where's the big stuff?
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 4: Battle Of The Bulge

#1: where's the big stuff? Author: king_tiger_tankLocation: the Band and State of Kansas PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:06 pm
I've recently obtained a copy of CC4, and after playing it awhile, there seems to be no tigers or King tigers, do they come later in the grand campaign?

#2:  Author: pvt_GruntLocation: Melbourne, Australia PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 9:41 am
You wont see the big cats in the stock GC, you need to download Vet BoB mod. It's much better!

#3:  Author: RD_Knights-X PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:08 am
pvt Grunt is on target with his reply to you King Tiger Tank. Both the CC-IV mod called Vet Bob (latest version is 1.3 I believe) and its equivalent in CC-V, Vet BoB mod have a wider array of vehicles.

#4:  Author: king_tiger_tankLocation: the Band and State of Kansas PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 12:17 pm
RD_Knights-X wrote:
pvt Grunt is on target with his reply to you King Tiger Tank. Both the CC-IV mod called Vet Bob (latest version is 1.3 I believe) and its equivalent in CC-V, Vet BoB mod have a wider array of vehicles.

yes, I've notice a major increase of vehicles after playing VetBoB, but I have still yet to see if there are tiger tanks in it.

#5:  Author: Lawyer PostPosted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:16 pm
In Vet BoB mod, playing as the germans, you get Kings tigers in KG peiper on december 18th. You have to lose your first panther (the one below the command tank in the battlegroup screen). It will be replaced by a King tiger on the 18th AM turn. I usually send this tank on a suicide mission on the 17th pm turn to lose it and get a king tiger on the 18th am. Or you can simply create a scenario with KG peiper on the 18th. Wink

You also have a king tiger in KG Knittel (1SS recon battle group).

I've seen Tigers 1E later on in the 116th panzer. Somewhere around christmas if I recal correctly.

Playing as the american, you will definetly face king tigers against KG Peiper. There are also some «tiger» and «huge beast» around Laughing

#6:  Author: nibilly PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 8:35 am
Why is it that they didnt include any of the "big" weapons in the stock battles / campaigns?
I find that so strange, I played through the entire game trying to find a tiger! lol

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 4: Battle Of The Bulge

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