Newbie Question: Unit Supply on Campaign Map
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#1: Newbie Question: Unit Supply on Campaign Map Author: tuxfriend PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:01 am
Hello all,

this is my first post here, I'm new to the game.
I've just bought CCV, and it totally rocks!

But I have two questions, both of which are not answered in the manual, and I have searched through the forums here and not found an answer either.

1) How do I know if a unit is in supply or out of supply on the campaign map? Is there an icon or something (there is colored cross/star next to BG icons on campaign map, don't think it is for supply - maybe morale?)

2) On the unit screen (where you can add/remove units before you go into battle), some units are green, others red, others yellow (background of their description name, ie, background color of "Sturmgrenadiere" is green) This does not seem to have any correlation with training/morale, as this value is given explicity as text at the bottom of the screen). So what exactly does this color say?

Thank you in advance for answers,

#2:  Author: BlackstumpLocation: Hunter Valley Australia PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 2:05 am
on your strat screen if you click on your bg it will tell you your supply condition... but !! if you controll your entry vl ( your supply line ) and keep the maps behind that clear (your supply from depot) then you also need to know your opponents supply vl or vls ( most important ) for assault reasons. The green colour you see in troops are your elite, yellow / normal, orange/trained, red/ meat for the grinder, however all these troops will improve with experience, if kept alive long enough and its possible for "red troops" to end up green and with alota kills

#3:  Author: tuxfriend PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 4:54 pm
Thanks Blackstump for the prompt and comprehensive answer!!

Kind Regards,

#4:  Author: tuxfriend PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 11:03 pm
Hmm, I played an Operation today and I think I did not get the resupply thing yet.

You say it tells the supply condition when I left click on a BG, and that's true, but my problem ist that on the 2nd day into the operation nearly all my BG are on "NO ammo, no Fuel"

All my terrains are connected (no enemy troops behind my lines), and there is also a terrain with a small depot.

I tried leaving a BG standing without movement and without combat for a full turn, but this BG also says: "NO ammo, No Fuel"

Shouldn't resupply be automatic? Why don't they fuel up/recharge ammo (would be clear for troops in combat or in movement, but a BG sitting still in friendly territory)??

Help would be much appreciated,

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