Military adviser needed
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem

#1: Military adviser needed Author: jockthesock PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:38 pm
Most times when I try to get a MG Team in a building to engage, everyone can see except the MG gunner. Then I have to jocky the team around, so they then get spotted and mashed up as the buildings seam to be made of paper. This is the worsed version yet. I don't like the unavailable slots, and I don't like the points system which is why I never, ever play any versions of CC3. The night time isn't worth a shit, I get teams in a ditch being killed from 300m away. 6 turns a day!!! For those who havn't shot a weapon at night, it's not just that you can't see the target very well, you can't see your sights at all. And it was Normandy where the Paras were dropped all over the place in penny packets (night drop). At Arnhem they were dropped in the day in large groups, so why have we got all those stupid little half arsed groups running around huge maps. As for those elite troops running back at the first shot, seems to me that the people who did this game actually know nothing about the subject.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat Last Stand Arnhem

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