Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East
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#1: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: dj PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:52 am
First Iran almost got toppled.  Then Tunisia had overthrow, next Libya is in chaos with fighter jets defecting to Malta.  Just the propaganda value and popularity of having half white/half African American with Arabic name seems to help have some positive influence on U.S - Arab relations.  

Now Obama is talking to NATO partners about taking military action in Libya.  Only like 1 western journalist is in Libya right now but sounding very bloody with the uprising against the Dictator.

#2: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: mooxe PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:16 am
I think Libya will be the last one for now. The rest of the dictators have been preparing for weeks to stop anything from happening.

#3: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:34 pm
Jordan, Morocco, Bahrain, Yemen...who will be the next domino?  This has been a political wildcard.   Kadafi allegedly did the deal with the UK (on behalf ofBritish Petroleum?)  to grant lucratrive contracts in exchange for the release of the Lockerbie terrorist.  Some claim these uprisings are an organized effort by Islamic Extremists...particularly in Yeman.  I'm not so sure.  The people displayed in the protests appear to be dressed in western attire and are mostly young people.  
In my opinion, the influence of having perhaps the most popular American President ever has helped done more to under-mind radical Islam than any war ever could.

It's all about propaganda and winning hearts and minds...when waging unconventional war based on political/religious doctrine.  America "won" the Cold War by propaganda and politics.  It appears Obama's popularity in the Muslim world is paying huge dividends.

#4: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: kwenistonLocation: Netherlands PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:17 pm
I don't see the connection between Obama and this domino revolution at all. The Tunesian revolution started on itself, and then kick started all the others. Obama had nothing to do with it; the US even got their interests hurt, with the old Egypt regime being a stabilizing factor in the Middle-East, and with Libya sitting on a sh&tload of oil. LOL at Obama's supposed popularity in the M-E.

#5: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:10 am
Obama is the best salesman America could ever hope for to sell liberalism and democracy in the mid-east/n africa.  It underminds the radicals ability to recruit when the face of America is represented by someone with an arabic family name and the first African-American.  It doesn't do any service to U.S. interests to support a leader viewed as a puppet for our agenda and not reflective of a liberal Democracy.  We just tolerate dictators because we need the oil...ridiculous since Kadafi allegedly had some role in the Lockerbie Bombing...then 20 years later granted multi-billion $ oil contracts with UK and US companies.

#6: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:00 pm
The REAL reason why the U.S. , U.K. and France took action in Libya is to protect oil interests.  The U.S. and U.K. industrial interests have made multi-billion $ investments in trade with Libya, particularly after King W. Bush decided to lift sanctions against Colonel Kaddaffi.  

I would have preferred if the Arab League, especially Saudi Arabia took care of this on their own.  Futures speculators/ commoditiy brokers have been making a ton of $ hedging bets that the disruption to oil production in Libya will cause price of barrel of oil to skyrocket.  When in reality oil supplies are at highest levels in recent years - due to continued weak economic growth.  I hope at least this will stop the greedy vultures from exploiting this for financial gain.

As long as the U.S. , U.K. or France does not send in ground troops, I don't really see interference in Libya civil war to be a problem.  Just because a popular "peoples" rebellion against a contentious dictator suceeds, it does not mean the new govt will be friendly to Western interests ( i.e. - Iranian revolution ).
But let's not sugarcoat this as some great humanitarian effort to defend civilians.  It's all about protection for U.S. / European business interests and stabilizing the oil market.

#7: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: pagskier PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:20 pm
Thing is arab league don't want foreing intervention because the next one could be in there own...

But I hope we're going to beat that Kadaffi ass...
he's a real mother fucker.. the kind of guy that stabs you in the back...

#8: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: DAK_Legion PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:42 pm
when Libya becomes an annoying wasp will we make the big mistake.....finally get to be closer to osama!

Arabs with Arabs and kill each other


#9: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: BlackstumpLocation: Hunter Valley Australia PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:01 am
Hope the "volunteer" human sheild around M. Gadaffi's compound has their insurance paid up... have they ever seen a tomahawk missile strike ?

#10: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: BungarraLocation: Murchison region, West Australia PostPosted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:35 am
I somehow think the volounteer human sheild thats not vaporised has faded away

God maybe great but Mr Tomahawk makes no exceptions & takes no prisoners

#11: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: Andreus PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:33 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
But let's not sugarcoat this as some great humanitarian effort to defend civilians.  It's all about protection for U.S. / European business interests and stabilizing the oil market.

You know, I don't really care, as long as Tomahawks keep knocking at the Coronel's door...

#12: Re: Anarchy in North Africa and Mid-East Author: dj PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:17 pm
42 years as Libya's military dictator and Khadaffi is still only a Colonel? Why can't he promote himself since he answers to no one?  He must like the sound of Colonel.  I think Khadaffi is seriously delusional and high as a kite.  Like Hitler, I am willing to wager he is drugged-out of his mind.  Or maybe he truly is just delusional.  Either way he is a real son a bitch for the Lockerbie incident.  Which is why it is such an insult that King George Bush lifted sanctions - resulting in billlions of $ trade with terrorist war did the U.K. under pressure from BP.   It is all about the $$$ and oil...maybe coincidentally NATO is helping prevent slaughter of civilians, but that is not why they intervened.

Yemen is next to fold?  The leader is an American ally and already announced he will resign within one year but even that is not good enough.  Also hard to believe that mighty Syria under the family dynasty is also on the brink.  

This is truly an Anarchist's delight.

Close Combat Series -> The Mess

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