Iraqi's vs insurgents
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#1: Iraqi's vs insurgents Author: Pz_Meyer PostPosted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:58 pm
I didn't look into this all too much, but it was on the news and is a recent event in Iraq. I believe the battle was in Basra, maybe not.

But the real story was that at least 1000, Iraqi's loyal to the government deserted and the Iranian trained insurgents kicked the government soldiers' asses.

i don't doubt the us militaries ability to train and equip foreign troops, but the problem is what do you have to work with. all the footage of Iraqi soldiers shows the world what in appearance is 3rd rate civilains in uniform. how in the hell are these piss poor excuses of soldiers going to maintain a fledgling oil rich country. Iraq would be off better to higher mercenaries to fight for them than to rely on their own home grown army.

On the other hand, especially in a US election year, I believe the present adiminstration is bent on keeping US soldiers in Iraq regardless who gets elected this november. even if a democrat wins, and both candidates promise to withdraw from Iraq should they get elected, it's a crap lie and not possible. The bigger picture is even if it was possible for the US to leave Iraq, then Iran wins. that's not going to happen so easy for Iran and Washington knows it as long as America has a real reason to stay in Iraq.

If mccain wins, it's business as usual. either way the us is going to have to fight for Iraq

#2:  Author: AT_Stalky PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:25 pm
As Collin Powel said about start war II vs Iraq: "if you break it you will own it"
So, I supose it must be fixed before reddraw... but fix it how..

very Intresting reflections Meyer

#3:  Author: PolemarchosLocation: Polemarchopolis PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:19 pm
I recommend this paper to you meyer.

Cassidy, Robert M.: The Long Small War: Indigenous Forces for Counterinsurgency, in: Parameters US Army War College Quarterly 36:2, Summer 2006, p. 47-62.


have fun reading.

#4:  Author: Pz_Meyer PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:55 pm
I believe that the real reason to stay in Iraq is more on the lines of destabilisation of the mid east, a US backed democracy strategically placed right in the middle of the region. At the heart of the whole affair is oil-politics-economics and religion, and the influence of religion on the regions politics.

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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