19990326 1 9 to Aalst 50 4 18 0 to Best Bridge 50 1 0 2 to Son 50 7 0 3 from Nederwetten 50 13 5 -4 Runstraat 100 8 16 -1 Woenselsestraat 100 3 5 -1 Frankrijkstraat 100 4 12 -1 Kloosterdreef 100 9 9 -1 S. Kloosterdreef 100 12 14 -1 Eindoven Eindhoven is our first chance to link up our ground and airborne forces. The plan calls for a double-sided assault on the city -- the US 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment is to move from the north, while the British Guards Armoured Division will attack from the south. After Eindhoven, the bulk of XXX Corps must race northward and over the Son bridge. The streets of Eindhoven may give us an opportunity to delay the Allied advance, despite the weak local forces available. Take advantage of the many buildings to ambush enemy tanks, and buy as much time as you can.