who wins the most german or russian?
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Close Combat Series -> CC5 Stalingrad

#1: who wins the most german or russian? Author: tigercubLocation: charters towers PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:18 pm
does the game favor the germans in the grand campain like i have been told, your opion please guys? p.s I think some of the russian inf units need extra support more AT guns and or BT7s,SU45 not a lot just a few, it would make a big differance in the over all campain! yes the germans are stronger they are attacking the city after all.

Last edited by tigercub on Sat Feb 04, 2006 1:27 am; edited 2 times in total

#2:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 4:29 pm
I've never finished the GC for Stalingrad, but I'm in the middle of one, and the Germans kick all sorts of ass.

The Germans are stronger for certain.

#3: who wins the most german or russian? Author: ErcanLocation: Switzerland PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 7:56 pm
I have finished the GC and the germans are definetly stronger, even if the russians have the better armour with the T34´s and the KV1 tanks

#4:  Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 8:16 pm
No contest. And T34's aren't better armor. Especially without ATG's to back 'em up. Will be no time before you're charging panzers with russian 3 man teams that have no morale.

#5:  Author: Dima PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 5:55 am

have u ever finished H2H GC?

#6:  Author: tigercubLocation: charters towers PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 10:20 am
Dima wrote:

have u ever finished H2H GC?
i am in the middle of one that is what the post is asking people, the chap i am playing has played 4 gc h2h 3 as russian { i am german in this one} and he says the russian struggle to hold on.i dont know myself but so far i am not having to much trouble killing russian units off ! A long way to go!

#7:  Author: chocoleibniz PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:36 am
Interesting thread as I'm about to start a GC H2H as the Germans.

In Meuse the campaign is 8 days with three rounds per day.

How many days in the Stalingrad GC and how many rounds per turn?

Thanks for the answers.

#8:  Author: king_tiger_tankLocation: the Band and State of Kansas PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:45 am
i haven't played it yet but i'd base the answer off history and say the russians win more :hurt7

#9:  Author: tigercubLocation: charters towers PostPosted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 9:06 am
king_tiger_tank wrote:
i haven't played it yet but i'd base the answer off history and say the russians win more :hurt7
history has very little to do with what happens in this campain! its only a game based stalingrad WW2 and so far the germans are the winners from what i have seen, but a lot to see yet.

#10:  Author: Volksjager_cnLocation: Washington state, USA PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:05 pm
For GC in this mod, I think the Russian player need to be more skillful than the German player in order to have a balanced game.

Meuse mod is 3 rounds(3 strategy moves) per historical day. I think most other mods is 2 per day.

#11: Any more AARs from H2H? Author: Sokol688 PostPosted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 11:31 pm
Just started a H2H game (vet vs vet level), and I must say this mod is fanstastic so far. Very different feel from the original, and really plays like a whole new game. Wonderful job, and finally gives the CC series the location it was always destined for, the tight confines of Stalingrad. Having visited the city myself, I even found the overall depiction of the ground, ravines and such, to be very accurate.

Now that it's been out awhile, is the general consensus that the sides are pretty balanced, or that the German side is easier to play? In my game it's too early to tell, but I feel like the Russian player can do some damage to the German on the opening maps, especially when the German has to cross open ground. On the other side, the German tank units seem pretty strong, and the T-34 not very powerful in a straight up duel with Panzers. One other difference I've noticed is how much bigger the maps are, so where as on CCIV/V you might play one map for a turn or two, now you might fight on the same map for a longer period of time. I like this change as it makes you invest more in each advance, and avoids the one shot push off the map that was so common in CCIV in particular. I look forward to more H2H feedback/strats in particular.

#12:  Author: king_tiger_tankLocation: the Band and State of Kansas PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:41 am
yes but in CC3 many of the battles had the in favor of the germans.
but in stalingrad the germans came in the favorite and came out surrendering in 1 year.
:drink2 toast to the russians!

#13:  Author: king_tiger_tankLocation: the Band and State of Kansas PostPosted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:45 am
but soon i'll get CC5 and do the mod and see for myself. :yank

#14:  Author: MörserCarlLocation: Tokyo PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 1:08 pm
I'm in the middle of a H2H GC and playing the Soviet side. No doubt the Germans generally are better equipped than my Russian troopers. But it's actually not so much the equipment that grows my hair grey, it's more Ivan's low morale that seems to make it difficult to make them stand up to the Jerries. Anyway, so far my Russian subordinates are putting up a relatively fierce resitance albeit at a high price in material and troops (soon I will probably be overwhelmed by the German armoured battle groups).

German AT guns are my number one nightmare... They seem to destroy everything they are pointed at. An artillery barrage will knock a gun out if the gun is placed in an open area. Therefore I am very careful to allocate my artillery barrages to those battle groups that need them the most.

#15:  Author: king_tiger_tankLocation: the Band and State of Kansas PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:57 am
problem is that you have to move your artellery from the protection and get into an area to have fighting ability. have you got the later version of the T-34? it would work against panthers and even tigers(from behind). they also take out the stugs, nashorns, and even the mighty Fredinand. :hurt10 :hurt2 they will have hurt moral for awhile too.

#16:  Author: tigercubLocation: charters towers PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 1:33 am
Myg wrote:
I'm in the middle of a H2H GC and playing the Soviet side. No doubt the Germans generally are better equipped than my Russian troopers. But it's actually not so much the equipment that grows my hair grey, it's more Ivan's low morale that seems to make it difficult to make them stand up to the Jerries. Anyway, so far my Russian subordinates are putting up a relatively fierce resitance albeit at a high price in material and troops (soon I will probably be overwhelmed by the German armoured battle groups).

German AT guns are my number one nightmare... They seem to destroy everything they are pointed at. An artillery barrage will knock a gun out if the gun is placed in an open area. Therefore I am very careful to allocate my artillery barrages to those battle groups that need them the most.
is this micheal?

#17:  Author: MörserCarlLocation: Tokyo PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 10:34 am
Are you Von?

Close Combat Series -> CC5 Stalingrad

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