# Strategic Map structure and layout information. Consolidated into one file for consistency. # # Number of maps (max 64) followed by map names (replaces index.mpi) # Map names are limited to 8 characters. 64 Valknwrd Eindoven Best Son WOoster VeghelN DZC Boxtel StOdenrd Gemert Schindel Veghel Dinther Uden RenkumLZ GraveBdg Overaslt HeumnBdg Mook Grafwgen Bridge8 HghtsSth Grosbeek Tersdijk Bridge9 NijmegnX HghtsNth WylerLZT HnghtBdg Beek Nijmegen NimgnBdg Weurt WaalNrth Lent Bemmel Dornburg Panerden Hill75 Elst Huissen KoeLoc DrielDZK Elden Westrvrt DrelNrth ArnRlBdg ArnRdBdg Heelsum Hevadorp OstrbekS ArnWest ArnNorth RenkHeth Wolfroad OstrbekN JoanHove WrnbnDZL Valburg GkHthDZY Papndals Besttown Vlknhuzn Elstapp # Map Center on the Strategic Map Screen - controls where special gadgets appear on the map tile. # x = center_x - 86 + special gadget offset_x (see below). y = center_y - 44 + special offset_y. 475,2407 460,2294 236,2226 534,2123 1069,354 626,1792 322,2037 184,1992 379,1953 815,1967 229,1753 596,1875 375,1613 789,1624 884,256 893,1344 1105,1316 1280,1328 1451,1434 1581,1373 1260,1262 1435,1280 1642,1267 1030,1179 1180,1187 1315,1178 1475,1175 1669,1189 1173,1087 1476,1102 1337,1098 1364,985 1101,973 1233,942 1361,905 1497,860 1643,828 1778,747 1632,1113 1258,745 1483,682 555,1939 1219,610 1354,555 1594,385 1156,482 1269,415 1401,418 868,420 1078,413 1155,358 1288,337 1415,311 692,251 996,342 1126,273 1106,198 1284,210 1078,771 790,92 1140,90 173,2113 1494,158 1272,857 # Map area tile coordinates (x,y) and tile size (w, h) on the Strategic Map Screen. 290,2343,333,119 243,2218,382,125 73,2076,271,203 344,1999,310,222 1014,264,75,102 442,1659,245,222 198,1978,268,118 33,1785,220,276 253,1811,296,249 571,1773,429,421 31,1620,413,223 423,1732,250,227 107,1486,433,246 540,1483,445,323 775,152,213,214 731,1195,308,291 1027,1251,172,122 1182,1284,157,78 1328,1361,216,125 1341,1303,350,191 1151,1208,158,76 1339,1221,135,141 1474,1207,246,96 890,995,195,256 1085,1113,143,138 1228,1119,164,165 1362,1119,155,102 1517,1137,205,70 963,994,258,119 1383,1035,114,85 1221,1023,162,96 1221,886,209,149 963,870,258,176 1164,881,88,80 1252,866,178,90 1325,777,294,186 1465,743,270,151 1528,537,347,372 1497,1044,225,93 1120,654,206,142 1325,509,297,268 408,1779,252,252 1063,458,193,196 1256,428,205,227 1440,198,265,366 1048,413,157,106 1154,353,151,110 1298,337,171,134 647,366,402,128 979,366,144,100 1088,298,103,121 1191,279,137,82 1328,260,141,84 557,152,218,214 892,243,122,123 1014,230,178,69 970,152,222,126 1192,152,154,127 980,680,142,189 554,5,417,147 971,22,342,130 55,2061,202,90 1312,37,359,258 1051,796,275,112 # Number of connections / arrows (max 256). # Each connection is given as 'Start map','End map' and applies both ways. 131 0,1 1,2 1,3 2,3 61,6 61,7 10,41 3,6 3,8 41,11 6,7 6,8 7,8 7,10 8,10 8,41 9,11 9,13 10,11 63,39 5,12 5,13 13,15 15,16 15,23 16,17 16,20 16,24 17,18 17,20 17,21 17,25 18,19 19,21 19,22 20,24 20,25 21,22 21,25 21,26 22,26 22,27 23,24 23,28 24,25 24,28 24,30 25,26 25,29 25,30 26,27 26,29 38,29 28,30 28,32 29,30 27,38 30,31 30,32 31,32 31,34 2,6 32,33 33,63 63,35 34,63 4,55 35,36 35,39 35,40 36,37 36,40 37,44 49,45 39,40 39,42 39,43 40,43 12,13 26,38 42,43 42,45 42,46 43,46 43,47 44,47 57,60 45,46 50,4 46,50 46,51 47,51 47,52 58,39 48,49 48,53 48,54 49,50 