Arnhem ReliefhtsThe Battle West of Arnhemldte King¨µ2Arnhem Relief - 0600 18 September 1944 to 1800 19 September 1944 Only a single parachute battalion (2 Para) managed to slip through the Arnhem bridge on September 17th. Now the Germans have closed in behind them and bar the way into the city. The rest of 1st Parachute Brigade must attack and break through to the bridge, or the whole 1st Airborne plan is endangered. 4th Parachute Brigade will be landing in the second lift late on the 18th, and will join the attack to your north, with the objective of securing the high ground north of Arnhem. Other reinforcements will be dispatched to you as they become available. Arnhem Relief - 0600 18 September 1944 to 1800 19 September 1944 A few British paratroops have managed to win through to the Arnhem bridge, but now the 9.SS Panzer troops have arrived in force, and we have cut them off from the rest of their division. Bar the way into the city and buy time for reinforcements to arrive. Then counter-attack and drive them back!  3çÿ8 ÿ7 ÿ7 ÿ23çÿÿ39ÿÿ48ÿ69 ÿ3789ÿ