Nijmegen Sector2i82nd Airborne around Nijmegen vs Allied AI¨µ2Nijmegen Sector - 1500 17 September 1944 to 0600 24 September 1944 The US 82nd Airborne Division is spread thin, with multiple objectives over a large area. The Division must seize the Groesbeek heights to protect the corridor from an expected German counter-attack from the east. It must also seize bridges over the three major water obstacles in this sector -- the Maas river (at Grave or Ravenstein), the Maas-Waal canal, and the Waal river bridge at Nijmegen. The second lift (bringing in artillery and anti-tank units) is scheduled for 1300 hours on September 18. XXX Corps, delayed by German resistance and a blown bridge at Son, will arrive early on September 19. Rhine bridges at Arnhem and hold until relieved. At Nijmegen, the US 82nd Airborne is to seize the commanding ground of the Groesbeek Heights, the Grave bridge over the Maas, the Maas-Waal canal bridges, and the Waal river bride at Nijmegen. Intelligence believes the primary enemy threat in this area will come from the direction of the German border, southeast of Nijmegen. North of Eindhoven, the US 101st Airborne must seize the bridges at Son, St. Oedenrode, and Veghel, and then link up with XXX Corps in Eindhoven. The two British Corps on either side of the corridor are expected to push north and secure the flanks of the breakthrough, but should they fail to keep pace the 101st must be prepared to do the job. XXX Corps must drive north as quickly as possible, and link up with each airborne division in turn. The Guards Armoured Division will lead the way, followed by the 43rd Wessex Division. The 50th Northumbrian Division will follow and help protect the flanks of the advance. The schedule calls for XXX Corps to reach Arnhem in two to four days.Nijmegen Sector - 1500 17 September 1944 to 0600 24 September 1944 Despite the surprise of the enemy airborne landings, Army Group B has quickly devised a plan to defeat the Allied offensive. Our main effort will be made in the Nijmegen sector. Scratch kampfgruppen will be organized from the training and replacement troops which are already manning the German border east of Nijmegen. These units, reinforced by the II. Fallschrimjaeger Korps, will attack to the west. The 10.SS Panzer Division will move to Nijmegen and meet the enemy head on, blocking any further movement to the north.long its flanks. Korps Feldt, formed from rear area training and replacement units stationed just across the border in Germany, must attack the Allied landings near Nijmegen from the east. II. Fallschrimjaeger Korps, or what is left of it after the retreat from France, has been ordered to reinforce this attack. The II.SS Panzer Korps, refitting near Arnhem, will commit the remnants of the 9.SS Panzer division to defend Arnhem itself, while sending the 10.SS Panzer Division's forces to Nijmegen, where they will halt the Allied advance south of the Waal. Kampfgruppe von Tettau, formed from rear-area units and other ad-hoc forces guarding the Dutch coast, will attack from the west towards Arnhem. Together, II.SS Panzer Korps and KG von Tettau will encircle and destroy the Allied airborne troops landing near Arnhem.Tettau, formed from rear-area units and other ad-hoc forces guarding the Dutch coast, will attack from the west, north of the Rhine, towards Arnhem. Working with the II.SS Panzer Korps, KG Von Tettau is to encircle and destroy the Allied airborne troops landing near, north of the Rhine, towards Arnhem. Working with the II.SS Panzer Korps, KG Von Tettau is to encircle and destroy the Allied airborne troops landing near Arnhem. çÿÿÿÿ ÿ ÿkn ÿ (ÿ  ÿþ ÿþ ÿþ ÿþÿ %çÿ&ÿ'ÿn(ÿ)ÿ*ÿ.% ÿþkn0%ÿþ=ÿþ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿ!ÿ"ÿ#ÿ$ÿ%&ÿ:?ÿÿ/