49,4 50,51 4,54 50,55 51,52 51,55 51,57 52,57 52,44 52,62 14,54 53,59 14,56 54,55 54,56 55,56 55,57 56,57 33,34 56,60 48,14 57,62 62,60 59,60 53,14 33,31 14,59 61,2 11,5 5,9 63,58 9,3 44,62 # Coordinates (x,y,width,height) on the strat map screen for each arrow gadget 390,2307,154,93 204,2149,195,166 408,2154,118,111 270,2102,156,109 180,2029,134,92 80,1958,134,185 320,1777,167,105 327,2031,140,97 421,1939,152,204 469,1802,119,189 184,1913,116,135 281,1935,161,108 172,1854,182,95 99,1757,142,125 240,1753,177,148 366,1864,168,125 580,1836,231,142 714,1646,138,260 284,1740,252,113 1119,692,173,149 400,1597,234,174 516,1579,228,210 731,1349,166,239 921,1272,218,163 910,1122,169,158 1154,1287,90,82 1116,1223,112,81 1067,1183,112,117 1282,1314,108,111 1229,1256,72,51 1304,1265,105,97 1269,1184,92,137 1423,1339,154,117 1374,1245,124,121 1510,1261,79,85 1154,1175,87,56 1241,1185,93,60 1375,1224,167,82 1318,1147,84,119 1395,1186,73,63 1435,1152,126,87 1584,1167,77,79 1053,1140,72,71 1018,1045,100,88 1203,1135,58,60 1130,1067,76,75 1173,1073,139,85 1330,1135,68,72 1304,1059,129,100 1263,1090,56,58 1461,1139,109,63 1411,1086,71,71 1428,1039,138,76 1186,1045,86,60 1080,980,63,81 1344,1029,72,51 1557,1055,130,147 1271,999,69,46 1116,977,204,93 1108,962,189,72 1269,895,90,80 276,2032,72,128 1114,897,122,67 1179,845,61,59 1282,804,106,47 1228,819,114,105 1026,258,77,69 1491,794,85,66 1272,744,133,74 1370,700,100,123 1662,744,91,78 1494,655,143,135 1511,404,213,282 1043,372,120,120 1269,685,113,82 1158,601,84,99 1195,560,149,167 1370,500,117,109 456,1526,163,86 1425,1085,159,110 1225,511,64,70 1129,458,54,69 1195,389,83,142 1250,399,92,94 1334,400,73,68 1417,347,88,88 1220,67,91,188 1156,409,86,48 1067,305,55,54 1144,345,68,49 1227,328,64,50 1270,313,91,75 1341,297,65,88 1035,672,154,119 915,378,215,124 699,299,83,129 888,334,100,63 1076,357,77,43 1020,333,71,61 1165,299,52,48 982,308,64,57 1113,264,79,62 1299,276,65,61 1165,254,60,57 1235,233,69,87 1299,219,78,86 1419,273,120,89 1375,198,107,121 860,237,143,121 653,93,111,119 916,166,176,84 975,248,73,65 965,202,83,99 1022,203,84,61 1152,221,74,72 1125,168,123,62 1208,871,90,82 1071,109,65,86 825,327,67,78 1301,165,94,80 1234,56,147,99 911,52,137,59 737,227,109,55 1208,916,103,96 785,71,130,147 181,2078,103,96 508,1763,69,46 620,1790,167,105 1028,796,120,89 491,2086,189,72 1495,141,152,204 # Offset value for special gadgets that appear within a map area on Start map screen # Format is offset_x, offset_y, width, height # Axis BG icon STRBGICONS* 3,18,45,30 # Axis air support marker STRGEAIRSTRIKE 33,48,15,15 # Axis artillery support marker STRGEARTILLERY 18,48,15,15 # Axis naval support marker STRAMNAVALSTRIKE (same graphic for both sides) 3,48,15,15 # Axis air re-supply marker STRGEAIRSUPPLY 3,1,17,17 # Axis BG 'strength' marker STRGEBGMARKER 33,3,15,15 # Map Control Marker STRGERMANMARKER 52,1,19,19 # Resolution marker STRCROSSEDRIFLES 49,21,25,23 # Supply depot marker STRSUPPLYDEPOT 49,45,25,22 # Allied BG icon STRBGICONS* 75,18,45,30 # Allied air support marker STRAMAIRSTRIKE 75,48,15,15 # Allied artillery support marker STRAMARTILLERY 90,48,15,15 # Allied naval support marker STRAMNAVALSTRIKE 105,48,15,15 # Allied air re-supply marker STRAMAIRSUPPLY 103,1,17,17 # Allied BG 'strength' marker STRAMBGMARKER 75,3,15,15 # Remainder of the