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#641: Re: Hitler article Author: Citrus PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:16 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Yes you did you liar. By your own admission different - not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality. Not meaning.

Mood and mental disorders are not the same thing.  Therefore, reading mood and diagnosing mental disorder are not the same thing.  And before you reiterate the fallacy that mood reading is part of diagnosis, independently it's different i.e. the part is not the whole.

Unless you can show where I stated reading mood and diagnosing mental disorders are the same, your accusation is just more obnoxious trolling.

#642: Re: Hitler article Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:59 pm
Mood and mental disorders are not the same thing.  Therefore, reading mood and diagnosing mental disorder are not the same thing.  And before you reiterate the fallacy that mood reading is part of diagnosis, independently it's different i.e. the part is not the whole.

Unless you can show where I stated reading mood and diagnosing mental disorders are the same, your accusation is just more obnoxious trolling.[/quote]

I have given you ample chance to post your evidence and you cant. This was your original statement - Fake news - There is no evidence British intelligence services regularly dropped psychiatrists into Berlin to make assessments of Hitler's mental state. Understand you meant they couldn't use the techniques to diagnose Hitler. However the word used in the article " insight " was the answer that you seem not to understand.

You are a fake / a fraud and a dim wit at best, a liar, a person with many disorders. How could you not understand what was being said in the article - very easy. What a boofhead you You suffer from little mans

#643: Re: Hitler article Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:02 am
Just post your Not your pathetic rants and excuses. We all know you cant as you are wrong.

Some would have said your type should have been placed in a sack at birth and thrown off a bridge into a river. Not me, I'm happy just for you to confirm that you haven't breed and that your diseased genes stop with you.

Your life would have been one let down after another. Your father wanted a son and your mother a daughter - that was the first sign of troubles. Dad left and your mother bought you up as her daughter. School was bad as the girls didn't like you. Last pick for every sports team, even the girls were picked before you. You took up swimming ( individual sport ) hoping to make a difference. Sadly, one element needed is the ability to float but you sunk like a brick ( why did your mother continue to force you into swimming in lakes and rivers). Mothers many old gentle friends take you camping where they were nice to you for want of a better description. You clearly failed school and left with very low educational levels. Least said about school the better for you.

You tried to join a service but due to bed wetting returned to mother who was ever increasingly becoming more possessive as she got older (  you know what i mean ). You and mother now live in a trailer home rented from a holiday park. You sometimes do part time caretaking and this allows you indulge in your fantasies. The last army you could join, didn't even want to know about you - the Salvation Army.

These issues have resulted in you becoming a pathological liar, narcissistic, anti social, several personality disorders - Citrus - lucid at times, Jose ( likes Hurricane Jose - full of wind and very little substance ) - a liar, a denier and all round doofus. The third personality has shown himself at times but wants to remain hidden ?

A loser in all aspects of life who can't accept responsibility or admit mistakes. A bed wetting mummies boys.

It help you need and I have been trying my hardest to help you as you see. Bringing out these conditions and talking about them as I have. Is a credit to myself even if I must say so. The next step - profession counselling. Or just a lock the door and throw the key off a very high cliff over a river your mother use to take you swimming at.

A far more in depth report could be posted if needed. Remember I'm here to

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#644: Re: Hitler article Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:35 pm
sod98 wrote (View Post):
Just post your Not your pathetic rants and excuses. We all know you cant as you are wrong.

Some would have said your type should have been placed in a sack at birth and thrown off a bridge into a river. Not me, I'm happy just for you to confirm that you haven't breed and that your diseased genes stop with you.

Your life would have been one let down after another. Your father wanted a son and your mother a daughter - that was the first sign of troubles. Dad left and your mother bought you up as her daughter. School was bad as the girls didn't like you. Last pick for every sports team, even the girls were picked before you. You took up swimming ( individual sport ) hoping to make a difference. Sadly, one element needed is the ability to float but you sunk like a brick ( why did your mother continue to force you into swimming in lakes and rivers). Mothers many old gentle friends take you camping where they were nice to you for want of a better description. You clearly failed school and left with very low educational levels. Least said about school the better for you.

You tried to join a service but due to bed wetting returned to mother who was ever increasingly becoming more possessive as she got older (  you know what i mean ). You and mother now live in a trailer home rented from a holiday park. You sometimes do part time caretaking and this allows you indulge in your fantasies. The last army you could join, didn't even want to know about you - the Salvation Army.

These issues have resulted in you becoming a pathological liar, narcissistic, anti social, several personality disorders - Citrus - lucid at times, Jose ( likes Hurricane Jose - full of wind and very little substance ) - a liar, a denier and all round doofus. The third personality has shown himself at times but wants to remain hidden ?

A loser in all aspects of life who can't accept responsibility or admit mistakes. A bed wetting mummies boys.

It help you need and I have been trying my hardest to help you as you see. Bringing out these conditions and talking about them as I have. Is a credit to myself even if I must say so. The next step - profession counselling. Or just a lock the door and throw the key off a very high cliff over a river your mother use to take you swimming at.

A far more in depth report could be posted if needed. Remember I'm here to

Your post is the very definition of a troll. Having you post in here really tells me what kind of person you are. It looks like you may have actually been exercising restraint in those locked topics. This post is one long ranting insult, not to mention basically every previous post. I won't remove you from this site but all further posts with insults will be moved here and you will not be able to reply. Debates are fine here, constructive criticism is fine and non Close Combat topics are fine.

#645: Re: All Blacks vs Argentine tonight Author: sod98 PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:43 pm
mooxe - Tell me God how many of your own posts recent have you train wrecked that should have

#646: Re: All Blacks vs Argentine tonight Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 8:59 pm
If you don't like that fact you can't rant and troll here without immunity, go to another site.

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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