19990326 18 15 to Bretteville 50 1 0 17 to Carpiquet 50 0 16 27 to Hermanville 50 24 0 13 to Caen 50 10 29 19 to Buron 50 29 6 14 to Lebisey 50 29 29 15 Abbaye 'd Ardenne 100 6 20 -1 Authie 100 19 4 -1 Towers 100 6 25 -1 Cussy 100 21 26 -1 la ferme du Jacques 100 16 12 -1 la ferme d'Authie 100 20 8 -1 paddock 100 8 3 -1 calvados storage 100 22 22 -1 le cafe 100 24 25 -1 ardenne The war, with generals looking at big maps somewhere 20 miles in the rear, that wasn't our war. Our war was only up to 400 yards in front of us, and from that farmhouse over there to that canal over there. We didn't give a shit what else was going on. Tell us what to do, no matter how stupid, and we'd do it. ----Canadian soldier The whole landscape was like an ants' nest. And what was it like behind us?-smoking rubble, empty roads and burning vehicles. The straight road from Calais to Caen is visible for kilometres, and there was no visible German combat support on it. They're waiting somewhere under cover, so that they can complete the final leg to the coast during the night.----SS-Standartenfuhrer Kurt Meyer