Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect?
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Close Combat Series -> CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel

#1: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect? Author: CC_CO PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:43 pm
I have started to play as Russian in a H2H GC.

It is now the third turn, on November the 19th -and i so far managed to cut off 5 of my opponents BGs. It has not been cheap to do it...heavy losses on my side.

Does anyone know if the normal BGs-CC5 rules applies in SKD? -like example a cut-off BG, being forced to disband, looses all its vehicles and 75% of its infantry?

I hope so, ohterwise i wont try hard to cutt off battlegroups in battles anymore? The price is too high.

We are playing with the LINE-setting.

#2: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: Ost_KinsK PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:26 pm
all group will back later

#3: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: CC_CO PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:54 am
Ok, thanks.

Bit sad though, it would really cripple each opponent if those forced-disbanded-rules were applied.

But, then again, the russians are really strong in this mod, even on LINE settings. Thus, although I as the Russian attacker, have suffered heavy losses during the 4 turns in day 1, consisting of the following losses:

    776 killed
    707 wounded
    28 Amour
    4 Vehicles
    12 Guns

- I still, here at the start of day two, recieve a solid reinforcement. As example, one of my BGs now got 8 rocket launchers, plus hvy morters on top.

#4: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: dgfredLocation: N.C., USA PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:58 pm
Any news on this GC... are y'all still playing?

#5: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: CC_CO PostPosted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 10:54 pm
Hi, just spotted this post, no we decided to pause the GC. Think we overplayed it? We played a lot of battles every week, and got to the part in the campaign where the southern offensive began to materialise, then we paused and stopped the GC.

As far as I recall - I as Russian lost really a lot of both men and tanks, but I did slowly begin to gain terrain. However in the end I think SDK has too much artillery. Fun play the time the GC lasted though.

#6: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: mooxe PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:40 am
If you disband a BG while cut off they only lose what was currently selected in the forcepool during that battle. Original CCV does the same thing. Its been so long with this bug, that the bug is in the manual, not the game if you know what I mean!

#7: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: CC_CO PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:25 pm
So cutting off CC5 BGs really doesn't matter in terms of loosing the non-present force-pool. Shame. All those troops I lost trying to benefit from cutting of enemy BGs. Ah well, I need to buy a newer CC game. Read somewhere that in LSA being cut off really does matter.

#8: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: mooxe PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:34 pm
Cutting off a BG does matter. They still lose ammo and fuel, and you control the roads. Cutting off BGs should be your primary goal in any battle in a campaign.

#9: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: CC_CO PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:12 pm
True. Still sad though, that the cut off consequences aren't higher in CC5.

Has this changed in LSA? Read somewhere that it has a greater impact in the newer version of CC2?

#10: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:40 pm
CC_CO wrote (View Post):
So cutting off CC5 BGs really doesn't matter in terms of loosing the non-present force-pool. Shame. All those troops I lost trying to benefit from cutting of enemy BGs. Ah well, I need to buy a newer CC game. Read somewhere that in LSA being cut off really does matter.

I too appreciate seeing more reward for the effort required to cut off an enemy Battle Group (BG).
The TLD mod "Ground Tactics 3.1" (Objective Caen campaign) takes advantage of possibilities available within CC's structure to add further consequences to a BG being cut off:

1. BG's do not recycle ... therefore if disbanded, the BG is completely lost. This was done mostly due to the lack of depth in the campaign's strategic map.

2. Retreat is enabled ... therefore a BG can be forced off a map (under certain conditions) and won't be able to move away from the map it arrived on until the next turn. The gives the pursuing BG a chance to track down the fleeing BG in order to force disbandment, but at a map deployment size disadvantage.
note: In order to use the Retreat feature ... "when force morale gets too low" needs to be activated (checked,in game)

3. BG's can not resupply (reinforce) when cut off.

4. Battle Groups included in this Campaign are now approximately Company sized, and have the ability to Reinforce ... this puts attrition at the forefront of daily strategic decisions. Since Company sized BG's have much smaller Force Pools, the effect of being cut off is more dramatic ... and deciding when to Reinforce BG's can play a pivotal role in the campaign's outcome.

#11: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: AT_Stalky PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 6:50 pm
CC_CO wrote (View Post):
So cutting off CC5 BGs really doesn't matter in terms of loosing the non-present force-pool. Shame. All those troops I lost trying to benefit from cutting of enemy BGs. Ah well, I need to buy a newer CC game. Read somewhere that in LSA being cut off really does matter.

One may argue that the penalty for a cut of BG should be most unpleasant. But if you’re playing Vs the AI, you may see it’s a handicap for the poor AI who needs all the help he can get.

If you’re playing H2H, the penalty of low ammo and standing still vehicles may force the enemy of the map and/or halt both his tactics as well as strategy. (Though low penalty’s in actual loss of units if kicked of.)  But in a H2H game this may be very very damaging for your opponents GC.

As you play H2H you may also set whatever rules with the opponent, so if you don’t want kicked of BGs out of supply to be used in action again that can be agreed upon.

#12: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: CC_CO PostPosted: Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:44 pm
I agree in your Ai and H2H arguments and tips Stalky. In regard to H2H we actually didn't make any such house-disbanding-rule. Cant remember, but just don't think we thought of it, or at least I know that I didn't.

Thanks for the info on TLD davidssfx. Well, what to buy then; LSA or TLD, or any of the others?


#13: Re: Battlegroups cut-off and forced to disband = what effect Author: chessmasterLocation: Antwerp and Ghent PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:48 am
interesting did not know::: will come in handy in my grand campgn against paratmar::

playing as german, kinda hard holding off all those russian, but what a great mod !!

Close Combat Series -> CC5 Stalingrad Der Kessel

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