Re-Jigging CC COI sounds.
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Cross of Iron

#1: Re-Jigging CC COI sounds. Author: jesuiteanother PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:59 am
Hi there.

First new post. Seems a great community.

I got COI through matrix a while back, (I just couldnt find a copy of original CC3 to get, so i thought id go for the re-issue). I used to have a copy of CC3 but it was played so much it was nerfed by my friend when i left it there after a fun lan one time... Sad

Now, im playing it atm, but i didnt realise theyve redone the sounds, and some of the explostion graphics in it. aswell as significant unit changes in the roster...

i would like to know whether there is a file out there that replaces these sounds with the original sounds. The original CC3 sounds were very 'clean', but now there is a mixture of old and 'new' sounds. The latter of which dont mesh with the sounds of the original, (re: 2cm cannon sound WTF?)

soldier screams have been changed aswell.

im a bit annoyed. i thought this was a re-issue, with updated compatabilty and menu systems etc... But its like an annoying half arsed botch job in the sound design department...and the unit roster has been changed significantly. Wtf is a cossack infantry squad? original CC3 was never locally specific to the geographies of individual squads. improvement? not in my opinion...

I ought to have saved my money. but oh well, i cant change it now. can help out? the sounds are a priority

#2:  Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 5:06 am
I don't think there are any new sounds in CoI

#3:  Author: jesuiteanother PostPosted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:10 am
schrecken wrote:
I don't think there are any new sounds in CoI

the 2cm sounds like its firing from another wool enclosed map
the 3.7cm has the old 2cm sound
the mg34 has a longer trail on the firing burst
the maxim sound has been changed
the german mortar load and firing sound are now the same b/w the 5cm and 8cm

cosmetic soldier incapaciation and death sounds have been toyed with. there are some new ones in there.

the unit roster changing significantly. 3.7mm automatic aa cannons in 1940 on the eastern front?

its like a mod sold as a seperate game. its not a re-issue if its a mod. no one 'official' said it was a re-issue however...

maybe i ought to have dug up the changelog somewhere, guess its my fault. thought it was a re-issue.

#4:  Author: RD_DeathDealerLocation: Bavaria, Germany PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 1:35 pm

If you are interested in better sounds for the stock COI game, I recently submitted a pair of plugins for a sound mod to be added to this site's download section. The sounds I use are from recordings of the actual weapons. I hope this will make the gaming experience better for you. Also, shoot me a PM if you are interested in having some games.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Cross of Iron

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