New gameversion mods
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Close Combat Series -> Tech Support

#1: New gameversion mods Author: DizLoony PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 12:04 am
Ive been looking around the forum and attempting myself for a while now, but no luck.

I cant get a mod to work with a re-made game. I know and am able to make mods work with the
original games. Ive bought CC2: Last stand Arnhem and CC4: Wacht am Rhein a while back, but
cant seem to get a mod on it to work.

The mod I spend most time trying to work is the CC4: WAR mod from Nomada_Firefox.
(Extra content always nice) I read the readme, but maybe I'm just not bright enough
to understand any of it, for whatever I tried, its not working.  I have the CCwarmodinstaller
(tried with and without), but despite people claiming it to be such a helpfull and easy programme,
I cant figure out how to use it properly.

I would appreciate a step-by-step link or explination if someone feels up for it.

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