up being used.

Then I was contacted by Sulla who was trying to give CC CPR. I did a map for the RAF regiment but honeslty it wasn't up to scratch. He fell away with health issues and an American guy took the reins, not a good experience, about 12 maps for the CC3 COI reissue, about 20 for WAR and about a dozen for tLD, that I got paid a pittance for and finally all 64 maps for the bridge too far reboot than I received nothing, which was gutting.

Then Slitherine took control, nice professional people. They approached me to map Panthers, different scale, fully revamped graphics.  I informed them of my recent experiences and to sweet the deal the gave me a token payment to sweeten the deal.  So I mapped all 36 maps for Panthers in the mist and got paid - nice!

These days i only have Panthers installed, and play it very infrequently - but looking back I paid around $310 for over twenty years worth of enjoyment    Not a bad investment eh?  Regretfully I think it's over. I have a new computer and don't think I'll install an CCs, with nothing to remind me this will probably be my final visit here.  It's been fun, for those I associated with - any of you oldies still hanging around, thanks for the memories.

Southern-land - out!

#2: Re: Best purchase ever Author: Aetius PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 4:21 pm
Thank you for creating all those maps over the years.
We started the Radzymin mod together (initialy for PiTF) and i ended up using all of those 36 beautifull PiTF maps in the LSA Radzymin44 mod.
Those maps are your best work IMHO, really splendid work on those.

Unfortunately when your previous PC crashed you've lost everything maps, textures, the lot, but if you've re-discovered some maps or textures since then on a backup CD, HDD, USB stick or whatever don't hesitate to contact us.

I wish you all the best in you private life and all your future endeavours.

#3: Re: Best purchase ever Author: ScnelleMeyer PostPosted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:34 pm
Good investment indeed! You gave so much to the community over the years! - I can speak for myself: You were a big influence in presenting map making as something anyone could do with your map tutorial (s). Would love to see you stay in the community and draw the occational map or 64!  - But I understand that life goes on to other endevours sometimes. I do have most of the maps you made for Winter war for TLD still on my harddrive, but some were unfortunately missing.

#4: Re: Best purchase ever Author: Schmal_Turm PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:35 pm
WOW! I was not aware that so many of the great maps were created by only one person! I agree that the maps on PitF are some of the best there are. I used to play that game all the time as I loved to have the Panthers in the mix. Now, I am just starting the Radzymin mod V3 and with the addition of the PitF maps I am fighting for the life of the German forces, at least in the German counter offensive.

Thank you Southern-land for all you have done. It has made my many long overnight hours as Security for a trucking firm much more enjoyable.

#5: Re: Best purchase ever Author: PeteLocation: Nijmegen, Netherlands PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:50 pm
I agree wholeheartedly on Close Combat being the best purchase ever. In fact, I have not played other games much at all since 2000.

Thank you, Southern_land, for all the maps that you created. You created a monumental body of work. You are a true artist.

So, you leaving means that you won't be teaching your grandkids how to play this game?



#6: Re: Best purchase ever Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:26 am
Nice to hear from you again SL. Many years since CSO clan days  Shocked
I coded one of your RSR maps for that Russian guy (forget his name  Embarassed ) that was my start.
I made lots of maps but only 1 - Malmedy - made it to release in CCWAR.
I credit you with inspiration and lots of help, I was always astounded by your output in those days.
I would make one map and you'd show up with a full 44 set! - Legend!

#7: Re: Best purchase ever Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:15 am
Just a fan going way back to '98 also starting with CC2 on Mac via friend's recommendation.  Much appreciate all the work you guys put into modding and map making.  

Ian / Slitherine if you are listening...please make proper re-make of Close Combat classic (2D top-down view).  I also bought almost every game in the Series and still have my original CD set made by Microsoft for CC1 - CC3...that was by far the best single game purchase ever.

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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