CC3 Great War
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Close Combat Series -> Tech Support

#1: CC3 Great War Author: Silverpen PostPosted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:16 pm

Would appreciate help on installing this mod.After downloading some 450 meg of the mod the only extractable portion to install into the Plugin
is  6 meg! All the other key files like Battles Maps etc remain in separate folders.How does one setup the files within CC3 for the mod to run then?
By the way do you have an opinion on the realism of this WWI mod.

Thank you for your help.


#2: Re: CC3 Great War Author: Sapper_D PostPosted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:31 am

I don't think I can help you with the installing - I use Config Manager for swapping in and out my CC3 mods. This utility uses a .pln fle of the mod.

If the only has a variety of files and folders I would imagine these are placed in the appropriate folders in your Microsoft CC3 folder (overwriting the original files.)

Someone else may know what exactly you need to do with this zip file.

As to the 'reality' of this mod it does a pretty good job within the inherent limitations of trying to use a WW2 game engine to create a WW1 style game. For example the GW tanks are an abstraction of WW2 tanks. eg British MKI - V tanks dont have turrets but sponson mounted guns which cannot be accurately represented because the game data for tanks is based on hull and turret mounted weapons.

All I can say is give the mod a go and judge for yourself!

BTW I helped develop the CC3 GW mod (mainly graphics and maps) so I can't give a totally unbiased view...


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