Crash on truce agreement
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

#1: Crash on truce agreement Author: ScupperLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:27 am
A couple of months ago I put out a plea for help on this board because I couldn't connect to my friend on TCP from behind my router's firewall. Thanks to Hata's suggestion I discovered the world of port forwarding and managed to get a connection going.

The problem now is that we always get a crash on truce agreement when playing operations or campaigns (but not battles so far at least).

We use XP and will shortly try using W98 compatability mode, though there seems to be some doubt on this forum as to whether that is an effective fix.

A previous post mentioned disabling DirectDraw, - can anyone tell me if/why that might work and which bug it addresses?

Also, I've seen a 'crash on truce agreement bug' mentioned in another post as if it was common knowledge, but can anyone let me know the current state of understanding of it?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated...

#2:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:32 pm
hi mate, i dont know if i dont made a mistake but if this is the problm, when you( both of you) trucing a battle , the game crash to the desktop...?

I 've got one solution for that, when you want to truce ... just ask your opponent and if he want to, dont move anymore units and wait about the ending timer.. I know that means waiting about the end every time when you want to truce will be long sometime Razz

Seriously, i dont know, i heard a lot of bug about CCV ... but some bug was never localized to clean them .... and still on the game, this 00:00 timer crash, this truce crash.... and some other

#3:  Author: ScupperLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:11 am
Thanks ZAPPI4, - you're right about the problem: one of us can truce and the game continues, but when the other player agrees to the truce the game crashes and the connection is lost.

That's a very good suggestion, which we might end up having to do, though if I leave my troops unattended for say half an hour, can I be sure that some of them won't start creeping around? Don't they sometimes get bored and forget their orders if you leave them for ages? I guess that would be okay if they don't restart the fighting...

Any other ideas anyone?

#4:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:45 am
play with inititative OFF, that will keep your men in their places for sure. dunno why people have this option turned on at all? Shocked

im not sure letting game run without moving troops will save you from the crashes. sometimes the only way to do it is to truce when battle starts and just ignore that battle and its possible outcome. yes, i know its frustrating and maybe even moronic, but i can assure you it has been the only option for me in some battles.
when i play a gc a 00:00 crash means a REBUILD, ie you try as much as possible to move then units across the map to gain the ground you had when game crashed. you can also try to rebuild casualties as much as possible - a very controlled shoot out so to speak, just to try to recreate the end result of the first battle. then me and my opponent truce and we move on. however, in some battles it doesnt matter who is the host or whatever you do, the game still crashes - these are the instances we just truce and try to forget that battle... like imagining the guys couldnt fight at all because of a storm or whateva hehe

we gotta accept this game has its errors it seems and work around them in all possible ways. good luck!

#5:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 3:25 pm
Right, if yu use in your setting when you start your GC or ops, the option, never act on initiative, your trooper will never move without your order, they will move in initiative only if they are under fire, and that to found a place for their protection, that means, getting no act on initiativ will see your trooper dont move if you stoping to play to put a truce way

#6:  Author: ScupperLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 9:52 am
We'll try setting the timer to one hour and initiative off and see how we get on. My feeling is that we're just unlucky having this truce bug most of the time, - seems like a lot of people don't have it. It's a shame because it's potentially such a good game.

Maybe CC3 or CC4 will work better with multiplayer for us (I think we played CC2 to death). Might look into that.

It's great to have your input anyway, - many thanks.

#7:  Author: ZAPPI4Location: Belgium Liege PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:49 am
One more things, pressing next after a battle in a GC or Op's can made some trouble and put the crash in truce way Wink try always to save and hit command to reload your latest save:

Exemple you playing GC against me you will save after every battle like that:

then you will got every round saved and you avoid at maximum the risk to crah the game or to get any deploy error, supply error ....

#8:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:21 pm
afaik its only CC5 that suffers from this annoying bug. but then there is no CC game like CC5 Confused

#9:  Author: ScupperLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:29 am
Don't want to be too optimistic yet but having both switched to W98 compatability mode, we just managed two crash-free games in an operation, both of which ended in an agreed truce!

W98 compatability has never done me any good in the past but maybe this is one of the programs it actually does something for.

Where's that beer...?

#10: Fixed Author: ScupperLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Mon Dec 27, 2004 10:40 am
Just thought I should confirm for posterity that the game is fixed now, - the W98 compatability mode thing cleared up my crash problems completely. I play every week with my mate in Japan and not a single crash since we applied it.

What a great game!

#11:  Author: bambam887Location: Belgium PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 1:36 pm
thx for the update Wink

#12: Re: Fixed Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:55 pm
Scupper wrote:
Just thought I should confirm for posterity that the game is fixed now, - the W98 compatability mode thing cleared up my crash problems completely. I play every week with my mate in Japan and not a single crash since we applied it.
What a great game!

still no crash?

#13:  Author: ScupperLocation: New Zealand PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:57 pm
It freezes in the screen you get after the battle but by that time the battle's been saved so it's no sweat to reinstate it. So long as we don't get in-battle crashes I'm happy: no time's been wasted. I think everyone gets freezes between battles in XP... don't they?

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

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