Is there someone skilled in font editing?
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Close Combat Series -> Modding Workshop

#1: Is there someone skilled in font editing? Author: Titan79Location: Italy PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:42 pm
Hi all,

it's a long time since I've had this idea first, but I've been unable to realize it myself: what about drawing a font that represents the bolt-like "S" of the SS to be used in the Close Combat series (particularly CC3, which is my fav)?
It would be possible, then, to rename SS teams with their "correct" symbol instead of the normal "s" font.

The main problem isn't the drawing itself (I've had some success with that) but the steps to be taken afterwards: I'm no font-maker so I really can't figure out how has the new type to be saved. I know that CC3 uses tahoma and tahoma bold as standard in-game fonts, so I've tried to change the "รง" type in the tahoma font file to the bolt-like s. But my editing hasn't been saved as it should... why?? (I've used FontLab)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Close Combat Series -> Modding Workshop

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