19990326 60 9 from Deelen 50 23 5 -4 to Johanna Hoeve 50 6 23 56 to Ginkel Heath 50 0 9 59 Farm House 200 13 10 -1 De Hoge Veluwe 100 16 2 -1 Side Road 100 8 3 -1 Koningsweg 100 11 16 -1 to Arnhem Heights 50 15 23 57 to Valkenhuizen 50 23 22 62 Papndals Papendalsche is outside the area of operations envisioned in our immediate planning. Certainly it would be a gamble to push elements of British 1st Airborne this far out from their objective at Arnhem. But once XXX Corps links up and crosses the lower Rhine, you will have the strength strike out from the airborne perimeter and clear the surrounding area. The Papendalsche area can give us room to maneuver around the British airborne forces, encircling them prior to closing the noose. If strong Allied ground forces arrive and link up with their paratroops, our scratch battle groups will be all that stands between the British and the North German plain. If the worst does come to pass, you must fight here to the last!