Wall Street under occupation
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#1: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:03 am
I do not profess to be an anarchist or revolutionary type.  However I must admit to being very inspired by this largely unreported movement for the past 12 days of a group of American citizens that are literally occupying the Wall Street district of NY. "The Resistance Continues": 


Note the NY Police Dept brutally attacked peaceful demonstrators that were just standing, not a threat to anyone.  One high ranking officer pulled-out his heavy-duty Pepper canister and assaulted a group of women without any warning or provocation.

"...Late last night we found out which white collar officer had maced our innocent protesters. We did not release this information as we had not yet come to a consensus on how to approach the situation. Earlier today we discovered that this information had already been released.

Yesterday, an NYPD spokesperson implied that we had edited the video to remove incriminating actions on the part of our peaceful protesters. Here are a few different angles and cuts of the event that we had not previously released..."

#2: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:30 am
V for Vendetta of course amongst the crowd

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#3: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:37 am
Actually this is an international movement...spanning major cities across the world:

"...We hope to provide people with information about events that are organizing, ongoing, and building across the (world) as we, the 99%, take action against the greed and corruption of the (top)1%."


Even the Rightie Ron Paul supporters could not resist the temptation to join in solidarity.

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#4: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:35 am
Correction...Occupy Wall Street Day 14 has finally been shown on CNN and MSNBC.  Mostly due to the investigation about Police misconduct and one high-ranking NYPD officer has been placed on suspension for unprovoked Pepper Spray attack.  The NYPD also bashed a cameraman and slammed him into a parked car head-first.  

Get Money Out - No to the 1%

It's Time to GET MONEY OUT of politics
Bailouts. War. Unemployment. Our government is bought, and we’re angry. Now, we’re turning our anger into positive action. By signing this petition, you are joining our campaign to get money out of politics. Our politicians won’t do this. But we will. We will become an unrelenting, organized wave advocating a Constitutional amendment to get money out of politics.

...From our Washington Insider, Jimmy Williams, here is our Constitutional Amendment:
"No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."

#5: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: MajorFrank PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 4:49 am
Yea I've seen some footage...Police macing these women...small women...doesn't look good for the cameras.

#6: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:29 pm
MajorFrank wrote (View Post):
Yea I've seen some footage...Police macing these women...small women...doesn't look good for the cameras.

Well it was no coincidence - that the NYPD hunted down video cameraman and slammed him head first into car.  Police thugs are always worried about getting caught on camera.  They finally got caught for beating a mentally ill man to death in California and bashed his nose into his brain AND broke his skull...the X-rays did not lie.  Only AFTER they got video footage to press, public protests at the local City Hall and intense media coverage...did they finally put 2 of these thugs on trial.   Not to say all Police are thugs - many of the NYPD have come out to announce their support for the protestors in solidarity.

Interesting perspective from the UK Guardian:

“...We might do well to consider the collapse of the European colonial empires. It certainly did not lead to the rich successfully grabbing all the cookies, but to the creation of the modern welfare state. We don’t know precisely what will come out of this round. But if the occupiers finally manage to break the 30-year stranglehold that has been placed on the human imagination, as in those first weeks after September 2008, everything will once again be on the table – and the occupiers of Wall Street and other cities around the US will have done us the greatest favour anyone possibly can.”

#7: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: MajorFrank PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:15 am
People like Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are now giving support to these protesters.

Interesting how this will effect the presidential race, or will this evolve into a whole movement.

#8: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: kwenistonLocation: Netherlands PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:44 pm
I always laugh when a US president lauds "This great Democracy", lol. It's flawed on all sides.
And the American Dream is for everybody, but only if you've got a rich daddy.

Hope the protesters remain peaceful and get some results somehow. And I would love for those bankers, not only in Wall St. but all those frauds all over the world, to take a big fall.

#9: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 3:51 am
kweniston wrote (View Post):
I always laugh when a US president lauds "This great Democracy", lol. It's flawed on all sides.
And the American Dream is for everybody, but only if you've got a rich daddy.

Hope the protesters remain peaceful and get some results somehow. And I would love for those bankers, not only in Wall St. but all those frauds all over the world, to take a big fall.

