Armor and Armor Penetration - finding some hard numbers
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Close Combat Series -> CC5 Gold, Juno, Sword

#1: Armor and Armor Penetration - finding some hard numbers Author: shah PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:20 am
Hey folks,

I know my history and I know my WWII hardware but I'm trying to get some idea of the numbers that go into the mechanics of the game especially on armor penetration with tanks.

So its clear that a units effectiveness at damaging a target is represented by the little AP/AT box in the middle bottom of the screen - the one with the ranges (2,4,8,16,32,64) on it.

It's also clear that effectiveness, as shown in that box, is affected by the units quality e.g. a veteran panther A is more lethal than an experienced panther A.

That said, is there a number that goes with those little green or yellow bars? If there are numbers somewhere, where are the ones for the armor and facing on tanks? I guess i want, for exmaple, to get a sense of how vulnerable my tanks are so I take appropriate decisions on how i move them - rush in head first or take the long but safe route. Or what kind of odds of damage can i expect if i take my Tigers head first into a nest of Fireflys.
I can always ballpark it but numbers and the mathematical modeling might be useful.

cheers all

PS I love this game, I was just playing with a pretty tough adversary. He slaughtered a platoon of my infantry (including a panzershrk team) in a vital location with his armor. Moved in his tanks onto the victory location. The last survivor, a leader from my command group salvages a panzershrek from his dead troops and picks off the tanks. It was the happiest loss i ever suffered - made my night. Alas, poor Schmidt didn't make it though. We'll send his medal to his next of kin.

Close Combat Series -> CC5 Gold, Juno, Sword

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