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Close Combat Series -> CC5 Karelia

#1: Automatics Author: Chewy2 PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:40 pm
I'm confused about the automatics in Karelia. I just noticed thier single shots in a sense. The automatics would shoot only once and then spends time relaoding. In the time spent to reload the rifle can shoot 3-4 times and the semi-automatic rifles even more. So is an automatic really even better then the rifles? Granted the automatic shoots 11 bullets at once, but how does that really work anyways?

Actually while I'm asking questions about weapons why the heck is the finn 45mm so god dang effective? I haven't been able to kill a single one with a t34/76. Just now agianst the computer at 500m I lost to that gun in 2 shots. The gun was in the open too.

Close Combat Series -> CC5 Karelia

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