Wow I underestimated the power this movement seems to be building momentum.  Even here in my own home town in the suburbs...I saw a Protestor in V for Vendetta mask stating Occupy this town...attracting a ton of attention on busy road.  

The Achilles Heel of "Democracy" is the influence of $ and the corruption of power.  It seems the world governments are dominated by the top 1% of the population.  In America, the top 1% owns 70% of the assets.  Democracy is controlled by the special interests, the Rich and well-connected.  Now they can even have unlimited financial contributions from anonymous donors...even if it a foreign-based corporation seeking to manipulate our policies.  

I have been waiting for this day.  Where they can stop being so divided over meaningless culture/religious/ideological camps...and start to unite as one to protect the 99% of people from the corrupt greedy bastards that have bought our Democracies.

#10: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: papa_whisky PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:26 pm
The $ (or whatever currency), power etc is the weakness of any system. I rate myself as definitely a capitalist. I believe in the free market as an efficient means of provide optimum solutions with the following provisos:

1. Needs to be transparent.
2. Society should be mobile in both directions.
3. Supported by a functional democratic system, with the corner stone being free speech but all the other checks and balances need to be there too.
4. Imperfections in market need to be aggressively solved when they become apparent.
5. That people making a profit, salary, bonuses etc, must be held to account so when they fail they also suffer such that they are at least as risk averse as the peoples funds they are managing.

I have been a critic of the financial sector for 20 years, having previously worked in it. They have been operating with a licence to print money without proper oversight or fulfilling their fiduciary obligations. They need protesting against. Glad people are out there doing it, I would willing join if it wasn't for the fact that I am just to busy trying to get by.

#11: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: kawasakyLocation: Zagreb, Hrvatska PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 6:30 pm
As a communist I am always down with the Revolution  Twisted Evil

Nice rant:

#12: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: MajorFrank PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:39 pm
papa whisky,

yea it's interesting how it seems like there are quite a few unlikely people among and supporting these protesters, people who have worked in the Wall Street etc. It seems like a pretty wide movement.

#13: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: chessmasterLocation: Antwerp and Ghent PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:11 am
great post dj ;)

so after the arabian spring we now have the american fall Wink

#14: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:49 pm


#15: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 5:15 pm
kawasaky wrote (View Post):
As a communist I am always down with the Revolution  Twisted Evil

Nice rant:

Well there are in fact political ideologues that have exploited this situation for maximum gain.  Some anarchists, communists and the Ron Paul kill the Fed right-wing crowd are out in force.  For the most part, our Democracy has been hi-jacked or purchased for decades by the Big $ Robber Barons that only care about their special interest, industry or personal financial gain by manipulating laws / policy.  Most people simply don't get that simple fact and just blame a President past or current or the Federal Reserve which doesn't even make laws...maybe they are so completely brainwashed/uneducated they will just never get it.

The notion of "99%" I thought...was intended to UNITE various political spectrums to consolidate enough power to oppose these powerful groups that have purchased our elected officials from both our 2 parties for decades.  But instead the media likes to make everything dumbed-down for simpletons and they try to label Occupy Wall Street as "leftist" or "Un-American".  Our Civil Rights/Liberties are being suppressed.  The Police funnel everyone on the bridge to trap them and arrest them.   Then they forbid anyone from using mega-phones or microphones under threat of arrest.  Even a Nobel Peace Prize winner Economist was forbidden from speech with microphone.  He said he could do that in Spain or other countries...but not allowed to do so even in his own country?

#16: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: kawasakyLocation: Zagreb, Hrvatska PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:05 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
kawasaky wrote (View Post):
As a communist I am always down with the Revolution  Twisted Evil

Nice rant:

Well there are in fact political ideologues that have exploited this situation for maximum gain.  Some anarchists, communists and the Ron Paul kill the Fed right-wing crowd are out in force.  For the most part, our Democracy has been hi-jacked or purchased for decades by the Big $ Robber Barons that only care about their special interest, industry or personal financial gain by manipulating laws / policy.  Most people simply don't get that simple fact and just blame a President past or current or the Federal Reserve which doesn't even make laws...maybe they are so completely brainwashed/uneducated they will just never get it.

