Grand Campaign strategy tips?
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

#1: Grand Campaign strategy tips? Author: docshiz PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:46 pm
So after a long hiatus I'm getting back into the Close Combat games, and remembering just how awesome they are. All of my previous experience has been in playing individual battles, so to mix things up I decided to try diving into the Grand Campaign.

I quickly realized I didn't know what I was doing.

I, for the most part, understand what I'm looking at; battle groups, supply depots, keeping roads open, one move in the morning, one in the afternoon etc. But the strategy of how to plan my attack through the Cotentin peninsula is eluding me, and I haven't found much help searching.

I came across the PZT tactical guide, which is great for battlefield level tactics (even though it's for GJS and I'm playing vanilla), is there something similar for campaign level strategy? The best I've found is using AARs and trying to copy their moves

My real issues have just been getting through the first few days, I'm playing as the Americans, and even though I'm beating up on the axis (AI, practicing against them before moving to H2H), I can't get out of my starting positions, so the first few days I end up fighting in the same areas over and over. If anyone has some tips on how to plan my attack, or even just some general suggestions on how to approach the campaigns, it'd be really helpful. Even just a timeline on where I should expect to be when, because part of this may be my expecting to move too quickly (I like the worse/better than your historical counterparts, now if I just knew why it was worse??).


PS - What's the usual plan of expansion for American forces? South, then West, then North, or kind of a radial expansion in all directions?

#2: Re: Grand Campaign strategy tips? Author: docshiz PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 8:10 pm
One last addition (I promise!)

My current Campaign settings are:


Always See Enemy; Never Act on Initiative; Always Have Full Enemy Info; and Always Obey Orders = ALL UNCHECKED

Battle Ends-

When Force Morale Gets Too Low; When Time Expires in 15 Minutes; After Taking All Victory Locations; Two Minute Warning = ALL CHECKED

This was really based on the manual and some reading online, are these the best settings to use (against the AI)?

#3: Re: Grand Campaign strategy tips? Author: Heimdude PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:57 pm
In regards to strategy against AI, i use a simple formula: Defense then counter attack. It's easy to figure out where AI will go. He'll go after the closest VL and if that attack fails (usually after 2-4 units have attempted), he'll refocus on another VL. During that time, he'll use up his mortar fire against your defensive positions with very little effect. When it's your turn to attack, and hence be stuck in the open, his mortar fire will have been spent.

Use your MGs for defense and then as covering fire for your attack. Then move them up to repeat. Same goes for your armor. Concentrate on one objective at a time and Attacking/Firing form multiple directions will make it easy to capture it.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

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