Lazypike v ShowUda$ completed REG501 grand campaign REPORT
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Close Combat Series -> H2H Multiplayer

#1: Lazypike v ShowUda$ completed REG501 grand campaign REPORT Author: GMoney PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 12:51 am
For our 2nd Reg campaign We switched sides and Lazypike took the Americans. Lazypike gets the WIN as game ended with 2 maps contested , all others in Allied hands, 3 taken on last day.

Campiagn was early slugfest with allies bottled up. A mini breakout west of Carentan got somehow sevrely revrsed setting allies realling by June 11.
I attacked forward with the 17th SS and the Mederdat remained in German hands until about June 24. In meantime allies had broken out North very slowly. Fort Raoul remain surrounded and defended for at least 10 days with no supply. The port fell around june 21 but by then the North was very weak for germans who tried to set up SS line to the west coast.

In the south the allies were contained and were wiped out of Insigny. Carntan was still in german hands. German had thought of push to coast about june 16th which lasted 2 days. still it looked like a german victory when the tide turned..

2 main events- one game engine -one generalship. The first game engine was that the german 353'd brigades which were in action only 2 or 3 days. They got cut off and while still strong and were forced to disband about june 24th. BOTH never returned. They disappered with all those unused shreks and AT guns. This lack of at capabilties meant.....

The second envent was Lazypike sandbagging the germans. The allied general refued to reinforce his 4th and 90th divisions unitl JUNE25th. Out of nowhere tanks roamed over the bocage. The roamed and shot. There was even a nasty rumor about some Stuart having over 85 kills.
The end was ugly and backward.

German KIA 4835 5574 allied
wounded 4192 4726
armor 72 236
vehicle 0 24
guns 138 43

Close Combat Series -> H2H Multiplayer

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