Festung Demyansk!
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Close Combat Series -> Modding Workshop

#1: Festung Demyansk! Author: Panzergrenadier87Location: Birmingham, UK PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:09 am
"FESTUNG DEMYANSK! With the Germans turned back from Moscow in December 1941, it was effectively the first strategic reverse of the war. The consequences were dire for the Wehrmacht...

As sections of front held more strongly than others, the Germans were subjected to the phenomenon of encirclement, or "Kessel" (cauldron) battles. The previous summer they had so crushing encircled and destroyed Soviet armies at Kiev, Smolensk, Bryansk and Vyazma to name a few. Now, they were thrown onto the defensive.

In the Valdai Hills, the Soviet thrusts trapped a selection of units in the Demyansk pocket for two long months, the dark winter nights filled with massed Soviet infantry assaults against handfuls of grenadiers in frozen foxholes... the core of the resistance was the 3. Waffen SS Totenkopf Division, led by Theodor Eicke."

Well... the beginnings of a project maybe.

I am doing the research side of things for a potential CC5 Mod on the Demyansk Pocket (8 Feb-21 April 1942), and I'm hoping to find someone to team up with who can handle the technical, actual modding side of things...

I'm in the process of compiling unit rosters and BG lists, as well as looking for maps and designing theoretical strat map structure. I'm also looking for photographs and music to source.

Might anybody want to come in on this to make the research/documents/theory a CC5 reality?

The mod will hopefully illustrate the defence, as well as operation "Gangway" the relief attack by Generalvon Seydlitz-Kurzbach's 10th Army Corps, which was met by a breakout of the troops within the pocket. I am (pipe-dreaming, perhaps!) thinking of a few other Ostfront mod ideas, as well as some others... so if anybody wants to jump on board, who knows how many mods there might be...

Shocked Shocked Shocked

#2:  Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:27 am
hmmm.. that's about a 70 day campaign.

It is based on encirclement.

However owing to the very difficult wooded and swampy terrain, and heavy snow cover, the initial advance by the Front was very modest against stubborn opposition.

My first impression is that this is maybe what you are looking for as a base : http://www.wargamer.com/article/2557/close-combat-wacht-am-rhein-preview%C2%A0

It says:
up to 4 turns per day (to simulate extended timeline)
up to 64 maps ( to create usefull encirclements)
It's already wooded and snowy
Made with modders in mind

#3:  Author: Wastemoreland PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 5:16 am
I have a friend who happens to know alot about Freikorps Denmark that fought in Demjansk. He Could get you some pictures. I know a little myself from books about the danes who got their babtism of fire there. I think they made up roughly about 1000 men, and they had ONE 75 cm inf gun:). I think it would be awesome if this mod would be made. And they got their first mg-42 from a russian bunker that they had taken, and C F Von Schalburg died there... and.. and ..and

Close Combat Series -> Modding Workshop

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