Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod
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Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

#1: Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod Author: DassKrieg PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 10:39 pm
Hi everyone,

I'm currently playing a campaign of CC5 Stalingrad with a friend, and we have a little concern about the game.

I'm playing the german and I have a lot of tanks, and my friend is just starting to be pissed off about the fact that he can't do nothing against my tanks.

He is using canons, and also AT rifles, but it seems that it's just not enough or too weak against my 5 or 6 STUG.

My question is : How do you manage to fight with infantry against tanks ? Can they do something or it's just impossible to kill a tank with infantry with no AT rifles (who are very unefective btw)... ?

I mean, if he has only 2 canons and 1 At rifles and I have 5 STUG, does he have any chance ?

Thanks for your help.

#2: Re: Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod Author: mooxe PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 11:29 pm
You really need to cut him off from supply.

#3: Re: Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod Author: DassKrieg PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:42 am
How can he manage to cut my supplies ?

I only know that once one of his T34 hasn't any fuel, and this battle was savegame glitch were I started on the other side of the map (his initial side).

I really don't know how works supplies in this game, I'll try to find some infos.

Thanks for your answer.

#4: Re: Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 4:26 am
DassKrieg wrote (View Post):
How can he manage to cut my supplies ?

I only know that once one of his T34 hasn't any fuel, and this battle was savegame glitch were I started on the other side of the map (his initial side).

I really don't know how works supplies in this game, I'll try to find some infos.

Thanks for your answer.

He can cut off your supply on that map by capturing the exit vl which leads to your supply depot. Also by getting behind the map with another bg and occupying the path from which your supply feeds that map, or better yet by capturing/occupying the supply depot itself.

Download this CC players guide and pass it on to your friend. It's got tons of awesome info, including infantry vs tank tactics. It's focus is on GJS, but is applicable to all the CC5 games. Very useful.

#5: Re: Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod Author: mooxe PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:11 pm
Another source...
6. Supply & Reinforcements, Road Network, Weather and Support

Supply & Reinforcements

Major Supply Depots (three barrel) provide reinforcements as well as supply to any Battlegroup connected by the road networks. Battlegroups not connected to a major supply depot will not be able to reinforce.
Supply will not travel through any contested map.
Minor Supply Depots (single barrel) provide ammunition and fuel only to the map it is located on. Captured single barrel supply depots only supply fuel to the unit occupying the map. Single Barrels do not work in some mods. Do not include these depots as objectives while playing mods without checking first to see if they are operational.
Road Network

Controlling the road network is the fastest way to complete victory. Battlegroups that have more maneuverability have a number of advantages to them. They can retreat to a map of their choice, they can encircle the enemy, have the ability to cut off supply routes and overall, whoever can move to more maps controls the battlefield. Your objectives should be more focused on the roads rather than the high point Victory Locations.

#6: Re: Infantry VS tank / Stalingrad mod Author: Pzt_WruffLocation: Pzt Befehl Hauptsitz PostPosted: Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:58 pm
mooxe wrote (View Post):
Road Network
Controlling the road network is the fastest way to complete victory. Battlegroups that have more maneuverability have a number of advantages to them.

Ain't that the truth.

Close Combat Series -> Close Combat 5: Invasion Normandy

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