vista and gamespy
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#1: vista and gamespy Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 3:42 pm
hi all,

i wonder if anyone managed to get into gamespy but get "there was an error trying to launch the game, check that the pathway is correct" when you try launching the game? (pathway is ok)
i suppose as vista is riddled with security barriers that somewhere gamespy is being halted when it tries to launch the game. i granted full access to this program, and firewall is off, but still no success, same fucking story. anyone knows how to tweak this?


#2:  Author: Pzt_MacLocation: Oregon PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 5:18 pm
Hey Red,

Yea, there is a problem with Vista and gamespy. GS has "been working on the problem" for months, but I wouldn't hold your breath.

There is a way to get to the CC5 room, but it's a round about sort of way.

Firstly, here are the two things you'll need:




Follow these instructions:

"For those who are unable to access lobbies and are on the Windows Vista platform, there is a work-around to getting lobbies to work. It is a bit tedious, but until gamespy releases a patch it's a quick fix.

It's a bit complicating, so I'll do my best to try and explain everything clearly.

The first thing you have to do is to click the game in your 'my games' list. If the service map is already downloaded, that's great news.

I'm going to be using C&C Renegade as the example in this tutorial.

You should see a list of game lobbies to join now, and clicking on them should fail. Instead, right-click on the lobby and hit COPY SHORTCUT. Open up notepad, and paste the link. You should see a file:/// protocall link. Look towards the end of the link to where it says OpenGroupRoom, and look for the number between these characters "%7C" xxx "%7C". So this link: OpenGroupRoom((01)Construction%20Yard%7C357%7C) would be 357.

Next, navigate to C:\Program Files\Gamespy Arcade\services\ and look for a folder that resembles your game. I see a folder called ccrenegade, that must be it!

Now, while gamespy is in the foreground, hit CTRL+O, and type in the following:

foldername:///?type=group&group=number where 'foldername' is the name of the game's folder in /services, and 'number' is the number of the lobby we found earlier. So for cnc renegade I would type in:


It would probably be a good idea to save the link, once you've figured it out."


#3:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:40 pm
Thumbs up for the advice mac, unfortunately it seems gamespy cant launch the game thru vista, ass sukin vista Evil or Very Mad

#4:  Author: Pzt_Kevin_dtnLocation: USA PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:43 pm
This guy came into CCV Lobby today and offered the following on Vista issue. Not sure if this is a new fix or the same as what Mac posted above.

<[HELP]Astinos> If you have "Windows Vista" You need to update your system to "Vista Service Pack 1" Then you can use this fix to be able to play your games and get in to the game lobbies.

#5:  Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:09 am
there is no service pack 1....yet

#6:  Author: RedScorpionLocation: Neverland PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:36 pm
I think there is a beta available, but I heard nothing but trouble with it so far, im keeping my fingers crossed the release will sort the problem out anyway. ill give it til summer or ill get a laptop with XP Wink

#7:  Author: Carnifex PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:57 am
[deleted by carnifex]

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