data is for the Scenario editor screen # Which side do Allied BGs appear on in Scenario Editor (0 = left, 1 = right) 1 # SEMAP coordinates on the Scenario Editor screen (x,y,w,h) for each map 263,519,30,17 235,494,30,17 178,483,30,17 269,464,30,17 418,97,30,17 283,384,30,17 207,446,30,17 140,420,30,17 198,421,30,17 375,428,30,17 173,387,30,17 269,403,30,17 203,354,30,17 334,360,30,17 350,74,30,17 371,306,30,17 436,301,30,17 487,305,30,17 531,322,30,17 568,311,30,17 475,285,30,17 528,293,30,17 581,288,30,17 399,262,30,17 452,269,30,17 500,273,30,17 536,269,30,17 590,269,30,17 438,247,30,17 538,247,30,17 494,255,30,17 487,234,30,17 421,225,30,17 456,216,30,17 514,216,30,17 542,201,30,17 591,197,30,17 619,177,30,17 580,252,30,17 467,177,30,17 548,162,30,17 255,421,30,17 459,147,30,17 508,139,30,17 574,107,30,17 445,126,30,17 482,111,30,17 521,111,30,17 357,118,30,17 419,115,30,17 445,105,30,17 483,95,30,17 527,91,30,17 299,83,30,17 392,86,30,17 435,82,30,17 432,68,30,17 486,72,30,17 417,185,30,17 330,48,30,17 447,47,30,17 152,454,30,17 548,64,30,17 467,201,30,17 # Number of Allied naval-supported maps, followed by the map (0 based) index number 59 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 63 # Number of Axis naval-supported maps, followed by the map index numbers 59 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 # SESHIP coordinate on the Scenario Editor screen (x,y,w,h) to show maps where naval support is possible. # Number of entries here must match total number of naval supported maps. # Ship gadget locations for Allied naval maps: 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 694,504,95,19 # Ship gadget locations for Axis naval maps: 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 11,504,95,19 # Debrief screen map gadget locations, one per map 305,399,98,17 291,382,112,17 235,360,86,30 321,351,92,31 385,352,78,47 413,348,128,46 277,348,80,17 228,322,65,38 293,325,118,35 413,320,129,31 227,299,123,31 341,304,82,47 250,280,129,34 379,280,133,44 272,237,165,43 437,240,91,40 524,247,51,17 572,252,45,11 617,263,61,17 618,254,104,22 561,241,47,11 617,243,40,20 657,241,74,13 484,212,57,35 541,228,43,19 584,229,49,23 624,229,46,14 670,221,61,20 505,211,77,17 630,217,82,12 582,215,48,14 582,194,62,23 505,194,77,25 565,195,48,12 532,184,81,15 613,181,88,26 655,176,79,21 675,148,102,51 486,168,66,26 552,164,61,20 613,144,87,37 444,132,115,36 536,137,56,27 592,133,61,31 647,125,77,27 531,131,46,14 563,122,44,15 605,120,51,19 437,124,94,18 510,124,42,14 533,114,40,17 573,112,41,11 614,109,42,12 429,94,84,30 484,107,49,17 521,105,52,10 508,94,65,17 573,94,46,18 654,93,72,32 429,78,78,16 507,77,66,17 573,77,72,17 619,80,78,29 386,221,112,30 #MAP VIEW screen, overview map, location of red circle that shows which map this is on the strat map 585,510 581,502 553,496 586,493 664,366 597,465 564,486 535,478 577,477 624,481 550,467 594,468 567,456 631,458 630,359 646,440 679,436 703,438 726,445 744,440 697,432 722,434 751,431 662,424 683,427 708,426 728,426 751,420 678,420 726,418 707,420 715,413 677,415 687,406 702,405 730,404 752,402 770,397 741,419 696,397 729,390 584,475 691,387 712,384 747,378 683,379 700,375 719,374 640,375 671,375 683,371 680,369 722,368 630,365 661,369 679,366 677,360 704,362 668,396 631,353 685,349 540,488 731,356 686,399 #End of file