New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA
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#41: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: Edward75Location: Russia, St. Petersburg PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:05 am
To be able to host in GR and play in TLD, WaR and LSA + all their modes to the game is installed by default in directory C:\Matrix Games\Close Combat ...
I do not have so much free space on disc C. If I install game on disc D, then I can only connect to another player and can not install swapmod. How to solve this problem?

#42: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: Edward75Location: Russia, St. Petersburg PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:15 am
I played Metal Mod LSA in Hamachi (with Markus), then I tried to install The New ModSwap and Ground Tactics 1.6 plugin Installer, but I could not send us a message with error, then I went back to MetalMod in Hamachi, but failed to connect in the game due to some error message . Tried to remove game completely and reinstall again, but the problem persists. What's the problem?

#43: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:47 am
Edit your modswap.ini file to the correct paths you have your games installed to.

#44: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: 0202243 PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 5:56 pm
schrecken wrote (View Post):
I have just made a new version of AOVetBOB that is compaible with all versions of WaR.... irrespective of patch version installed.

Needs testing to see whether a 4.50.07b install can play H2h v 4.50.10b

i think it will work like a charm.

I have 4.50.07b and DambSquib has 4.50.10b and it works fine thus far.
Loading time for joining player was far shorter than when we tried out the game Schrecken   Razz

#45: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:50 pm
Loading time for joining player was far shorter than when we tried out the game Schrecken

i have had the same experience over the course of the last 2 days... ours was easily the slowest.

So, It looks like we're on a winner here now with mods playable with any patch installed and launchable from GR.... yeeehaaa!

#46: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:21 pm
OK...some interesting stuff.

The Stock WaR Buttons are 262 x 34

AOVetbob Buttons are smaller at 199 x 23

I'll try making a Vaet bob Screen with 262 x 34 pixel buttons and I'm willing to put money down that this will fix the auto launch into H@ problems.

david... can you look at the size of the buttons in GT please?


#47: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 9:34 pm
OK... with enlarged buttons (correct size)

I'll uplkoad a new DL and need testers.

AOVetBOB_GR Edition.jpg
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AOVetBOB_GR Edition.jpg

#48: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:32 pm

Didn't work...

#49: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 10:41 pm
schrecken wrote (View Post):

david... can you look at the size of the buttons in GT please?

Both TLD and GT use 262 x 34
when making the new main screen image and buttons ... I copied the exact size of images, and same locations of buttons on the main screen

#50: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:24 pm
I can get AOVetBoB to launch all the way if:

Splash screen
Main Screen
MP Screen are original stock WaR screens...

All other CCIMAges.pix files can be replaced....

Getting closer.

#51: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:38 am

If both players have this then it will launch all the way H2H... works with any WaR Patch

Only issue is a little GUI mis-match that does not effect gameplay

#52: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:39 am

AOVetBoB  and Ground tactics are effected by this GUI problem in Game Ranger......

Anyone have any suggestions?

#53: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:15 am
"Splash screen
Main Screen
MP Screen are original stock WaR screens...

All other CCIMAges.pix files can be replaced...."

It may be that all the images wouldn't work ... if they were used. I think that when the game loads to multiplayer in Game Ranger ... it follows the same TLD start sequence: splash, main, multiplayer.
If it needed any of those other images ... it probably wouldn't work either.

Game Ranger uses some sort of programming to get to the multiplayer screen without the player having to click through the main screen. And for some reason, Game Ranger isn't allowing that progression past any modded screen image ... even though the images are similar in seemingly all ways.

Maybe it's caused by some difference in programs used to edit images, or the way they are extracted and repacked.
I've used both mafi's tools and Gadgetmunger ... but still without resolving the problem.

Perhaps someone from Matrix could describe the procedure and programs they use when making and packing the CCImages file.

#54: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: davidssfx PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:52 am
I've asked mafi about this ... and this is one of the things he mentioned that I think would help figure this problem out.

" does the same problem occur when extracting and repacking the original CCImages file?"