The notion of "99%" I thought...was intended to UNITE various political spectrums to consolidate enough power to oppose these powerful groups that have purchased our elected officials from both our 2 parties for decades.  But instead the media likes to make everything dumbed-down for simpletons and they try to label Occupy Wall Street as "leftist" or "Un-American".  Our Civil Rights/Liberties are being suppressed.  The Police funnel everyone on the bridge to trap them and arrest them.   Then they forbid anyone from using mega-phones or microphones under threat of arrest.  Even a Nobel Peace Prize winner Economist was forbidden from speech with microphone.  He said he could do that in Spain or other countries...but not allowed to do so even in his own country?

I ain't in the mood for serious debating lately, but only to add that democracy is dead for a long time now and only the illusion of it still exists. Surely no institution per se is guilty, the people are because they let it happen. From everything I've read and learn about democracy and freedom the moment people say "we are free" or "we have a democracy" that freedom and/or democracy starts to dissipate and soon enough it is lost. It seems to me that the westerners have been tapping themselves on their shoulders and saying how free and democratic they are too long...
Will get back when in mood for that kinda discussion.

Superb song Wruff. Was just listening to that album this morning Smile Me likes synchronicity.

#17: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 4:10 am
Yeah political debate is usually a futile exercise.  I was hoping this would finally be the time people can unite and set aside their ideologies to confront the Robber Barons.  First the Republicans criticized the protestors as "Mobs" and "Anti-American".  Now all of sudden they flip-flop and say they understand them. Politicians are getting scared of being thumped in the next election.

World Governments for the past several centuries...have existed to support economic growth of their lands via mercantilism, trade, extraction of precious commodities, and drive revenue for the good of the land.  America was no different.  However America was built by a thriving middle class with the hope and promise that anyone can make it with hard work.  Now the Big $ lobbyists have taken-over and have been calling the shots for decades.  People are finally beginning to wake-up and get it.  

#18: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:12 pm
dj wrote (View Post):
Correction...Occupy Wall Street Day 14 has finally been shown on CNN and MSNBC. "

Anything shown on MSNBC (or NBC) should be taken with 10lbs of salt. Please remember this place took over 1 week to even bother reporting Solyndra, is still in denial over the present government allowing gunrunning.

Bias, bias, bias is the key there.


Should probably add that there is really no such thing as non biased news any longer.. It died with Walter Cronkite..Paul Harvey...

#19: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: dj PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:33 am
Indeed every "News" Corporation or corporate-owned media network has their own agenda.  The owner as in the case of Rupert Murdoch or otherwise serving the interests of shareholders - driving revenue from advertisers based on ratings. Walter Cronkite was the first newscaster to openly confront war policy and question the government's agenda.  He alone caused Lyndon Johnson to resign and not seek re-election.  Whereas years later every major media network was complicit in trumping-up the case for Iraq. Nobody hardly bothered to question it.

Solyndra and guns are distractions the right-wing is hyping-up.  Solar Energy is still in its infancy...the technology is still very primitive.  It is very risky to establish the R & D $ and make sustainable profits.  The long-term benefits outweigh the risks.  We need a better way to do renewable energy R & D before oil doubles in price due to surge in demand from emerging nations China and India.  The consumer gets screwed by monopolistic domination of Big Oil without any viable competition.  When oil doubles in price, unemployment doubles, millions of jobs get cut and replaced in overseas sweatshops while apartment rents /cost of living skyrocket...it will reach a breaking point.

Democracy has been hi-jacked for decades by the Big $ Robber Barons that only care about their special interest, industry or personal financial gain by manipulating laws / policy.  Unless we have real campaign contribution reform, nothing will change both parties are complicit in selling-out.

#20: Re: Wall Street under occupation Author: johnsilverLocation: Florida PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:26 am
Indeed and agree with an awful lot of what you say there.

Cronkite was "The Man" and got away with a lot during his tenure as an anchor, war time correspondent, etc.. Possibly why he was more or less immune later on when he dug deeper and deeper into some of the things you mentioned.

To get another anchor like him.. Just *1* I believe at least in the USA would almost instantly vault that particular network to #1 for years, rather than what we have been forced to see, agenda after agenda pretty much since his retirement.

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