This would determine if the problem is occurring with the extract/repack process
... can't check this out now ... off to work

#55: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:47 pm
I know when I got the last patch for WAR that FF's mod no longer ran.
The GameGadg files were being loaded on the Main Screen then it crashed.

Maybe an error from the GS unit and BG Unit slots were expanded.

I do not currently have that problem with my current attempt of converting VetBoB.

It is not a repacking issue.
The problem I believe lies in the help files not having the correct size/locations of the new button size's.
They work now because the size is the same right?
Thats because the help files were created with those coordinates.

30 194 287 226 "Click here to select a single player scenario." ""
30 240 287 270 "Click here to enter the Bootcamp tutorial." ""
30 284 287 313 "Click here to create your own scenario." ""
30 327 287 361 "Play with your friends over the Internet, Serial cable, or Modem" ""
496 549 592 570 "Set global game options" ""
602 550 698 570 "Exit the game" ""
0 0 800 600 "Main Screen" ""

Load up the screen in Photoshop and you'll see what I mean.

#56: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: 0202243 PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:18 pm
schrecken wrote (View Post):

If both players have this then it will launch all the way H2H... works with any WaR Patch

Only issue is a little GUI mis-match that does not effect gameplay

Is this the same link as you posted on page 3 of this topic?

#57: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: MafiLocation: Germany PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:09 pm
davidssfx wrote (View Post):
I've asked mafi about this ... and this is one of the things he mentioned that I think would help figure this problem out.

" does the same problem occur when extracting and repacking the original CCImages file?"

This would determine if the problem is occurring with the extract/repack process
... can't check this out now ... off to work

Hi there,

just checked the repacking result of RtBTool with original CCImages.pix:
- original TLD CCImages.pix contains 16-bit TARGA as expected,
- unpacking and repacking of this file results in an identical file (byte-by-byte).

So the problem is (from my humble point of view) not related to CCImages.pix. See platoon_michaels point: gadget size and location?

And another point you should not miss:
GDG-file modding changed a little bit since WaR/TLD/LSA: original CC4/CC5 had their GDG-entries always sorted alphabetically. WaR/TLD/LSA have their GDG-entries no longer sorted alphabetically (sorry), so the new RtBTool has the point "export with index-numbering" for GDG-editing. Check this radio button in RtBTool when editing WaR/TLD/LSA GDG-files, and you will be save. Actual BED9-tool functionality is also WaR/TLD/LSA-save in case of GDG-unpack & -repack.


#58: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:50 pm
They work now because the size is the same right?

After resizing the buttons it still doesn't work.. as posted above (see Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:32 am Post)

Is this the same link as you posted on page 3 of this topic?

Different link, GR extension in file name

Where do you get these co-ordinates?

30 194 287 226 "Click here to select a single player scenario." ""
30 240 287 270 "Click here to enter the Bootcamp tutorial." ""
30 284 287 313 "Click here to create your own scenario." ""
30 327 287 361 "Play with your friends over the Internet, Serial cable, or Modem" ""
496 549 592 570 "Set global game options" ""
602 550 698 570 "Exit the game" ""
0 0 800 600 "Main Screen" ""

#59: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: schreckenLocation: Sydney, Australia PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:57 pm

Even if just the splash screen is replaced it doesn't work and stalls at the Main Screen.

Unpacking a re-packing the original CCImages with Gadgetmunger still allows it to work fine.  (but I'll double check that today)

Original WaR was packed with GadgetMunger... I packed it.

#60: Re: New Version of MODSWAP for WaR - tLD - LSA Author: platoon_michaelLocation: Right behind you PostPosted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:56 pm
If you try and use the Boot Camp does nothing happen?
As if the button was removed?

I have edited both the splash screen and the Soldier screen and have had no problems.
of course I'm not using GR either.
Can someone tell me if I have the German Medals named properly and in order?  Embarassed

The help files are in the Data/Help folder,look for the mainhlp.txt file.

If the button for the Boot Camp doesn't work it is because they changed the help file.

It's also possible they used the RTBTool to relocate some items,you would have to load up the original Mod and compare.

@ Mafi,
If you update the RTBTool to the new WAR patch can I possibly get you to maybe add a few things to the screen patch option?

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